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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1980)
Page 6 Portland Observer October 9. 1980 Norelco markets Black man's razor SOME FACTS ABOUT BLACK MAN RAZOR BUMP • M ore than 50 percent o f ail Afro-Am erican males suffer from the disease. Few Caucasians ex perience it. The recommended cure is to grow a beard. • The disease firs t became a p u blic issue during the Vietnam W ar when Black soldiers com plained about it. • Often, the more victims shave, the worse their skin becomes. Con tinued shaving can bring on disfiguring scar tissue that never heals. • Some victims o f razor bumps even find it painful to put their faces on pillows. • Instead o f grow ing a beard, some sufferers use depilatories. But the result is raw, tender skin. N orelco is m arketing a revolutionary new electric Rotary Razor this fall, called the Black Pro zw It is designed specifically for the Black man’ s beard and it is felt from tests that have been conducted that it provides the best relief available from the agonizing shaving problems most Black men suffer from. “ In a study conducted at a leading Black university, Black men suffering from razor bumps tested the Norelco Black Pro TM Rotary Razor /.win daily shaving. In almost every case. Black men were able to shave regularly with the Black Pro TM without creating razor bumps, and a majority found that the Black Pro actually reduced or eliminated razor bumps, entirely." (A leading professor o f Derm atology at a leading Black university). engineered fo r the Black m an’ s shaving problems. The Bump Brush is made up o f hundreds o f tiny hair raising loops designed to brush whiskers up and lift curly hairs out of ingrown pockets. As the razor is glided over the skin, the loops catch the hair and raise it up so the blades can shave it off. Therefore hairs are shaved o ff regularly and do not get long enough to grow back into the skin. The independent research at a leading Black university has provided proven results that the Norelco Black Pro tm w ith its unique Bump Brush tm Head ac tually improved over-all skin problems with over 80 percent o f the shaving participants. Regular twin blades cannot do this. They may shave o ff some o f the curly hair, but often cause the Computer aids minority purchasing W ASHINGTON - For minority firms interested in marketing their services and products to the federal government, reaching the “ right procurement personnel," and lear ning what services and products are in demand, can appear to be an overwhelming obstacle. An office in the U.S. Department o f Labor is helping m inority and small disadvantaged firm s bridge this gap with the department. It is the Office o f Small and Disadvan taged Business U tiliz a tio n (OSD- BU), headed by Walter C. Terry. Terry says a primary function o f his office is to assure that a " fa ir p ro p o rtio n ” o f contracts are awarded small businesses and disadvantaged firms. In effect, this office serves as a "referral system” to suppliers and buyers. This is done primarily by a com puter term inal used to retrieve detailed information in response to queries by business persons and procurement officers. The terminal at the Labor Depart ment is part o f the Procurement Automated Source System (PASS) o f the Small Business A d ministration. This data bank, Terry notes, con tain inform ation on 35,000 small and disadvantaged firms, including 6,600 m inority-ow ned firm s and 4,000 firms owned by women. The number o f firms registered in PASS is constantly rising as well as the number o f PASS term inals In federal agencies, according to Terry. Forms to register in PASS, may be obtained from the OSDBU or the Samll Business A d ministration. Registration is volun tary, and there is no charge for this service. Registration does not assure that the firm will receive a contract. But it does assure that once in the data bank, information about the tirm ’ s services or products is readily available to a wide source o f poten tia l purchasing contractors, says Terry. PASS permits each user to search fo r small businesses as a procurement source by name, em ployer identificatio n number, location, keyword and other in dicators. The system also permits the user to search fo r small businesses by postal Zip Codes. R U .D . s A SORRY RECORD ■ Since 1932 Oregon voters have rejected thirty-seven "peoples utility district" proposals. 1 Ordinary razors promote ingrown hairs, causing razor bumps ? The Nore i ) Black Pro M stands whiskers up and away from skin, into the blade There are 6,984,000 Black men over 18 in the United States and those who shave are often plagued by p s e u d o fo llic u litis barbae — simply put, razor bumps. This is a painful, scar-causing skin disease caused when sharp tips o f recently shaved hair curl back and penetrate the skin, thereby creating infectious lumps or bumps. The new Norelco Black Pro tm Tripleheader tm Razor has an ex clusive Razor Bump Brush tm covering its head — custom r razor bumps to worsen. This is the firs t electric razor designed for the Black man with a “ built-in” feature to raise the curly hair and p ull it out from the ingrown pocket. Furthermore, the Norelco Black Pro tm features specially designed cutters and combs that shave at, but not below skin level, also preventing the occurence o f razor bumps. Shaving every day with the Norelco Black Pro tm assures that the beard stubble does not get too long. V is to N Inactive Levied Faxes None None Inactive Levied Taxes None None for Many People Who Hove Central O regon P U D Inactive Levied Faxes None None Union or Company OPTICAL INSURANCI Central I incoln I T ’ D T itiv a te d Levied Taxes None 23,000 lax Information Not Available None None None None pi 4 ★ Contact Lena«« N O A P P O IN T M E N T NEEDED S«*ir l l a t t e r i n g E r n m e x A l.v n x e S lq le x H - iem lir - DR LARKY C R K D IT ■0 IW TtlM T \ o ( «arrytiaf rr Inaurante. Veterana S3M PLAN 9 1--- 1 " C X T F a it S ervice E»iy-Te-P«y t Weitere Pallenti Welcome 227-7200 o Locat'd m Optomatrlata SEMLER Optical Otllcaa Downtown Customers N o w Served IJmahlla PU.D SEMLER Opfomefrir > Ì f Refton ♦ Electric G en er ating Capacity Emerald P.U.D a REALITY PRECISION GROUND •159. ■ The four activated PU.D.S serve only 4% of Oregon's electric customers. Ta» Record SEMLER _ rrpcs ■ Not one PU.D. in Oregon has any significant electric generating capacity of its own. Status Protect Your Eyes With all ■ While the vast majority of these P.U.D.S levy taxes... very few ever supply their customers with any electric service. N am e o f P.U.D. B ecom es ★ New Low Prie» ■ Only fourteen "people's utility districts" have been started. Ten of the fourteen PU.D.S have since been abandoned, dissolved or are now inactive. 1942 Union Co I’ D D I lissolved Nehalem Basin IT I D Abandoned 0 Columbia River P.U.D Inactive L e v ie d T a x e s ___ ( latskanie I T 'D Activated—1942 Levied Taxes None 4,200 Hood RiverPU 1 i Dissolved Levied Taxes None None N Wasco PU D, A c tiv a te d - 1949 Levied I axes None 8,200 McKenzie R PU.D Abandoned 0 Wickiup PUD Inactive Levied Taxes None None None None Lake ( reek PU.D. Abandoned (J None None Tillamook PU.D A ctivated—1940 Levied laxes None 15,400 None None VOTE NO O N THE “PEOPLE'S UTILITY DISTRICT’ — S.W. 3rd It YAMHILL — Portland A tto cia tr Doctor of O p to m ttrr PORTLAND Or Lorry SEMLER Or M KELLY Or J BERRY - Dr Chria MAYER IA L C M A Com m om ol p a m * — sas-ra-ta Srore Or «OBERT MULL Optomome V H A ZEL DELL • A-erf M e re r 5 S ep p ,r,j Cenrer EUGENE IJ JO Chemten Sneer R beer — M l- t a a i Or KURT CARL Oo'cmet'et Or noetnr hull , i Paid for by ( Vegonians A g aim t I he G overnm ent Takeovers U 0 S W Stark Room 40C* Portland O regon. Suzanne M c G ra th Treasurer w orking w ith citizens in C latsop Clackam as. C oos H o o d River lackson Lincoln. Linn. M a rio n . M u ltn o m ah . Polk W ashingtiHi. and Yam hill counties