Page 10 Portland Observar October 16. 1980 Portland Observer JOB FINDER F ESEARCH ASSISTANT Permanent position 175 100% FTE) in Perinatal Physiology Departm ent. Must have strong chemistry background; extensive knowledge and skill in thin-layer chrom atography; ad ditional areas of knowledge include radioim munoassays of prostaglandins, enzyme assays, cyclic nucleotides and use of radioisotopes. Will participate with investigator in modification of existing m ethods and set up analytical techniques described in literature. SECRETARY Performs all secretarial duties for a department of a public agency. A b ility to work under pressure. Must have ex cellent telephone skills. Type 55 wpm with one year office experience; w orking knowledge of general o ffice proce­ dures and office equip ment. Must have driver's license and availability of car. $926/m onth. Call Karen Bell at 249 5526 to (make application and appointment for testing no later than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 1980. All qualified ap plicants will receive con­ sideration for em ployment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, or p o lit ic a l a f f i l i a t i o n . HOUSING AUTHORITY OF P O R T L A N D AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Oregon Regional Prim ate Research Center 505 N.W. 185th Beaverton, Oregon 645 1141 Equal Opportunity Employer Bt'S DRIVERS •4.80 - 46.10 per hour •tfxoot bue Mo previous b BRICK MASON J o u rn e y m a n s ta tu s required. Starting pay $11.359 per hour. Ex­ c e lle n t b e n e f it s . Telephone 228-3160 for further information. ALU M IN U M CO. of AMERICA Vancouver, WA An Equal Opportunity Employer Ex cellent working conditions end benefits Homemehere COLUMBIA BUS SERVICE 6766 NE Columbia Blvd Portland, Oregon 2846406 Equal Opportunity Employer JOB OPPORTUNITIES As a leading company in the kidney dialysis industry, B-D DRAKE WILLOCK employs approximately 300 people in the Portland metropolitan area. Employment opportunities at B-D DRAKE WILLOCK are varied and provide employees the opportunity to demon­ strate their ability to accept increased responsibility. As an Equal O pportunity Employer, B-D DRAKE W ILLO C K encourages all interested job applicants to inquire directly through the Human Resources Depart­ m ent. Also em ployment opportunity inquires may be directed to any Oregon State Employment Service. B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 SE Pheasant Ct. Portland, OR 97222 (503) 659-3355 LIBRARIAN Lewis £t Clark College E v e n in g r e fe r e n c e . Librarian Academic year part time. $600 month starting. Submit letter of application, resume, and a list of three (3) professional references by October 22, 1980 to: Personnel Services Lewis Et Clark College 0615S.W. Palapine Hill Road Portland, OR 97219 Phone: 244 61612 Ex . 330 4 « Equal Opportunity Employer We have im m e d ia te need« fo r several p ro d u c tio n Annem blers w ith p rio r s o ld e rin g a nd c irc u it hoard b u ild in g experience and s k ills Previous fin a l assem bly experience h e lp fu l. D a y and s w in g s h ift o p e ning s a v a ila b le These p o sitio n s w ill be fo r th e new C la rk C o u n ty site. S a la ry is co m m ensurate w ith backg ro u n d B e n e fits in clu d e lib e ra l in su ra n ce , e d u ca tio n a l su p p ort and p ro fit s h a rin g p ro g ra m s A p p ly in person a t o u r V a n co u ve r E m p lo y m e n t o ffice at 3