Pea• I Portlancl ObMn,er June 21. 1• CITY OF PORTLAND Community Calendar Karen Wald. author of Children of Che. Educetlon end Chlldc■r■ In Cube ( Rampart Preu), will speak in Ponland on June 21. Ms. Wald will speak on "Chlld Car■ end Education In Cub■" at 4:00 P .M. at King Neighborhood Faclllty, • 11 NE 7th. She will also speak at 1:00 PM on "What'• Heppenln1 In Cuba, an lyewltn ... Report" in 75 Lincoln Hall at Ponland State University. SI . 50 donation will be requested and childcare will be provided. lr■nlan - Am■rlc■n Frlendehlp Commltt-■ , will present a film " The ln- terne11onel Tribunal and Inquiry on the depoaed Shah of Iran" (video tape) June 27th, 7:30 p.m., Ponland State Univeralty, Room 371, Cramer Hall, S 1.50 admission. For more information call 235-9800 or 233-745 J, OEPBS will once qain carry hi1hli1hts of the annual NAACP convention June 30- July 5 on all OEPBS Channels (l~Ponland, 7-Corvallis, 3-Salem, 13-Salem). ¼ The half-hour daily hi1hli1hts will air at 7 PM weeknia}lts and a one-hour special wrap-up report will be featured on Saturday, July 5 at 7 P .M. For more information, contact Joyce De Monnin 754-ANtilHWINIAPPULN Pr..-, and Paetor llhont: 291-t,e7' Chun:tl llhont: 291-0113 iMf& !W·-lt 1HITINY1MS•P0111~--•Wl'a ~ N. _G~ntenbeln Avenue, Portlan9,.D1egon fTlZ1 You are Wefcom• to Worahlp at .ams , ... ..,..,Dmm&M1ac.vr10,..../ THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST , "A worm spirit of J,tlowsltlp fll,wys" The Honorable Blehop U.V. Peteraon, 0.0. "The Holi,.._ Preacher," Pa11tor ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH DNE ALBERTA STREET R■v■r■nd Bertram Griffin, Putor - • Labor, Material & Equipment for Water Quality Inlet Tower. For information call Carlton Chayer, Au't. Pur- chaaing Mgr. 248-4001. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Required. 211-4421 · l:ODpmv._. - - - - - 10:00lm Olotr- lundly 12 Gapm Foll - lundly ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL 9JrW»I: Sunday School MominO WonND 9.15am 11 !Sam L..,_of B ....... BfOldealf" Tuadey: Bible lend/ Jr. Cl'lurdl Wedneadrf: Choir ,..,__. Friday: , . -· , . · · 3:»-4:30 ''llle Paator Speeb" YPYIW fvlllgllll1lc: WonNp 1 :30pm 1:00pm NocMI Dey Pr.- 94 NE Klllnge,,u011h 2.110488 TUINll'f·Fftdar HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINIS"T'ER 7:30pm I 7:CIUpm j Tri-Met intend• to apply for a combined Section 3 (Capital) and Secion 8 IDemonatration) funds to demonstrate and Introduce a self-aervice fare collection ay1tem. The grant• for ,maly1i1, s taff training, equipment procurement (ticket printera, valldatora, and ticket v,ndlng machinaal. en- forcement peraonnel~ equipment maintenance per1onnet, and 1upport elementa required to implement the program over a four (4) year period. The self-service 1y1tem of fare collection will enh•nce the Introduction of higher capacity tranalt vehiclN (articulated buH1 and LRTI and i1 an- ticipated to reduce the coat of operating the tranlit system In compa,..•r.v with the conventional fare collection 1ystem currently in uH. Friday - I r ~ FellowlhipSlrv!Gewtth Morning Star ltd Sunday 07/15/80 Notice i1 hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-County Metroplolitan Tranaportation Di1trict of Oregon (Tri·M•tl at the Water Ser- vice Building (Auditorium), 1800 S.W. 8th Avenue, Portland, Oregon at 10:30 a.m., Monday, July 14, 198), for the purpo1e of conaiderlng a project for which financia l assistance is being 10ught from the Urban Mau Tran- sportation Adminiltration, purauant to the Urban Maas Tranaportation Act of 1964. as amended generally deacribed as followa: Counsellor training available "If you are 13 or 14 years old, en- joy being with children, want 10 get some work ellperience and have fun at the same time, the YWCA may be the place for you this summer, " says Paul Nelson, Coordinator for the YWCA Summer Day Camp Program. This summer the YWCA will offer "Counselor-in-training," a new program for 13-14 years olds who would like to combine work ellperience and fun. The program will beain on June 16 and continue through Auaust 15. Panicipants will meet three days a week for two week session at a time. Participants may sign up for as many sessions as they want 10. Cost of each two-week session is S4S. The emphasis of the CIT program will be on trainina these 13 and 14 year olds in skills that are useful in working with children. The program combines both outdoor campin1 and backpacking and urban ell· periences. Participants will also have the opportunity to work first hand with the children enrolled in the YWCA Day Camp. During each two-week session, the first week will be spent training participants in different skill areas. some time will be spent backpacking and campina with the emphasis on Furni1hing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety & Special prequalification of Bidder Required. NOTICE OF PU BLIC HEARING featuring a panel on "Achieving Our Goals." Speakers are: Ms. Erma Hep- burn, Director Human Resources Bureau; Ms. Sandra Lowe, Manager TEKTRONIX, Inc., N.E.; Ms. Anna Street, Administrative Asst. to Com- missioner Charles Jordan; and Ms. Connie Thompson, Anchorwoman, KOMO-TV, Seattle. Donation for lunch, S 1.50. NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED 8unmy 8dloal Morning Wcnhlp fw,q SeNice 2nd, •1t1 and INVITATION TO BID 111 N.E. FAILING Dlal-A-Praye, 21M-09e W°'9hip 11 ·00lm Churdl School I :. _ . Offlc:e291-Dl2 SPf'(-1111/ti'U I" t,,dmdw,/ • Mt1rr1t11r ""d Ft1mily • Grot,p 1'1NNp.1 ''TIMI Church~ NO. I..,.,._ ,._ l trenel" ( t Sl jl ti d Cl C .