Portland Observar October 9.1980 Page 13 CITY OF PORTLAND MANAGEMENT ANALYST $23,338 to $24,752 P r o fe s s io n a l le v e l management analyst and budget review work Will SECRETARY-OFFICE prepare budget sub M A NA G ER CLERICAL W ORK m issions, m on ito rin g Clerical part or full time For Urban League field bureau su bm is s io n s , opportunity from home o ffic e . T ra n s c rip tio n | m o in to r in g b u r e a u working with mail. No skills desired. Type 55 progress and expen experience required. For wpm accurately. Star- ! ditures; perform special salary $10,500 information, «end stam ting audits and system ped, self-addressed en yearly Apply for person studies; and provide or send resume to: velope. general and technical George Rankins assistance to City D YN-NAR 5329 N.E. Union Avenue bureaus on budget and ENTERPRISE Suite 216 mangement concerns. P. 0 . Box 36 Portland, OR 97211 APPLY New Burnswick By 10 10-80. New Jersey 08903 Portland Civil Service An Equal Opportunity 510 S.W . Montgomery Employer Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, Oc tober 17, 1980 Women and minorities are e n couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer fngetMNnç Portland Observer JOB FINDER 1 Wacker SDtronic. Anew name in the Industry ? ment anical Engineer a If you are qualified a n d wont a real challenge please send resume and salary history to »on Ham ilton, Dept W-3, » O Box 031 »0, Portland Off 9 73 03, ( 5 0 3 ) 243 -30 20 An eq u al opportunity em ployer W ACKER S IL T R O N IC D A TA ENTRY OPERATOR Excellent career oppor tunity for experienced data entry operator. Must be efficient and ac curate on CMC. The Oregon Division of National Public Service Organizaiton located in Portland is looking for a Public Information Director. Minimum 2 years experience in Public Information required. Ex cellent writing skills essential. Journalism ex perience desirable. Will work with experienced public relations and advertising volunteers. Some community organization responsibility required. Please send cover letter, resume and writing samples, (non- returnable) and replies to: ATTN: Dodie Pem broke 910 N.E. Union Portland, Oregon 97232 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F BUS DRIVERS 94.60 • 96.10 par hour acFMMN bua No pravtous bua drMng upsrimes naoanary La cah«ot working condltlona and bonaflta Momomakora GROUP C LA IM S Excellent opportunity in volving figure work and public contact for person who can work indepen dently. Requires stable work history, 2 years of fice experience and light typing. Claims or ac c o u n tin g e x p e rie n c e helpful. Please call after 10am, 248 2112. TRAVELERS INSURANCE Equal Opportunity Employer 9766 NE Colum bia Blvd Portland. Oregon 284 9469 Equal Opportunity Employer EVENT CUSTODIAN Part Time General janitorial work, including cleaning spills, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc. 6-8 hour shifts, including evenings, weekends and holidays. Applications accepted through Wednesday, Oc tober 22, 1980, from 9am - 5pm: MEMORIAL COLISEUM COMPLEX INSURANCE LIFE 1401 North Wheeler Avenue National multiple line Portland, Oregon company seeks person $4.95/hour with minimum 3 years An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action life insurance experience Employer including business cases for position as Life Full benefit package to M a rk e tin g R e p re s e n include, fully paid tative to assist P and C medical and dental in agents in the production surance for employee of life insurance. Salary and dependents. Start + EXPENSES + CAR ing salary $840 per Excellent fringe benefits. month. Call for interview Send resume and salary requirements to: 225 5405 USFErG CO. BLUE CROSS P.O. Box 3459 OF OREGON Portland, OR 97208 An Equal Opportunity Attn: M r. Roache Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F -X X X X X X X X , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ XXXXXXXXX’.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-X^^X-X'X-^^'XX-x H U M A N RESOURCE A ID E I N U TR ITIO N AIDE $4.21/hour 20hoUfs/wk Contact families in North and Northeast Portland with Nutrition Education i n f o r m a t io n . C ar required. Mileage reim bursed. Apply by Oc tober 17. OSU Extension Service 1939 SE Hawthorne Portland, OR 97214 Phone: 233-8881 W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer f C O R P O R A T IO N DIRECTOR COLUMBIA BUS SERVICE GENERAL OFFICE involves responsibility for translating specifications service requests a n d or instructing m design or selection of appropriate equipm ent Supervise equipm ent start up Prepare necessary docum entation including operating instructions a n d special m aintenance procedures Engineering degree or five years design experience desired Public Info rm ation 4 -H BUILDS LEADERS M U L TN O M A H COUNTY LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE $1,006 $1,171 monthly This is practical nursing work involving various phases of patient care such as: dispensing m e d ic a t io n s ; ad ministering injections; taking and recording te m p e ra tu re s , pulses and respirations; and performing routine work in the care of con valescent patients. The current opening is in the communicable disease clinic. However, a general eligibility list will be established to fill other vacancies which may occur during the next six months. To Qualify applicants must possess a Practical Nur- possess a Practical Nurse's License from the Oregon State Board of Nursing A nd have one year of experience as a L ic e n s e d P r a c tic a l nurse. A p p ly for the above position no later than 4:30 PM, Friday, October 17, 1980. Where To Apply: M ultnom ah County Courthouse Room 130 1021 SW Fourth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (503)248 5015 An Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR SUPERVISOR Counsel 30-40 clients. Supervise and train 2-3 c o u n s e lo rs . M o n th ly s a la r y $ 1 1 8 9 -1 6 4 6 . R e q u ir e s M a s t e r 's degree in counseling or 5 years education and ex perience related to coun seling substance abusers plus skill in group, family and Individual coun seling. Contact Barbara Mongillo: CODA 257-0533 Equal Opportunity Employer X V X X X X " WocterSItronic. Anew name In the Industry? Plant Manufacturing Technician M u ll be experienced m a« phases of •te c h e a l mjtoHafion troubleshooting m aintenance ond m od ideations to new an d existing lystoms and equipm ent M inim um qualifications include a limited loum eym an m anufacturing electrical license Maintenance Mechanic Usmg knowledge of our production equipm ent troubleshoot repoir and rebuild m echo nicai equipm ent Also includes fabrication a n d installation of various m echanical systems Iwo years experience required lomiiianty with sheet m etal fabrication a plus if you are qualified a n d wont a real Challenge please send resume and salary history to »on Mom I Ron Dept W-3, P O Box 0 3 1 4 0 , Portland Off 9 72 03, ( 5 0 3 ) 243*2020. An equol opportunity em ployer T r -H t.x iiu n im FORESTRY INSTRUCTOR Forestry Tech A temporary full time teaching opportunity for winter and spring term 1981. Teaching lecture and lab courses in cluding forest and Botany, forest soil, silviculture, introduction to forest economic and o u t d o o r r e c r e a t io n required: a degree in forest technology, 3 to 6 years of practice of forestry experience with emphasis in forest management. Contract is for winter and spring term of 1981 only. Start ing 1-5-81. Salary in cludes a full fringe benefit package for com plete inform ation write: Director Of Personnel Mt. Hood Community College 2600 S.E. Stark Gresham, OR 97030 Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer CITY OF PORTLAND ASSISTANT ARTS C O M M IS S IO N DIRECTOR $ 1 3 1 6 /m o to $1661 mo This is an entry-level position in arts ad ministration with the city-county Metropolitan A rts C o m m is s io n (M A C ). The employee will assist the director of MAC in budgeting, grant acquisition and ad m in is tra tio n , p ro je c t supervision, public in formation and care and exhibition of the MAC art collection. Duties vary, but work is perfor med independently after Initial orientation and training. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, Oc tober 17, 1980. Women and minorities are en couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 'X * ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ u iitn n w ’ pOLlCE O F F /c ^ $1,420.00 starting per month $2,022.76 after five years service The N.A.A.C.P., the Urban League and Black United Front urge you to apply for the position of police officer. The first 200 applicants to register will be the first to begin testing procedures. The Portland Police Bureau's Minority Recruiting Unit is seeking qualified minorities and women for the position. If you are interested in a career in law enforcement and are 21 years or older, have a high school diploma or G.E.D., are a U.S. citizen and have no felony convictions, the Bureau is interested in you. Registration for the written exam is October 20, 1980 during 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Portland Civil Service Board, 510 S.W. Montgomery Street, Portland, Oregon 97201. Registration must be done in person. The written exam for the first 200 applicants will be given October 31, 1980 and Novem ber 1, 1980. For further information contact: Officer Dwight Ford, Officer Jeannie Bradley or Officer Beth Knudsen 248-5653, Personnel Division, 222 S.W. Pine Street, Portland, Oregon 97204. IN STR U M EN T TEC H NICIAN I Unified Sewerage Agency $1361 Per month with periodic step increases, training a n d /o r ex perience in maintaining, installing, repairing and trouble-shooting e lec tronic, pneumatic and mechanical instruments; skill in the use of stand ard shop tools and elec tronic and pressure test equipment; ability to in terpret blueprints and schmatics. Apply for the abuve position at: Washington County Personnel. Room 306 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro. OR 97123 Women and minorities are urged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Starting salary $9,500 annually. Submit resume before 5 pm October 13. 1980 to: Norm Monroe Urban League of Portland 718 W. Burnside Room 404 Portland, OR 97209 An Equal Opportunity Employer SPECIAL ASSISTAN T $850 month, general assignment, oral and written communications skills. Resumes to: Andy Raubeson Burnside Consortium 107 N.W . 5th Portland, OR 97209 Remodeledl $34.960 Immaculate 3 bdrm home features skylight, large kitchen, wall to wall carpeting and an un- fin is h e d b a s e m e n t. Qualifies for loan tc lender financing. Con venient location. 292 9111 for information or appointment. The Bill Snyder Co. REALTORS