P o rtla n d O b s e rv a r F e b ru a ry 12. 1981 P a g e PCC celebrates Black History N O T IC E H i neighbors. You no longer have to ask Ann Landers fo r an­ swers to your questions. We at the Portland Observer will bring you - your very own • "Tel! it to Aunt Bea Corner" (Ask Aunt Bea). So lets get together for a chat. Send Aunt Bea your questions to Box 3137, 97208, and look for her ad­ vice in next week’s Observer. By Nathaniel Scott The B irth of T -B o n e P ro d u c ­ tio n A c t 1 ," a m u s ic a l fa s h io n e x tra v a g n z a w a s e n jo y e d by all w h o attended Bourbon Street S u n d ay . The fa s t p aced sh o w m oved in and o u t the aud ien ce w ith o u t missing a beat. (Photos: Richard J. Brown» Ron H erndon, co-chairm an o f the Black United Front, and other civic and com m unity leaders w ill speak, read poetry and perform musical numbers Friday, February 13, 9 a.m ., to 3 p.m ., at Portland Community College, Sylvania cam­ pus. The Black C ulture Awareness Day celebration, is in honor and recognition o f Black peoples con­ tribution to the history o f America and mankind. Other guests include: Gladys Mc­ Coy and C aroline M ille r, both County Commissioners; Nyewusi Askari and Nathaniel Scott, poets; H a rritte T a ylo r and M ary Lockridge, Singers; Melaku Lakew, professor o f Black Studies, P or­ tland State U n ive rsity; George Rankins, Director o f Development and Education, Urban League; and Ken Adair, Margret Carter, and Dr. Carl Parker, Portland Community College counselors. A panel discussion with panelist A dair, C arter, Parker, Herndon, Rankins, and Lakew, w ill cover 5 areas o f Black concern: 1. Place for Black History in the educational system. 2. Status o f Blacks in Oregon. 3. Concerns o f Blacks. 4. Black and white relations. 5. Impressions for the future. V isit PCC, Sylvania campus Friday, February 13, 9 to 3 p.m ., and hear and speak w ith some o f your Black leaders, activists, and ar­ tists. "Back what you believe in.” * TH E Q o M e n ( Q e a u Clothing you can find on Kot/ei.» Prwe in Bcrer!y Hills or /.cis Vegas. except the prices are much more affordable in The G ol­ den Bean. You will find famous brand narnt clothing Louis Roth —Le Baron —Brioni of Italv —Comelianl Slacks by Varela- Handelsman. b y She also recommends low sugar foods such as fruits canned in water or natural juices and unsweetened cereals. Other ways o f reducing the intake M o rg an ’s A lley & W ashington Sq. 2 2 3 -1 6 1 5 6 3 9 -1 6 2 2 Or call: 227 2902 1 B a tty C a b in e . P ro p rie to r 47 Wig styles in stock. Hundreds of Wigs & Hairpieces a t 1 0 % - 5 0 % S a v in g s Featuring w ig. by NAOMI SIMS. ANDRE DOUGLAS. BILLIE & NATALIE COLE Reg. $15.95 Rasta. K1700 Reg. $35.00 95 00 Now NO W Sale starts today thru Feb. 17th. | M R S . C ’s W IG S 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6525 «Closed Sun. b M on. Open Tues. thru Sat. 11:30a.m. to 6 00 p .m .. Every Ticket Can W in* In S a fe w a y 's insGanG Grocery Giueauiay! Ce/ebrote W a s h in g t o n 's B i r t h d a y W it h T h e s e S u p e r S a v e r s c L w C h e e r io s dCheddar S3 89 Lucerne Cheese 2 lb loaf 09, W in Prises In stan tly! W in Up To »1COO In Groceries Sw eepstakes D raw in g s 12-Pak Hamm SO 4 9 -oi Cans <1 0 r*. Tu,h.eï *68* Franks Í ’S'''””,'—*, umw «ou«« Premium Bread Lucerne Yogurt Bologna Strip* © •V 8I © » V s rur Plus Deposit © M rs. Wright's Hot Dog Buns Zen Ramen Noodles -r: ©Bel-air Cherry Pies a © Lender’s Frozen Bagels ©Blue Bell Potato Chips J © Folger's Flaked Coffee © Blue Mt. Dry Dog Food t ©Cascade For Dishwashers ©Viva Fiesta Towels ~~ Safeway D«11 Blade Pork Steak ss Boneless Pork Steak Blade Pork Roast Boneless Top Sirloin Steak ~ - X .. Sliced Bacon 1'z. ’2s* . ’ 2” Fresh Sole Fillets I mA bkoo L hum n» Tim ex Watches (a b la tio n a m » wUrw.> Kvftind forms Available at * O^fee mate Breakfast Bars ’I” Q . < Mens A Womenj Blue Face A Women» u l display* <»l : Bath Bar - 51 4 ■naa SÇ 95 Polaroid BUTTOH CAM IBA MAH. IM Todet Paoer - JF -e ANEW FACE. AFRESH VISION. SHE'S NOT JUST ANOTHER POLITICIAN. In the Dekum Building 519 S.W. 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor $10 W ig Sale o f sweetners m ight be to make smaller cookies, to cut brownies in­ to smaller pieces or to serve cake warm from the oven so it doesn’ t need frosting. SAFEWAY JO H N REED BOOKSTORE MRS. C’s WIGS (AND HAIR BEADS) Go easy on V a le n tin e s w e e ts The traditional idea o f “ Sweets fo r the Sweet” on St. Valentine’ s Day may have fewer takers this year because both calorie-counters and penny-pinchers are against it. The raw sugar price in fall, 1980, was 167 percent above the 1979 average, pointed out Carolyn Raab, Oregon State University Extension foods and n u tritio n specialist. She expects the pressure on price to in­ tensify as U.S. demand for sugar in­ creases and because other nations provide almost h a lf the n a tio n ’ s sugar. Americans use 130 to 135 pounds o f caloric sweetners per person per year. O f that 95 pounds or more than tw o -th ird s is in the form o f table sugar. The rest is honey, corn syrup, molasses and other forms o f sugar. According to surveys, about half the sugar consumed comes from processed, already-prepared foods, Ms. Raab notes. About one-fourth comes from soft d rin ks, w ith the rem aining fo u rth purchased fo r home food preparation. Nutritionists are concerned about the amount o f sugar used because i t ’ s an ‘ ‘ empty ca lo rie ” food. Money spent on sugary products could be spent on more nutritious foods such as fresh fru its and vegetables, whole grain and m ilk products and on meat and poultry. “ Sugar is a carbohydrate. I t ’ s a quick source o f energy and is easy to digest, but it supplies only calories. Most o f us,already get more calories per day than we need,” the specialist stresses. " I f one-fourth o f the sugar we eat Is estimated to come from soft d rinks, then that seems a logical place to cut b^ck. Unsweetened fruit juices could, ba substituted. They add vitam ins and minerals to the diet as well