Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1980, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4 Portland Observer October 9. 1980
by Ethel Moore
2 ft to 3 pounds chicken parts
1ft teaspoons Seasoned Salt
1 m edium onion, grated
ft cup chopped celery
ft teaspoon Seasoned Pepper
Sw eet basil
1 package 11ft oz.) Spaghetti
Sauce M ix w ith Mushrooms
ft cup sauterne
W ater
4 large carrots, cut into ft -inch
, pieces
4 m e d iu m p o ta to e s , p eeled
ft teaspoon Lawry's Seasoned
OPEN • MON. thruTHURS. Fri. 11:00a.m. til 2:30 a.m.
Sat. 1:30 p.m. til 2:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. til 6:30 p.m.
3240 N. Williams Avenue
Chicken Costa: Good for any meal
Woman enters metal trade through apprenticeship
telling me just to go ahead and try
it . ”
Mrs. Gould, who has an associate
o f science degree fro m Tacom a
C om m un ity College, said she had
never considered w o rk in g in the
trades before.
“ Unless you go to a trade orien­
ted high school lik e Benson, you
d o n ’ t even hear about i t , ” M rs.
Gould said.
A fte r stu dyin g science courses
lik e ch em istry, a natom y and
physiology in co m m un ity college,
Mrs. G ould took a jo b as a recep­
tionist fo r four years.
The beginning salary fo r sheet
metal apprentices averages twice the
salary Mrs. Gould earned as a recep­
tio nist and journeym en’ s wages at
the end o f four years o f successful
a pprenticeship are three to fo u r
tim es higher than beginning
secretarial salaries.
N ow M rs. G o u ld w orks at
Streimer Sheet M etal, 740 N. Knott
Street and studies two nights a week
at Portland C om m unity College ap­
prenticeship tra in in g classes lear­
ning to fabricate and install sheet
metal items like heating systems, air
c o n d itio n in g
processing equipment and pollution
c o n tro l equipm ent fo r industries
and residences.
The metal ducts which carry heat
fro m furnaces to the rest o f the
building are common pieces o f sheet
metal work which most people have
in th e ir homes, M rs. G o uld ex­
Sheet metal workers use patterns
to cut the pieces out from flat sheets
o f metals, the construct the parts
"T h e layout is a lot like using pat­
terns to do cutouts in sewing,” Mrs.
Gould said. “ You use a specific pat­
tern for a p art.”
But the work is heavy and also in­
volves math skills.
” 1 w ork on a press brake right
now and you basically form angles
on a piece o f m etal. I t ’ s a heavy
trade and a hard trade. I don’ t do
anything special to get into physical
condition to do the work (like liftin g
large sheets o f metals and heavy
to o ls ). You ju s t w ork the jo b
everyday and ju s t b u ild up to it.
You get help i f there’ s something
heavy, just like the guys d o .”
“ You have to be committed to the
jo b because it is hard and it is
d irty ,” she said. "B u t it is also very
Mrs. Gould keeps a busy schedule
to meet the jo b and school
requirements as an apprentice. She
is up at 5 a.m. fo r work, in classes in
the evening u ntil 10 p.m. and still
finds time fo r hobby interests like
photography and flower arranging.
“ I ’ ve cut back on my schedule a
little this year, but I ’ m s till very
busy,” she said.
For more inform a tion about ap­
prenticeship tra in in g program s
w hich cooperate w ith P o rtla n d
C o m m u n ity College call the PCC
Stadium Center.
We offer savings of up to 40% and more on fine quality wonder and Hostess
products, plus large discounts on other baked goods Besides our every
day low prices, we feature in store specials daily Just look for the "bar
gain" signs on the displays in our store Discover for yourself what thou
sands of smart shoppers in the area have found
Beating inflation
This is the first o f i series o f help­
ful hints to beat inflation.
• Shop once a week w ith a very
defined grocery lis t...a lw a y s on a
fu ll stomach. Last minute shopping
trips before dinner tend to lead to
expensive snack foods and other ex­
tras w hich sim p ly put you o ve r­
• Shop on Friday nights after the
dinner hour. Stores are generally
stocked fo r S aturday selling and
there are fewer customers shopping,
so your trip is faster and hassle-free.
• There can be a wide variation
among superm arkets. Set aside a
day to visit superm arkets in your
area. Take yo u r tim e com paring
prices o f various p ro du cts and
produce. Make notes it it w ill help
you remember. It ’ s likely you’ ll find
as much as a 30 percent difference in
pricing, certainly m aking your trip
• Become a unit p ricing expert.
Your expertise w ill mean significant
savings and i t ’ s easy. U n it pricing
refers to a product’ s cost per ounce.
T o get the u n it price you sim ply
divide the number o f ounces into the
price of the product.
Exam ple: One brand o f canned
tomatoes sells at 54« for 10 ounces.
A second brand costs 56« fo r 12
ounces. Which would you buy?
I f you compute the unit price, you
w ill discover that the 12 ounce can
coast about 4.7« an ounce while the
10 ounce can costs ju s t 5.4.« per
ounce. Obviously, the 12 ounce can
is a better buy.
• In a d d itio n to com puting the
u n it price, check the label fo r
n u tritio n a l in fo rm a tio n . I f brands
are a few cents apart, but the more
expensive product contains twice the
n u tritiv e value, it may be a better
• Buy foods by w eight, not by
package size. You may be getting
more air in the package than you
bargained fo r by choosing just fo r
• The large econom y size isn ’ t
always the best buy. I f you’ re pur­
chasing an often-used product fo r
three or four people, chances are the
large size is a good buy. But before
getting to the checkout counter, be
sure to compute the unit price to see
i f the large economy size does in­
deed cost less per ounce than the
regular size.
• Figure the cost per serving when
you are deciding between tw o or
more cuts o f beef. Boneless or semi-
boneless cuts may give you more for
your money.
• Always calculate the difference
between a supermarket special and a
best buy. A special might not be the
best buy. For exam ple, chicken
breasts may be on special, but once
you’ ve compared prices, the whole
chicken might still be the better buy.
• Check superm arket bargain
tables. O ve rripe bananas can be
used immediately in shakes, breads
or cakes; bruised apples in ap­
plesauce and pies.
• Always buy food in whole form .
T h i^ includes e verything fro m
chicken to turkey, cheese to lunch
meat and stew vegetables to cabbage
fo r cole slaw. I t ’ s cheaper and easier
to do the c u ttin g and shredding
• Buy fresh fruits and vegetables
at the peak o f their seasons.
• Take advantage o f the good
buys in canned goods and frozen
vegetables in the summer before
processors start to can or freeze the
new crop o f fruits and vegetables.
Under New Mangement
1460 N. E. Prescott 284-3837
Food s ta m p s g la d ly a cce p te d
J NO on 11
115 N. C ook St
Corner of Vancouver & Cook St . Portland, Oregon
Open M on thru S a t-9 a m 6prn Closed Sundays
Paid by Portland Citizens Against The G overnm ent Takeover,
4242 SE M ilw a u kie , Portland OR 97202, D.E. A bram , Treasurer.
Open all holidays
M S 8:00 - 10:00/Sunday 10:00 7:00
Y o u 'll be am azed a t th e sa vin g s yo u
m a ke a t o u r W o n d e r T h r ift S h o p !
You must be completely satisfied with
every purchase or we will cheerfully
refund your purchase price
j NO
C & I
cl oseo
Rub chicken with Seasoned Salt.
Heat ’/ j cup salad o il in Dutch oven.
Fry chicken u n til golden bro w n ,
removing pieces as they brown. Add
onion, celery, seasonings, spaghetti
sauce mix with mushrooms, sauter­
ne and 1 '/ j cups w ater; blend
th o ro u g h ly . B ring to b o il and
reduce heat. Return chicken to D ut­
ch oven and add carrots, potatoes
and seasoned salt. Cover and sim­
mer fo r about 45 minutes or until
tender. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
B etty G o u ld , 28, w ho used to
work as a receptionist, is now in her
second year o f apprenticeship
tra in in g at P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity
College as a sheet metal worker.
“ 1 really did n ’ t know much about
it before I s ta rte d ,” M rs. G o uld
said, “ except that I like to build
things and the money is good. And
how do I like it? I love it. I ’ ve never
been happier. There’ s new things to
do everyday. I like the people I work
w ith. I t ’ s a challenge. I t ’ s a heavy
trade and i t ’ s a hard trade. And I
like that, to o .”
M rs. G o u ld , whose husband
Bruce is also a sheet metal appren­
tice at PCC, said a good friend o f
the couple talked her into trying out
for the trades.
“ He is a press operator and he
kept com ing over and te llin g me
how there aren’ t enough women in
the apprenticeships,” M rs. G ould
said. "H e kept encouraging me and
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