Paga 8 Portland Observar July 3. I960 Allen hosts Conference Church delegates, ministers and visitors begin arriving this weekend to attend the Fourteenth Session of the Alaska Pacific Conference o f the C.M.E. Church. The conference is composed o f churches in Oregon, W ashington and Alaska. Many other visitors are expected from other parts ol the country to visit with friends and relatives. Bishop James L. Cummings, the Presiding Bishop o f the N inth Episcopal D istrict o f the C .M .E . Church will be presiding at this con ference. Bishop and M rs. C um mings led a delegation o f church leaders to visit Africa in the early part o f this year and they are expec ted to share some o f their exp- perienccs with us at this conference in Portland. Bishop Cummings will be preaching at A llen Temple C.M.E. Church, corner o f N.E. 8th Avenue and Skidmore on Sunday Morning, July 6th at the II A M. Worship Service. The Conference officially opens at Allen Temple on Monday, July 7th at 9 A.M . There will be sessions each day and night until the end of the conference on Thursday in early afternoon, July 7th through 10th. Preaching each day at noon by guest Too late to classify ministers and others designated by the Presiding Bishop, 12 noon each day. the public is invited to all sessions o f the conference. Highlights in addition to business sessions during the day are: Com munion Service Monday night at 7:30, Rev. E.J. Edwards o f Seattle, W ashington preaching. Open C om m union fo r all people. Tuesday, July 8th, the Annual Laymen Banquet at the Red Lion M o to r Inn, Jantzen Beach, the Banquet Speaker w ill be the Rev. Dr. Othal Lakey, former pastor o f Allen Temple and now Editor o f the official church paper o f the C.M.E. Church, the Christian Index. Rev. Lakey resides in Dallas, Texas. Tickets fo r the Banquet may be acquired from most members o f Allen Temple. Wednesday, July 9th at 7:30 p.m. Missionary program and preaching. Thursday, after the sermon at noon will be reading o f appointments and assignments of pastors for the next year. The public is cordially invited to share with us at Allen Temple in these services. Rev. Thomas L. Strayhand -- Host Pastor. USF&G CO.. 221 0221 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /E PROGRAM MANAGER Needed to coordinate large complex Day Care pilot program in Portland area. Applicant must have strong ad ministrative experience, and excellent com m u n ic a tio n s s k ills . Salary $16,800. A p plications must be sub mitted by 5 p.m., W ed nesday, July 9th. CHILDCARE Coordinating Council 1110 S.E. Alder Portland, OR Equal Opportunity Employer INVITATION TO BID THE PORTLAND W OMEN S HEALTH Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland Oregon 97204 CENTER for items detailed herein until 2.00 P.M on the dates indicated. A WOMEN'S CHOICE CLINIC Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For additional in- Complete Gynecological formation telephone Buyer at numer listed Services Abortions in a clinic When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified Setting amnCk' , CaSh!erS Ch6Ck ° r 8 b'd b° nd' payab,e ,o ,he c,tY of Portland for an amount not less than ten per cent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as 4160 SE Division bld Sh8" h® ' " ev°cable for the per.od o specified in the proposal. 239 8004 _a . . --------------- p w iM O U H I U ltJ p r o p Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek ^°.reV° k8 h'® ° Her ,Or any feason not ------- authorized by law and n not consented to by .. »k — .-.w— u t u u ila e riie u io DV City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. is ? « rt? ' h CRIMI c ^JI0N: N° proposal or bld will be considered unless the bidder of th« rnH35 a*n, f ? AHlrma,lve Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code City of of Portland. Portland All All bidders hirtdor« not nnt currently certified should __ , . file . . of . the City NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL FUNDS Most o f the active M uslim com munities in the work of progressing the good life o f humanity are iden tifie d by this term Da-wah or Mission. There are many nations and many communities. Most o f them are stale, stagnant, and some are dead. The term Da-wah suggests vigor and progress. L ite ra lly , it means a continuous calling. The call o f A l-lsla m can never overlook current problems, and the need to serve the best aspirations o f society. In the words o f Mr. Muhammad: “ I personally feel divine providence has made us know our calling through Al Islam. Our mission is not to serve narrow p o litic a l or economic interests. Our mission is not service to a particular gover nment and its interests at home and abroad. O ur mission w ill never become a tool in the hands o f those who w ill conspire fo r w orld dominace. Our mission is Da-wah. Its main concern is the wholesome and just aspirations ot all humanity. Being that we are native Americans, the name A M E R IC A N M U S LIM M ISSIO N is truely appropriate. You may abbreviate it, A M. and we will never be in the P.M. because we do not anticipate a decline anywhere in the future.” The co m m u n ity is cordially invited to attend a “ Tom Thumb Wedding," Sunday, July 6, 1980 at 5:00 p.m., at Bethel A.M .E . Church, 5828 N.E. 8th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Reception to follow. HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METhODIST CHURCH REV. AUSTIN V. RAY. MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Church School 9 45am Office 281 2332 Dial A Prayer 284 0684 W orship 11 00am Specializing In In d iv id u a l • M a rriage and ! anulv • ( iro u p Z herapy The C hurch W here NO Stranger Feels Strange The Employment Division, as administrative agent for the Governor of Oregon, is making Application to the U.S. Department of Labor, Em ployment and Training Administration, to continue the federal grant to operate the Special Grants to Governors Program in Oregon during FY'81. In accordance with 20CFR Part 677, Subpart D and 20 CFR Part 680, Sub part A, this program provides for: supplemental vocational education assistance; coordination and linkages between prime sponsors and ap propriate educational agencies and institutions; operation of the Governor's coordination and special services activities; support to the Oregon Em ployment and Training Council; and coordination between state and local in stitutions to improve occupational and career guidance and counseling ac tivities for youth. Interested persons may review the application during a 30 day period Mon day through Friday, 9 A M 4 P.M., beginning with publication of this notice. Please address comments concerning the FY'81 Special Grants to Governors Program to Statewide Programs Unit, CETA Programs, Em ployment Division, 875 Union Street N.E., Salem, OR 97311, or telephone 378 4416. This program will fund entry level jobs in special projects for the period Oc tober 1, 1980 through September 30, 1981. Public and private non-profit organizations may apply, complete information is contained in the Request for Proposal Deadline for submission of proposals is July 30, 1980. 158 • Paul Howe, a professional mechanical engineer, has been an executive with Northwest Natural Gas since 1964. He served on the School Board from 1968 to 1976 and was defeated by W ally Priestley. • Commissioner Gladys McCoy, a social worker, was elected to the Board in 1970 and resigned in 1978 to run for County Commissioner. Her position was filled by her selec tion, Evie Crowell. • Evie C row ell, a lib ra ria n at Portland State University, was ap pointed in September o f 1978 and was defeated by Steve Buel in A pril o f 1979. Retired dinner party, in honor of M r. Everette Johnson, and June R. Key, July 9, 1980, 7:30 P.M.- 10:00 P.M., at the Army A ir Base Office O f ficers Club. REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED 9 30am 10:30am 3725 N. Gantenbein Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97227 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM You are W elcom e to W orship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ' 'A warm spirit o f fello wship always The Honorable Bishop U.V. Peterson, D.D. ’’The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Tuesday t:18em 1, 16am ’•Showers o« Blessings Broadcast 3 304 » KLIU '290 6 30pm YPW W 8 00pm Evangelistic Worship Noon Day Prayer Tuesday Friday Furnishing MSA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus i t Air Cylinders. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-4004. 10% Bid Surety Required. 07/15/80 Furnishing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Et Special prequalification of Bidder Required. Labor, Material & Equipment for Water Quality Inlet Tower. For information call Carlton Chayer Ass t Pur chasing Mgr, 248-4001. 10% Bid Surety ft Prequalification ot Bidder Required. Furnishing Paper Recycling Program, Phase I. For infor mation call Harold Vaughan, Purchasing Mgr., 248-5375. Special Prequalification of Bidder Required. 07/17/80 07/17/80 07/15/80 07/15/80 07/08/80 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BY MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ONLY Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Mat) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 a m.. Pacific Daylight Time, July 18, 1980, at its offices at 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202. Proposals should be directed to the at tention of Nancy Hood, Contract Specialist, Planning and Development Division. Bids will be opened in Conference Room " D " on the Third Floor at that time for: Cleaning and maintenance of Tri Met s 31 bus passenger shelters and 8 trip planning kiosks currently installed on the Portland Mall. Contract will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Em ployment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. In accordance with UMTA Circular 1165.1, Oregon Administrative Rules 127 10-145-H) and Section 4 of the Tri-Met Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Policy Statement, only bids submitted by certified MBE's will be ac cepted by Tri-Met. All firms not presently certified by Tri-Met must contact Tri-Met for the appropriate forms and procedures. Forms may be obtained by contracting Ms Nancy Hood at 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, (53) 238 4802. Certification as to MBE must be submitted two (2) days prior to bid opening. DA VID M. Elarris Manager, Grants and Contracts Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 6476 Church Phone 281 0163 Ounday Sunday School Morning Worship 07/24/80 TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON < * w J' ■t* 1 00pm Labor, Material & Equipment for Park Improvements at Wallace Park. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety ft Prequalification of Bidder Required. The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rule» for Bidding may be obtained from Ms. Ann McFarlane at (503) 238-4967 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:30pm 115-A 157 (C ontinued from P 1 Col 6) his “ Newman Plan” resulted in the research o f the C om m unity Coalition for School In te g ra tio n , and led to the boycott actions o f the Black United Front. The night Herb Cawthorne was appointed to the Board he resigned, and was replaced by Sarah Newhall. • R.W . DeWeese was on the Board from 1961 to 1973. An executive ot ESCO, he was an un successful candidates for Major of Portland. • Norman Lindstedt, an attorney, was on the Board from 1970 to 1974 and concurrently served on the ESD board. 07/22/80 Labor Material Et Equipment for Site Improvement at Essex ark. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety ft Prequalification of Bidder Required. Applications under the Public Service Employment program, CETA Title VI Special Projects, are now available Organizations wishing to submit proposals may pick up applications at the Program Development Unit, 310 S.W 4th, Room 417, Portland, Oregon 97204 Rule by committee Labor, Material & Equipment for Site Improvements at Sunnyside School Park. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4002. 10% Bid Surety it Prequali- cation of Bidder Required. Labor, Material ft Equipment for Janitorial Services for 5 Locations. For inform ation call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday Wed Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday Brotherhood Fellowship Service with Morning Star 3rd Sunday GW hh T Avenue, With Portland, ,he C° n,raCt Comphance D'*'s«on, Room uty Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Oregon 97204, 248 4696 , at least 209, five „ . ~ t M pr'° r t0 tbe Bld Openmg. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid BID NO. DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE The amount of funds being requested is: $3,758,OCX). Muslims change name Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, leader and President o f the World Community o f Al-lslatn in the west, announced that his organization’ s name has been changed to AM ERICAN MUSLIM MISSION. “ The term co m m u n ity ’ ’ was desired for its ability to hold for vision the total picture o f society. In the term community one can see the total society, the same service was provided in the expression “ Nation o f Is la m ," however, both terms spoke weakly for the organization’ s zeal and passion for progress. “ The Qu’ ranic term for Mission is D A -W A H .” This term speaks more directly to aspirations and thurst. Literally, the term Da-wah signifies involvement in those con cerns effecting the life o f society, and the need to stay on top of the issues or to keep current. Nations and communities come and go, Da- wah continues. The term “ U m mah” is wrongly translated nation. The term Ummah addresses the Islam ic com m unity in its in te r national scope and concept, and it does not refer to geography but to the concept o f social and cultural life. The Muslim community in the West, are still the ummah o f A l lslam as is every Muslim community existing anywhere in the w orld. TYPIST D o w n to w n Insurance company has immediate need for responsible in dividual who enjoys lots of typing and is seeking a p e rm a n e n t p o s itio n . Position requires ac curate typing skills, M IN IM U M 55 WPM T r a n s c r ib in g a nd memory typew riter ex perience preferred. Ex cellent salary, benefits and working conditions. Call: JUDY HARRIS CITY OF PORTLAND Bible Band Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday "The Pastor Speaks 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0499 One o f the most effective crime prevention tools is communication bet ween neighbors. Portland's crime rate is steadily decreasing because o f im proved crime prevention techniques and law enforcement skills. But police cannot solve existing crime problems alone. It’s up to citizens to shoulder some o f the burden to protect themselves and their property. Neighbors should talk with each other about crime concerns. Good neigh bors make safe neighborhoods by watching out for one another. Organize a Neighborhood Watch Program and make recommendations to help protect your block. Citizens always seem to feel more secure when a neighborhood self-help program is available Help establish a working relationship with police through your Neighborhood Watch Program. ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin. Pastor 7 30pm 7 00pm 7 30pm At the Timber Lake Civilian Conservation Center located near Estacada Oregon at a Department of Labor Facility. Estimated cost range from $500,000 to »540,000 IFB-ONP-80 22-JC. Plan, end Specification, will be available 30 June 80 at the Office of the Architect, Architects Atelier/Nor- west, 813 S.W. Alder Street, Portland, Oregon 97205 503/227-3176 deposit required. Bid opening 24 Jul 80. See note 53. (172) U.S. Department of Labor/ETA, Washington, D C. 20213 63. The proposed procurement is under a 100 per cent small business set aside, the size standard for which is a concern including its affiliates having an average amount of sales or receipts for the preceding three fiscal years not in excess of »12,000,000. 281 4429 ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Masses 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir - Sunday 12 00pm Folk Sunday ST. ANDREW COMM UNITY SCHOOL 4919 NE 9th Ave Norita Kelly. Principal CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GYMNASIUM AND RECREATION BUILDING Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 Corner of 8th and Skidm ore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister