«fe y? - > PCC offers reading skills Cell Talk By Asmar A bdul Seijullah taka Joe West » 40404 By Stevie Hoggans J8V2J As I walk throughout the coniines ol this prison, Black faces express many characteristics significant to their situation. There are smiling faces, brothers talkin tha jive, and laces that are lost. However, it is unmitigated fiction for anyone not to believe that depression is indeed apart of their minds and that anger is inscribed into the framework of their minds as the whip was to the back o f our historical heritage! Prison administrators constantly question the rationale o f incar­ cerated Blacks, w ith that old patronizing cliche “ we are trying. Haven’ t we given you this, what more do you w ant?” This ex­ pression is one of the 60s! Now, in­ side the walls o f Oregon State Penitentiary, we have a staggering population o f Black men with a 1980 mentality that will no longer accept the satisfaction o f the 60s, but demands the fu lfillm e n t o f today! Racism, even though it is alive and living in the crim inal justice systems, is a tool o f yesterday’s op» pressors. Black mentalities o f today are no longer geared towards this channel o f acceptance. Neither are the Black men o f Oregon State Penitentiary. We are no longer satisfied with the small concessions issued out to us while we’ re being systematically castorated and snuf­ fed out. We are outraged...ap- pauled at the concerted efforts per­ petuated against Black prisoners to keep us locked in the same self- destructive lifestyles we so desperately seek to abandon. We will no longer accept plastic satisfac­ tion in place o f meaningful change! The black men o f Oregon State Penitentiary crave fulfillm ent! We crave and demand the fullness o f life and the promise o f joy that ac­ companies Black lib e ra tio n . Dignity...integrety...and worth as Black men must be included in the program. Through these channels alone, can the bond o f self- destructiveness be broken and Black men generated towards produc­ tivity. Black prisoners hunger, their ap­ petites call for just, fair and equal treatment. It is by no means our desire to experience another attica or New Mexico tragedy; that must never happen here! However, what w ill happen is that the prison ad­ m in is tra tio n at Oregon Stale Penitentiary must stand accountable to the people, to the courts and to their racist consciences. They will have to be responsible from the natural flow o l their conduct, meaning, the same system that op­ presses today, w ill free us in the morning i f we fight and support each other. This is a call for com­ munity support. (Editors Note: Steve Hoggans is one of the many Black prisoners trying to find viable answers to the problems that plague us as incar­ cerated Black men. I ’ ve watched this brother grow from a struggle mass o f confusion into a positive force for change. He articulates him self well and has a genuine concern for his fellow prisoners. Steve is perhaps one o f the most stable people I know, he is warm and alive, he shares himself with other people and inside this yellowing carcass called prison Steve Hoggans is forming, growing, tran­ scending the shallowness o f prison walls and bars. It’s vital that Steve and brothers like him receive the re in fo rcin g factors necessary to produce goodness. If he can survive this purgatory and return to the community wholesome then there w ill be one more soldier fo r the liberation army. I think that it ’s necessary that we ask ourselves can we afford to lost the Stevie Hoggan’s of the world. If you believe the answer is yes, then it's obvious that the man has done a job - his job on your mind. Because of the forces that are working to keep us separated from our true selves, it ’s important that we as a people begin to take a second look at each other. Look again and decide whether or not the Blackmen confined in O.S.P. are losers or is it just that the game was fitted all the lim e. Always remember that the people who control the lives and destinies o f people like Steve Hoggans are the same people who control the Black community. There isn’t a way to separate the two, we are still bound by the embilical cord o f slavery and oppression and until we sever the cord together - none o f us will be truly free!) OSP prisoners earn degrees By Benjamin W. Davis 40272 o f the law ?’ ’ A p p a re n tly, the world in words from which we still Pharisee lawyer was as perplexed by gain great pleasure. They are Have you ever done something the volumes o f laws as I was by the capable o f appreciating the whimsical, just out o f curiosity, reams o f notes and essays under my discipline in the w orld and o f with no purpose in mind except to bunk. bringing a great deal o f self- see what happens, not really caring As the Pharisee was wondering if satisfaction to themselves. The what the outcome might be? one law was more important than esteem lor the great poets must, in I started college merely out o f the others, I, too, was wondering if part, be for this self-respect. curiosity. Two years ago I spoke to one class or one subject is more im­ I return to the tw o men men­ an inmate who had just received his portant than the others. Why is it tioned earlier, what is the diploma in this very visiting room. required to have math and English difference between the man at Sam­ W ith this degree, he told me, and classes when 1 like anthropology? bo s, (lashing his parole papers and seventy-five cents, a person can get Algebra has nothing to do with an­ a diploma for a cup o f coffee, and a good cup o f coffee at Sambo’ s. thropology, which deals with lifeless my friend behind the grill making Yet, tonight, I have an Associate’ s prehistoric humans, while algebra the coffee and cooking hamburgers? Degree, three boxes o f notes and deals with numbers - figures and The man at the counter was essays under my bunk, and symbols that are far from lifeless. disgusted, he needed something to numerous, well-educated friends They often appear to be frantically drink. My friend behind the g rill pumping gas, laying bricks, and alive, scram bling around w ith was pleased - smiling as he flipped cooking hamburgers. reckless abandon. the hamburgers and prepared the However, while I'm in prison, the To control the confusion o f num­ buns and coflee — all in an orderly opportunity for an education must bers I have learned how to discipline fashion, the result of his discipline have some s ifn ific a n t purpose. them, putting them in an ordered, to do a job and arrange his world to W ould the State o f Oregon manageable pattern I can see and be pleasant. These fixed habits o f knowingly waste its money on my understand. Unlike anthropology, thought and action are the ex­ education? The State’ s good inten­ discipline and logic are obviously pression of his manner. They are the tions have, on occasion, been sub­ essential to mathematics. outward expression o f his intellec­ ject to unintentional, unfortunate I am conditioned to take this tual and m oral convictions, the catastrophies, but no one could be discipline for granted after leaving behavior of a truly educated man or more aware than myself o f how the equations and settling down in woman, be it cooking in a easily this can happen! another class. Not only have I restaurant or managing the Last night I sat down and went neglected it in anthropology but I curriculum o f a college or univer­ through my three boxes o f notes, often forget to use it in other areas. sity, both jobs requiring disciplined trying to find a reason, a significant That same discipline 1 used to my thoughts, disciplined actions, and a purpose, for two years o f studying. advantage in mathematics should be good deal of self-respect. I dusted o ff quadratic equations and applied to typing, to sociology, and I have worked these words in an predicate adjectives, hailed the an­ to psychology. However, I saw this orderly fashion and arranged them cient Egyptians and P aleolithic discipline brought to life in from the despicable algebra class all men, squirmed through the synaptic literature. In their works, the great the way to self-respect. The Pharisee canals, and cried through a poets and novelists ordered the lawyer also found out about self- Shakespearian Sonnet. In one o f physical environm ent and even respect. The Master told him to love the boxes I knew there had to be an human nature the way I ordered the they neighbor as you would yourself answer. A fte r several frustrating x’s and y’ s and traingles. These men was only one o f the two most impor­ hours, on the verge of considering a are the most respected o f their time tant laws. W ithout self-respect it career at Sambo’ s I remembered the and are still respected today, long would be difficult to love my neigh­ Pharisee, a great lawyer, who, after their death, they had not only bor. having read the hundreds o f Old learned to order and to classify but Therefore, I believe, that upon Testament laws, asked: “ Master, they had learned to discipline them­ self-respect hangs all the knowledge, which is the greatest commandment selves and record the vastness o f the textbooks, and patient instructors of the last two years. Self-respect is imperative if I am to show esteem ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH for my fellow human beings, a basic concern to keep me out o f prison. Corner of 8th and Skidm ore My very presence here shows I have Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am not respected someone. Ultimately, Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm if I have gained self-respect, then I (second and fourth Sundays) believe I have fulfilled the purpose Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand. Minister of prison education. NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday W ed Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday Prayer and Pastor Phone 28, 6476 Church Phone 28, 0 ,8 3 9 30am 10 30am 7 00pm 5 00pm 7 30pm 7 00pm » J. 3725 N Gantenbein Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97227 (E d ito r s N ote: Benjamim W. Davis was one of 23 inmates at OSP who received Associate in Arts and Associates in Science degrees on July 13th through Chemeketa C om m unity. Receiving degrees were: Stanley C. A loan Jr., John Fran­ cis Cooper //, Richard O. Coym, Benjamin B Davis, James J. Eder, Jr., Donna L. F irth , George A. Garcia, Richard A. Goyette, Carl B'. H arrison, Robert L. Inglis, Delbert R. Lammers, Gary Alan Lewis, Joseph A Pinto, Jack E. Puritt, Jr., Jerome K. Salwei, l.arry Carl Sharp, Karl F. Slimm, Ben A. Summer, Vincent N. Tryner, David Gene b rig h t and T.L. Ximmerlee. C lasses available this summer for those who lack in basic reading, w ritin g and spelling skills are provided through Portland Com ­ m unity College's Developmental Educational Program at the Cascade Center. 705 N. Killings- worth. Ann Berry, who has been teaching English fo r about ten years, will help students learn how to read with comprehension, write complete thoughts and im prove grammer. Punctuation, newspaper and map reading, as well as tips on filling out job applications w ill be taught. The sessions, in four-week blocks, start July 21 and end August 15. The second session begins August 18 and ends September 12. Classes are held Monday through Thursday, from 7:30- 10:30 a.m. Students may take either one or both Comprehensive Language Development sessions, entering on their own level and working at their own pace. Learn computors A second five-week course in Data Entry Operation is available at P ortland C om m unity College beginning August 5th. RUSSELL L. LEGGROAN Candidates for this eight-credit course must pass the operators apitude test and type 40 words per minute. The tests are given in the Sylvania Business o ffic e , 12000 Form er Greshman resident year was named assistant savings S.W. 49th, at no charge. Russell L. Leggroan has been supervisor. In October 1979 he Students w ill learn to operate a named branch manager o f Benj. joined the downtown P ortland variety of data entry machines. Suc­ Franklin Federal Savings & Loan headquarters in the loan depart­ cessful completion o f the course will Association’ s new office in Spring- ment, where he worked prior to his qualify students for employment as field, according to Rocky Johnson, most recent promotion' to branch a trainee with job referrals through vice president and regional manager at the Springfield office. the placement office. manager. The office w ill open for A native o f Portland, Leggroan Pauline Ellis instructs the mor­ business there in mid-July. It w ill be was graduated from Grant High ning class, which is available from housed in tem porary quarters at School in 1972. He earned a 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. or another class is 2073 Olympic St., at the southwest Bachelor o f Arts degree in business available from noon to 4 p.m . corner of Olympic and 21st Streets. management at Pacific University in Monday through Friday. Leggroan joined Benj. Franklin 1977. He also has completed courses For more inform ation, call the as a teller at the Lloyd Center office in finance through the Institute o f Data Processing office at the PCC in June 1977. He transferred to the Financial Education. Sylvania Center. The number at Stark Street o ffice in downtown Leggroan has been active in the Sylvania is 244-6111. Portland in July 1978, and later that Black Metropolitan Club. Leggroan heads S & L branch E X O D U S -f- ijp, (jlttcrt/is-rui/a/u T m /r e 1518 NE KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 284 7997 FROM THE FRONT DOOR By Tom Boothe From the front door, I wish to further explain and describe the four zones of relationships and interactions, which are: The family zone, the social and acceptance zone, the policy belief zone and the economic zone. This week I will speak only of the family zone, which is the most important and primary zone from which ail other relationships and interactions spring. The family zone is the zone of the greatest amount of familiarity and informalities, the quality and consistency of the family is most important, for this is where our children develop their values and behavior patterns, which subsequently set the tone of their social attitudes. The family zone is the beginning point of all civilization, it is the mother of all social psychology. Child, en are directly affected genetically, as well as, by their immediate environ­ ment. children carry with them what they are taught, or what they are not taught, into the social zone. Children learn confidence and respect from the family, they also learn how to take responsibility and temper their emotions with love and understanding. People who don’t respect the family zone, are simply people who don’t understand the value and strength of the single most powerful force on earth, it is the root of all we know, and it is the primary force behind all accomplishments in the development of modern civilization. It is the family forces that influence, inspire and motivate; communication, transportation and industrial technologies. Adult people who loose their respect for their family through drugs, alcohol or senseless vanity, are people who loose their social and economical qualities and become subjected to those who hold strong the inspirations of the family zone. Constructive and productive people, are people who value his or her family as priority number one. Disruptive and destructive people, are people who value their addictions, social belief and economic vanities as priority number one. Remember, your family should be number one on your mind. Your purpose should be to develop your family to a collective force of constructive productivity. Your family is your natural foundation to life itself. Your family is your source of confidence, strength, sense of security and home base of refuge from negative forces. Your family, your children, they are your responsibility, don’t expect outside social- economic entities to help you, for they are busy responding to their own responsibilities. Know from this day forward that the quality of your family’s environmental zone is your responsibility, it will be no better, or worse then you make it; regardless of your situation of circumstances, your blame factors and excuses The reality of your family zone always speak the truth through you and your children's attitudes. A d v e rtis e m e n t I - • .