Portland Observar July 17. 1980 Page 6 lack Repertory Theatre presents two plays f i y Nyewusi As kan Beginning July 17. and con­ tinuing through September 7, Port­ land Black Repertory will present its summer theatre o f two plays in repertory. The plays, directed by Rosemary Allen, represents a new movement within the Black threatre in the State ol Oregon, as well as, an introduction to the high degrees ol Black professionalism that exist within the Theatre itself. Play one, " F o r C olored G irls fFko Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is E n u ff" w rit­ ten by Ntozake Shange, is an o r­ chestrated, choreographed present­ ation of poems and prose pieces for eight Black actresses. The show is designed to “ Sing a Black g ir l’ s song, and it does with sadness, pain, humor and hopes. Ntozake Shange (pronounced “ En-tow-zok- aye" and "Shawn-gay” ) studied the m ythology o l women from an­ tiquity to the present day, and it helped her to develop her sense of the world, her new and liberated sense o f herself and also her penetrating insight into what she calls “ women’ s language.” Shange w rites, “ sing a Black girl’ s song...sing a song o f life, she’s been dead so long.” Women, for Shange, speak in a kind o f tribal symbolism; fo r women have been made into what is most often a cruel world apart. Some critics suggest that sister Shange’ s "F o r Colored G ir ls " is merely an angry wom en’ s lib message erasing Black men from life. Others suggest that it merely confirm s the doctrine o f racists who, fo r centuries have tried to prove that the intimate world o f the Black man and woman, is a world of constant pain, sadness and violent movements. Not true. Sister Shange’ s message is that Black women, like other women, ex­ periences their joys, pains and is now able to speak about it, share it as an act o f love. Her message is ac­ tually a description o f "some o f the things” Black women go through, on their way to other more beautiful things. Called a “ C horeopoem ” by Shange, the movements capture the many moods and often the different kinds o f situations Black women find themselves in with their men. However, one must also view the “ C horeopoem” from a historical context. Against the brutal whip o f slavery, the Black man and woman, has struggled for intimate survival; survival against death, separation by slave masters, prisons, wars, frustration and human nature. Yet, they have survived, and in many ways, Shange explains much o f the madness in the methods. The cast consist o f eight local and v isitin g Black actresses, both professional and amateur. A ll o f them have personally experienced many of the triumphs and errors of the women in "F o r Colored Girls. The second play, "Red Beans A R ice" is an original musical produc­ tion created by Janice Scroggins, Thara M em ory, Rosemary Allen and Ruby Burns. Rosemary Allen wrote the script. The play is a trium phant and powerful story about the roots o f Jazz in America. The story unravels in a collage o f dram atic scenes about the lives o f the people who made the music, and transports the audience across the ocean to Africa where the spirit of gospel, blues and jazz originated. The title , "R e d Beans <£ R ic e " symbolizes what music has meant to black Americans. Often it was the music, blues, gospel and jazz that gave Black Americans the will to keep on struggling to survive. P ortland Black Repertory Theatre boasts a talented and ex­ perienced production s ta ff. Producer/director Rosemary Allen; musical director, Thara Memory; Choreographers, Ruby Burns (Red American State Bank The Bank that integration b u ilt' 2737 N.E. Union 282 2216 V M o r e th a n th e m er e s u p p ly in g o f m o r tg a g e * ---- -----1 I / O m o n e y , L in c o ln a lso p ro v id es th e k n o w le d g e t ►u. -idt* th e o r g a n iz a tio n , a n d th e c o u r te sy w h ic h sp e e d s each tra n sa c tio n fr o m a p p lic a tio n t o c o m p le tio n o f fin an cial a r r a n g e m e n ts. For colored Girls” cast members. Lady In Purple" not shown. (Photo: Judith Rafferty) Beans —iwt lack Week ter 2 Weeks | .1,1 f t i l l i t u h ' at Keck Safeway .n D'iwinç 6pm Set July?« I .111 I hll’ VrUU Or , «pm Set Aug ? man Soft Drinks Cragmoet Regular w Oat A m W '5-0» Can •6*1 Wheat Bread Ur» Wright» 24-0» CrmhW or ’00*. 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