Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1980, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10 Portland Observar Octobar 23. 1900
Ride to polls available
Need a ride to the polls on elec­
tion day, November 4?
Loaves and Fishes Center
The Wyden for Congress Com­
(H ousing A u th o rity o f P ortland
mittee is sponsoring rides to the
North O ffice), 8920 N. Woolsey,
polls for senior citizens, handicap­
M oreland Presbyterian Church
ped persons and other persons living
(Loaves and Fishes Center), 1814 SE
in the Third District who want to
Bybee Blvd., PACT Senior Center,
vote but need transportation.
3588 SE Division, Piedmont United
Sign-up lists have been posted in
Presbyterian Church (Loaves and
senior centers, housing units and
Fishes Center), 5760 NF Cleveland,
Rose Center fo r Senior A dults
throughout the district. The lists will
(Salvation Army), 1785 NE Sandy,
be collected Monday, November 3.
Royal Rose C ourt Annex C om ­
Interested persons may also call the
munity Center, 216 N. Sumner Apt.
campaign office at 281-9068.
#4, Senior Citizen Service Center
Wyden, the Democratic nominee
Volunteers o f A m erica, 835 SE
in the Third District, said his office
Belm ont, St. A id a n ’ s Episcopal
is sponsoring the rides to ensure that
Church (Loaves and Fishes), 17405
all Third District residents have the
NE Gilsan, St. Matthew’s Episcopal
opportunity to take part in choosing
Church (Loaves and Fishes), 11229
the people who will represent them
NE Prescott, St. Peter’s Catholic-
at all levels o f government. "Voter
Church (Loaves and Fishes), 8648
p a rticip a tio n
SE Foster, Sunnyside U nited
dram atically in recent years,’ ’
M ethodist Church (Loaves and
Wyden said. "E very possible step
Fishes), 3520 SW Yamhill, Univer­
has to be taken to make the process sity Park United Methodist Church
o f voting more convenient - and (Loaves and Fishes), 4775 N. Lom­
thus increase the turnout. This is bard, U nthank Plaza, 2500 N.
our way of doing our bit.”
W illiam s, Vancouver Avenue
Sign-up lists fo r the rides are
Baptist Church (Loaves and Fishes),
posted at Belmont Drop-In Center,
3138 N. Vancouver Ave., and Villa
3401 SE Belmont, E rrol Heights Tabor Ascension Church (Loaves
Senior Center, 7414 SE 52nd,
and Fishes), 823 SE 76th.
Gresham Senior Center, 50 NE
E llio tt, in Gresham, H ollyw ood
Persons who sign up will be con­
Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th, King tacted so that arrangements can be
Neighborhood F acility, 1815 NE made to transport them to the polls.
AVREC sponsors issue forums
A lbina Voter Registration and
Education Com m ittee (A VR EC )
will present a public forum on the
following ballot measures:
Sunday, October 26th, 7:00
P.M., at City Hall, 1220 S.W. 5th
Avenue. Ballot measures, No. 3 - to
dedicate an oil tax to the school
fund; No. 6 -1 % Property Tax; and
No. 8 - State bonds to Finance
Correctional Facilities.
M onday, October 27th, 7:00
P.M., at P.C.C. Cascade - building
No. 2, 705 N. Killingsworth.
B allot measures No. 9 -
Establishing a C ounty Urban
Renewal Agency; No. 11 - Public
U tility D istrict (P U D ); No. 12 -
M etro Levy; and No. 51 - M an­
datory Weatherization.
Tuesday, October 28th, 7.00
P .M ., at King N eighborhood
Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th Avenue.
B allot measures No. 6 - 1%
Property Tax; No. 8 - State Bonds
to Finance Correctional Facilities;
No. I I - Public U tility D istrict
(PUD); and No. 51 - M andatory
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-
fo u n ty Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri Met) at the
Water Service Building Auditorium, 1800 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland,
Oregon, at 10:00 a.m., Monday, November 10, 1980, for the purpose of
considering projects for which financial assistance is being sought from the
Urban Mass Transportation Administration, pursuant to the Urban Mass
Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, generally described as follows:
Section 5 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended,
provides federal operating assistance to Urban Mass Transportation
systems, whereby the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of
Oregon (Tri-Met) is eligible to receive federal funds for operating assistance
tor fiscal year 1980-81. This project is included in Tri-Met's program of
projects for fiscal year 1980-81 and is a part of the MSD transportaion
development program.
The project is to consist of transportation services provided by Tri-Met for
the counties of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington. Special needs of
the elderly and handicapped are addressed in the grant application. No
persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by this project. The
project will have no significant environmental impact upon the service area.
President Carter m et recently w ith Miss Black Am erica. Sharon
W right, w ho was in W ashington on an o ffic ia l visit.
Community Calendar
A ffirm a tiv e A ctio n Class at M arylhurst, October 24-26; Friday 6:30 -
9.00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Cost lor the two-credit class is $108. For more information contact Maryl­
hurst Education Center, 636-8141.
Haunted House, Portland Community College Cascade Center, 705 N
Killingsworth, October 25, 1980 from 6-12 p.m.
The T w e lfth Annual Senior and Disabled Citizens Christmas Party
w ill take Place on December 17th, 1980 at M att Dishman Community
C enter, 77 N.E. Knott Street. For more information call 288-5173.
Energy Conservation Exhibits at Memorial Coliseum, November 6-9
Candidates Fair will be held on Wednesday, October 29, 1980, at the Kin«
Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N. E. 7th Avenue, at 7:00 p.m.
C,as’ ^ Breed Presents an evening o f Fashion and dance October 25,
1980 from 8:30p.m., - 1:30 A M ., at the Thunderbird Inn at the Quay.
Tickets available at: Fridays Beauty Supply (both locations), Longhair
Music, Stark Raving Hair (3rd and Stark). Donations: $8.00.
St. P h ilip s The D eacon Parish invites you to an event, Saturday,
November 1, 1980, 6-10 p.m., 120 N.E. Knott (at Rodney).
Eleventh Annual G overnor's Housing C onference. Thursday, Oc­
tober 30, 1980, Janizen Beach Red Lion Motor Inn, Portland. For more in­
formation call Dale Walhood, Conference Coordinator at 229-4800.
At the hearing Tri-Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or
agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmen­
tal aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written
evidence and recommendations with respect to the project.
A copy of the application for a federal grant for the project, together with
an environmental impact assessment is available for public inspection at the
Tri Met office, Planning & Development Department, 4012 S.E. 17th
Avenue, Portland, Oregon.
Paul N. Bay, Executive Director
Planning & Development Department
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-
County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at the
Water Service Building Auditorium, 1800 S.W. Sixth Avenue, Portland
Oregon, at 10:00 a.m., Monday, November 10, 1980, for the purpose of
considering projects for which financial assistance is being sought from the
Urban Mass Transportation Administration, pursuant to the Urban Mass
Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, generally described as follows:
S u e n ? n ttO.,af P,y f° r 3 9rant frOm ,he lnterstate Transfer Funds (Title
6 U .b.C. 103(e)(4)). This project is included in Tri-M et's program of
projects for fiscal year 1980-81 and is a part of the Metropolitan Service
District (Metro) transportation improvement program.
The project includes design and construction of the following four transist
Vietnam Revisted: Come hear Barbara Fuller, Thursday, October 30,
centers: Clackamas Town Center. Tigard, Oregon City, and Milwaukie-
1980, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., Smith Center, Portland State University, Room 296.
preliminary engineering of transist improvements in the McLoughlin Blvd
For more information call 643-4082.
Moderator for the forum will be
corridor between Oregon City and Milwaukie; and acquisition of eight (8)
Judge Belton H a m ilto n . Gladys
Senator M ark H atfield will help honor 60 Portland-area seniors at the
articulated buses.
McCoy and Nick Barnett will make
15th Anniversary Celebration ot the Foster Grandparent Program, Friday,
special presentations.
October 24, at 3 p.m. at T rinity Episcopal Church, N.W. 19th and Everett.
Persons, families or businesses will he displaced by this project. There will
Com m issioner Charles Jordan
For more information call Kathi Walters at 228-7238.
be some impact on the environment, and the project is in conformance with
will attend along with some other
Eliot N eighborhood D evelopm ent Program . (1) Speaker from Police
and is a part of the Transportation Im provem ent Program o f the
notable Black speakers on the ballot
Community Juvenile Officer program. (2) Assessment o f 1980 Neighborhood
Metropolitan Service District (Metro) and is in conformance with the Com­
Need reports. 7 p.m.. Masonic Temple, 116 N.E. Russell, October 27, 1980.
prehensive land use planning for the urban area. The project is currently
Sabin C om m unity A ssociation (1) Leslie Houston and Paul Steger,
under review by the A-95 Clearinghouse.
Sabin School Basic Skills Specialists. (2, Claudia Fisher, Neighborhood Child
CORRECTION: The Oregon Assem bly for Black A ffa irs is not a c o ­
Care Network Demonstration Project. (3) Proposed new halfway house, Oc­
The estimated cost of the project is approximately $4,528,000 Federal par­
sponsor of the C andidates Fair to be held at King N eighbo rh ood
27, 1980, 7:30 p.m., Sabin School, 4013 N.E. 18th.
ticipation will be approximately $3,848,800 and the local share will be ao-
Concordia C om m unity A ssociation. (1) General review and report on
proximately $679,200.
Grant High School. (2) Neighborhood crime prevention. (3) Other matters o f
community concern, October 28, 1980, 7:30 p.m., Grant High School, 2245
At the hearing Tri-Met will affod an opportunity for interested persons or
N.E. 36th.
agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic and environmen­
King Im provem ent A ssociation. October 28, 1980, 7:30 p.m., King
tal aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written
Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E. Seventh.
evidence and recommendations with respect to the project.
N ortheast C oalition of Neighborhoods. (1) Candidates Fair, October
29, 1980, 7p.m., King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E. Seventh.
A copy of the application for a federal grant for the project, together with
Chinese C o n solida ted B enevolent A s s o c ie tio n . Ceremonial Lion
an environmental impact assessment is available for public inspection at the
Dance, Noon, Oriental M o tiff shop, October 25, 1980, 725 N.W. 23rd.
Tri-Met office, Planning & Development Department, 4012 S.E. 17th
Portland School Board. October 27, 1980, 7:30 p.m., Administration
Avenue, Portland, Oregon.
Building, 501 N. Dixon.
Robert A ld rid g e w ill narrate a slide show he helped produce entitled
Pau! N. Bay, Executive Director
“ First Strike” and speak on current U.S. NUCLEAR POLICY, ON October
Planning & Development Department
28th at 7:00 PM at Portland State University Lincoln Hall in Room 75. A
$ 1.50 donation has been suggested to help with Mr. Aldridge’ s travel expen­
ses. Mr. Aldridge will also be speaking at Willamette University in Salem on
October 29, 1980.
M o n d ay S atu rd ay 9 30 a m. - 7 00 p
S U N D A Y 12 0 0 p m
4 00pm
On Sunday O ctober 26, 1980 at I l :(X^ A .M . Hughes Memorial United
Methodist Church will celebrate its 35th anniversary as a church serving this
community. Mr. Herb Cawthorne will be guest speaker. We hope to see you
City of Eugene
Policy Statement
Mrs. Rosalie J. Boothe, Executive Director o f the House o f Exodus, will
receive a Community Service award given by the Sharon Seventh-Day Adven­
tist C hurch Saturday October 25, 1980 during the eleven O’clock services on It is the policy of the City of Eugene that Minority Business Enterprises as
C ommunity Relations Day - an annual event celebrated in adventist churches defined in Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23, and as it may be
Bring in this coupon to get
amended, shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the perfor­
25% off
mance of contracts.
on a n y p u rc h a s e o f
1815 NE
*s * Cheeses, Breads
Deli sandwiches to go
Prawns • Rex Sole
Catfish • Buffalo Fish
flo o d thru O cto b er 31 1980
Dial A Prayer 284 0684
Worship 11:00am
Church School 9 45am
Office 281 2332
Specializing In
Individual • Marriage anil 7 am il\ * Group Therapy
Reverend Bertram G riffin. Pastor
The C hurch W here NO S trang er Feels S trang e
281 4429
A description of how the goals were selected is available for inspection
during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
through the City Manager's Office and the Eugene Public Library reference
desk until November 3, 1980.
4919 NE 9th Ave
Phone 284 1620
Grades 1 thru 8
I i
You are W elcom e to W orship at
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Evening Service 2nd, 4th and
5th Sundays
Communion 1st Sunday
W ed -Fam ily Prayer Meeting
and Bible Study
Friday Brotherhood
Fellowship Service with
Morning Star 3rd Sunday
Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 6476
Church Phone 2810163
9 30am
10 30em
' 'A warm spirit o f fellowship always''
The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D D.
"The Holiness Preacher," Pastor
5 00pm
7 30pm
Sunday School
Morning Worship
9 15am
’ »war-*«
3726 N. Gantenbein Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97227
The responsibilities and the objectives of the commitment are described in
available for inspection through the City Manger's Office and the Eugene
Public Library reference desk.
To ensure the objectives of this policy, the City has established an overall
goal for Minority Business Enterprise in the amount of 7% of contracting
activities. This goal is comprised of 5% to Minority-Owned firms and 2% to
Women-Owned firms.
5 00pm Vigil - Saturday
10:00am Cho»r Sunday
12:00pm Folk Sunday
Sr Kathleen S tu p fer. Principal
The City and any recipient of a contract will ensure that discrimination on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, mental or
physical handicap, or marital status is prohibited.
"Showers ot Blessings Broadcast
3 3 0 4 30
KUQ 1290
6 30pm
8 00pm
Evangelistic Worship
Noon D a / Prayer
Tuesday Friday
T uesday
Bible Band/Jr Church
Choir Rehearsal
The Pastor Speaks"
84 NE Killingsworth
281 0499
The public may submit written comments on the goals until November 17,
1980. These comments will be used for informational purposes only and can
be sent to Martin Brazier, Contract Compliance Office, Federal Aviation
Administration, 9010 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, WA 98108; or
Kent Gorham, City Manager's Office, Room 105, 777 Pearl Street, Eugene,
OR 97401.
7 30pm
7 00pm
7 30pm
Corner of 8th and Skidmore
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Worship 11:00am
Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm
(second and fourth Sundays)
Reverend Thomas I.. Strayhand, Minister