Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 1981, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observar February B, 1S81 Page 7
hears welfare
C a p ta in Leslie M o rris , E astern A irlin e p ilo t
recently appointed manager of flying at Kennedy
Representatives o f the Oregon
Human Rights co a litio n te stifie d
before the House Human Resources
Committee in Salem Thursday. The
C o a litio n is b ringing together
welfare recipients in local areas
throughout Oregon.
Beverly V errett, a M ultnom ah
C ounty representative o f the
C oalition to ld the committee that
more than 100 people from around
the state had organized the group to
"w o rk together to help ourselves.”
"W e are all very concerned about
the liv in g situations o f w elfare
recipients today” she said.
Linda Johnson, a spokesperson
for Portland’ s C .R .I.B ., and Black
U nited F ront said the c o a litio n
wants to bring legislative attention
to “ the devestation o f the statewide
cuts.” The result o f the cuts, she
pointed out, is that “ women and
children receiving Aid to Dependent
C hildren G rant cannot pay fo r
clothing, shelter, and basic
necessities o f daily life .”
The Coalition "is largely made up
o f people who understand the
welfare problem firs t-h a n d ,” ac­
cording to Nancy Bender a coalition
representative fro m Coos Bay. It
was formed on January 20th when
over 100 persons from throughout
the state met in Salem. Restoration
o f all welfare cuts is one goal, she
said, as well as im proved jo b
tra in in g , medical coverage, and
better supportive services.
A special hearing on the welfare
budget w ill be jo in tly conducted by
two legislative committees in Salem
on February 17. The House Human
Resources C om m ittee and a sub­
committee o f the legislature’ s Ways
and Means C om m ittee w ill hear
testim ony on the im pact o f the
welfare cuts. The Oregon Human
Rights Coalition is working to bring
welfare recipients from around the
state to testify. Further information
and local contact people fo r the
coalition can be obtained through
Sandie Hoback at M arion Polk
Legal Aid, 1244 State Street, Salem,
Oregon 97301,581-5265.
International Airport, prepares for ta k e -o ff.
Morris flying manager for Kennedy Airport
New York - Eastern Airlines has
appointed Boeing 727 Captain
Leslie Morris to Manager o f Flying
at John F. Kennedy Airport.
Captain M orris is tem porarily
responsible for re-qualifying Ken­
nedy-based Boeing 727 captains for
line duty, in addition to his normal
flying duties. Captains, or pilots in
undergo a
recurrent check ride and a simulator
training session or proficiency check
during each year o f their flyin g
status with the airline.
Captain M o rris was prom oted
from first o ffice r to p ilo t in com­
mand on July 2, 1979. He joined
Eastern as a second o ffic e r in
November 1965, when the airline
s till flew Constellations. P rior to
joining Eastern he was an air traffic
controller with the Federal Aviation
Administration for six years.
Captain Morris flew the McDon­
nell Douglas DC-8, Boeing 727 and
Lockheed 1011 as firs t o ffic e r
before his advancement to captain.
He served w ith the New York A ir
National Guard from 1957 to 1961,
flying F86 and T33 jets during his
military service.
Cell Talk
By Asmar A bdul Seifullah
A ll praises is due Allah, the one
God, G uardian, evolver and
sustainer o f all the worlds. Peace,
mercy and blessings upon Prophet
M uhammad. We thank A llah fot
our w orld leader the M ujaddid or
Restorer o f religion, the Honorable
Imam Warith Deen Muhammad.
This article pretains to the suit
that we (Muslims) have pending in
court. Insha-Allah I will convey the
most crucial or decisive points that
incarcerated Muslims are seeking
are re lie f from atmosphere o f
repressive religious discrimination
and the biased treatm ent that we
suffer in the Oregon State Peniten­
The Holy Q ur’ an, our guidance
states: “ This book there is no doubt
(in) it. It is a guide to those who
keep their duty.” Using the Q ur’an
as our guidance I would like to
quote a few verses to use as a foun­
dation for the views conveyed. The
second chapter o f the Holy Q ur’ an
beginning with verse 168 states, “ O
men, eat the lawful and good things
from what is in the earth and follow
not the footsteps o f the devil. Surely
he is an open enemy to you.” 170:
“ And when it is said to them, follow
what Allah has revealed, they say:
‘ Nay we follow that wherein we
found our la th e rs .’ W hat! Even
though their fathers had no sense at
all nor did they follow the right way.
A lla h teaches us to eat what is
(H a la l) or perm itted or la w ful.
W hen Allah prohibits certain things
it is not because he wants to deprive
us o f anything useful. It is because
he wants to protect us and allow us
to develop a sense of discrimination,
a refined taste fo r the best things
and a continued interest in moral
excellence. Good care must be taken
o f our spirit, mind, soul and body;
conscience, sentiments, wealth and
Therefore, p ro h ib itio n is not
deprivation but it is enrichment not
suppression but discipline, not
lim itation but expansion. What we
eat, drink and think is the essence of
our being, therefore, when we act in
accord with the laws o f Allah (God),
A lla h blesses us and guides us to
himself. Many o f us are not aware
o f the fact that we were born in a
natural stale o f purity (fitrah), that
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we are born M uslim or in sub­
mission to the w ill o f Allah (God).
Whatever becomes o f us after birth
is a result o f home environment, ex­
ternal influences o f society. As
Bilalians (A fro-A m ericans) we’ re
taught to eat the wrong foods
physically, mentally and spiritually.
We continue to do what we found
our fathers doing without seeking
right guidance.
A llah says in verse 173 o f the
second chapter: “ He has forbidden
you only what dies o f itse lf, and
blood, and the flesh o f swine, and
that over which any other (name)
than (that o f) A llah has been in ­
voked. Then whoever is driven by
necessity, not desiring, nor ex­
ceeding the lim it, no sin is upon
him. Surely Allah is forgiving, mer­
c ifu l."
The Holy Q u r’ an states that the
reason for the prohibition o f what
dies o f itself (Bible Lev. 17:15) and
blood (Bible Lev. 7:26) and swine’ s
flesh (Bible Lev. 11:7) is that they
are unclean -- while the reason for
p ro h ib itio n o f animals on which
other than the names o f Allah is in­
voked is because it is a transgression
o f a Divine Commandment which
requires all things associated with
idolatry to be avoided. The unclean­
ness o f swine and the other injunct­
ions are invoked because they have
pernicious effect on the physical, in­
tellectual and moral systems. We are
striving to develop ourselves into an
upright course in life, to become a
healthy unit in the structure o f the
family, society and humanity. Our
progress is being impeded by a
negative response by prison ad­
"A n d who is more unjust than he
who prevents (men) fro m the
Mosques o f Allah -- from his name
being remembered therein, and
strives to ruin them?” This is the
evident purpose o f prison administr­
ations. i.e., Robert J. Watson, Hoyt
C. Cupp; J.C. Keeney, etc. Their
eyes are blind to our struggle to bet­
ter ourselves and they are dumb to
the fact that they’re not Gods -- that
there is only one God, whose per­
sonal and proper name is Allah.
On numerous occasions we the
Muslim s have advised the prison
administration o f our needs; that we
are Muslims striving to practice the
laws o f A l-lslam . We’ ve met with
denials, racial and religious slurs,
threats and intimidations. Our con­
stitutional rights are being violated -
discriminated against. Therefore we
seek declaratory relief in order to
become constructive and productive
ingredients in future society, which
is apparently adverse to the penal
cycle or circus.
The impish conduct of Mr. Cupp
and Mr. Keeney in refusing to com­
ply w ith our reasonable request
displays a racist disregard for people
striving to achieve a righteous life in
accord w ith that o f the C reator.
Allah (God) protects the believers
therefore they have gotten them ­
selves in a contest not only against
us but they’ re also fighting against
Allah (God) -- they will be defeated!
“ What possible harm can be done
to M r. Cupp or M r. Keeney by
providing Muslims with a non-pork
(H a la l) d iet?” Why shouldn’ t
Muslims be provided with a Muslim
Imam (M inister) on sta ff to serve
the religious needs o f Muslims and
knowledge o f the religion o f Islam,
rel'gious m aterials — Q u r’ ans,
Haiths, etc., equal time on par with
that o f Catholics and protestants?
There should be no discrim ination a
in religion. Yet we are threatened
and intimidated for seeking equality
— we are in a state o f oppression
behind these walls.
M r. Cupp and M r. Keeney have R
on numerous occasions showed
themselves to be racists, hateful and
disrespectful -- they have displayed
a strong impish desire to impede the
growth o f Al-lslam. It has been A l­
lslam w ith a proven track record
that has transformed the character
and mental condition o f thousands
o f inmates.
In his book “ Natural Pschology
and Human Transform ation,” Dr.
Na’ im A kbar w rites -- one o f the
key concepts which has emerged
from Iman W arith Deen M uham ­
mad’ s teachings is the importance of
grow th in the understanding o f
human development.
I t ’ s through the growth process
that crude p rim itiv e substance
becomes refined complete matter.
The possibilities for human change
in Western Society are restricted and
this is reflected in the rapid increase
o f mental illness, criminal and anti­
social behavior, drug and alcohol
addiction indicate human waste and •
deterioration. Western Society has
produced an unnatural human being
based on unnatural conjectures.
This unnaturalness is rooted deep
into the mentality of the people and
is the cause of many o f the social ills
o f society.
The H onorable W arith Deen
Muhammad has brought the human
being back into his natural self. He
has brought inspiration and direc­
tion for improvement into the lives
o f the despairing. His teachings o f
the H oly Q u r’ an is a pow erful
liberating force -- a source o f trans­
formation into a hunchback world.
G row th is the answer and the
message is contained in the divinely
revealed book o f A lla h -- “ The
H oly Q u r’ an and A llah is the A b­
solute tru th !”
We the M uslim s in O .S .P .,
thank you for reading these words
o f truth and we pray Allah for your
support in our struggle for religious
equality. May A lla h reward the
deserving and strengthen the
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Bv Tom Boothe
From the front door, the House of Exodus has prepared a straight foward
presentation suitable for Church groups, social groups, or concerned groups.
The message content explains how people within their families and friends
can make a great difference in their neighborhoods toward the fight against
the control of Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
Did you know that Alcohol and Drug Abuse contributes to a high percentage
of all criminal acts committed in the Portland Metro Area.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse contributes to a great part of employee incom­
petency, lack of punctuality and accountability and lost of jobs.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse contributes to a high percentage of all accidents,
Auto accidents, job related accidents and accidents which occur in the
Alcohol and Drug Abuse contributes in a great way to students lack of in­
terest and willingness to learn.
As you can see Alcohol and Drug Abuse cuts across all sectors of our
Society and impairs human potential and reduces the sense of security and
responsibility in the abusers, which affects in one way or another, all of us.
1 08
Would you believe that children as young as 5 years old have been reported
to be addicted to Alcohol and/or Drugs. Children are becoming addicted at
an increasingly early age. We must not forget that these children are the sons
and daughters of parents of today, but these same children w ill be the
citizens of tomorrow.
The solution to the Drug and Alcohol problem will ultimately lie with us as
citizens, and our willingness to solve the problem by collectively putting our
knowledge to use where it counts.
Come join with the House of Exodus in an all out effort to improve the quality
of our community through comprehensive Mental Health Education (284
Brought to you n ■ public eervice by the House of Exodus