Portland Observer July 3 . 1M0 Paga 7 American State Bank " A IN T MISBEHAVIN'' “ A IN 'T M IS B E H A V IN ,” (he Tony Award-winning musical smash hit, returns by popular demand to the Portland A uditorium for eight per­ formances July 15-20. Showtime is 8:00 PM each evening with 2:30 matinees scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. This popular musical review is based on the songs o f the legendary Fats Waller and has won numerous awards including the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, a Grammy Award for its original cast ablum on RCA Records and a Tony Award for Best Musical o f 1978. Since its debut at the Manhatten Theatre C lub’ s Cabaret in 1977, the production has delighted audiences w orld-w ide. A ccording to Jack K ro ll o f NEW SW EEK, “ A I N ’ T M IS B E H A V IN ’ ’ is ‘ ’ blazingly entertaining. An immensely appealing hit show with irresistible joy, gladness and energy.” Featuring over twenty musical numbers either composed by or recorded by Fats Waller, “ A IN ’ T M IS B E H A V IN ’ ’ has a cast of five including Adjora McMillan, Clent Bowers, Adrienne West, David Cameron and Michele Mc­ Cain. Accompanied by John M cM inn on piano, they step forward and deliver a parade o f Waller’ s greatest hits including “ Honeysuckle Rose," Black and Blue, ” Your Feet’s Too Big, the title song and a dozen or so other exuberant numbers. JAMES DePRIEST ____ “ The Bank that integration b u ilt” 2737 N.E. Union E.S.R S p e c ia list WITH PSYCHIC POWERS o p ■ p “ I . k f | , . ’ J , DePREIST TO SPEAK AT BENSON Maestro James DePreist w ill be the keynote speaker at the Oregon Symphony Association’ s annual meeting on Wednesday, July 9 at 12:00 p.m. in the Mayfair Room o f the Benson Hotel. DePreist, who begins his tenure as Music Director and Conductor o f the Orchestra on July 1, 1980, will speak on the role o f the symphony orchestra in today’ s society. The business meeting, slated to begin at 12:45 p.m., will include reports from the treasurer and nominating committee, which will present a slate of candidates for election to the Association’ s Board o f Directors. A ll symphony association members - those who contribute $25 or more — and their guests are invited to attend. Luncheon reservation should be made through the Symphony Office, 228- 4294. 282-2216 I She asks no questions but will tell you what you want to kn o w -a n d facts of business, love, health, and family affairs. When seeking advice and help, it al­ ways pays to consult the best. One with a reputation for honesty and integrity How many unhappy people are there whose lives are darkened by the acts of others? Is your life nearly a wreck because you have troubles of a do- mestic nature or otherwise? Do you desire a return of affection rightfully yours, or does another receive it? Do you wish to marry the one you love? Is there a coldness growing, a separation, a rival or inter­ ference by someone? Are you a person who at times appears to be affected by bad surroundings? Do you give up in despair? Does persistent bad luck follow you? Spells, unnatural conditions and evil influences of all kinds can be overcome by getting advice and aid from a reliable advisor who bears a reputation for honesty and integrity. I can and will help you If you are sick or w or­ ried come at once in person Call in person. o 33 > Z o o 33 m z z o 7727 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland. Oregon 97213 Take N.E. Sandy Bus No. 14 — Next to Sportscar Center 2843352 Open 7 days a week- 8 am to 10 pm Call for appointment Sunday onlyl 1/2 PRICE READING WITH THIS COUPON HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? "Y o u r Zoo and A ll That Jazz" summer concert series at M etro’ s Washington Park Zoo continues, the third concert is scheduled for Wed­ nesday, July 9, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., with the Swipsey Cakewalk Ragtime Band, one o f Portland’s truly unique jazz bands that specializes in the traditional form o f jazz that helped make this musical style American’ s art form. Con­ certs are free with regular zoo admission. Rain date is Thursday night, same time. For more information call 226-1561. FATS WALLER FATS WALLER The production is produced by Irving Siders and directed by Richard Maltby, Jr., who garnered a Tony Award as Best Director o f a musical for the show. Others responsible for “ A IN ’T M IS B E H A V IN ’ ’ include Murray Horwitz (associate director), John Lee Beatty (set design), Arthur Faria (musical staging), Randy Barcelo (costumes) and Pat Collins (lighting). Thomas “ F a ts " Waller grew up in the exciting musical atmosphere o f Harlem in the teens and 20’ s. He began his professional piano career at f if ­ teen, usually as an accompanist for blues singers or on recording sessions with big bands. As a musician, Waller raised the art o f stride piano to its highest level and in so doing became one of the originators o f swing music. “ There are a lot o f people who never heard o f him, but somehow or other - just like Scott Joplin - they realize that they’ ve heard his music all their life ,” says Luther Henderson, musical supervisor o f the Broadway show. We offer savings of up to 40% and more on fine quality wonder and Hostess products, plus large discounts on other baked goods Besides our every­ day low prices, we feature in store specials daily. Just look for the "bar gain" signs on the displays in our store. Discover for yourself what thou sands of smart shoppers in the area have found. You'll be amazed at the savings you make at our Wonder Thrift Shop! [ Food s ta m ps gladly accepted l S A T IS F A C T IO N GUARANTEED You must be completely satisfied with every purchase or we will cheerfully refund your purchase price WONDER-HOSTESS THRIFTSHOP 115 N. Cook St. C o rn er of V a n c o u v e r (t C o o k S t., P o rtla n d . O reg o n O pen M o n thru S at — 9am 6p m — C losed Sundays Adtora M cM illian, L to R: Michele McCain, David Cameron Adrienne West, More than anyone else, Fats Waller captured the spirit o f the Golden Age o f Harlem, the 20’ s and 30’s. His sarcastic throwaway, gently abrasive style o f singing, prodded by spoken interjections - grabbed a huge chunk o f America’s heart. The show - which is nearly devoid of dialogue and centered around the life, times and music o f the famous jazz pianist - is an energetic, joyous, irresistible evocation o f Waller and his era. Tickets for the Northwest Releasing event are on sale at the Ticket Place at Frederick & Nelson (downtown) and the usual outlets. HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN OEPBS will once again carry highlights o f the Annual NAACP convention June 3 0 - July 5 on all OEPBS Channels (10-Portland, 7-Corvallis, 3-Salem, 13-Salem). The half-hour daily highlights w ill air at 7 PM weeknights and a one-hour special wrap-up report w ill be featured on Saturday, July 5 at 7 P.M. For more inform ation, contact Joyce DeMonnin 754-4311. "L ittle minds are wounded by th e sm allest t h in g s . " La Rochefoucauld "When an innovation is very difficult to establish, it is unnecessary." Vauvenargues SEE SPORTS O N G IA N T SCREEN T V . JOE’S PLACE 1801 N.E, Alberta / F [„(.„B E C K ■LX h 1 WIN £ I '“ . ' v i i Ä - *1 restaurant LUNCHES AND DINNERS FEATURING A SELEC­ TION OFTRADITIONAL SOUTHERN DISHES. OPEN 5 DAYS A W EEK FOR BREAKFAST SAT. & SUN. OPEN 11 o’clock Sunday Buffet noon to 4 pm Happy Hours 7-10 AM & 4 -7 P M ............. MON .¿RL Live entertainment 7 days a week < 7-6/23 1530 GRAND AVENUE AT WEIDLER free on the premises