Portland Observer February B. I M I Page B C mm f JENKINS AU TO SERVICE CwtatataanWtatawlwa 3B4E N Williams Portland. Oregon ( onim unit y Directory und profile'' ty assn In Jatand Ebony Magatine " Open «a m 8 p m W13NE1BM»« (dlun n O l u n ACME CLEANERS e CUSTOM TAILORS Portland. OR 97227 5118 NE U N IO N 248-3886 am i ^ J tm iti — W OODLAW N CLEANERS ai »•« * Opor S d o y o tw o o lila m I p m Wogrv«S»HQroonSMm(M J11 N .E. Sbavar St. Portland. Oragon «7212 2S7-1 Portland, Oragon 97711 S A M and OLLIE S Open 9 00 A M 1144 N E Prescott at reasonable rates 1014 N. Killingsworth 500 N.W. 23rd Avenue HOME RESTAURANTS APEX UPHOLSTERY Free eslimatea-Quality Work Antiques Restored Low Prices!!! 282-8609 2417 N ^ Union FR E N C H 'S RESTAURANT Family Atmosphere Open 7 a m to 10 p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 266-3400 7331 NE UNION The Parts & Service Peuple 519 NE Broadway Portland. OR 97213 J im Sassalog Owner C H U C K 'S C A R STER EO I 7208 NE Union Ava Portland. Oragon «7211 I Chuck's Car Stereo has been located at 630 NE Union Ave. for thirteen years. During this time. Chuck's has built a reputation for honesty, quality and very competitive prices on name brand equipment. Many customers have been buying from Chuck's for years, and many new customers come to Chuck's on the recommendation of their friends. At Chuck's Car Stereo, we service everything we sell. And when you buy from Chuck's, the in­ stallation is guaranteed for as long as you own your car. If you are in the market for car stereo equipment, remember the name. Chuck's Car Stereo. SALON Et BARBER For the boot *1 how coro Como n end chock uo out W osobotyi 213-216 N.E. Hancock Portland. Orsgon 282 3379 FRIDAY'S BEAUTY SUPPLY Whotoooto ond Rotod Wo carry products oo toon m Jot ond Ebony 4684 NE Union 287 826« 3612 NE 16th 249 0363 ( in lrt M S i s m - 4p.m. T uot A U N IS E X S A L O N 6720 N.E. Union Avenue < '• t Portland. Oragon 97211 1< ’ z F tH e .m . t p .m 2701 N.E. 7th Portland. Oragon 17212 281-4372 (503) 289 4470 863 7932 4220 S E H a w th o rn s 238 1071) OREGON RUG b M A TTR ESS CO. Since 1932 1868 N. Lombard Portland. OR 97217 Ph 16031 286-9564 JEWELRY PATON JEW ELERS D iam o nds-W atches-Jew elry Diamond Setting W a tc h 4 Jew elry Repair 2«1-«801 4616 NE Sandy GROCERS STEW ART CLEANERS W « do Quaftty w o rt 11493 S E 82nd PHARMACY Alberta Pharmacy J IM M Y 'S GROCERY QuaNty grocery items bavarapaa maata and other Hama ’or your Reedy to serve eM your jxaacnpbon naads • Stele wetfere • • Portland Metro • Blue Croee • • SAIF 630 N E Mason Portland. Oragon «7211 2S4176Û 2403 NE Alberts 291-8717 Support the March of Dimes ■ ■ ■ ■ B IR T H DEFECTS FOUNDATION■ ■ ■ MN t ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y S C H O O L 4919 NE 9th Ave Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 Sr. Kathleen Stupfar. Principal Widcoinz u, /lrtt> l)opr JtliBsioiiarp Vaptist ihurtf) We extend you a cordial f THE TITH IN G CHURCH 3725 N Sandwiches • Buffalo Fish • Breakfast anytime • Specials on lunch. Open 7am-3pm Rev A Bernard Devers I. A A . B A Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A M M orning W orship 10:30 A M Bible Training Union 6:00 P.M. Evening W orhsip 7:30P .M . A ffiliated with the National Baptist ( onvention o f America and the Southern Baptist ( onvention 4908 N.E. Union Naw owner Falstaff Baer Glass 36C 4IN S TA N T CASHS for Peggy b Jim Gold • Silver • Diamonds Ect. R b M Antiques 7 days a week 12 to 5 p m. Millar Baer Glass 46C 838 N. Killingsworth 283 2221 2721 N. Lombard 283 5239 or 286 6305 JD 8 BAR B Q VERA 8 HA T BOUTIQUE Our food e Rn^er Sekin 900dl Try k and you « never aat anywhere efeel BeeuOtm her« end ecceeeortee M an a Stetson ft Dobbs 1119 N.E. Broadw ay 3240 N William« Portland. Oragon «7212 Portlend. Oregon 97232 I6O3I2B2 «463 281 5409 Pera J. Thomas H U N A N RESTAURANT Unlqual C llta ta . C u ta n , • tatataStana ta « le v (Mahaa horn (ha Hunan e Stechuen 618 S W Broadway Portland. Oregon «7206 224 8063 ELECTROPEDIC of OREGON 826 N E Broadway 249 1781 Beat built electric Adjustable Bed The Oregon Liquor Control Commission hereby gives notice that there will be a vacancy in the following liquor store agency: Criteria used to select the best qualified applicant include successful work ex­ perience, preferably in the retail sales field; educational background; health; and financial ability to meet investment and operating expenses of the agency. Ap­ plicants' educational, employment, end financial references must be such that they can qualify for a fidelity bond. Applicant must be able to assume existing location or another more onvenient and suitable location selected by the com­ mission, or show evidence of an alternative location which is acceptable to the commission. Successful applicant must be prepared to enter into an agency agreement contract with the OLCC end begin agency operation April 1, 1981. ce. Summary of Modification 1-01 of the Special Grant to Governors <412-1 - 021) under Title II of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1978 (CETA). This modification is initiated by the Employment Division, CETA Programs, as the Administrative Agent for the Governor of Oregon. The purpose of this modification is to: You are W elcom e to Worship at TH E A R K OF SA FETY C H U R C H OF G O D IN C H R IS T "A warm spirit o f Jellowship always" The Honorable Bishop U V Peterson, D D "The Holiners Preacher," Pastor 9:15am 11:1Sem "Showers of Blessings B roadcast" 3 3 U 4 30 KLIQ 1290 VPW W Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday 6:30pm 8 00pm Noon D a/Prayer 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0498 6211 N W illiam s Ave Portland. Oregon 87217 W W i us, ctaKtata • a W ta ta n 15 N. M orris St. ^UB >4 h o u « 31X3 N E Praacott Portland. Oregon S72T1 211 3010 Kenneth C. Dixson ATTORNEY A T LAW Reliable • By appointment or celli 3636 N. W illiam s Ava. 603 281 6566 D M 0 . M P H. 2274 Lloyd Center For appointment call 287 1078 M ake this directory work for you call 283 2486 GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER C M d Development K *xieryertene hot bree* feet (» lunch anee ha * X e m fern 12 yre F«j Uc 128 NE Russali Portlend, Oregon 281 6830 D E A N 'S B E A U T Y S A L O N & BARBER SHO P Deans Beauty Salon b Barber Shop was established in 1955. It was operated and managed by Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Since the passing of Mrs. Dean, the Salon and Barber shop is managed by Mr. Dean and his daughter Gloria Sims. Hair stylist is Bobbie Davis, Gail Patterson, and Ida Greene. Barber stylist is Mr. P.W. Wilson. W e stress good quality and the latest trends. BRADY TR O PH Y CO. A m erican Stata Bank for all your banking needs 282 2216 JO H N REED BOOKSTORE interested In current ( mxmb about A M ean Uberetton? D ekum Building Sixth Floor 616 8 W 3rd Ave Portland. Oregon 277 2802 N O RTH PORTLAND FA M ILY PRACTICE b IN D U S T R IA L C LINIC Trophiea • Plaques • emblems Trophies • name plates Printing 1440 N.E. B roadw ay Portland. OR 97232 282 7787 Exie Publishing 283 2486 Health a our Urei pnortty MXN K M lInpew orth P o rtle n d O reg o n *7217 Houses FOR SALE 4 bedroom house, totally rem odelled in Northeast Portland. Full basement, ground level entrance, rough plum b­ ed for extra bath, laun­ dry and sink. Can carry contract: 664 8919 or 287 3233 NEAR W ACKER 3 bedroom, one bath, garage and built-ins. $54,950: OREGON REALTY C O M P A N Y A t 287-0395. Evenings ask for Dock. 284 3503 N A T IO N W ID E PHOTO DATE A M A TE Dating locally in your area. New and respect able way to DATE A MATE. Just for youl 24 hour service, 7 days a week. For large photo list send big SASE (Self addressed stamped en­ velope) and one time fee of $25 to Department N 6. Call or write: N A T IO N W ID E DATE A M ATE 2403 Bath St. Suite A NATION-WIDE AGENCY PHOTO DATE-A-MATE (Dating locally in your area), New, respectable wayi to DATE-A-MATE. Just for you, Guarantee 24 hour service, 7 days a week For large photo list send big SASE (Self [addressed stam p envelope) and one time fee of $25 to Dept. N 6. _____ Nation-Wide Agency PHOTO 'O Date-A-Mate 2403 Bath Street, Suite A Santa Barbara. CA. 93105 1 805 682 7465 or 1 805 682 9708 24 hour answering service Santa Barbara, CA 93106 1 805 968 1091 SUMMARY OF MODIFICATION T uesday Bible B and/Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday The Pastor Speaks Wetter C Reynold«. M D Kalpana H Raidev, M 0 Physicians b Surgeons BOOKER T LEWIS. JR D OB H w ONETSB $O kWBS> SIMM*'ttnor't PMU 8 HHWtNN CYCLERY P b J 's T IP P IN INN TAVERN M here a ll ih'oples o f a ll raies are well ow e d to worship. Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship V A N N 'S M O R T U A R Y ThtavtanodouM tatatai itau ctal v««n 701 N .E Broadway Portland. Oregon 97232 281 4036 All applications received will be investigated and screened, and a final selection made from the finalists by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission at its public meeting in Milwaukie March 25, 1961. Finalists may be asked to a personal inter­ view by the staff screening committee in Milwaukie, and will be notified in advan­ -i on • PHIL REYNOLDS M E D IC A L C LINIC ’ PHIL S SC H W IN N C V C L tR V ■ D t H O H t D TO THE GLORY OF GOD* Gantenbein Avenge Portland. Orecon 97227 H M I eaeatartan 2208 NE Killingaworth Portland. Oregon *7212 212 7643 W A S H IN G T O N SQUARE Phone 639 1622 Only an individual may be appointed agent. Appointment as a retail package store agent of the OLCC creates no ownership or property rights in the agency. Masses 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12 00pm Folk Sunday (t downtown OLCC REQUIREMENTS Application forms and additional information may be obtained by contacting OLCC, 9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland 97222, or by telephoning (503) 653- 3009 (toll-free 800-452-7813). Persons applying for more than one agency must submit separate application forms for each vacancy. Applications must be received by 5 PM, February 20, 1981. 281 4429 5315 N. Vancouver Portland. Oregon Or. Samuel J. Brown Jr. Dr. Carloa L. W eakly. OEN TI8T 724 S W Washington ’ •" Portland Oregon 9 7208 _______ P b o n K Q X IS IS ST. A N D R E W S C A T H O L IC C H U R C H 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram G riffin, Pastor Walnut Park Dental Canter Serving (ha community with quality work/quality aarvice 1520 N.E Alberta 288 8549 or 288 9467 {jrifdcit Rrnu Portland Agency 198-Presently at 3532 NE Union Avenue Effective Date: April 1, 1981 Corner of 8th and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Siravhand, Minister DR. CHARLES TONEY 716 N. Alberts Portland, Oregon 603-284-0804 R O B ERTA B U T L E H ^ ^ jp ^ FA M IL Y D ENTISTR Y Consulations Insurance accepted W eekend E> Evening hours. PUBLIC NOTICE ALLEN T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H 1 ATTORNEY A T LAW General Practica 3416 N. E Broadway Portland. OK tri3i Buy sell trade Open 6 days a week Designed to serve the entire community TO W N SQUARE R ESTAU RA NT OuelhV w o rt guerenteed CM |^ B | JASPER L. A M B E R S Travel Roberts' E. ERNEST GUILE. Open 5 OOem to 7 00pm Food to go Phone 288 (M 0 l A M t t Ita » t a i I t u ROSE CITY AUTO SALES BODY Cr PA IN TIN G I'm u ilil D EV LIN 'S CAFE I NATURAL F U R N IT U R E H e ,d » to Flmeh JS4(XW, 900 N t Broadway Portland. OR Quality at affordable price« ALBERTA SECOND H A N D STORE 1332 Skidm ore Brad Morris Station Manager • 284 5050 licit 10S1 Lloyd Cantar Portland, Oragon «7232 1719 N.E. 18th 288 4646 284 8486 Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towing Service ' Serving your pharmacy needs w ith d illig a n c a . q u ality pro ducts and service Call or visit us today! Restaurant 6 M arket f Ph 281 8110 TERRY'S P H A R M A C Y B R O A D W A Y EXXON \u Portland. OR NE U N IO N A O E K U M Established in 1912 and still providing quality dry cleaning Hours 10-6 M-F 10 5 Sat Salas and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union " W E CARE 2 8« - 3311 "" Sales Service/Installation racuum Cleaner Sewing M achine W O O D LA W N PH ARM ACY Prescriptions W e accept All Medical Cards Pets 4 Veterinary Suppliei Ota" M "otata. «CO IO « M t 1480 N E Praacott Portland. Oragon 630 N .E . U nion A ve Ph 231 8108 U A C C U M b SEW ING tata "tan Mni cats tata tata «tana C H U C K 'S C A R STER EO 2 N KHUngaworth Portland. Oregon 87217 m.-i 16 N. M o rd a Bt. Portland. Oragon 87227 c a iS T O R E Vow agata tanta "tan b LAUNDRY " Cama ta an« tataal a a" Aeah «anta» i a arm . 282-8883 el RCIEANERS PE QQY'B HIO EW AY P R M C CLINIC PHARMACY 2708 NE 7th N IC K ’S C LEA N ER ^ Laundry & Alteration Blocking Pick-Up & Deliver M on-Fri. 8a m -6p m Sat . 9a m -Sp m 3808 N Williams CLEANERS CiHo* O ll 204-7047 Sa IN . Mississippi Ava. Portland. Oregon «7227 P o r t i . » (K l Grocery-Cold Baer and W ine 284-7480 1001 N.E Broadway Hair Design Cantar Otaw ta Montata th e K N O T T 8 T . QROCERV Mon-Fri 7am 6pm Sat 10am -6pm Wa clean on Saturdays SPORTSMAN'S ROTH » M iller A U TO M O TIV E I.t |1 "We carry product« that Sri 2 1 » N K illin g s w o rth Portland. OR *7217 286 7338 Professional S ervices A ils O n This P a g e A i e O i L o c a l B u s in e s s e s T h a i A t e H e l p i n g B u ild A B e t t e r C o m m u n i t y 707 NE FRfcMOMT ID A Y S BEAUTY SUPPLIES Wholaaela and Retail Jackson's Automotive f C u it '-P u u n ^9TS! Hata-Scarvaa & Accaaaor iss Styling 1 Transfer $2,216.898 of unspent CETA funds from FY80 Grant 41-0-021- G O V /G YE P T/A D M IN to the current FY81 Grant 41-1-021-GOV/GYEPT/ ADMIN. Tavern For Sale Super N.E. Tavern 3000 sq. ft. all carpeted, has un­ limited food potential. Grill, chick­ en deep frye, 3 pool tables, new 10 year lease at $3 95 per mo. $60, 000 with $17,000 down. 2. Increase FY80 funding allocation to $4,323,897 7 30pm 3. Adjust total FY80 Obligetional Authority to $6,540,796 7 00pm 7 30pm 4. Add to the Grant Narrative a description of funded programs. 5. Revise estimated levels of planned service. Call Al Boxler 238-1261 Bill Taylor & Associates •« É