Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 18, 1980, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer September 18. 1980 Page 5
Al Harris:
Dedication to music
fly \uihamel Scoll
There are many things of an at­
tractive nature through and about
the City of Portland Some o f these
things are the result o f Black
culture, emanating in the form o f
verse, song and music. One such
person who dispenses Black culture
in music is Al Harris.
Al Harris is working towards a
degree in music com position and
dispensing joy and happiness as he
strolls the streets o f Portland. Born
in A tlanta, Georgia, th irty-three
years ago, where he attended Clark
College, he has since put together a
string o f school attendances that
speak well o f his desire and am­
b itio n , Lewis & C la rk, Portland
State University and M arylhurst.
One o f his u ltim ate goals is to
reform the “ New W orld A frican
Band” which he once had with Tom
Boothe, and play o rig in a l com ­
positions that he as well as other
local musicians have written.
Al is dedicated to the music field
and has hundreds o f compositions
that he has compiled over the past
two decades and is p a rtic u la rly
pleased with the things he has done
within the last decade.
“ I view music as a vehicle o f ex­
pression and I try to tell o f the
things I have seen through my
music, but I w ill not sacrifice the
principles o f my music or o f myself
for the sake o f commercialization.
$100 total move in to vets.
low down FHA, FHA 245, and conventional terms also.
model open Sat. b Sun. noon to 5 p.m.
92nd Ave. at Burton Road. Vancouver, Washington
Call for a showing anytime.
My spirituality in music goes deeper
than that,” he asserted.
But, he is quick to give credit
where it is due. “ A number o f
people have been instrumental in my
career, but, Mr Clarence Gray and
Rudi M wongosi have been most
helpful, because they have taken a
great interest in me and my music."
When asked what he wanted to ac­
complish in life, his answer w as:"l,
the same as most people, would like
to secure a living through my field,
and at the same time bring joy into
the lives o f others.” Spirit, deter­
m ination and desire tell what Al
Harris is all about.
He plays a to ta l o f eight in ­
struments, and keeps the Kalimba,
an A fric a n instrum ent, in his
possession at all times. The Kalim-
ba’s African name is “ M bira" and
it produces a strange sound that
denotes the heritage o f the
Am erican Blacks; a m ixture o f
many things that flourishes with
sound and purpose.
Al Harris is just one o f the many
Blacks who wave the much needed
banner o f Black culture in the City
o f Portland.
This Model
4 bedrooms with family room, 2 baths, brick fireplace,
w/carpets, double garage, appliances, 10X20 concrete patio. Energy ef
hcient with 10 year Home Owner Warranty Price only $58,800. Other
Models priced from $48,500
7160 N.E. 99th Street
Vancouver, W A 98665
Phone 206 574 1522 Vancouver
or 503 241 3723 Portland, OR
A fte rn o o n Fun C lub held each weekday from 2:30 to 6:30
Highland United Church of Christ, 4635 N.E. 9th street.
St. A n d re w
a u ctio n s
m aterial
St. Andrews Community Center
announces its 7th annual Building
Materials Acution on Friday Sep­
tember 19 and Saturday the 20th.
The Community Center, located
at NE 8th and Alberta, serves the
neighborhood w ith
designed to reach all segments and
ages o f the c om m unity. Area
children pa rticip a te in the a fte r
school program from September to
June, a fu ll day summer school
c u rric u lu m , athletic groups and
open gym time, youth group and
family story telling nights.
Senior citizens hold weekly
quilting bees, join in senior bingo,
and are served in th e ir homes
through the shut-in visitation and
transportation services coordinated
through the center. People of all
ages participate in fo lk dancing,
Spanish classes, jazz dance classes,
volleyball, clown classes, hand-in-
hand festival, fiestas, com m unity
celebrations. The community center
is available to neighborhood groups
such as the Portland Black Reper­
tory Theatre, R .U .N .T ., Narcotics
Anonymous, Tribes o f One Feather,
and the Spanish community on an
as-needed basis.
The Building Materials Auction
will feature new and used building
materials, including a new furnace,
new storm windows and doors, a
new gas g r ill, electrical w ork, a
custom bathroom vanity, plumbing,
in s u la tio n ,
w indow s,
paneling, cabinets, and much more.
The silent auction and preview will
be Friday, the I9th, from 7 to 9pm.
The oral auction with the renowned
Russ Kerns as auctioneer, w ill be
held from I lam to 3pm on Saturday
the 20th. In addition, a special adult
fun auction w ill be held Saturday
night from 7pm to lam.
The fun auction features items
solicited from parish members and
friends. This year’s list o f over 100
items includes stays at vacation
homes in the m ountains, at the
beach, and in H aw aii, a six day
sailing trip to the San Juans, bicycle
tune-ups, and exotic dinners. A
special item this yea will be an elec­
tio n night party catered fo r I00
people - sure to be a bargain! One
$2.00 bid care will be good for all
three auctions.
A ll o f the money raised by the
auction will go to support the work
o f the community center throughout
the coming year.
St. Andrews Community Center
is a ffilated with the Health Help
Center, the St. Andrews Legal
Clinic, the Clothes Closet, and the
St. Andrew Community School.
Keep it Working
United Way
47 St. Johns Road
Vancouver, W A 98661
Phone 206-694-8577 Vancouver
or 503-223-8229 Portland, OR
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Energy solutions. It’ll take the two of usAbu and