t Portland Observer July 17, 1980 Page 7 'ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Portland Observer CITY OF VENETA CITY HALL VENETA. OR 97487 Separate sealed BIDS tor the construction ot a 2 0 MILLION GALLON |DOMESTIC WATER RESERVOIR will be received by the City Recorder, City ot Veneta. Oregon, at the ottice of City Hall, until 2 00 p.m,, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, July 28 1980. and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud The Contract documents may be examined at the following locations Schaudt. Stemm b Walter. Inc. 388 High Street. Eugene. Oregon; City Hall Veneta. Oregon. Eugene Builders Exchange 145 E. 29th Avenue Eugene Oregon Copies of the Contract Dcouments may be obtained at the office of Schaudt. Stemm b Walter, Inc., located at 388 High Street, Eugene Oregon 97401 upon payment of $50 for each set An bids must contain a statement assuring compliance with ORS 279.350 relating to prevailing rates of wages Any Bidder upon returning the Contract Documents promptly and in good condition, will be refunded the payment, and any non bidder upon so returning the Contract Documents will be refunded $50. A pre bid conference will be held July 16. 1980 All interested parties shall meet at City Hall Veneta. Oregon, at 1:30 p m.. Pacific Daylight Savings I T ime KIC HA RD GUTMAN. MAYOR CITY OF VENETA OREGON ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF VENETA CITY HALL VENETA. OR 97487 Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of a PUMP STATION AND I APPURTENANCES FOR A DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM will be received by the City Recorder, City of Veneta, Oregon, at the office of City Hall, until | 2 3 0 p m Pacific Daylight Savings Time, July 28, 1980, and then at said of bee publicly opened and read aloud The Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations: Schaudt, Stemm b Walter, Inc , 388 High Street, Eugene, Oregon, City I Hab Veneta, Oregon; Eugene Builders Exchange 145 E 29th Avenue, | Eugene Oregon. Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of I Schtudt, Stemm b Walter, Inc., located at 388 High Street, Eugene, Oregon 97401, upon payment of $50 for each set. All Bids must contain a statement assuring compliance with ORS 279 350 | relating to prevailing rates of wages Any Bidder, upon returning the Contract Documents promptly and ini good condition will be refunded the payment, and any non bidder upon so | | returning the Contract Documents will be refunded $50 A pre bid conference will be held July 16 1980 All interested parties shall I meet at City Ha.i, Veneta, Oregon, at 2:15 p.m., Pacific Daylight Savings) ine. HU H A RD GUTMAN, MAYOR I CITY OF VENETA, OREGON) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITYOF VENTA CITY HALL VENETA, OR 97487 separate sealed BIDS for the construction of TRANSMISSION AND| DISTRIBUTION WATER MAINS consisting of approximately 2800 i f. o fl 12 inch water main, 2700 i f of 14 inch water main, 3000 i f. of 16 inchi water mam, and appurtenances, will be received by the City Recorder, City I of Veneta, Oregon, at the office of City Hall, until 2:15p.m., Pacfic Daylight Saving! Time July 28, 1980, and then at said office publicly opened and) •■ad aloud Die Contract Dcouments may be examined at the following locations: idt Stemm b Walter, Inc , 388 High Street, Eugene, Oregon; City I Hai, Veneta, Oregon, Eugene Builders exchange, 145 E. 29th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon. All Bids must contain a statement assuring compliance with ORS 279.3501 relating to prevailing rates of wages Any bidder, upon returning the Contract Documents promptly and in good condition, will be refunded the payment, and any non bidder upon so) returning the Contract Dcouments will be refunded $50. A pre bid conference will be held July 16, 1980 All interested parties shall meet at City Hall, Veneta, Oregon, at 3:00 p.m., Pacific Daylight Savings T ine R ICHARD GUTMAN, MAYOR CITY OF VENETA, OREGON LEGAL NOTICE ITO All Registered Oregon Voters. IRE An Assembly of Electors for the nomination of Barry Commoner for President and LaDonna Harris for Vice President of the United States. I By this notice at least 25 (tw enty five) registered voters of Oregon (announce that an assembly of Electors will take place from 10 a m until 10 |p m on July 27, 1980, at the Portland Memorial Coliseum for the purpose (o f securing 1,000 (one thousand) signatures of registered voters on a (Petition of Nomination for 6 (six) electors to be placed on the General Elec | tion Ballot of the State of Oregon in November, 1980, those six electors will be committed to casting their ballots in the Electoral College of the United | States of America for Barry Commoner for President and LaDonna Harris | for V, ,e President of the United States The following qualified registered voters of Oregon desire the Commoner I Harris election and hereby call the Assembly of Electors: Mark Becker Ed ward H Blackburn, Kathy Blissenbach, Merle Carll, Cheryl L. Campbell, Deborah J Cox, Thomas P. Cox, Bruce Fitzgerald, Charles Dana Good- macher, James Gore, John Hand, Owen Harrington, Mary Anne Hellerud, John Jorstadt, Jane MacQueen, Greg Marsh, Rachel Mordhorst, Claudia Nissley, David J Onheiber, R. Bruce Plumb, Janyth K. Reid, Ralp Saltus, | Harry Shaich, Michael N Schaich, Rhonda Schneider, Kent V. Snyder, Veracocha Starr, Laura Stine, Theodore P Toll, Jr., Laurel Weissman. Publish July 17, 1980 ST AN D R EW S CATHOLIC CHU RCH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 281 4429 Masses 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12 00pm Folk Sunday ST. ANDREW CO M M U NITY SCHOOL 4919 NE 9th Ave N orita Kelly, Principal Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 th ru fl JOB FINDER MEMORIAL COLISEUM PRINCIPLE ACCOUNTANT Salary $18.000 $22,000 depending on experience and qualifications. MECHANIC II City ot Salem $6.72 $8.21/hr. Per form major overhaul and repair work on autom otive, c o n s tru c ­ tion and related equip ment. Considerable ex perience as a journey man auto mechanic; or any combination of ex perience and training. Knowledge of gasoline and diesel powered engines. Skill in motor repairing and adjusting, and body repairs and painting A b ility to diagnose electrical and m e c h a n ic a l fa ilu re s , weld and fabricate parts. Posses valid Oregon driver s license prior to date of hire and ability to meet city driving stand ards Possess own tools. Closing date: July 18, 1980 Apply: City of Salem Personnel Department 555 Liberty SE Salem, OR 97301 An Equal Opportunity Employer High level professional accounting and super * PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC visory work done under w « are presently soaking e.peuencwl t«ndldeles for the direction of the ine rotio«ing openings Comptroller. Will work on new automated ac Clerical & Secretarial co u tin g sub system s; Requirements ,Of position modify existing systems and sub systems; ex General Laborers plain policy and reports Requires .ib lily Io poftorm physical u s x j to coliseum users; p re p a re f in a n c ia l Engineers statements, and perform Electrical research and analysis as Mechanical assigned Supervisory Nuclear e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . Apply by resume only, do not include sex, age, Programmer Analyst race, religious affiliation 2 or more yrs of progriin.n.ng e«pe- m ce 1« . n « « in resume. Send resume 5>ty Bachelor degree preferred to: PGE ii continually seeking qualified appiicenn We MEMORIAL welcome applications and refer to them .,n ,n openings L T" Applications may be c o ™ ie i£ j COLISEUM Monday through Friday 8 a m lo 5 p m P 1401 N. Wheeler Portland, OR 97227 Apply Women and minorities are encouraged to PUBLIC RELATION PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC apply COORDINATOR Employment Office An Equal Opportunity Part time fo r Youth Willamette Canter 121 SW Salmon Employer Agency. 20 hours per w eek, new spaper An Equal Opportunity Employer stories, T.V. and Radio, MULTNOMAH public service spots, in­ COUNTY house fliers and bulletins. Send resume INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES MANAGER to: COUNSELOR NEEDED (unclassified Program P O Box 3137 iai POLICY TYPIST 4 positions M ust live North Pacific Insurance Portland, OR 97208 Manager 2/Corrections) outside city limits and be Co., has an opening for a $25.056 $35,496 An Equal Opportunity CETA eligible. nually (depending on Employer Policy Typist. Must en RAPHAEL HOUSE joy forms and statistical qualifications and ex 755 6729 The in ­ typing. 40 50 wpm, perience.) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT accuracy more important s t it u t io n a l S e rv ic e s MULTNOMAH Good typing skills a than speed. $675 per Manager is responsible COUNTY must. Hours 2-10 p.m. for the adm inistration month. Call Personnel and operation of security Monday through Friday. 643 7661 PROGRAM Salary $9,000 yr. Send and program m atic ac For appointment. MANAGER I resume to: tivitie s w ithin four An Equal Opportunity (Road Maintenenace) cutody facilities, which NORTH PORTLAND Employer M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , house and care for ap YOUTH SERVICE Oregon. Salary range CENTER proximately 500 inmates WASHINGTON $20,880 to $31,320. The 7704 North Herford in both a pretrial and COUNTY county of Multnomah is Before 7 24 80 sentenced status The recruiting for a Program A n Equal Opportunity institutional service sec CIVIL ENGINEER I manger I to take charge tion employs over 175 Employer $1639 $1991 per month of the Division of Four year college or persons in security, Operations and Main counseling and support tenance, Road M ain ­ university degree w ith DISCREET services positions. THIS tenance section. The major course work in PERSONAL POSITION REQUIRES a employee occupying this civil engineering or five INTRODUCTIONS thorough knowledge of position is responsible years or increasingly Plamates International and dem onstrated ex fo r directing the responsible experience in P O. Box 4402 perience in modern operation of the Road civil engineering in ­ Mountain View, CA. management and correc Maintenance program. cluding road, drainage, 94040 1415)961 8135 tional principles and Performs Management or bridge design ex­ p r a c tic e s in c lu d in g work involving a full perience; or any other le a d e rs h ip , p ro g ra m range of management satisfactory equivalent MULTNOMAH planning and analysis, responsibilities at the com bination of ex COUNTY financial administration, section level; c o o r­ perience and training. ENGINEER. DESIGN nersonnel management PLANNING AIDE dination of section ac­ and CONSTRUCTION and a broad under­ $ 1056 $ 1283 per month tivities. Anticipates and M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , standing of the laws, developes plans for Two years of experience policies and regulations O regon. U ncla ssifie d achieving program o b ­ related to the graphical applicable to the a d ­ position. Salary range jectives and operational presentation of technical m inistration of the $20,888 $31,320, DOE data and graduation goals; exercises super M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty c o rre c tio n s p ro gram . v is o ry re s p o n s ib ility ; from a senior high Planning and Develop Actual security e x­ drafts or m odifies school; or any satisfac­ m ent D iv is io n , perience in a correctional procedures and existing tory equivalent co m ­ Engineering Section, is in s titu tio n is required. guidelines; monitors and bination of experience Qualified applicants will recruiting for a Design analyzes program e x ­ and training. C o n s tr u c tio n be contacted for a per­ a nd CORRECTIONS penditures; directs and Engineer. The employee sonal interview. A p p ly OFFICER assigns section w ork; for the above position no occupying this position $1283 $1639 per month makes recommendations later than 4:30 PM, administers projects for Knowledge of care and for changes in staffing Friday, August 1, 1980. the design and construc­ patterns; evaluates and treatment of male per tion of public facilities, Where to A pply. Sub analyzes work p e rfo r­ sons held in penal in ­ mit application form and prim arily roads and m ance; re co m m e n d s stitutions, ability to work i resumes to: sanitary storm sewers, recruitment sources; im- ! w ith and gain the re and perform s a wide M ultn om ah County p le m e n ts s t a f f spect, cooperation and range or related design Personnel O ffice confidence of inmates. d is c ip lin a r y a c tio n s ; work on complex struc­ 426 SW Stark, 7th Floor authorizes personnel ac­ Knowledge of the con­ tural engineering projec­ Portland, OR 97204 cepts of rehabilitation tions; councels subor ts. PHONE: (503)248 5015 dinates and guides work and theory of prison To Q u a lify , applicants A n Equal Opportunity performance. Qualified managem ent; physical must have a B.S. in civil Employer applicants must have strength to maintain or s tr u c tu r a l four years of A d ­ order and conduct of e n g in e e r in g . And CITY OF PORTLAND ministrative or Technical unruly inmates. GRANTS ANALYST possess an Oregon NIGHT SECURITY work experience in Road $22.610 to $23,982 registration in Civil or WORKER M aintenance or in a , P ro v id e f in a n c ia l Structural Engineering or $1006-$1223 per month related field and tw o technical assistance to be able to obtain one by Experience in the years of academic managers, explain pro­ recipocity, And four 141 training in an accredited custody and maintenan cedures for allocation of years experience in civil college or university with ce of security with man­ c o s ts , e x p la in engineering involving the major course work in J dated clients, preferably procedures for meeting design and construction M angem ent or in a live in arrangement federal, state and city of roads, bridges, Engineering: Civil, or a with adults, and training fiscal requirem ents as sewers, and structures, combination of training in security operations; or well as other legal com­ to include two 12) years s a t is f a c t o r y indicating ability to per a n y pliance matters. Must of bridge and structure form the duties of the equivalent combination have knowledge of design and two (21 years experience and federal grant procedures of responsibility for the position. Training and of experience must be training. and requirements. work of a variety of equivalent to four years APPLY design, c o n s tru c tio n , Apply for the above of experience and tw o Portland Civil Service and engineering support positions at: years of academic 510 S.W Montgomery personnel. For an a p ­ W ashington County train in g . Request ap Portland, OR 97201 plication packet, write or Personnel. Room 306 plication package from: No later than Monday, call: 150 N. First Ave., Multnomah County July 21, 1980 Women , Multnomah County Hillsboro, OR 97123 Personnel Office and m inorities are en­ Personnel (648 8606) 426 SW Stark, 7th Floor couraged to apply 426 SW Stark, 7th Floor Women and m inorities Portland, OR 97204 A n Equal Opportunity Portland, OR 97204 urged to apply (503)248 5015 Employer Phone: (5031248 5015 An Equal Opportunity Final filing date August A p p lic a tio n deadline: Employer 15, 1980 August 15, 1980 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR Requires previous ex perience in Engineering, inspection, oi construe I tion of asphalt pave J streets, sewers, buried utilities and railroad trackage, capability as Engineer, construction representative on site Send resume to: STRAAM ENGINEERS 5505 S.E Milwaukie Ave Portland, OR 97202 An Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer FILE CLERK North Pacific Insurance Co., is looking for a responsible person to work in our file depart ment. Requires physical exertion and being on feet all day. Must be familiar w ith the type w rite r keyboard. $600 per m onth, Cedar Hills location. Call Personnel: 643 7661 Equal Opportunity Employer BLUE CROSS OF OREGON UNIT CLERK Requires 35 wpm typing, good co m m u n ic a tio n skills, general office ot insurance experience necessary WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR Part-time 3 30 p m to 7 p.m Monday througl Friday. Requires IBM Mag Card II ano Document Printer ex p e r ie n c e . w o rd processing training and typng 65 wpm. For more information please call BLUE CROSS OF OREGON 225 5405 An Equal Opportunity Employer THE PORTLAND WOMEN S HEALTH CENTER A WOMEN S CHOICE CLINIC Complete Gynecological Services Abortions in a clinic Setting HOME Nice 2 bedroom house, $260 Mo. Call collect 206 254 2038 4160 SE Division 239 8004 WORD PROCESSING TECHNICIAN Needed for swing shift position tor busy worker's comp. firm. Variety of typing In­ cluding correspondence, proposals, recorded statements and stat. reports. Must type 60 t wpm, have excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar skills and ability to work under pressure) Dvorak training helpful. Excellent benefits in | eluding med dent. Apply: EBI COMPANIES 5100 SW Macadam Portland, Oregon Between noon 5 pm, Mon Fri. An Equal Opportunity Employer TRAINEES Local branch of national m ulti-line insurance company seeks college graduates for training programs leading to career positions in under writing and claims adjusting. Must be willing to relocate upon completion. Minorities and females are encouraged to apply Send resume to Ms Judy Harris: United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co P. O Box 3459 Portland, Oregon 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /l COMPUTER SCIENCE instructor During the 1980 81 academic year, the Depart ment of Computer Science may occasionally retain instructors on a temporary part time basis to teach in its undergraduate courses, or to con duct topical seminars in its graduate program Minimal qualifications include a Masters degree, or equivalent teaching experience, in Computer Science, or related M S. plus computer related experience For inclusion in the pool of qualified persons available on short notice, please write to: , Fred M Tongue, Chairman Computer Science Department Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Include a brief resume of your experience, education, availability, and instructional specialities Oregon State University is an Affir mative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. So savs ays the me VA va ... DICK B y C h TRACY ester G ou ( d REMEMBER VA COMPENSATION' COVERS WSA0ILITX INCURRED IN , OR A G G R A V A TE D B y, M IL IT A R Y S E R V IC E * I