Page 10 Portland Observer February 12, 1981 MRS AUTO C S W IG S H a lj-S c a rw e s S A ccesso ries S ty lin g J E N K IN S A U T O S E R V IC E C o m e t» * angina ouarbaui Quarty senrtca guarsntaad » 4 6 N W illia m e P o rtla n d O re g o n 284 9061 Community Directory and profiles P ic k up a c o p y o t th e P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r a t a n y o t th e b u sin esses lis ted b e lo w 707 N E F R E M O N T 2 6 ' 6 " ”i C O M n i ' l A U t O M O T IV I R t X X l U l N a Jackson's A utom ative 2106 N K illin g s w o r th P o rtla n d O R 97217 786 7 3 » f.,i sfV..« ‘ II..., ------------FRIDAYS----------- B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S W holesale and Retail W e carry produ cts that ars seen m J e t and Ebony M a y a / ¡ne O pen 9 a m 8pm 3612 NE 16th • ¿<9 0363 SPORTSMAN'S b RO TH M IL L E R A U T O M O T IV E a« Hair Design Center •Mgomanl panong «uto 0 3606 N W illia m s Or*v» 6pm 12 yra Fed Lie P H IL’S SCHW INN 128 N E R u s s e ll P o r t la n d , O r e g o n 281 6930 JO H N REED BO O KSTO RE SCHWINN* CYCLERY 2 8 1 -4 0 3 6 15031 282 9463 PHIL'S SCHWINN CYCLERY l 'era J. Thomas ELECTROPEDIC of OREGON 825 N E B roadw ay 515 S W B r o a d w a y P o r t la n d . O re g o n 97206 224 8063 249 1761 Best built electric A d ju s tab le Bed interested March of Dimes I BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION! 92 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Furnishing 911 Communications System. For infor­ mation call Carlton Chayer, Ass't Purchasing Mgr., 248 5374. 10% Bid Surety Required. 02/26/81 Labor, Material ft Equipment for 3 traffic Diverters. For information call Carlton Chayer, Asst purchasing M gr., 248-5374. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Required. 02/17/81 Furnishing Five 1981 Vans. For inform ation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4004 10% Bid Surety Required. 02/17/81 Improvement of Central Eastside Capital Improve ment D istrict (Street Lights). For inform ation call Carlton Chayer, Asst Purchasing M gr., 248 5374. 10% Bid Surety ft Special Prequalifi­ cation of Bidder Required. 02/17/81 Furnishing Nuisance Abatement Services for Port land Service Districts. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4004 02/17/81 Furnishing Annual Supply of Lubricating Oils, Greases Et Turbine Oil. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4004 10% Bid Surety Re quired. 02/24 81 RFP Q ualification Statem ents for Financial Con sultanf Services for Renovation of Civic Stadium. 4P M 02/27/81