Pag« « Portland Obaarvar Saptambar 18. 1980 PORK CHOPS Fresh Center Cut Loin Rib by Ethel Moor» dishes you can make with chicken wings. Here are a couple of exam­ ples. Spanish Wings with Rice is a hearty main dish and the M ing Wings - a 1-2-3 tasty surprise - can yfltily double for hors d ovevres at party time. Enjoy! Spanish Chicken Wings and Rica 3 lbs. Chicken wings W cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup salad oil 1 large onion, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 can (4 ouncel sliced rooms Idrained) 1 cup regular rice, uncooked 1 can 116 ouncel tomatoes 1 can (10 % ouncel condensed cream of mushroom soup 14 cup water, if needed 14 teaspoon chili powder In a plastic bag, mix flour, salt and pepper. Add wings, three or and place in casserole. Add onion, pepper and garlic to remaining oil in skillet. Saute about 5 minutes; add mushrooms and continue cooking fo r 5 minutes more. S tir in rice, tomatoes, tomato sauce, mushroom soup, water and chili powder. Pour m ixture over chicken; cover and bake at 350* fo r 1 hour or u n til chicken is fork tender and rice is done. Makes 6 servings. T-BONE STEAKS SPARE RIBS CORKED BEEF BRISKET Jimmy Dean Sausage £? Ming Wings 3 lbs. chicken wings % cup cooking oil 14 cup honey 4 tablsspoons dljon style mustard 3 tablespoons sesame seed In fry pan heat oil over medium heat. Add wings, 6-8 at a time, and brow n on all sides. Remove browned wings to long baking pan. M ix together honey, mustard and sesame seed. Spread half of sauce over wings. Bake at 350* fo r 20 minutes. Turn wings; spread with remaining sauce. Continue baking 20 minutes or until chicken is brown and fork tender. Makes 4 servings as a main dish meal. Ming Wings are delicious as an hors d'ouevre if disjointed fo r finger handling at party time. TIP ROAST Boneless Round 5$ '■Wp £ USDA CHOICE BEEF k” 1 Hygrode ■ K in g an i Brand BONELESS HAM CHOCK ROAST SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE SE 20th b D IV IS IO N SE 72nd b FLAVEL NE 15th Er FREMONT W BURNSIDE el 21st SAN R A FA E L -1 910 N E 122nd A t Home By Cal Williams One of the most dangerous places we go is our very own home. It is the most dangerous place for children under five because that’s where they spend most o f their time. Statistics show that accidents are the largest single cause o f death among children among the ages of one and fifteen. They cause more deaths and serious injuries than the six leading fatal childhood diseases. The m ajority o f fatal and crip­ pling accidents in the home can be prevented by the observation o f simple precautions for the protec­ tio n o f in fa n ts, toddlers, and preschool children. When children begin to walk parents need to look carefully at the home environm ent. The w orld becomes a challenge that invites ex­ ploration to these toddlers. They want to look at, taste, and touch roundsteaks USDA CHOICE o f control may be necessary. We do not advocate spanking as a method of child guidance. However, a swat on the bottom may help the child remember to stay out o f the road. Close supervision is necessary the first days children play out o f doors. If they are under three years of age they cannot be trusted to remember the hazards o f tra ffic : especially when their ball o f kitty runs out into the road. jSAFEWAY Cottage Cheese (Continued from page 1 col. 6) sponsored a variety o f in fo r ­ mational and cultural activities and done fun d -ra isin g as part o f a national effort by similar commit­ tees around the co u n try to help release funds fo r the Literacy Crusade. As part o f its on-going commit­ ment to aid the Reconstruction and creation o f a new Nicaragua, the Portland Nicaragua Support Com­ mittee has recently begun a cam­ paign “ M edical A id fo r Nicaragua.” Coordinating the local medical campaign is physician Bob Wagner M .D . The committee has been gathering much needed sup­ plies and equipm ent fro m local hospitals and physicians, which w ill soon be sent to Nicaragua Already the response has been encouraging, and more than 20 cases o f equip­ ment w ill be sent in the first ship­ ment. Friday’ s benefit concert w ill raise funds for the shipping and as more funds are collected, the hope is that an autoclave may be purchased to be sent down. A ll donations are tax-deductable through H A N D (Humanitarian Aid For Nicaraguan Democracy) c /o the P ortland Nicaragua Support C om m ittee, P.O. Box 6643, P o rtla n d , OR 97228. For in fo rm a tio n on the M edical A id Cam paign or the benefit, contact 235-9388 or 235- 5015. Thanks to you it works fo r all of us the United Way 14410 SE DIVISION 3956 SE POWELL NE 74th b GLISAN MILLSBORO 960SE OAK A m e r ic a n S ta te B a n k The Bank that integration built 2737 N.E. U n io n Save w ith SAFEWAY ‘Super Savers9 and v .«I Pla-v B inao, Too!! Pancake M ix Bologna Sliced Bacon Nicaragua Year of Health SLICED SLICED BACON everything whether it’ s within reach or not. It takes a lot of time for toddlers to learn what is dangerous and what is not, In the meantime all efforts to remove danger should be observed. In the spring children spend more tim e outdoors. T ra ffic does not seem dangerous to children un til they are repeadtedly taught to respect automobiles. Repeated war­ nings against running into roadways chasing objects such as balls or other toys and crossing the street alone are not enough to minimize the danger. Unwatched toddlers are as apt to play in the middle of the road or behind parked cars as anyplace else. Children hear so many “ no’ s” and “ don’ ts” that they remember only those that are explained, repeated, and firm ly enforced. Your child will not pay close attention if you tell him he must never run into the street where the cars go. Even if the warning includes the fact that he could be run over by cars, he still won’t realize the danger. It is undesirable to frig h te n children, but in this case that kind Fo'est Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon C>ty 878 MOLALLA Candy '061 SW 1st LLOYD CENTER Peanut Butter $428 Sliced Beef Liver Steak Treat Beef Patty Mix Stuffed Game Hens Variety Pack Bar-S Biggie Franks Ham Patties (tl. Toilet Tissue Lucerne Ice Cream Colgate Toothpaste B«y B -F x k t •« *•»»*•«•<(•*• SprtM •» >*•»<• (Mu •» ■•»<&) tab Cel One Rack .„FREE! One-Stop Shopping! bananas Golden Fancy Bananas No I s Lunchbox Favorite Selsun C offee Filters Blue OgnöruW SMmpoo In stan t S have CSMw Ùw" S w H m AsBonve Sxres 1 'von ®69‘ © $ ^ 9 6 *69« Whole Watermelon Bell Peppers S Bed Delicious Apples Radishes or Green Onions Large Crisp Celery *d Pnces Good Wed Sept '? Him Tues Sept 23 sm Porttend metro wee S e ta n * stores SAFEWAY Sates lim ited to Retail Ouantihee Onty i *1 t