CITY OF PORTLAND HEATING INSPECTOR Portland Observer JOB FINDER ir K engineers Tri M et. Portland, Oregon, >s soliciting aF < I plications on their Light Rail Transis, (LRT) Project staff Openings exist for principal level engineers with engineering degrees and seven years ex , penence relating to design or applications engineering, project control, construction management and/or maintenance engineering in rail transis,. power distribution, electro mechanical equipment or related fields These positions are available after September 1, ,980 MECHANICAL ENGINEER Develops the functional capabilities of the LRT maintenance facility. Analyzes and reviews design of LRT vehicle and fixed plant equipment. Solves mechanical design problems with emphasis on maintainability and reliability Salary ranges bet ween $27,406 to $30,146, depending upon qualifications. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Specifies and coordinates design and installation of the LRT power electrification system. Develops maintenance and quality control procedures reliability enhancement programs and designs as appropriate for the LRT electrical equipment in­ cluding track circuits and the electromechanical sub systems of the LRT vehicle. Salary ranges . . ---------- ——-■ r q u S tio n s ' ° $3° J 4 6 ’ d8Pendinfl UP° " To check new and altered furnaces, heat pumps, commercial and in d u s tria l v e n tila tio n systems and air con ditioners for proper in stallation meeting code r e q u ir e m e n t s Job requires knowledge of these systems and of the code requirements for their installation. Salary now starts at $22.942 with periodic increases to $24,232 after one year and may be raised after July 1. Many employee benefits include paid vacations, holidays, sick leave, health and life in­ surance. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.W Montgomery Portland. Oregon 97201 No later than Monday, July 7, 1980. Women and Minorities are e n ­ couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer Tri Me, has an opening for an Internal Auditor. Requirements are formal training in accounting and auditing procedures and at least 2 years prac tical experience in auditing and related functions. Must have ability to develop work programs for in­ ternal audit projects in both financial and operational areas, and have effective com ­ munication skills. Minimum starting salary is $22,493. Excellent benefits. Submit resume bv July 7, 1980, to: Tri-M et Employment Office 4012 S.E. 17th Portland, Oregon 97202 A n Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY I City of Salem, $1668 - $2133. Admission to prac­ tice law in the State of Oregon, knowledge of principles/procedurec of criminal and civil law; judicial procedures and rules of evidence. Ability to prepare and try criminal and civil cases; con­ duct legal research and prepare sound legal I opinion; analyze and prepare legal documents Closing date: July 3, 1980. Apply: City of Salem, Personnel Oept., 555 Liberty SE; Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer Unified Sewerage Agency. $1163 per month with periodic step increases. Increasingly responsible experience operating a full accrual, enterprise type accounting system within a large, multi­ divisional agency, with experience in a public utility desirable, increasingly responsible ex­ perience providing full supervision to accounting personnel, college level training in accounting through Intermediate Accounting and including Municipal Accounting; or any equivalent com bination of experience and training Last filing date July 7, 1980 Apply for above position at: Washington County Personnel Room 305, 150 N. First Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 (648 8606) A n Equal Opportunity Employer Women and Minorities urged to apply. M t. Hood C om m unity College 667 7480 or 667 7200 26,000 S W. Stark St. Gresham, Oregon 97030 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer "There are men mho are ¡happy w ith o u t know ing ... it. Vauvenargues HANDY SERVICES Reliable handy services Fix, paint and construct maintenance and yard work . Call evenings 780 6696 Approx, annual $27 893 $3° ' 929 » Portland Civil Service 510 S.W Montgomery Portland, Oregon 97201 No later than Monday, July 7, 1980 Women and minorities are en- > counged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer THE PORTLAND WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER A WOMEN'S CHOICE CLINIC Complete Gynecological Services Abortions in a clinic Setting M aintenance Technician f.-x p e rirn c c il M . iin t t - n u n it ' ,’<■< -lin i.- iiin needed to in s t a ll m id m a in ta in p ro d u c tio n m a c h in e s m id e q u ip m e n t You s h o u ld lie e x p e rie n c e d in tro u lile s h o o tin p . p r e v e n tiv e in m n te iim ie e . in s ta lla tio n a n d m o d ific a tio n to e q u ip m e n t M u s t h a v e m in im u m th re e y e a rs e x p e rie n c e in m e c h a n ic a l a n d e le c tric a l m a in te n a n c e a n d a th o ro u g h k n o w le d g e o l t lic fo llo w in g d is c ip lin e s in c c h a n u al e le c tric a l sy s te m s , h y d r a u lic s , h ig h p u r ity gases, b a s ic e le c tro n ic s a n d v a c u u m te c h n o lo g y S a la ry is open. M u s t he a b le to w o rk s w in g o r g r a v e y a r d a n d w eeke nds A p p ly m p e rso n a t th e B e a v e rto n E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e . .1655 S W C e d a r H ills B lv d (s o u th e n d o f th e B e a v e rto n M a lli. M o n d a y I uesdav W e d n e s d .iv . H k la m I im p m o r send re su m e a n d sirta ry h is to r y to K a n d v M a s s e n g a le . M S I I p m T e k tro n ix . In . . I ' d B o x .nil, B e a v e rto n < Ire g o n 97077 A n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo y e r in I he 4160 SE Division 239 8004 PART TIME "Tfektronix I O M M I1 l l l l l l i m H lfM I Piece work. W ebster, A m e ric a n 's fo re m o s t d ic tio n a r y c o m p a n y needs home workers to update local mailing lists. All ages, experience un necessary. Send name, address, phone number to: WEBSTER 175 - 5th Ave. Suite 1101 - 1894 D New York, N Y. 10010 Boiler Repair Tektronix Opportunities CITY OF PORTLAND GRANTS ANALYST E.fb 1891 Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels • Electrician« (marine) • Boilermaker« (boiler repair«) • Pipefitter« • Insulator« (pipe coverer«) U.S. Cfissnthip Required All federal Civil Service Benefits. Liberal vacation allowance paid ■ick leave, partially em ployer funded life Er heleth Insurance programs, excellent retirement plan. For More Information: Call toll free 1 800 426 5996 (You may leave a message at these numbers outside of our working hours. Messages recorded after working hours.) OR MAIL RESUME TO: PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Code 170.2 (PP) BREMERTON, W A 88314 $1,345 to $1,511 Professional work planning and coor­ dinating leisure services at the community level W ill be assigned to community schools and community centers and will plan, develop and evaluate physical fitness activities, crafts, fine and performing arts, senior citizens and special recreation classes and events and community events. W ill assess c o m m u n ity n e e d s , research new develop­ ments in leisure services, recruit and supervise staff, assist in program administration and main­ tain program records. APPLY July 7, 1980 Women and minorities are en couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND LEGAL SECRETARY Medium size law office seeks com petent legal secretaries with ex perience in civil litig a tio n , p lu s knowledge of state and federal courts and memory/playback type writer experience. Ability to lead and guide trial at torneys through morass of forms and schedules indispensable! Full time and part time positions available $935/m o. to $1150/mo. Terrific fringe benefits. Contact Lynn Schumann at the City Attorney's office, 248- 4578 Food Service Attendant CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities for you at University Hospital A place you can grow w it* I We offer the options; you make the choices1 • General Surgerical Unit" • General Medicines and Medical Oncology • Intensive Care Units SICV, CCU, CRR, NICU, M SICU. • 0 8 GYN • Pediatrics • Sloat Looking for part or full time or on call? We have a place for you. V aro us shifts, at the largest medical teaching center m Oregon. We offer unlimited opportunities (not to mention excellent salaries and benefits plus, an extensive onen tation program tailoren to yojr needs). For more inform ation please call: University Hospital Personnel, 225 7 34: RECEPTIONIST Minimum Selection Criteria salary $4 58 hr Master's Degree required in Journalism or Com mumcations and/or three I3I years experience on a newspaper or other publication, or teaching | journalism courses. Excellent benefits Clerical position in Ad ministrative Office of E m p lo y m e n t an d Training Program. A n ­ swer phones, process records, type, zerox, g e n e r a l s e c r e t a r ia l duties. Q u a lif¡c a tio n s : High school diploma (GED) with clerical courses and 1 year general clerical experience, type 40 wpm, good phone skills, experience processing, paperwork, ability to work independently. To apply mail resume to: M ultnom ah W ashington CETA Suite 325 Portland, Ore. 97205 (Refer to job No. AD- 149) Closes 5 p.m. July 3, 1980, Equal Opportunity Employer O n c a ll, te m p o r a ry c a fe te ria w o rk a v a ila b le b o th d a y a n d s w in g s h ift P rio r e xp e rie n ce in fis .d p r e p a r a tio n a n d s e rv in g h e lp fu l T h e se jo b s ca n le a d to p e rm a n e n t p o s itio n s Salary: | Paid from part time salary schedule (Approx. 14,000 $5,000 for Fall term) Starting Data: September 15, 1980 Application Deadline: July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) INSTRUCTOR FOR VIDEO-AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Length of Employment: Full-time, 9 months per year Minimum Selection Criteria: 1 Baccalaureate Degree in Mass com mumcations. Communications Technology or the equivalent experience in sound Starting Data: September 15, 1980 Salary Range: $15,780 $19,428 180 81 faculty salary schedule) initial placement based on edcuation and ex penence, plus benefit package. Application Deadline: July 20, 1980 (postmarked by) Contact Community College Keypunch Operators We h a v e im m e d ia te p e rm a n e n t o p e n in g s fo r s w in g s h ift K ey P u n c h O p e ra to rs F o rm a l k e y p u n c h s c h o o lin g o r e q u iv a le n t w o rk e xp e rie n ce re q u ire d F a m ilia r it y w ith 129 IB M c a rd pun< h o r In fo re x key to d is c d e s ira b le RNS $22,610 to $23,982 Portland Civil Service University of Oregon P ro fe s s io n a l g ra n ts 510 S.W . Montgomery Health Science Center analysis work providing Portland, OR 97201 f i n a n c i a l te c h n ic a l No later than Monday, 3171 S.W . Sam Jackson Park Rd. assistance to managers July 7, 1980. Women Eugene. Or egon 99301 through the post award and minorities are en Equal Opportunity Employer and grant operations and couraged to apply. r e p o r t in g s ta g e s . An Equal Opportunity Responsibilities include Employer explaining procedures SECRETARY for the allocation of Temporary MEDICAL ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR costs to be included for NURSING LAB INSTRUCTOR grant projects, advising Terminal 6 Construction office for Berth 603 Length of Employment: managers of procedures 75%, 9 months per year. Additional work may be for meeting federal, state Starting salary $10,300, effective July 1, 1980 available on a quarterly basis. and city fiscal I Perfer someone who has Minimum Selection Criteria requirements as well as Bachelor's Degree, preferably in Nursing, plus other legal compliance prior office secretarial | current RN licensure in State of Oregon. matters through final 1 experience, knowledge Starting Date: grant close out. Must of construction and September 15, 1980 have knowledge of engineering activities math Salary Range: federal grant regs, and a good background. Apply in | $15,780 - $19,428 (80 81 Faculty salary schedule), b u d g e tin g p ra c tic e s , 1 person at; I initial placement based on educaional background g r a n ts a c c o u n tin g 15th Floor | and experience, plus benefit program. procedures and inter 700 NE Multnomah Application Deadline: preting complex legal Applications must be July 7, 1980 (postmarked by) documents. received by 5 p .m ., APPLY JOURNALISM INSTRUCTOR/ Portland Civil Service Monday, June 30, 1980. -4zi Equal Opportunity PUBLICATIONS ADVISOR 510 S.W Montgomery Employer Length of Employment - Portland, Oregon 97201 Fall Term 1980only (Temporary Replacement) No later than Monday, A n Equal Opportunity Employer PSNS Portland Observer June 28. 1980 Page 9 CITY OF PORTLAND COM MUNITY RECREATION COORDINATOR A C C O U N T IN G SERVICES SUPER VISO R T e m p o r a ry s u m m e teaching assignment for five (5) weeks starting July 21. Teach classes in Horticulture, Plant ID, and herbicides. Ap plicants must have three 13) years industry ex perience with back­ ground in landscape maintenance, and con­ struction and be able to pass the State Spray A p p lic a to rs License Deadline for application is July 3. A resume is required. For further in­ form ation call Terry Schulv: CITY OF PORTLAND SYSTEMS MANAGER r n m n ii f o r u ~ ~ c o m p u te r based m an ag em en t in fo r ­ ' Submit resume, references and salary history to mation center for the the: 1 Portland Bureau of Tri-M et Employment Office W ater Works Recom 4012 S.E. 17th m end e q u ip m e n t Portland, Oregon 97202 acquisition. Develop and No later than July 6, 1980. supervise a staff of An Equal Opportunity employer programmers, operators, and data entry person­ ■4 A* ** ■ nel. APPLY IN TE R N A L A U D IT O R HORTICULTURE INSTRUCTOR Personnel Office 19600 S. Mollalla Ave., Oregon City, Or 97045 666 2631, Ext 318 C/ortam p e rfo rm m a in te n a n c e , re p a ir a n d in s ta lla tio n o f a ll h ig h p u r ity gas system s M u s t possess a b ilit y to h e lia rc w eld, s ilv e r solde r, select c o m p a tib le h a rd w a re , tro u b le s h o o t le a ks, su p e rvise c o n tra c to rs a n d c e r tify system s in acco rd a n ce w ith process gas s p e c ific a tio n s M u s t h a v e fo u r y e a rs ’ e xp erien ce at jo u rn e y m a n level as process gas p lu m b e r. M u s t Is* w illin g to w o rk w eekends as p a rt o f n o rm a l w o rk week S a la ry is open B e n e fit p ro g ra m s in c lu d e lib e r a l in su ra n ce s, d e n ta l, and e d u c a tio n a l s u p p o rt p ro g ra m s p lu s a p r o fit s h a rin g p la n A p p ly in person a t o u r B e a v e rto n o ffic e , lo ca te d .it th e s o u th end o f th e B e a v e rto n M a ll. M o n d a y . BI-iN iam to 2 00pm o r c a ll N a n c ie D e V ita at 03 101 H I. e xt 7311 A n eq u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r rn f he Ttektronix t im m i n n m o tT u e s j So says the VA... HI ANO LOIS by M ori W alker and Dik Browne QAM S A V E M O M E y , ^ I=-PAY 'N e Ö Ö V E R M M E N T L IF tz IN S U R A N C E P R E M IU M S q u ar ter ly semiannually --------- * ^«7 A H N U A L L y 2E