P ortlan d O baarvar February B. 1981 P asa b OBSERVATIONS MRS. C ’s W IGS F ro m th e S id e lin e s By Kathryn H a ll Bogle Chosen to be in "W ho's Who of American W om en" is one o f Port­ land’s young women o f conspicuous achievement, Andrea Hollie. Andrea Hollie’s name will appear in the pages o f the 1981 edition o f " W h o ’ s W h o ,’ ’ the biographical dictionary used by business organizations, colleges, arts and science organiztions and others, to learn the whereabouts o f top-flight women making significant con­ trib u tio n s to our nation and the world. " O f course I’ m delighted to be a candidate,” says Mrs. Hollie. "A s to how and why I've been chosen - th a t’ s all a mystery to me! There have been interviews by persons from W ho’ s Who and they have been checking and double-checking the information about me for over a year now and my place in their listing is assured - but the certificate w ill be issued to me at the time the book is o ff the press. "A nd, no, I don’t even know who recommended me. That’ s the secret o f ‘ Who’ s Who,’ ’ ’ Andrea laughs. This lovely young woman w ith beautiful clear skin and sparkling brown eyes heads the M in o rity Business Enterprise program at Portland’s Tri-Met. Here Andrea is the manager o f her department, the agent with the creative ideas who seeks contact with women and other m inorities who might benefit from making business contracts with Tri-M et or the areas o f construction, consulting or vending affairs. “ Most people,” says Mrs. Hollie, "th in k s o f T ri-M e t as being in ­ terested only in busses and quan­ tities of gasoline. But,” she goes on, "T ri-M e t is bigger than just busses and gasoline. They are interested in lots o f things, like landscaping, ar­ chitects, chemical proucts, business machines and much more. They buy from companies supplying their needs in all those areas. Tri-Met is also interested in small business efforts. And that’s where I function for them. We have over a hundred m inority businesses listed. It is a w onderful o p p o rtu n ity fo r women. I consult with any and all department heads, not just the pur­ chasing department - as T ri-M e t really wants to spend at least 10% of all its business w ith MBE. They don’t want to confine their business dealings to just large corporations, and I am there to express company policy everywhere.” Andrea Hollie has always worked with people and with people doing business, and she is well prepared. Born in W ashington, D .C ., reared in Philadelphia where her parents still live in Yadon, a suburb o f the sprawling city, Andrea is an Easterner transplanted to the North­ west. She received her bachelor degree from Howard University, is taking graudate work at Portland State U niversity in International Relations but is thinking o f shifting to business administration. Her first jo b right after college gave Andrea a chance to work and travel. She started with Philco-Ford who were setting up manpower training consortium s in various cities. She was in Portland’ s Model Cities program as supervisor o f the evaluation unit evaluating the e f­ ficacy o f the entire Model Cities program. Charles Jordan, now City Com m issioner, was director o f Model Cities at the time. Mrs. H o llie also worked in the Research and Evaluation Unit of the Human Resources department un­ der the direction o f M ayor Neil Goldschmidt. She won acclaim for a jo b well done when as director, she accomplished the highly suc­ cessful 1978 N A A C P convention here in Portland. Plaudits still come (AND HAIR BEADS) $10 W ig Sale Hundreds of Wigs & Hairpieces a t 1 0 % - 5 0 % S a v in g s Y e s! Y o u c u n h a v e w in e . Y o u c a n a ls o h a v e p o p c o r n a n d p ea n u t b u tte r A n d hom e- b a k e d b r e a d . t! N o w y o u c a n h a v e lo ts m o re o f y o u r f a v o r i t e fo ix ls — w it h i n lim it s o f c o u rs e — a n d s t ill lo se w e ig h t T o f in d o u t m o r e a b o u t o u r n e w 19K1 f o o d p l a n s , j o i n a W e i g h t W a t c h e r s * c la s s near y o u ’ A N D R E A HOLLIE to her, she admits. From her father, who has interest in things A frica n and leans to cubism in his taste for art, and from her mother, also an artist, who is Program D irector fo r the Philadelphia YW C A, Andrea has inherited a strong admiration o f ar­ tistic pursuits. She would like to be an interior designer, she says. She likes music and has studied clarinet fo r eight years, has a pleasant soprano voice and has experienced” the joys o f singing in choirs. Her three younger sisters are well talent­ ed too, she adds fondly. A ffilia tio n fo r Andrea includes her membership in the Black Womens Network and her comit- tment to the Portland Urban League and to her sorors o f Delta Sigma Theta. Andrea is married to Adell Hollie II o f the Industrial M arketing de­ partment of Pacific Northwest Bell. "H e has been my favorite conver­ sationalist fo r the eight years we have been together,” Andrea says. ‘ We are best o f friends’ as well as husband and w ife.” That’ s Andrea Hollie of "W h o ’ s Who o f American Women." m unity o f this state are now a t­ tacking the Dean o f the University o f Oregon's Law School because he’s Black, because o f the fa ct that they said he's a civil rights activist and we can't tolerate that type o f individual in Oregon - I ’ m going to tell you now that if these people Community Calendar The theme Role M odel for Y o u th " will be featured in a weekend Black History Program beginning February 9 at the Green-Wyatt Federal Building, 1220 S.W. Third. Sponsored by the IRS black Special Emphasis Comiltee, the agenda includes several prominent Black citizens from the Portland area with talks, musical performances and poetry readings. A ll presentations will be held in the building lobby. The events conclude on Friday, February 13 with a soul food luncheon prepared by the Federal Building cafeteria staff. Lincoln H igh S ch o o l's comprehensive curriculum , the International Studies Center magnet program, and the school’ s unique Travel Industry Careers program w ill be highlighted at the school’ s annual "8th Grade and New Student Inform ation Evening," Wednesday, February 11, at 7:15. Refreshments will be provided by the Lincoln High School PTA. Portland Chapter of Links, Inc., announces preparations for the Fourth Annual Debutante C otillion. A formal ball, presenting twelve outstanding high school seniors will be presented to the Portland Community at a formal ball held at Jantzen Beach Red Lion on February 15, 1981 from 9:00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. For further information call 249-2855 or 289-3378. Seminar: Veterans Employment Seminar sponsored by the National A lli­ ance of Business will be held on Wednesday, February 25, 1981 and April 15, 1981 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m ., at the Public Service Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, at 920 SW 6th Avenue. The T ra in in g and E m p lo y m e n t D iv is io n o f the C ity o f P ortland, Bureau of Human Resources is sponsoring a Town Hall meeting on "C E TA : I ocal Impact o f Federal Budget Reduction,” Tuesday, February 24, 1981 at Jefferson High School Cafeteria, 5210 N. Kerby Street, 7:30 p.m. Free W orkshop entitled "Peace. Justice and W orld Order” w ill be of- tered February 14 and 15 at the University of Portland, 5, XX) N. W illamette llvd. The workshop w ill begin at 9:30 a.m., running through 8 p.m., and »cgin Sunday at 9:30 a m., ending with a closing celebration at 4 p.m. Brown ag meals are welcome, or meals can be purchased on campus with pre- egistration. Gerald and Patricia Mische, authors o f “ Toward a Human \o rld Order...Beyond the National Security S tra itja c k e t" w ill be the resentors. PCC W orkshops: Exposure and depth o f field will be the subject o f the first o f a four-part series o f Portland Community College workshops for photography beginners starting Tuesday, February 10, from 7-9 p.m. Cost is $5 for each workshop. For reservations call the PCC Cascade Center Com­ munity Services office at 283-2541. The N o rth w e s t W o m en 's History P ro ject is making a slide show about women who worked in the shipyards in Portland or Vancouver, Washington during World War II. The project will be conducting oral history interviews with these women, and are particularly interested in interviewing Black somen. If you have worked in the shipyards or know o f someone who did, lease call 236-0278 or 236-5339. The N o rth /N o rth e e s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H e a lth C e n te r, Inc. invites he public to an open house and reception to be held 5:30 to 7:00 P.M ., hursday, February 12, 1981 in the conference room o f the Moore Street ommunity Center, corner Moore and Killingsworth. R e p re s e n ta tiv e R on W y d e n w ill hold two Town Hall meetings next week: On Frebruary 12 at 7:30 p.m. at David Douglas HS, 1500 SE 130th, Junior Bldg. Cafeteria; and on February 14 at Penninsula Senior Center, 7508 N Herford, at 10:00 a.m. Representative Wyden w ill hold an Open House at his district office, Rm. 714, Bonneville Power Administration Building on February 13 from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. want to address this issue on that level, if they insist on attacking the in te g rity o f M r. D errick Bell because he w ill not bend to their desires, then i f its a fight they want I’ m going to give them that fight. I have to tell you: 1 have never met Derrick Bell, the new Dean o f the U niversity o f Oregon Law School, but what I have read about him, what people have to ld me about him, I do not need to defend him because he is very capable o f defending him self. But what I am going to defend is this great state. These people - these people in those top influential positions - to me is unconscionable that they would at­ tack the program o f the E nviron­ mental Law Center to get at the Dean, because he’ s a civil right ac­ tivist. And you know, they say these civil rights activists are no different than these environmentalists, and Oregon doesn’ t need them, they say. The Governor addressed the Joint Session o f the Legislature ap­ proximately two weeks ago, and he raised the spector o f racial bigotry in this state. And f o r those o f you who think that i t ‘s pranksters, that you th in k i t ’s bigots who run around in white cloaks, I would suggest to you - racial bigotry knows no economics, it knows no educational, and it knows no social barriers. I am going to say this today, and I ’ m going to say it again, that if these individuals or these represen­ tatives want to attack the Environ­ mental Law Clinic and the Dean of the Law School in the manner that they are - if its a fight they want its a fight they’ re going to get. Because I think, as you do, that Oregon is not the place that that type o f issue is raised in attem pting to resolve an issue that may have merit but can be resolved very openly and very can­ didly. In one disclaimer I want you to know that we shouldn’ t be so quick to blanket all the individuals in ­ volved in opposition to the En­ vironmental Law Clinic with what I just said. But there is one individual I know o f and his legal represen­ tative that made this presentation. I would hope that when the Governor meets w ith the Dean o f the Law School this Thursday up in Portland to introduce him at a dinner that the Governor, who is very honest and a very compassionate man, tell the Dean that type of action will not be tolerated in the State o f Oregon. F e a tu rin g w ig s by N A O M I S IM S WEIGHT WATCHERS The most successful weight loss program in the world. Reg. $15.95 EMANUEL HOSPITAL 2801 N. Gantenbein Emanuel East, Room 2001 (Nursing Home) Thurs. 7:00 p.m. NOW b A N D R E D O U G L A S . B IL L IE N A T A L IE C O LE R a s ta . K1700 Reg. $35.00 95 a ä ä q q Now | SALE S T A R T S T O D A Y T H R U FEB. 9th | M R S . C ’s W IG S NORTH PORTLAND CARPENTERS HALL 2225 N. Lombard Street Mon. 7:00p.m. Thurs. 9:30a.m. 707 N.E. Fremont 281-6525 «Closed Sun. ft M o n . O pen Tues. thru S at. 1 1 :3 0 a .m . to 6:00 p .m .. N O R TH EAST PO RTLAND MARANATHACHURCH 1222 N. E. Skidmore Sat. 9:30a.m. People Helping People For inform ation call collect Port land (503) 297-1021, Weekdays 8:30 to 5:30. T h e U n ite d W a y < W ,|M M a tin « .« In* I In« 1991 awtta. «ITS« WatfM Wa«< He. • h o4e— «art Kulongoski attacks racism (Continued from Page I Col 6) the University o f Oregon. But I ’ m going to tell you that there was another topic raised at that meeting which 7 feet is deplorable and unconscionable. i f these individua ls who are prom inent members o f the com­ B e tty C a b in e . P ro p rie to r 47 Wig styles in stock. S a v e D u r in g S a fe w a y Play Safeway Instant f c l H H D o lla r D a y s ! IT w H r 3,51 $ S t* OW4« Of Wlnnl««« I« 1 In 91 Van Camp 16-oi 12 © Save 0a 3 Win • <0 1 l/OOUU ? 4 *t* M i» i « «1 L 4*7 IM » /MM 4*7 7Jt Instantly USDA CHO ICE Whole X 3,51 © 2-lb. P into Beans © Long G rain Rice © D iam ond A P ickled Beets © P rogresso T om ato Sauce ©?268 Breakfast Bee, Sausage Liver Sausage FAIERCE Shampoo 5 ^ -3 , d d Germ Honey 1 Or Honey O CondHtoner ’ So» ’ 1“ © Progresso T om ato Paste © Im ita tio n M ayonnaise 7 © F lo u r T ortilla s © H a m b u rg e r Buns •3“ '•£ ‘ 1” 'S r , 98* Banan Fancy No 1 Bananas FuA Of Flavor $ M ug-O -Lunch Noodles 5J1 K *•<- » ?» « © C e re a l G rain Bread ~ © D iam ond A Diced C a rro ts Rib Roost Safeway Sm okie L in ks © F o lg e r s Instant C offee © 2 - L ite r Soft D rinks 89‘ > '3" 99* 3 ‘ V* •1* Laundry Detergent © N orthern Bath Tissue © C a t Tray A b so rb en t •2 © C r ic k e t Lighters «1 Crisp Celery a s a Mums r a SSTÄ, CflterlulMum* 8Æ 98 lo. C e le b ra te Chinese New Years T IA R 0 1 T H I R O O S T II 12-Pock Bud Budweiser 12-0» Cana Gallo Wine urgumty Pv« CMtM © *47S © 1 © Zen Ramen Noodles Safeway Quality large End Cut Horm el C urem aster Ham 4,51 I r f © M acaroni & Cheese USDA CHOICE BEEF Sliced Bee, Liver ____ M ore D o lla r D a y V a lu e s Break,aat Skced 12-0» Pkg w * * • ' Gourme, 9 az @ Fresh Red S napper “X “ Van De Kam p Fish Fillets is 16-oi Lucerne Yogurt V Rib Sliced Bacon YSteak ® 89* G rade A W hole Fryers ■ 3,51 So.I A4 HYCRADi Safeway Quality Beef Small End Cut Broil Or Pen Fry er nel Or Cream Style 0. 3 S... 4« f.