- I HOUSE OF SOUND BRING PLEASURE LU Pleasure to appear at Paramount Theater This month, PLEASURE will be co-headlining several West Coast dates with CAMEO and KURTIS BLOW. Naturally, the band will be performing material from their latest Fantasy LP, ‘ Special Things/' including the just-released single. Now You Choose Me." A demo tape found its way to Crusader Wayne Henderson, who en­ thusiastically described them as “ the greatest new band on earth,” brought them to Fantasy (in 1974), and produced their first four albums for the label. In keeping with its strong group identity, Pleasure has undergone sur­ p ris in g ly few personnel changes. Trum pet player Tony C ollins, a Philadelphia native, joined about two years ago; guitarist Douglas Lewis, who’ s known all the band members since high school, became a part of Pleasure last year; Marlon McClain recently departed the band to pursue a solo career. The individuals in Pleasure have not infrequently become involved in projects outside the band. Nate Phillips and Bruce Carter, in particular, have extensive studio credits: Phillips has recorded with Narada Michael W alden, Ronnie Laws, Side Effect, Idris Muhammad, Billy Cobham, Esther Phillips, Bobby Lyle; Carter with Ronnie Laws, Roy Ayers, Wayne Henderson, Side Effect, Bobby Lyle and Gabor Szabo. Dennis Springer has recorded and toured with Jeff Lorber. Everyone’ s main thrust, however, is Pleasure. As Michael Hepburn puts it, "Pleasure does it all for me. The music represents the kind o f statement 1 really am proud of. As our music continues to mature, 1 just expect really good things to happen." Although various members o f the band have had classical training, or have played in jazz or rock contexts, Pleasure doesn’ t shy away from being described as an r&b group. “ The new album is definitely directed toward the r&b m arket,” says vocalist Sherman Davis, “ and it comes very close to representing our true sound and identity.” Donald Hepburn takes this even further. “ People are going to have to start accepting r&b music for what it is-an an form just like other kinds of music- and stop exploiting it, or ignoring it, or minimizing its importance in the in­ dustry. In my opinion, r&b is the dance music of the 70s, the 80s, and the 90s. It will be what Glenn M iller and those bands were in their tim e." Michael Hepburn feels that "W hat Pleasure is doing now reflects the state o f the art in Black music, which to me is all about quality playing." “ As far as ‘crossing over’ is concerned," Donald continues, " i f you play good r&b, it will get over. Pleasure is aiming to establish standards for r&b, and we’re constantly trying to improve both the quality o f our music and our presentation o f it on stage and record." Bruce carter (drums), Tony C ollins (trum pet), Sherman Davis (lead vocals), Donald Hepburn (keyboards), Michael Hepburn, (keyboads), Douglas Lewis (guitar), Nathaniel Phillips (bass), Bruce Smith (percussion), Dennis Springer (saxophones): these very special musicians take Pleasure in bringing you Special things. Muddy Water» will ba at the Euphoria, "live" Wednesday. Sep­ tember 24th at 7:00 and 10 X p.m. Check ad below for detail». Tower of Power will be at the Euphoria October 5th at 7:00 and 1 0 X p.m. DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS * * * * * AT THE EUPHORIA MISSISSIPPI * s WATERS - LIVE WED SEPT 24« 7 ft 10 30 PM Tickets $7.50 on sale now at Meier & Frank, G .I. Joes, Everybody’ s Records, Music Millennium & Euphoria. Listen to KKSN for details TOWER OF POWER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS NOT DATE CHANGE ✓ ♦ > SUN OCT 5 * 7-00 4 1030P.M. TICKETS V OH » ale wed at meiea t ERANK. 0 I X X » EVERTBOOY S RE­ CORD». MUSK MILLENNIUM « EU- PwORU A FALL F U N K A T H O N S TA R R IN G Bruce Carter, drums; Tony Collins, trumpet; Sherman Davis, lead vocals; Donald Hepburn, keyboards; Michael Hepburn, keyboards; Douglas Lewis, guitar; Nathaniel Phillips, bass; Bruce Smith, percussion; Dennis Springer, saxophones: these very special m u s ic ia n u a k ^ le a s u r ^ i^ r tn g in ^ o u ^ S p e a a l^ h in i^ ^ ^ ^ CAMEO ★ WE RE GOING OUTTONIGHT" "SHAKE YOUR PANTS' S P E C IA L G U E ST K U R T IS BLOW PORTLAND T h e L e g e n d a r y (a n A m e r ic a n M u s ic M a n ) "Long Distance C a ll," " I can't Be S a tis fie d ," "R o llin g S to n e " and scores of others have been recorded by artist after artist, attempting to capture the feelings relayed through the recordings o f the master. Born McKinley M organfield on D E B N A M and M AC K presents "The Breaks' M U D D Y W ATERS M U D D Y WATERS is probably the most imitated blues singer artist o f all time. Tunes like “ Got My M ojo W o rk in g ," "M anish B o y ," “ I'm Your Hoochie Cooche Man, ” "T rouble .Vo More, " "Y ou Can't Lose What You A in 't Sever Had, ’ ’ PLEASURE. CAMEO and KURTIS BLOW can be ...____ . 1 . . n4 c .n t.m b ir 29th. Call 287-IBbO for • * * a Crxnnrf Sunday, A p ril 4, 1915 in ro llin g Fork, Mississippi, Muddy W aters is in a direct line of descent from the great blues singer o f the Mississippi delta cotton farming .area in which he was raised. His m other died young so his father sent him to be raised by his grandmother on the Stovall plantation near Clarksdale. It was she who tagged him with his name. "She used to say I ’d sneak out and play in the mud when 1 was little so she started calling me M ud­ dy. The kids added Waters, it was a ‘ sling’ (meaning slang) name and it just stuck.” Since the release of " I'm Ready, ” Muddy Waters has been touring ex­ tensively. T hrougho ut 1978, he criss-crossed the U nited States before concluding the year in Europe opening a large hall tour for E ric C la p to n , another great derivative blues guitarist who owes an inspirational debt to Muddy and Robert Johnson. Muddy’ s newest release for Blue Sky is an entirely live recording, capturing Muddy at his best. Recor­ ded in 1977 and 1978 national tours (in Detroit at the Masonic Temple in 1977 and in Chicago at H arry H ope’ s in 1978), M uddy "M is s is s ip p i” W aters live (JZ35712) contains versions o f his most exciting and enduring songs, among them one o f M u d d y ’ s favorites by another blues master. Sonny Boy W illia m s o n ’ s " N in e Below Zero" and a familiar hit he co-wrote with Bo Didley and Mel London, "M a n n is h B o y ." Throughout the album, Muddy is assisted by a stellar group o f blues players including James C otton, W aters’ men Perkins, S m ith, Margolin, Portnoy, Luther Johnson and C alvin Jones as well as the album's producer Johnny Winter. In the spring o f 1979, M uddy again joined Eric Clapton for a 47 city to u r o f the U nited States. Beginning in Tucson in March, the to u r encompassed M u d d y’ s 64th b irth d a y celebration held in Springfield, Missouri (A pril 4) and his marriage to Marva Jean Brooks on her 25th birthday (June 5). Their wedding preceded the Chicago Stadium date where M uddy was joined by Clapton, Johnny Winter and W illie Dixon for a very special encore o f " G o t M y M o jo W o rkin g ." When asked if he ever gets tired o f so much travelling, he says, "Sure I get tired man, but I love the road. It’ s the chance to get out and see all my people. People all over the w orld say, ‘ who is this NOTICE Don’t forget to use the Stephanie Mills Dollar Coupon, so you can get one dollar o ff the albums listed in the House of sound ad to ypur right .1 Muddy Waters?’ ., and as long as 1 feel good and stay healthy, I ’ m gonna keep out there and give ’em a look. 1 love ’ em all...and they love me to o !" PARAMOUNT THEATRE ■Rl. SEPT. 2 6 ? r :E ----- P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N ------- ALL SEATS RESERVED - $8.50 - $9 50 Tickets on Sale at: HOUSE OF SOUNDS RECORDS • EVERYBODY'S RECORDS & TAPES BUDGET RECORDS & TAPES • MEIER & FRANK DEPT STORE • FREDERICK ft NELSON DEPT STORE FOR INFORMATION CALL THE CONCERT LINE AT 225 0750 Classic Studios Give th e ¿¡ft of m usic. STEPHANIE /H ILLS To h e a r ¡1 is to f e e l it She b ro u g h t you "What C h a G o n n a Do w ith My L o v in g ’," "Put Your B ody in It” a n d "Feel th e Fire" on her first a lb u m N ow S te p h a n ie M ills re a c h e s o u t a n d to u c h e s you a g a in w ith her n e w a lb u m a n d s in g le "SWEET SENSATION " A v e ry x — m o v in g e x p e rie n c e I ¿Si CAMERON I TOUCHED A DREAM r ~ n ti ÏJiX A S T y Adventure» in the Land ot Mu»ic ! L(i „<* House of Sound 3634 N. Williams Ave. ............PortJ?P_