Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1980, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pag* 12 Portland Observer October 23. I960
Sports Talk
By Ron Sykes
Sports Editor
Oregon 7, USC 7.
A few years ago, Duck players
w ould have quacked fo r jo y at
lying the mighty Trojans. But noi
this talented bunch. "W e out played
th e m ," bemoaned A ll-A m e rica n
tackle Vince G oldsm ith, "a n d
should have w on."
Vince as usual was all over the
place. The 5-10, 260 pound dynamo
was more than the hefty Trojan of­
fensive line could deal one on one
and by the second quarter, Vince
was double teamed as usual.
I think this writer said earlier that
these Ducks were not good but
awesome, and could play with any
team in the country. W ell, ask
USC’s John Robinson. "Oregon is
now being recognized as a school
with a winning football program,”
said Robinson. Remember Oregon
didn't tic USC. USC was lucky in
this one to tie the Ducks. From my
vantage point one could easily see
are ce rta in tly lo o kin g better in
that the ball was bobbled on the
controversial touchdow n from
The question here is why is Billy
Adams to split end Jeff Simmons.
Ray Bates good enough to start
He never had possession and did a
during last year’s playoffs and not
magnificent job o f concealment.
good enough during the season?
SC is a good team and an in ­
Certainly wish Jack Ramsay would
telligent one. Oregon tailback
answer that one.
Reggie Brown didn’ t fumble on the
It seems like the good Dr. Jack
one yard line and would have scored
only plays B illy Ray out o f
if not for some heads up play by #15
necessity. And aren't lead guards
o f the USC defensive line. Seeing
suppose to be speedy? I f so, then
that it was im possible to stop
why did Blazer lead guard Jim
Reggie, he just took one big swipe at
Paxson have so much d iffic u lty
the ball and pulled it o u t, thus
against the speedy Houston guards?
saving what would have been a sure
Isn’ t the lead guard supposed to
daily; no admission charge
defeat fo r USC and v ic to ry fo r
get the team into the offense, and
Oregon. The score should have read doesn’ t he also have the respon­
7-0 Oregon. And remember that’s sibility for pushing the ball up the
the same Trojans that were ranked court? If so, then why hasn’t these
#2 in the nation. Oregon is strong on
faults been a ttrib u te d to Jim
the depth chart, but it seems that as Paxson?
Reggie Ogburn goes, so goes the
Certainly wish Dr. Jack would
answer some o f these questions.
Brought To You Every Week
Ogburn, remember, only played Some changes are definitely need­
two series in the loss at California.
ed. But whether they come or not is
His mere presence adds a new up to the good doctor.
dimension to the offense. Tie games
The starting line up should consist
can be distasteful, but not this one. o f C alvin N a tt, small fo rw a rd ;
• • •
This was a beautiful, hard fought K erm it W ashington, strong fo r ­
put the first men on the
game that truly delighted the 42,671 ward; M ychal Thom pson, center
Collins — have the
sun baked fans this afternoon in and B illy Ray Bates alongside
Autzen Stadium. The Ducks served Kelvin Ransey at guard. And when
same initials as the first men on earth - Adam, Abel
notice that no longer can the powers this happens Ramsey can then start
and Cain.
USC, UCLA, and the likes merely looking for a winning season. Then
show up, put on their jerseys and and only then. As always this is only
The only 3 non-Presidents whose pictures appear
expect to win. And as long as Rich one Black man's opinion.
our paper money are Alexander Hamilton on the
Brooks is at Oregon the program
bill, Benjamin Franklin on the $100 and Salmon
w ill just get better and better.
Recruiting is the name o f the game
Chase on the $10,000 bill.
and obviously Brooks is as good as
they come.
One of the greatest writers of children's stories in
(Continued from page I col. 6)
Hans Christian Andersen, never had any
The Ducks had a very productive
in electronics assembly line work
his own.
recruiting season and one can easily through May. He attends classes full
see why th e y’ re now ready to
time in the mornings at PCC, then
challenge USC in the future. Years works every afternoon at Hewlett
Harvard University was originally named Cam­
ago, Oregon in their re cru itin g ,
Packard plus keeping up his studies.
bridge, and changed its name when John Harvard
would settle for the leftovers, the
The job situation at the M aluti
gave 400 books to the school.
boys USC didn’ t want. Now they’ re Hospital is still unsure.
after those blue chippers and getting
" I plan to go home the day I
Contrary to popular belief, most Eskimos don't live
them. The following is a list o f some finish classes,” Lekoetje said. " I get
o f those good ones.
in igloos.
very homesick. W hether the
Don Boyd, DL, 6-3, 213 Fortuna,
hospital hires me or not I w ill go
C a lifo rn ia , recruited by Oregon,
home and become an optician. I
Oregon State and Neveda-Las
hope the people who have helped me
here can come and see me there
Dave Christensen, TE, 6-5, 220 someday. I am so grateful.”
Head Office
Cupertino, California, recruited by
2737 N. E. Union
Oregon and BYU.
Portland, Oregon 97212
David C ulp, D L, 6-5, 245,
Scott M ills , Oregon. He was
recruited by Oregon, Washington
and Oregon State.
Brad Hicks, D L, 6-5, 219, Daly
City, C alifornia. Highly recruited
by USC and Washington. Took a
last minute trip by Rich Brooks to
convince Brad to come to Oregon.
Randy Zhogbin, O L, 6-3, 225,
Fullerton, California. Recruited by
A rizona, A rizo n a State, Oregon
State and Oregon.
Elect Reagan it ml lie m ig h t. . .
Bob H udetz, LB , 6-1, 228,
W arrenton, 111. Recruited by
• blunder into war.
Oregon, Purdue and Iowa.
• continue to ruin the economy.
Ladaria Johnson, TB, 6-0, 198,
• ns a humbler moke the White House an international joke.
Carson, C a lifo rn ia . He was
Elect Carter amt he m ig h t. . .
recruited by Oregon, Arizona State
and Northern Arizona.
• blunder into war.
C raig K a ylo r, D L , 6-4, 230,
• continue to ruin the economy
Sacramento, C alifornia. Recruited
• as a bumbler make the White House an international joke.
by Oregon, California
Vote for Anderson?
Jeff Williams, DB, 6-3, 195, San­
ta Anna, C alifornia. Recruited by
• l ike limmy Carter in /976, Anderson is
Oregon, Arizona, Hawaii, Univer­
running a campaign based on his
sity o f Pacific and Oregon State.
"personality." His independent candidacy
Terry Youngblood, DL, 6-6, 265,
leaves us nothing after Nov. 4.
Los Angeles. Recruited by UCLA,
A rizona, A rizo n a State, New
Mexico, Oregon, Oregon State and
The only solution to our current
we do it? In just six months we have
Indiana. He enters Oregon as a
political mess is the building of a
gained ballot access in over 30 states,
chemistry major with a 3.85 overall
a record smashing success for a party
new party. A party whose power rests
Last but certaintly not least is
solely in the hands of workers, con­
in its first year. Furthermore just 5%
Ryan "M o n ta n a ” Zinke, LB, 6-4,
sumers, small business, family farm­
of the vote will get us millions in
220, Whitefish, Montana.
ers and community residents. The
federal funding to organize in the fu­
Ryan, whose nickname is “ Mon­
Citizen's Party is such a party. Can
tana” is one o f the best athletes ever
to come out o f the state o f Montana
according to the coaches at M on­
tana State and Montana University.
He was first team All-State as an o f­
fensive guard last season. Whitefish
Finished with a perfect 10-0 record
ities, veterans and the right of work­
The Citizen’s Party calls for a re­
and won the state championship.
ers to unionize. |oin the fight against
building of basic industries under lo­
Ryan was graduated with an overall
destructive corporate policy and
cal community and worker control.
GPA of 4.0 and was valedictorian
build real Economic Democracy. In­
Phasing out nuclear power with a real
o f his senior class. He was student
vest in the future, vote Barry Com­
body president and president o f his
commitment to renewable energy.
senior class, and is a former member
moner and LaDonna Harris.
Vigorous support for women, minor-
o f Boy’s State. He won state awards
for science, French and English, and
won the Einstein award for math.
He was the youngest ambassador
in the future.
for the people to people program
and first president o f FCA. He let­
tered four years in track, and three
years in football and basketball. He
won an academic scholarship to
Boston College, but chose Oregon
1300 S.W. Washington
over Stanford and Oregon State.
With recruits such as this, things
Pato f t by tha Ctttoan'e P arty. O avM Bbatoh Traaawrar 1 M • W W a a to n fto n Porttona O raban
Optical student
American State
Fred Brown goes over the top for a tw o-pointer.
Fred Brown leads the pack
By Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
ing to play on this level should set
other goals and objectives in life.
They should not channel all their
energy into this because it is a one in
a million shot.”
Fred Brown enjoys the reputation
o f being one o f the N .B .A .’ s most
potent offensive threats. A excellent
jum p shooter, Brown’s "h u rt your
face” shots earned him his "dow n­
tow n” nickname and makes him
highly valuable in the "super sixth
man” role he adopted three seasons
A free agent at the end o f last
season. Brown signed a new, four
year contract with the Sonics this
summer, giving him the option o f
moving into management position
after retirement whenever that may
" I d on’ t know when I w ill
re tire ,” said Brown. " I could
probably play another ten years, but
I do not know if I want to play that
long. The reason I ’ ve lasted this
long in the league is because I take
great care o f my body, and mind.
It’ s important to take care of both
because they go hand in hand.”
Playing his entire career fo r
Seattle places "D ow ntow n” among
a elite group o f N .B .A . players.
Only five other active players (Wes
Unseld, Dave Cowens, Calvin M ur­
phy, Rudy Tomjanovich and Sam
Lacey) have played their entire
careers w ith one team fo r more
years then B row n’ s nine seasons
with the Sonics.
Is there too much status attached
to professional basketball and other
sports by the media?
" W a y to m uch,” Brown said
q u ic k ly . " I say this because
professional basketball is limited to
only a chosen few. A person want­
In nine N .B.A. seasons, Brown
has scored 10,474 points, grabbed
2,163 rebounds, and dished out
2,253 assists. "D o w n to w n ” has a
16.1 career scoring average and a
.861 life time average on the free
throw line in the N.B.A. Brown is
the Sonics’ all-time leading scorer in
six statistical areas, points, games
and minutes played, field goals
made and attempted, and steals.
Brown also holds the Sonics
single game scoring record with 58
points against Golden State (1974).
He ranks fifth on the N .B .A .’ s all
time leaders in free throw accuracy.
Last year, Brown was tne
N .B .A .’ s prem ier three point
shooter, hitting 39-80 (.443) from
that range.
A native of Milwaukee, Wiscon­
sin, and a graduate o f the University
o f Iowa (1971), Brown is currently
the Vice President o f the N .B.A.
Players Association.
How do you feel as a role model
fo r m illio n s o f young athletes
around the country?
“ I t ’ s great,” said the one time
A ll-S tar and father o f three sons
(Fred Jr., 6, Terik, 3, and Bryan, 1).
" I t ’ s good for the kids because they
have someone to look up to and
respect. I try to m aintain a
professional attitude about my job
and I let them know that I'm a
everyday person doing what he likes
to do.”
f t
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