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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1980)
Portland Observer September 18. 1980 Page 11 P U B L IC N O T IC E DELIVERY PERSON PUBLIC RELATIONS Part tim e position Hostess host trainee to available for individual to learn custom er and be responsible for public relations w ith a delivering and picking up major restaurant fra n Instuctional equipment, chise. Three full-time or supplies, film s and share time positions for m aterials. M ust have o u t-g o p in g e n e rg e tic knowledge of City people. Fun job. Family streets and locations, and volunteer experience hold current Oregon Research Assistant Unclassified (Microbiologist) qualifies. Must be CETA d river's license w ith needed to provide laboratory support for an im eligible, live in M u lt good driving record and munological research project on fungal cells M S . nomah o f W ashington have a flexible work Counties. $750 month. in M icrobiology or B.S. w ith experience schedule, and preferably equivalent to training of an M S. in Microbioloby. Call 256-4750 fo r ap morning free. Beginning Salary: $14,712. Application deadline: September plication information. salary $3.10 - $3 50 per 25, 1980 Apply to: Equal Opportunity hour. Please apply in Employer person between 1:30 It is the p o lic y o f the Oregon D epa rtm e nt o f T ra n sp o rta tio n Dr. Edward J. Trione p.m. and 3:00 p.m., no KEX RADIO that M in o rity Business Enterprises as d e fin e d in T itle 49 D epartm ent of Botany later and than Thursday, Code o f Federal Regulations Part 23, and as it m ay be RECEPTIONIST amended, shall have the m a xim u m o p p o rtu n ity to p a rtic ip a te September 25th at: Plant Pathology KEX Radio has an m the pe rfo rm a n ce o f con tracts 'W university AMERICAN Oregon State University j opening for a front office RED CROSS Corvallis, OR 97331 receptionist. Duties in The D epa rtm e nt and any re cip ient o f a co n tra c t w ill ensure 4200 SW Corbett Phone 1503) 754 3451 clude greeting people, that d is c rim in a tio n on the basis o f race, c o lo r, na tional orig in, sex. age, religion, m ental or physical handicap, Portland, OR 97201 Oregon State University is an Affirm ative Ac- answ ering telephones p o litic a l a ffilia tio n , or m a rital status is p ro h ib ite d Equal Employment tion/Equal opoortunity employer and complies i (D im e n s io n s w it c h Opportunity Employer with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. board), and typing (50 ¡The re sponsib ilitie s and the objectives o f th is c o m m itm e n t wpm. Prior experience Lire described in the D e p a rtm e n t’s M IN O R IT Y BUSINESS RECEPTIONIST E N TE R PR IS E P R O G R A M w h ich is available fo r inspe ction but not throug h the A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n S ection and the EEO and PBX operator to work for helpful j necessary. Call Mary Labor C om pliance U n it large national consulting M 80 -16.10 per hour E n g in e e r in g f ir m . Kendall by Wednesday Ftee tremtng now for permerwnt pen Omt poamorw d rM rç « To ensure the objectives o f this p o lic y , the D epa rtm e nt has Requires minimum of 1 September 24th for an established an overall statew ide «joal fo r M in o rity Business •cboof bue Mo prewoue bue drM ng eapertenoe n — i . Ex ced en t w o rk in g co n d itio n s end b en e fits H o m em ekers interview . Phone 225- Enterprises in the am ount o f 6% o f c o n tra c tin g a ctivities year e x p e r ie n c e «toöente end '«iweee wetconw operating a central 1190 ext. 419. KEX This goal is com prised o ’ 5% t o M in o rity O w ned firm s and 1“«. to W om en O w ned firm s C O L U M B IA BUS SERVICE telephone sw itchboard R a d io /G o ld e n W e s t 0766 NE Columbia Btvd and performing general ! Broadcasters is An ¡A d e scrip tio n o f h o w the goals were selected is available for Portland, Oregon receptionist and clerical Equal Opportunity Em inspection, d u rin g norm al business hours (M onday throug h ¡F rid a y, 8 a m to 5 p.m .) th ro u g h the A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n 284 6400 duties. Must be able to ployer, M /E. S ection (R o o m 307 T ra n sp o rta tio n B u ild in g , Salem) and the Equal Opportunity Employer type 45 wpm on electric EEO A Labor C om pliance U n it, (R oo m 504, 325 13th St. CITY OF PORTLAND N E . Salem) u n til O cto ber 10, 1980 t y p e w r it e r . S a la r y POLICE RECORDS d e p e n d in g upon The p u b lic may su b m it w ritte n com m ents on the goals u n til CLERK I q ua lifica tio n of ap O ctober 25, 1980 These com m ents w ill be used for plicants. Closing date: This is entry level general j in fo rm a tio n a l purposes o n ly and can be sent to G L Green, (POSTDOCTORAL) September 26, 1980. clerical w ork in the D ivision A d m in is tra to r, Federal H ighw ay A d m in is tra tio n ,! Needed for research on the mechanism(s) of ac Police Bureau. W ill The E q u ita b le Center. Suite 100. Salem, OR 9 7 301, or Kay Send resume to: tive spore discharge for selected plant pathogenic process and maintain in T u r n e r , A ffir m a tiv e A c tio n S ection Manager, Oregon STRAAM ENGINEERS D e p a rtm e n t of Transportation, T ra n sp o rta tio n B uilding , Fungi Im perfecti. Ph D w ith specialization in formation on crimes, in S a le m , OR 9 7 3 1 0 , or G areld Inloes, EEO & Labor 5505 S.E. mycology or mycology-oriented plant pathology. cidents, and arrests; C o m p lia n c e Manager, Oregon State H ighw ay D ivision, Milwaukie Avenue Position available January 1, 1981, or later I type from rough copy; T ra n sp o rta tio n B uilding , Salem, OR 9 7 310 Portland, OR 97202 (negotiable). Closing date fo r applications: operate teletypes and A n Equal Opportunity November 1, 1980. Application should be sent to: c o m p u te r te rm in a ls ; Affirm ative A ction , search police records Employer I and provide information Dr. C .M . Leach to various law enforce D epartm ent of Botany and FAMILY DAY CARE ment agencies. Salary CERTIFIERS Plant Pathology 10 Key Adding Machine Skills Preferred Two full and one part- begins at $4.68 hour and Oregon State University progresses to $6.21 hour Will Train On Proof Machines. Free Parking, time position licensing of Corvallis, Oregon 97331 after 3 years. Salary in Employee Cafeteria. Excellent Benefit Program. Family Day Care homes cludes a very attractive in the Tri-County area. and should include curriculum vita, three letters of S C H E D U L E S Part tim e 3 30pm to fin ish , T r a n s p o r t a t io n and ; b e n e f it s p a c k a g e . recommendation, university scholastic records, 3 5 nights uer week Mon. Fn. Records Clerks must be group experience m an published or unpublished manuscripts, and any w illing to work day, datory, child care coun other information considered pertinent by the ap evening or night shifts as S A L A R Y ;. Part tim e trainees $3.50 hr plus sel 238 4320. Send plicant. Oregon State University is an Affirmative j well as weekends and 7 ’4 % for n ig h t d ifferential. resume or apply at: Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies I holidays. 1110 S.E Alder with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. APPLY Portland, Oregon 97214 Closing date September For more information call 225-6241 «Mt® Portland Civil Service 23, 5 p.m. only between 3:30-8:30pm. 510 S.W. Montgomery A n Equal Opportunity Apply Personnel Dept 10 2:30pm Portland, Oregon 97201 Employer U S. N A TIO N A L BANK No later than Friday, OF OREGON September 26, 1980. KEY ENTRY Takes and transcribes minutes at meetings, types U S. BANK PLAZA-555 SW OAK Women and minorities OPERATOR reports form s, docum ents. M aintains office Equal Opportunity Employer OPS Blue Shield has are encouraged to apply. records. Requires experience in shorthand and /In Equal Opportunity opening for full time ex general clerical skills. Knowledge of: business, " ' T i j not a lip, or eye, we FAMILY DAY CARE Employer perienced key disc beauty call, but the joint English, spelling, pun ctua tio n. Possess CERTIFIERS operator on swing shift. force and full result of all." organizational skills and ability to work w ith F u ll- tim e p o s itio n s . Alexander Pope Speed and accuracy im public. W illing to work 2-3 e ven in g/m o nth. Licensing of Family Day p ortan t. Top pay for Salary: 916-1113 per month. Apply to: Care homes in the Tri- equivelant experience. I County area. Transpor Excellent benefits. Con ta tion , group training, CIlTT^I ©IF BlllkWMTOHl tact Pam S m ith after and ability to speak • 10722 S.E. MAIN STREET • 8:30 a m. Telephone Spanish required also. 243 7406. MILWAUKIE, OREGON 97222 Vietnamese / Cambodian 619 S. W 11th Deadline for applications: September 26, 1980. speaking people are en Portland, Oregon 97205 couraged to apply, Child 7th annual, featuring new and used Equal Opportunity building materials, new furnance. new Care Counsel 238-4320. Employer storm windows and doors, new gas grill, Send resume or apply at: electrical work, custom bathroom vanity. Handicapped welcomed. Tem porary Faculty Position In CAtowiels plumbing, insulation, windows, 1110 S.W. Aider doors, paneling, plus many more items Portland, Oregon 97214 O utdoor Recreation Planning KQFM RADIO too numeroua to hat I Closing date September KQFM Radio is hiring for ’ Preview and silent auction 23, 5 p.m. a traffic and continuity Friday September 19. 7pm to 9pm An Equal Opportunity Oral auction d irector; m inim um 2 Saturday September 20 11am to 3pm Employer years experience in traf $2 00 bid card good for both auctions fic and c o n tin u n ity in Russ Kerns, auctioneer A temporary, 12 month position with technology radio or T.V. and use of transfer and research responsibilities in outdoor NEWSTEPFAMILY7 S t. A n d re w C o m m u n ity C enter computer systems. Con recreation planning. Responsibility for developing Researcher at Portland 4940 NE 8th at A lb e rta, tact KQFM Radio: a training package and providing training for im State wishes to interview Portland Andrew Raimar plementation of the outdoor recreation oppor 281 4430 s te p fa m ilie s fo rm e d 226-0100 A trad itio n of good pricesl tunity spectrum planning process being developed within the last 6 months Golden West B road Dealers w e lc o m e l with the Bureau of Land Management. Travel and for a important study on casters is an "Equal Op extensive contact with BLM personnel required. stepfam ily adjustment. portunity Em ployer" M- A benefit for St Andrew Com m unity Center Position available October 1, 1980 and to be filled Must have a child bet Portland Observer JOB FINDER ' MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) MICROBIOLOGIST POLICY STATEMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I ♦ BI S DRIVERS CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposal» will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for item» detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For ad ditional information telephone Buyer at number listed. When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier s check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate »mount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful pertor mance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland, all bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Com pliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five (51 days prior to the Bid opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid unopened. BID NO. 27 A 30 C 9295 RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Z~ PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS STENOGRAPHER CLERK Building _ Materials Auction OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY at the Assistant Professor level. Salary ranges from $21,000 to $24,000 for 12 months. Ph. d. in outdoor recreation planning or behavior required and demonstrated ability to report research results to management audiences. A Position available October 1, 1980 and to be filled at the Assistant Professor level. Salary ranges from $21,000 to $24,000 for 12 months. Ph.D. in outdoor recreation planning or behavior required and demonstrated ability to report research results to management audiences. Applicants send resume’ and three letters of recommendation by September 24, 1980 to: Perry J. Brow n, Head Resource Recreation M a n g em en t School of Forestry Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Telephone (503) 754-3607 Oregon State University is an Affirm ative A c tion/Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. F SECRETARY Full tim e position available for an individual to perform a variety of secretarial duties, such as typing, filing, record maintenance and com piling inform a tion fo r reports and special projects. Must be able to type 80 wpm and enjoy working w ith staff and v o lu n te e rs . E xce lle n t benefits, salary range $714 - $800. Please aoply in person between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. no later than Thursday, September 25th at: AMERICAN RED CROSS 4200 SW Corbett Portland, OR 97201 Equal Employment Opportunity Employer M ake an investm ent in you r co m m u n ity Please give the United Way o FOR SALE 66 Ford ’A ton pickup truck, V-8, runs good, $600.00 or best offer. Call anytime 287 8303. ween 10-18 years. In teresting and confidental interview at PSU. $25.00 paid. For more in fo r mation call 229-4040. A WOMAN'S CHOICE ABORTION Abortion is safe and legal when provided in a clinic setting. The Portland Women's Health Center is a non-profit, women-controlled clinic providing gynecological health care screenings, birth control, pregnancy screening, abortion, and referral information. Fees ere on a sliding scale. Welfare, in surance, and credit cards are accepted. For further information call: PORTLAND W OM EN'S HEALTH CENTER 34 35 36 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Furnishing Annual Supply of High Pressure Sodium Vapor Street Light Luminaires. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass t Purchasing Mgr., 248-5374. 10% Bid Surety Required. Labor, Material Et Equipment for Kerby Building Roof Project. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety Required. Improvement of N Edison St from N St Johns to N. Reno Ave. For more information call Harold Vaughan, Purchasing Manger, 248 5375. 10% Bid Surety Et Prequalification of Bidder Required Labor, Material Et Equipment for 60-lnch Water Supply Main. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass't Purchasing Mgr., 248-5374. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidders Required. 10/31/80 9/23/80 09/23/dO 10/07/80 Labor, Material Et Equipment tor Janitorial Services at 5 locations. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surey Required 10/02/80 Labor, Material & Equipment for Constructing Ex tension to Existing Boat Ramp. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety Et Prequalification of Bidders Required 09/23/80 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 a m. Pacific Daylight Time, Monday, October 20, 1980, at its facilities at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, Conference Room "D ," Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, attention Ms. Ann McFarlane, Assistant Grant and Contract Specialist, Planning and Development Division. Bids will be opened at that time for: Printing of Tri-Met System Maps Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex or national orgin, in con sideration for contract award. The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for Bidding may be obtained from Ann McFarlane at (503) 238-4802. TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 2:00 P.M. Local Time Monday, October 20, 1980, at its facilities at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, Conference Room " 0 " , Third Floor, Portland, Oregon, 97202, at tention Ms. Ann McFarlane, Assistant Grant and Contract Specialist, Gran ts and Contracts. Bids will be opened at that time for: Printing of Tri-Met Schedule Books Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not discriminate with regard to race, color, sex, or national origin, in con sideration for contract award. The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for Bidding may be obtained from Ann McFarlane at (503) 238 4802. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Women's Choice Clinic WE HAVE MOVED TO: 6610 SE Foster Portland, Oregon 97206 ,503,777-7044 New Hours: 9:00am - 6:00pm Some evening clinics Early io; tkatei war» fashioned out of tha brisket bones of oxen and fastened to the soles of the skaters boots by thongs.