S ellin g sea fo o d w ith style Portland Observer October 16. 1980 Page 6 by Stephanie Cote Beth Hoover and Harvey Harris prepare deli sandwich for eager customer at Broadway Mall Fish Market. James Harris, co-owner, checks signs for specials, (below) (Photos: Richard J. Brown) I f something pleasantly unusual strikes you while your near Broad­ way don’t be alarmed, just follow your scent to the Broadway Mall Fish Market and Deli located on 1815 N .E. Broadway. The new Broadway M all Fish Market and Deli is under the dual proprietorship o f James Harris and Beth Hoover, who in Harris’s words, started the business because,“ We saw a need for the residents o f northeast Port­ land to have a fish m arket and delicatessen specifically designed to service their needs. The aim o f our business is to provide customers w ith top q u a lity products at reasonable prices, and to give the customers personalized service and assistance.” Harris is no newcommer to the business world, in 1974 he started Bon Vivant Clothier’s Store for men and women’ s fashions. His store has gradually expanded to tw o locations, the U.S. Bank Plaza in downtown Portland and in West Salem Oaks H ill Mall. Harris who is a native Portlander announced that he and Hoover have plans for ex­ pansion. “ Right now we have den sandwiches available to go, a wine cellar will be opened on the premises by a former sommelier o f the Ben­ son H otel. His experiences w ith wines w ill provide dependable service for interested patrons. In addition plans are underway to open a ” fish-chips” restaurant on the second floor. Because there are few qu a lity seafood restaurants located in the area’ a business d is tric t, our restaurant w ill be designed to cater to the business’ lunch crowd p a rtic u la rly Lloyd Center’s. The other half o f the ownership is Beth Hoover, a form er owner o f ‘ ‘ Books and T h ings"*locate d in N .W . P ortland. Her experience consists o f consultant work primiarly concerned with women in non-traditional fields. Both Hoover and Harris have had considerable experience in the business world.According to Harris, one of the special attractions that the market w ill o ffe r w ill be home deliveries fo r senior citziens and shut-ins available on Tuesday and Friday. Q uality fish w ill also be available daily, but special orders can be obtained by calling before 3:00 p.m. Monday through Satur­ day. When asked about the nutritional and economic value o f seafood, Harris asserted, “ Seafood is defin- tely healthier fo r consumers. Its protein value is higher than any other meat and there is less waste because practially all o f the product is edible. E conom ically you get more fo r your money and good quality , inexpensive seafood in a wide varictiy o f choices will be made available at our store. Eighty-five percent o f the m arket’ s products will be fresh, the other fifteen per­ cent is frozen because these pro­ ducts aren’ t found on the west coast.” Both Hoover and Harris are gor- muct cooks and information about preparing fish can be obtained from the m arket, in ad d itio n recipes specifically created by the market will be compiled and made available to the customers. The market’s operating hours arc Monday through Friday, ,0:00 to 6:00 p.m.; Saturdays from noon to 4:00 p.m.; Sundays, noon to 4:00 p.m. Special orders and deliveries can be obtained by calling 287-1221. Next time you’ re thinking o f what to have for dinner, step in and see the Broadway Mall Fish Market and D eli, yo u ’ re guaranteed to get hooked on it! BONELESS Pork Roast S hould* Butt U S D A Choice Boneless Beef $188 Chuck Steak Velveeta Slices X X “ } U o. S f 51 22.S-O« 69 Pkg I »o io-or $ 1 7 8 A» I »a Fresh Oysters Dungeness Crab Fresh Snapper — TRADEWELL FROZEN S N O B O Y Potatoes Hashbrowns „ Rich's Coffee Rich X X Celeste Small Pizza 0A,.. Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie Eggo Waffles S M itA iO i Maid Grapefruit Juice U Minut» n t*e«ten »d Concentrât» Totino's Pizza Pepperoni ,Cte Mushroom 100% Whole Wheat Bread Fr.ih.. SE 20th b D IVISIO N SE 72nd b FLAVEl NE 15th b FREMONT W BURNSIDE at 21st SAN RAFAEL 1910 NE 122nd Forest Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon City 978 MOI ALLA Candy 1061 SW 1st LLOYD CENTER T R M a ll tool 14410 SE DIVISIO N 3965 SE POWELL NE 74th b GLISAN HILLSBORO 960 SE OAK WE L L 1815 N E B r o a d w a y P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97232 287-1221 ~ \lo p s , C / S $ «5» S' er & o® resh C f Deli m eats • Cheeses, Breads Aresh F'* VALUABLE COUPON • Deli sandw iches to go »x Open 7 days a week »x Special orders can be phoned in before 3pm Monday - Saturday »x Home deliveries available on Tuesdays and Fridays for shut-ins and senior citizens. B rin g in th is c o u p o n to g e t 25% off on any purchase of • w hole fresh crab • Ling Cod •s h r im p * p ra w n s * rex sole offer good thru October 22. 1980.