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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1980)
Portland Observer Septem ber 18. 1980 Paga 3 we give you more . . . Special Purchase I » ■ !» -I home furnishings T O S H IB A B etter cooking fo r all the w orld r .to 1 À - 1 Ê fc » TOUCH CONTROL COOKING BY TIME OR TEMPERATURE Eugenia W rig h t and J. D. Hall shop for souveniers at Portland Artquake. They heard about the event w h ile in Eugene on location for the filming of their soon to be shown movie "Pigs vs Freaks" which stars Tony Randall. Eugenia plays D. D. and J. D. plays Riley W ebster Everything you need to enjoy microwave cooking at its best. Time 'N Temp automatic defrost. Time 'N Temp cooking. Audible- response touch controls. Therm-A-Matic Sen sor Probe. 9 Power levels. 10 Temperature settings. Extra-large. 1.52 cu. ft. usable ca pacity. 100 Minute electronic dig ital timer. Time-of-day clock. Meets all applicable U.S. government safety regulations. Hard-cover, full-color cookbook included. in the T .V . movie to be show n on N .B .C .'S M ovie Of The W eek, Novem ber 6, 1980 (Photo: Richard J Brown) »398 Government shuts off UC Berkeley's money W A S H IN G T O N - Labor Secretary Ray Marshall has issued an order debarring the University o f California at Berkeley from doing any government business unless it provides within 30 days employment records needed in a jo b bias in vestigation. The action is based on the univer sity’ s refusal to permit copying and rem oval o f certain records that could co n firm evidence of d iscrim in a tio n in re cru itin g and selecting faculty members in several departments, said Donald Elisburg, assistant secretary for employment standards. The dispute results fro m the university’ s refusal to release faculty review documents, and to allow notes already taken by federal in vestigators to be removed from the Berkeley campus. The investigators had found in dications of em ploym ent discrimination. A ccording to E lisburg, the university’ s action prevented the- departm ent’ s O ffic e o f Federal C ontract Com pliance Programs (OFCCP), and a former compliance agency (the Department o f Health, Education and W elfare) from verifying whether hiring standards were applied fairly by race and sex. The university initially refused to allow fu ll access to records and notes, stating that it would subject co n fid e n tia l in fo rm a tio n to disclosure under the Freedom of In formation Act. Later, it allowed access, but did not allow copies o f records to be made or notes to be taken o ff cam pus for analysis. While M arshall’ s order requires the university to provide these documents, it also requires the need to protect the faculty review process from invasion o f privacy, said Elisburg. “ The department does not seek to underm ine the peer review process,’'’ he pointed out. “ However, we have to determine if there are deficiencies in the univer sity’ s hiring process.” As a federal co n tra cto r, the university is required not to discriminate because o f race, sex, c o lo r, re lig io n , national o rig in , handicap or veterans’ status. It also must take steps to employ and ad vance qualified women, minorities, disabled persons and veterans. The requirements are enforced by OFCCP under Executive Order 11246 and two other laws. According to OFCCP Director Weldon J. Rougeau, a review o f the university was begun in March 1978 prior to renewal o f a S I.5 m illion contract with the Navy Department to continue biological research. The Berkeley campus’ to ta l federal business amounts to at least $25 million. Under the executive order, con tractors with individual awards o f SI m illio n are subject to “ pre award” reviews o f their EEO and affirmative action efforts. Building Materials Auction 7th annual, featuring new and used building materials, new furnance, new storm windows and doors, new gas grill, electrical work, custom bathroom vanity, cabinets, plumbing, insulation, windows, doors, paneling, plus many more items too numerous to listl Preview and silent auction Friday September 19, 7pm to 9pm Oral auction Saturday September 20, 11am to 3pm $2.00 bid card good for both auctions Russ Kerns, auctioneer St. A n d rew C o m m un ity Center 4940 NE 8th at A lberta, Portland 281-4430 A tradition of good pricesl Dealers w elc o m el A benefit for St. A n drew C om m unity Center The university's continued refusal to cooperate in the review resulted in an a dm inistrative com plaint being filed against it in June 1978. The campus employes about 15,000 persons, including about 6,000 faculty. O f tenured faculty, about 7 percent are minorities and 9 percent are women. Rougeau noted that the Univer sity of California, Berkeley depart ment is the 26th such action against a federal contractor, with half o f these within the past three years. He Call for education information A national toll-free phone line that provides in fo rm a tio n on educational opportunities geared to the needs o f adults entering or returning to college is now available. Callers will receive infor m ation on the more than 300 colleges and universities that assess learning gained through life or work experience. Knowledge and skills acquired on a jo b , through hom em aking, volunteer w ork, workshops, seminars, and training, may be recognized fo r award o f college-level credit. This service is federally and is administered by the Council for the Advancement of Experiential Lear ning (CAEL). C A E L is a national association o f collegiate institutions and colleagues dedicated to fostering quality experiential lear ning. There are approximately forty member institutions in the N orth west. In Oregon, there are four public and three private schools that offer credit for prior experiential learn ing. They are: Clackamas C om m unity College, C olegio Cesar Chavez, Eastern Oregon State College, Lange C om m unity College, Lin fie ld College, M aryl- hurst Education Center, and Southern Oregon State College. Eight other schools are considering or developing such programs. Inform ation on costs, location, length o f time fo r program com pletion, degree requirements and whom to contact, can be obtained by calling CAEL Learner Services, 1-8OO-638-7813, between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Interested in current books about African Liberation? Visit: JO H N REED BOOKSTORE In the Dekum Building 519 S.W . 3rd Avenue Sixth Floor ] Or call: 227 2902 added that the debarment is the first involving a university. The Berkeley campus o f the university's system w ill be prohibited from doing any further government business or business with any federal contractor. To regain its status, the campus will have to comply with OFCCP’s request that appropriate records and notes be provided. we give you m ore__ MITH COOKING SEMINAR INCLUDED □ home furnishings EASY TERMS 30th and S.E. Division 234-9351 Shop 9 to 9 T uesday thru F riday Saturday 9 to 6 (C losed Sunday a n d M on da y) OUR TECHNICAL SCHOOL WON’T CO ST YOU A CENT. For free job training —plus pay and benefits while you learn —join today’s Army. You’ll train on the most modern equipm ent. Benefit from on-the- job experience. And discover that your Army job may also have civilian applications. T he following are just some of the jobs (for both men and women) for which you may qualify. But all our jobs give you a chance to serve your country as you serve yourself. For more informa tion, contact your Army representative (listed in the Yellow Pages under “U.S. Army Recruiting”), or call the num ber below: • Administrative Assistant • Linguist • Aerial Sensor Specialist • Medical I .ah Technician • Air Traffic Controller • .Missile Mechanic • Chemical I .ah Assistant • .Missile Repairer • Communications Specialist • Multichannel Radio Operator • Communications System Mechanic • Pershing Missile Crewmember • Communications System Operator • Petroleum I .ab Specialist • Intelligence Analyst • Tactical Circuit Controller • Intelligence Interceptor • Teletype Operator • Hospital/Food Service Assistant • T ruck Driver • Light Heavy Vehicle Mechanic • Weather Observer THIS ISTHE ARMY 8 0 0 -4 2 1 -4 4 2 2 In ( ulifumia. call NMi-252-tXi||; Alaska, Hawaii, and Pucho Rico, H«Xt-421-27h,l