DIRECTOR (Administrative Director) 84.00- fR.10 p«r hour For regional criais in ­ tervention agency. Re­ sponsible for budgeting, planning, service coordi­ DIRECTOR ASSISTANT COLUMBIA BUS SERVICE nation, contracting with OF TECHNOLOGY PROFESSOR 6766 NE Columbia Btvd governmental agencies Western SUN, a regional Assistant Professor in Portland, Oregon and public, staff to board Solar Engergy Center, Extension / Adaptive 264-6466 of directors. Requires is seeking a Director of R e se a rch , M e d fo r d , Equal Opportunity Employer masters degree in mental Technology. The D ir­ Oregon. Specialist in health field or public ad­ ector w ill lead the deve­ silviculture to work on SOLID WASTE ministrative plus 3 years The Portland Post Office lopment of cost and per­ reforestation and s ilv i­ DOORDINATOR e x p e rie n c e P rogram w ill start accepting ap formance information for culture in Southw est (Yard Debris) administrative experien­ the fo llo w in g te ch ­ Oregon. Salary $21,00 $23,612 $24,793. This plications fo r the Dis ce required. Salary nologies: active, passive $25,000 per annum; position is responsible tribution Clerk Machine $21,428 w ith full bene­ examination beginning and electric solar; 12-month annual ap for the planning, impie fits. Apply by calling Tuesday, February 17, biomass and process pointm ent. Ph D (in | m entation and ongoing 248 5004 Applications heat; identify short and hand or near com ­ management of Metro's 1981 The closing date due 5pm Wednesday long range actions re pletion). Send resume, Yard Debris program. w ill be Friday, February March 4, 1981 quired to commercialize transcripts and three This position w ill be a 27, 1981. A ll persons An Equal Opportunity each technology; also I letters of reference by temporary, 6 to 9 month who are 18 years of age Employer develop standards for February 20, 1981 to: position responsible for or a high school grad WOOD testing and certification Dr. John C. Gordon developing a program to uate are eligible to TECHNOLOGIST labeling procedures, as (Head) Forest Science address the states ban apply. A pplicants w ill be required to take a Research Assistant Un­ on back yard burning D epartm ent well as installation classified, Departm ent Must be able to organize w r itt e n e x a m in a tio n s ta n d a rd s . M in im u m Oregon State University of Forest Products, implement, and manage designed to test aptitude qua lifica tion s: B S. in Corvallis, OR 97331 Oregon State University. the program , develop fo r learning and per­ Engineering or energy- OSU is an AA/EEO Knowledge in wood budget, supervise staff, forming the duties of the related field w ith min Employer and complies technology, statistics, and comprehend and p o s it io n . S t a r t in g imum five years te c h ­ w ith Section 504 of the and the use of co m ­ interpret technical in ­ salary is $9.05 per hour. nical experience, tw o R ehabilitation A ct of puters; B S. in Wood formation. Requirements A pplications must be d irectly relating to re I 1 S & _ Science and Technology include the equivalent made at the main Post newable energy. In- COUNSELOR depth knowledge of Group and individual (Forest Products). Con­ of a bachelors degree in Office: Personnel solar technologies and counseling in therapeutic duct research into the public works administra Room 2023 physical and mechanical managerial experience setting. Starting salary tion, engineering tech 715 NE Hoyt St. also required. Starting $1,035 m onthly plus properties of wood nology, or related field M onday th r o u g h pro du cts. A p p lic a tio n associated w ith solid salary: $30,000 to excellent benefits. Re Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 $34,500 depending on quires at least 2 years of deadline date is February w a s te m a n a g e m e n t, p.m. 15, 1981. Send resume, plus 3 years experience qualificaions. Interested experience as a counse U niversity transcripts, persons please send lor and good therapeutic in «olid waste manage NURSE resume and salary counseling skills. Group the names of three re ment, plus 3 years ex SOUTHWEST ferences to: history on or before skills desirable. Call: perience in solid waste WASHINGTON Dr. Helmuth Resch February 19, 1981 to: Terry Jenkins related matters. A temp HOSPITALS (Head) D epartm ent Of WESTERN SUN At 257 0533. orary incum bent in this "Is offering you the Forest Products 715 S.W Morrison St. position w ill be in com- An Equal Opportunity Challenge of a lifetime, Oregon State University ’ petition for this position. Suite 800 Employer plus career Corvallis, OR 97331 Portland, OR 97205 Apply: M ETROS fulfillm ent." Oregon State University Attn: Carol A. Elliot Metro Personnel Office WASHINGTON Have immediate open J is an Affirmative Action/ Personnel Specialist METROPOLITAN PARK ings for qualified: I Equal O pportunity Em­ SERVICE ZOO SUPERVISORS (2) ployer and complies with DISTRICT ! Summer tim e is just Section 504 of the Re Nursing Administrative 527 S.W. Hall JOB OPENING I around the corner and I habilitation Act of 1973. Full tim e, swing shift, Portland. OR 97201 For part time work in a M e tr o 's W a s h in g to n part time, days By February 20, 1981, Women’s Choice Health Park Zoo is ready to WORD PROCESSING CHARGE RNs 5:00 p.m. Center. Call: (Specialist II) begin recruiting for the Emergency room, Or .4« Equal Opportunity 777 7044 Spring and Summer Night lead (4:30pm th opedics, Pediatrics, I 1 2 :4 5 a m ) p o s itio n . Employer An Equal Opportunity Season. Positions are ICU CCU Employer O p e ra te e q u ip m e n t, available in Food Ser STAFF RNs METRO’S I train employees and vice, Retail Outlets, and P e d ia tric s , R ecovery BUILDING INDUSTRY W ashington Park Ticket Sales. Salary (p ro o f read. Requires Room, Obstertics, ICU PROJECTS Zoo I 50wpm typing and dicta rates start at $3.19 an CCU. Float Pool, COORDINATOR hour. Candidates must tion devise experience. $7.71 $9 02 per hour Surgical, Med Telemetry Western SUN, a regional plus excellent M etro be at least 16 years of Prior experience in a Medical, I V. Therapy, Solar Energy Center, is age and capable of word processing center paid benefits for em ­ a lc o h o l tr e a tm e n t seeking a Building In ­ ployee and dependents. making correct change w ith IBM Mag Card A center. dustry Projects C oor­ Experience in breeding or II equipment pre (test w ill be given), and BENEFITS dinator who will develop and husbandry of do able to deal w ith the ferred. C o m p e titiv e salaries: and manage renewable mestic or exotic animals OPERATOR I or II public Also, they must Free parking, paid life energy programs target be available fo r work Night shift (4:45pm - College level course insurance, paid pension ed fo r contractors and work in Animal Science, 12:45am) 5 days per during Sprng vacation program; paid holidays, d e v e lo p e rs. R equires and weekends until week. Transcribe c o r­ Biology, or related sub paid vacation; tu ition m inimum 5 years ex jects relevant to care of summer. During summer respondence in our word re im b u rs e m e n t p la n , perience in the c o n ­ c e n te r exotic animals or sat­ must be available for p ro c e s s in g In s e rv ic e E d u c a tio n struction industry and is fa c to r y e q u iv a le n t using an IBM Mag Card flexible hours, including p ro g ra m ; m o d e rn fam iliarity w ith a broad com bination of ex A and Ink Jet Printer. holidays and weekends medical equipment and range of renewable Previous experience on perience and training. through Labor Day. hospital discounts energy technologies and P erform s responsible this equipment is de Certain color clothing is CHIEF oncepts including a animal husbandry duties sirable. We offer an ex required for certain pos- ACCOUNTANT ihorough understanding including cleaning of cellent salary including i itions. Apply in person M inimum 2 years ex­ of the shelter industry. shift differential and animal holding and ex at: perience in a hospital or Starting salary: low 20's hibit areas, extensive fringe benefits. Send METRO'S health care fa cility de depending on q u a lifi­ re c o rd k e e p in g , and resume to: WASHINGTON sired At least 1 year in a cations. Please send assists with breeding and STANDARD PARK ZOO s u p e rv is o ry c a p a c ity resume and salary research projects. This INSURANCE CO Meeting Center preferred Must possess history on or before position is represented Personnel Dept. 4001 S.W. Canyon Rd. technical and profession February 19, 1981 to: Laborers Inte rn atio na l P 0 Box 711 8:00 a . m . 11:30 a. m .; al skills of accounting Ms. Carol Elliot Union, Local 483. Ap Portland, OR 97202 Saturday, Sunday, Mon­ and ability to develop WESTERN SUN plicants must be willing Or apply in person 8am day, February 14, 15, financial and other 715 S W Morrison to work alternating 16. Employees are re ; 4 30pm operation systems to ac Suite 800 graveyard shift 11:30 1100SW6th Ave. quired to become curately control hospital Portland, OR 97205 I p.m to 8:00 a m., and Portland, Oregon members of ILU or SEIU activities. Must be ■bi Equal Opportunity Mon-Fri, Standard Plaza : swing shift 3;30 p .m ., to Unions. fam iliar w ith data pro Employer 12:00 p.m ., regularly Building. An Equal Opportunity cessing capabilities and M /F /H /V and effectively. Apply An Equal Opportunity Employer procedures. Excellent M etro Personnel Employer salary and benefits. Persoin«. M etro po lita n ------------------------------- Service D istrict RESPIRATORY WOOD 527 SW Hall THERAPIST TECHNOLOGIST Portland, OR 97201 Must be certified, reg Research Assistant U n­ By February 13, 1981 at istered or registery eligi classified, Departm ent 5:00p.m. ble Relief of Forest Products, An Equal Opportunity VANCOUVER Oregon State University Employer M EM ORIAL Knowledge in wood i We are the world leader in the manufacture and sales ot artificial kidney dialysis equip­ HOSPITAL technology and the COOKS HELPER ment and related products At this time we Division of S W Wash mathematical analysis of For institutional cooking. have a career growth opportunity lor an ag­ ington Hospitals physical problems; M.S. At least 2 years ex gressive Manager ol Safety and Training 3400 Main Street in W ood Science and p erience. References You should possess a bachelors degree in Human Resources Management or a related Vancouver, WA T e c h n o lo g y ( F o re s t Required. Held combined with a previously successful An Equal Opportunity Products). Conduct re 538 SE Ash Rack record Ol safety management within a ! mptoytr search into the fracture general OFFICE m anufacturing environment A thorough knowledge o, OSHA Oregon state safety mechanics of wood NATIONWIDE PHOTO FILE CLERK regu'ations and accident prevention tech­ composites. Application Good entry level position DATE A MATE niques Is required Exposure to industrial deadline date is February available for person training and other Human Resources disci­ Dating locally in your plines is highly desirable 15, 1981. Send resume, s e e k in g area New and respect lo n g - te rm Minorities Females Hand capped and Veter­ U niversity transcripts, valuable ground floor able way to DATE A ans are strongly encouraged to apply Please the names of three re MATE. Just for you! 24 experience in a large send your resume and salary history to ferences to: hour service, 7 days insurance company. Ex­ J o h n H. W o ld Dr. Helmuth Resch a week For large photo c e lle n t em ployee (Head) D epartm ent Of Director of Human Resources list send big SASE (Self b e n e fits . Requires Forest Products addressed stamped en high school diploma B-D Drake Willock Oregon State University or 2 years office ex­ velope) and one time fee 13520 SE Pheasant Court Corvallis, OR 97331 of $25 to Department N p e rie n c e . D o w n to w n Portland, Oregon 97222 Oregon State University location. Please call: 6. Call or write is an Affirmative Action/ 248 2112. NATIONWIDE An equal opportunity employer Equal O p po rtun ity Em­ DATE A MATE TRAVELERS ployer and complies with 2403 B ith St Suite A INSURANCE Section 504 of the Re An Equal Opportunity t S an ta Barbara. C A »3106 • •MkArr. .« RK habilitation Act of 1973. • ** ’ .5 *• 1 y a > 4 M > • 1 ***<*’ Employer 1 805 968 1091 BUS DRIVERS Portland Observer JO FINDER Safety & Training Manager BO Drake Willock mDratoeWillock WOOD DATA ENTRY TECHNOLOGIST OPERATOR Research Assistant Un­ Excellent em ploym ent classified. Department of opportunity for adapt­ Forest Products, Oregon able, qualified DDE o p ­ State U niversity. C on­ erator. Position requires duct research to control 6 m onths to 2 years ex­ biological deterioration perience to include: of wood products. B.S. - Keypunch in W ood Science and Key entry machine i.e., T e c h n o lo g y ( F o re s t IBM 129, inforex, CMC, Products); desired e x ­ IBM 3277 perience in wood alphabetic keying pathology. Application Blue Cross of Oregon deadline is A pril 15, offers a complete benefit 1981. Send resume. package and grow th U niversity transcripts, opportunity as well as a the names of three re­ complete salary. Please ferences to; apply or call 225-5405 for Dr. Helmuth Resch appointment. (Head) D epartm ent Of BLUE CROSS Forest Products OF OREGON Oregon State University 100 SW Market Corvallis. OR 97331 Portland, OR 97201 Oregon State University ,4« Equal Opportunity is an Affirmative Action/ Employer Equal O p po rtun ity Em­ VOLUNTEER ployer and complies with COORDINATOR Section 504 of the Re­ (SE Youth Service habilitation Act of 1973. Center) BANK Responsible for recruit­ ACCOUNT ing, training and super­ CONSULTANT vising volunteers; PR We have an immediate efforts: coordination of opening for a full time community fundraising Account Consultant in Minimum qualifications: our Hillsboro office. BA w ith emphasis on Prefer tellering back­ social science, c o m ­ ground. Some math ap­ m unication, or jo u r­ titude and a knowledge nalism: or comparable of savings and loan help­ experience to include 2 ful. Excellent benefits. years working w ith vol Apply Personnel Department unteers in a social ser FARWEST vice program, 1 year of FEDERAL SAVINGS training in public rela­ 421 SW 6th tions, supervision, com ­ Portland, OR 97204 m u n ic a tio n , tra in in g ; An Equal Opportunity background in social Employer theories. Salary $10975 D A TA PROCESSING 13340. Apply in person: SENIOR 1110 SE Alder PROGRAMMER 2nd Floor by 5:30 PM ANALYST 2-20 81. The Multnomah County E d u c a tio n S e rv ic e COURIER DRIVER Are you a good driver? D istrict has a position We are looking for a re­ available for a Senior Programmer Analyst in sponsible courier driver our data processing who knows the streets departm ent. This is an of Portland for evening opportunity to work in a pickup and delivery. modern DP environment Good driving record. w ith s ta te o f-th e a rt Dependability a must. technology and sophis Can we depend on you? ticated applications. The Apply Porsonnel Dept p ro g ra m m e r a n a ly s t FARWEST enjoys a private office FEDERAL SAVINGS w ith dedicated video 421 SW 6th terminals for on line Portland, OR 97204 program developm ent. In addition to a challeng PLANNING ing atmosphere w ith DIRECTOR professional congenial Salary open, presently colleagues we offer ex $35,160 year, responsi cellent fringe benefits ble for the operation of including full family the Planning D epart­ medical and dental in ­ ment, requiring success surance coverage paid ful management ex by the agency. The perience in a large plan­ qualified applicant has 5 ning organization and years of on-the-job college level training in experience and-or ed urban planning Women ucation in com puter and m inorities urged to programming and is pro apply Applications will ficient in COBOL and at be accepted u ntil 5:00 least one other program p m , March 6, 1981 ming language. Job begins March 2, 1981. WASHINGTON Request additional in ­ COUNTY form ation and em ­ PERSONNEL ployer's application form Room 305 from: 150 N Firs! Avenue MCESD Hillsboro, OR 97123 Personnel Dept. (503)648 8606 255 1841, Ext. 207 ■In Equal Opportunity Em ployer's application I mployer form m ust be returned * SECRETARY ♦ In corporate marketing by 5 pm, on 2-20-81 to departm ent of major be considered. An Equal Opportunity NW food processing Employer company Position em ­ phasizes need for strong typing skills (60 75 wpm ), good organiza tional abilities and ex­ cellent English grammer, punctuation and spelling skills. We seek an individual capable of meeting the challenges of a variety of duties for a fast pace professional group. Totally company paid b e n e fits , c o m p e titiv e s a la ry . A t tr a c tiv e modern office in Tigard area. Contact for inter view. Employment Administrative LAM B WESTON INC. 6600 SW H am pton Portland, Oregon 97223 639 8612 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /E /H Portland Observar February 12,1981 Paga 11 SECRETARY WOOD TECHNOLOGIST Excellent opportunity to enter hospitality industry Research Assistant Un­ in our sales department. classified, Departm ent M ust be organized and o f Forest Products, self motivated with good Oregon State University. secretarial skills. Re­ Conduct and supervision quires typing of 60 wpm of research to co n tro l minimum. Knowledge of biological deterioration m e m o ry ty p e w r it e r , of wood. M .S. in Wood filing, answering phones Science and Technology etc. Excellent benefits ( F o r e s t P r o d u c ts ) ;0 w ood pathology b ack­ and competitive salary. Please apply at the: ground desirable. A p ­ plica tion deadline is BENSON SW Broadway Er Oak A pril 15, 1981. Send r e s u m e . U n iv e r s it y We accept applications tran scrip ts, the names Tuesday-Thursday of three references to: 12:30 3:00. Dr. Helmuth Reach A n Equal Opportunity | (Head) D epartm ent Of Employer Forest Products DIRECTOR OF Oregon State University INSTITUTE Corvallis. OR 97331 Director, English Lan­ Oregon State University guage Institute at Ore­ is an Affirmative Action/ gon State University. Equal O p po rtun ity Em­ M .A . in TESL, linguis­ ployer and complies with tics, or closely related Section 504 of the Re­ field; at least 4 years habilitation Act of 1973. ESL teaching experi­ ence, substantial ad­ CLERK TYPIST 2 m inistrative experience (Recycling Switchboard w ith ESL programs. Operator) Rank: Instructor, salary $9,853 $11,952, plus $ ,8 to $24,000 co ntract; excellent M etro paid CHAIR benefits fo r employee SEARCH and dependents. This COMMITTEE position is responsible Office of fo r answ ering the re­ International Ed. c y c lin g s w itc h b o a rd , AdS A100 provide recycling in fo r­ Oregon State University m ation to the p ublic, Corvallis, OR 97331 assist w ith updating of Deadline: March 9, 1981. e d u c a tio n m a te ria ls , Oregon State University and perform typing and is an A ffirm ative Ac- clerical duties. Requires tion/Equal Opportunity high school diplom a or Employer and complies GED and 3 years of e x­ w ith Section 504 of the perience w orking w ith Vocational Rehabilitation the p ublic. Know ledge Act of 1973. of or interest in recycling CONTROLLER desirable. Aoolv: Metro Personnel Dept. Housing A u th o rity of P ortland. A dm inisters METROPOLITAN a c c o u n t in g p o lic y , SERVICE d ir e c t s a c c o u n tin g DISTRICT fu n ctio n s, preparation 527 S.W Hall of financial reports, Portland, OR 97201 com puter installations, By February 20, 1981, supervise banking and 5:00 PM. inve stm en t a c tiv itie s , A n Equal Opportunity preparation of tax re Employer turns, liaision to au­ WORD PROCESSING ditors, coordinates in ­ SPECIALIST fo rm a tion system ac­ Our busy Word Proces­ tiv itie s . B A /B S in ac­ sing Dept. needs an ex­ counting a n d /o r C PA/ perienced (2-5 years) CMA; four to six years W ord Processor w ith experience in directing IBM OS 6 background accou ntin g fu n c tio n s , (Mag Card II will be con­ and computer systems. sidered) Must be able Salary: E-6: $2.134 to transcribe dictation $ 2 ,7 9 0 /m o n th . Send and perform special resume, by February advanced program a p ­ 20, 1981, to: p lic a tio n s in c lu d in g Karen Bell statistical typing on word Housing A u th o rity processing system. A p ­ Of Portland plicant must enjoy P 0 . Box 13220 typing. Must be p ro ­ Portland, OR 97213 duction oriented. Please An Equal Opportunity send resume or apply in Employer person to: RESERVATION CLERK Excellent entry level position in busy hotel reservation office. Must have good com m uni­ cation skills and type 40 wpm minimum. Good benefits Please apply at: THE BENSON SW Broadway £t Oak We accept applications Tuesday Thursday 12:30 3:00 An Equal Opportunity Employer Personnel Department FARWEST FEDERAL SAVINGS 421 SW 6th Portland, OR 97204 A n Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTPERSON MECH/ELEC; minimum of 2 years experience. S tarting salary $1,170 per m onth. Full benefit package with: COOPER and ASSOCIATES An Equal Opportunity Employer ESTIMATING SENIOR ESTIMATOR Need a Seasoned Estimator for job shop located on Swan Island Division is involved with heavy plate steel fabrication Facility serves industries as diverse as marine, mining, forest products, pe­ troleum and construction throughout the Pacific Northwest Individual will estimate material and labor cost on proposed projects. Will direct and coordinate the activities of other estimators. Exceptional fringe benefits For immediate consid­ eration, send your resume or letter with salary requirement to: NORTHWEST MARINE RON WORKS Equal Opportunity Fmployar 2516 NW 29th Ave PO Box 3109. Portland. OR 97208 I i i