Page 6 Portland Obaerver July 17, 1IIO - ENTERTAINMENT HAPPENINGS CITY OF PORTLAND ENTERT AlNtv\ENT ''Lana, Lena , Lena Horne" Voc ■ ll•t• Wayne Cooper and Tomi Jenkin• and gultarl ■t Anthony Lockett let looH for the camera during the taping of Cameo·• flrat video venture . The tape. to be ahown ■ croH the U.S. on cable and regular TV atatlona. wlll Hrve H an Introduction to Cameo·• 1•1 European tour. INVITATION TO 'BID ' Lena Horne. born m Hrooklyn on June 30, 1911. Her mother was an actress m the Laffayette Players, a Black Theatrical company. Her father worked for the City of Brooklyn m the Hall of Records. Her paternal grandparents were educators, and her uncle Frank Home wa-. a poet and was with the Housina Authority of Franklin D. Roosevelt terms of ornce and after. Her parents were divorced when Lena wa, a small child, and a areal deal of her childhood Wll.!i spent living with relatives and friends of her mother's in Florida and Georaia. In her early teens, she wa~ taken back to Brooklyn by her mother, and auended Girl's High School there, for one year. At sixteen and in the midst of the Great Depression, Lena w~ taken by her mother 10 audition for a job at the Collon Club m Haclem, and Lena Wa.\ hired a., a dancer m the chorus. Her mother was a com,tant chaperon. There at the Cotton Club, Lena first met famous Black en- tertainer~. among them bc:ing Duke Ellington, ('ab Calloway, Count Basie, Ethel Waters and Ivy Anderson. Lena left the Cotton Club 10 join the Noble Sisk Band as a dancer, and Sislc began to train her as a singer. Lena Horne left the Noble Sisle Band when ~he met and soon after married Louts Jones m Piusburgh, Pa. There were two children born of this marriage, Gall and Ted. In 1940, Lena and Louis were divorced. In need ot tundll tl' support her two children, I ena went to New York and through old friend~ from the Collon Club, i.ecured a JOb i.mgmg with the Charlie Barnet Orchestra. She wa~ not allowed, bccau!IC ol her color, to appear with the On:hema m many places m the South and the North. Her r\."l>cue from this came when ~he wa., offered a Job ai. a ,mger al Cafe Society m downtown New Vork, and had the opportunny to work wnh tamou:o. mu:o.11:1an~ a:o, Teddy Wilson, J.C. Heard, and Std C ·a1leu. horn there, I .ena went 10 work al " I he I 111le I roe" m Hollywood. It was there that a talent agent ,cout Imm M<.iM her, !l\:rcen tested her, and was put under contract wuh that studio. lhc '.'>IUdto people did nor quite know what 10 do w11h I ena. Up to that time, Black women were only u,ed m the mov1c:o, a., mcniab. So m each film mu,1cal that I cna appeared m, ~he was given a ~ong to \Ing and the l1lm wa, ,o ,1rui:tured that her part could be: cut out m wuthern theatr~. I here were a do1en or so ol lh\.'\C "big muMcals." Aher making two all Hlad. film muMcab , "('abm m the Sky" and "~tormy Weather," the ,1ud10 -.cnt her out to work a, a ,mging act m their theatre!> aero~ the U.S.A. In a ~hort lime I ena Horne became one ol the "No. one" box office atrracllon, Ill the I hcatre and mghl club field. During \\ orld \\ ar II, I ena made many appearance\ al Army Camps all over the U.S. and became the Hlad !>erv1cemen's "Pm up Girl. " Her many ap- pearance~ at U.S.0. and the famed " Hollywood Canteen, " made her a favorite ol all ,crvIccmen . Her c1v1I right!> ac1Iv111'-" bc:gan during this 11me for she wa.-. quite ouhpoken about apr,canng al lime, for while !,Oldiers only when her own 11t.-ople were denied adm11tance. Sealed proposals will be received 1n Room 113, City Hall. Pontand, Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P .M. on the dates indicated Plan, and apec1hcat1ons may be obtained at the above address. For additional in formation telephone Buyer at numer bated. When Bid Surety Is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a cert,hed check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten per cent 110%1 of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period spec1f1ed 1n the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fuced and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any ,eason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract 1s awarded to him. NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is .. ert1fled as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter J. 100 of th• Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently cert1f1ed should file the required documentation with the Contract Compliance D1v111on, Room 209. City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97204, 248-~ . al least five 151 days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve cert1f1cat1on by the Bid BID NO. DESCRlPTION BID OPENING o.nE labor, Material & Equipment for Site Improvements at School Park. For information call Muina Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety & Prequali- cation of Bidder Required. Sunny■ide 2 labor, Material & Equipment for Perk Improvements at Wallace Park. For information call Muina Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Required. 3 labor, Material & Equipment for Janitorial Services for 5 Location■. For information call Bill Morri-■y, Buyer. 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 4 Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety & Prequelification of Bidder Required. FURNISHING ANNUAL SUPPLIES: 6 (Al Mast Arma for Street lights 7 (Al Photocells for High PreHure Sodium Vapor Street lights 8 (Al Photocell Relays for High Pre1&ure Sodium Vapor Street light1. For information call 3ill Morriaaey, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. Furnishing 1 }\" and 3" Double-Jacketed Fire Hose. For information call Duane Gulliuon, Buyer, 248-4004. 10% Bid Surety Required. 11 12 13 14 (Al restaurant LUNCHES AND DINNERS FEATURING A SELEC- TION OF TRADITIONAL SOUTHERN DISHES. OPEN 5 DA VS A WEEK FOR BRE AKF AST SAT . & SU N . OPEN 11 o'clock Sunday Buffet noon to 4 pm Happy Hours 7 - 10 AM & 4 - 7 PM MON .-FRI . Live entertainment 7 days a week m -8723 1530 n.a. grand Avenue at Weidler Fr•• perking on t h• preml• •• • 07/ 17/ 8lJ 07l'19l8lJ 08l22.l8lJ Furnishing 4 Allison Tranamiuions. For Information call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003 . 10% Bid Surety Required. 07l 22.l8lJ Labor, Material & Equipment for Site Improvements at McKenna Park. For information call Muina Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety end Pre- qualification of Bidder Required. 07122.l 'i!IJ Furnlahind 1 Vacuum Type StrNt Sweeper. For in- formation call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Required . 07/ '12. I 8lJ Furniahing 4 Electric Sedans & J Electric Compact Pickups. For information call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. 08 / 06 / 'i!IJ Furni1hing Dress Uniforms & Insignia for Police Bureau. For information call Bill Morriuey, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 07/ 31 / 8lJ PUBLI C NOTICE a touch of new orleans BTI\E ET 07/ 17/ 8lJ labor, Material & Equipment for Site Improvement• at 10 BOU RBON 07 /24/ 8lJ E■sex Park, For information call Maxine Albright, 9 FOR NAACP: Dr. Benjamin L. Hooka, center, executive director, NAACP , hold• check pre1ented to the organization by Stephen Lockett, right, equal employment opportunity admlnl1tretor, Joaeph E. Seagram & Sona, Inc. , and Robert Watkin•. marketing manager for ChlvH Regal Scotch, General Wine and Spirit• Company, a marketing affiliate of JoHph E. Seagram & Sona. Inc. Dr. Hook, •poke at a Seagram-apon■ored luncheon of the greater New York Chapter of the National AHoclatlon of Marketing Developer■. Inc. Among the ho1ta wu Robert Monroe, vice prHldent-dlrector of marketing. Calvert Dl1trlllera Company, another marketing affiliate of JoHph E. Seagram & Sona, Inc. 07/22./ 8lJ In the last thrN proposed economic development project, for Portland's Comp, 111i II Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Program. Th - projects will be reviewed at e hearing held at the Northwest Service C, n~ r, 1819 N.W. Everett from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Wednnday, July l:r.Jm. Bemg a life lime membc:r ol the NAAl.'P and with the Urban Leaaue as a result of her grandmother's involvement and tcachin1s, Lena' s friendship with all the Black leaders of that 11me was intensified. Lena' s grandmother and Mary McCleod Bethune were girlhood friends, it was quite natural for her. in later years, to be1in her association with the National Council of Negro Women and from there her honorary membc:rship with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. In 1~7 Lena made her first European tour \\ith great success, and while in Paris. married MGM Musical Director, Lennie Hayton. Again m 1950, she made a tour of Europe: each year, appearing in Monte Carlo, Stockholm, and various cities throughout England, France, Italy and Scandanavia. In 1952, Lena made a JO day tour of Isreal with a serie-. ot charity concerts during the 4th \.-debration of the founding of the State of Isreal. Over the years, Lena has appeared in many ol the world's most renowned theatres and night clubs. Along with Lena's activity with the National Council of Negro Women, she became involved with the Haddasah, a great supporter of Martin I uther King, Jr. and voter registration m the South, while touring as a speaker and activist, not as a smger. Among the many performers, Lena Horne has shared concert and night club §hows with; Alan King, Count Basie, Harry Belafonte, Vic Damone, Billy Eckstine, Danny Thomas, Rich Little. Tony Bennett and Willie Tyler and Lester. Lena' s first TV special m the U.S. wa~ made for Monsanto m IIJflll. Previous specials were made m Enaland, and later shown in the U.S. She h~ b«n a guest performer on TV with Perry Como. Aip Wilson, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Dtan Martin, The Muppets, and shared a much acclaimed TV special with Harry Belafonte. 1801 N . E. Alberta &.~•;,( ,, ,, 6CCP,-.-·~ rt /l n T Public comment encouraged, written teatimony may be submitted until July 23, 1980 at: Bureau of Economic Development 620 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Room 610 Portland, Oregon 97204 Tl For more information, call 248-4293. R Pi DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAV E ON YOUR FOOD BILL? We offer savings of up to 40% and more on tine quality wonde, and Hosteg products, plus large discounts on othe, baked goods Besides our every day low prices. we featu,e In sto,e specials daily . Just look to, the "ba, gain" signs on the displays in our store Discover for vourself what thou sands of smart shoppers in the area have found Yo u 'll b e am azed at t he savings you make at our W onder Thrif t Shop! SEE SPORTS ON GI ANT SCREEN T.V. JOE'S :PLACE~ /l C IAT18FACTION GUAflANTIID You rflUIII N OU!-lllt - - - - - --, Pll'fflell • - -- mundy,Ollf!NfC'-,... ~ .'~ WONDER -HOSTESS THRIFrSHOP 115 N. Cook St. Corner_of Vancouver & Cook St .. Portland. Oregon _l!__M o11 thru t - m m Cl • di unday• 8 ar p. o1 Pt ltc bl s· to