Portland Observer June 28. 1980 Page 7 Strong joins health committee P ortland homemaker Opal Strong has been appointed by Gov. Vic Atiyeh to the Oregon Statewide Health Coordinating Council. Mrs. Strong w ill complete the unexpired term o f Martha Warren, a consumer representative who died Feb. 1979. Mrs. Strong’s term ends Oct. 23. 1982. Mrs. Strong is vice-chairperson o f H u m b o ld t N e ig h b o r h o o d Association, third vice-president of the C o a litio n o f Neighborhood by Odessa Kellum M cClary for K raft Inc San Diego has a history o f set­ tlement by Indians, conquest by the Spaniards, periods o f wars and tur­ m oil and la tte r settlement by Mexicans. The oldest and most historical section o f San Diego is said to be Old Town which was first settled in 1846, went through a dorm ant period and then was resettled and incorporated in 1872. Buildings from that period and section o f San Diego are being dismantled and moved to an area designated Heritage Park where they are being restored. The history of each building is being documen­ ted and will be preserved for future San Diegans to enjoy. San Diego has the Mexican bor­ der as its southern city limits, which explains the large number o f Mexicans who now live in the city. But, the presence o f the Naval D is tric t Headquarters and the almost perfect year-round tem ­ peratures are the two things said to have induced Blacks to relocate there. The K ra ft Kitchens have developed a recipe for this southern favorite which is traditionally eaten with fish and other seafood. Another San Diego couple fitting the pattern o f marital and business partnership is Lee and Beverly Majors. They have been in business fo r the past 27 years, m ostly as Majors Bar-B-Que restaurant. The M ajors have a tantalizing menue which includes smothered steaks, Bar-b-que Ribs, greens and beans, pork and beef neck bones, cornbread and, the item they are famous for. Savannah Sweet Potato Pie. They use a recipe long in the family to give a distinct authentic taste to the pics. Mr. M ajor said one o f their secrets to success is the yams they use. He says he d ilig e n tly scours the market to get the sweet potato or yam which most closely resembles the Georgia yam. Restaurant hours now are somewhat limited, because the pie business keeps members o f the fa m ily - m other, father and A»M CUT, U S D A ChoK. (M l $158 HIJM PO»« Oregon CI m I I t t Soutoge •r*e » Sparer«bs bb LAR G Ì OVENJOY AA Eggs H U SH PUPPIES 1 cup w h it« cornm eal 'A cup flour % cup (1 o z .l K ra ft g ra te d parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon Im ita tio n bacon bits 1 tablespoon baking pow der 1 tablespoon sugar H cup butterm ilk 1 egg 1 tab lesp o o n cho p p ed green onion Combine dry ingredients. Add com bined b u tte rm ilk , egg and onion, mixing until well blended. Drop rounded teaspoonfuls o f bat­ ter into 1-!A inches o f hot oil. Fry 1 to 2 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Drain; serve warm. 2 dozen. SAUSAGE POORBOY 1 lb. hot Italian Seueage % cup water 4 Individual French bread loevee, baked, epllt Kraft sandwich epread 2 cupe shredded lettuce 12 thin tomato ellcee, havled K cup green onion ellcee Place sausage and water in 10- inch skillet. Cover; simmer 30 minutes. Drain; brown sausage. Cut sausage into 6-inch pieces; slice in half lengthwise. For each sandwich, spread bread with sandwich spread; fill with lettuce, tomato, onion and sausage. 4 servings. Small Sides ta Bake ar Barbecue Cread Lucerne Im vtiDwen White o Wheat @ 4 9 ‘... 22 5-07 3.99*' Fried Chicken Manor House Meat 4 Servo 2-Pound Boi MILD CHEDDAR Cheese Lucerne 2-16 Loaf 50'Fak 12-PAK Dinner Rainier Rainm Beer 12-ot Can @79* ®»3V • p & ls g s ^ ¿ S 4 .n 7 ' 14’ ek* TRULY FINE AQUA-FRESH Towels Toothpaste Assorted I PV « o d « ! » JYOdteoei M -M Tote @3,Î1 USDA Choca Bee* Round Safeway Ouakty ib dkg © Ib.NH © Requiar Frank» 12-07 Pkq iBeet Frank» 12-07 89* 1 79,£ Ice M ilk Assorteli Flavor. Hana* FRIED CHICKEN I Swanton Breast or Dark Meat 11 5-07 Boneteat Beef Round Safeway Quatti y S ^ 3 8 $ ^ 0 8 40' ss. LUCERNE @«35* ©99* « 40 3 Q to Top Round Boneless Safeway Steak Beef Roust Franks @99* TOMATO Juice Scotch Buy 46-07 Can LUCERNE Yogurt Assorted l-oe Cm U ’ l 3:85‘ □ Imitation Cheese Food srfz 9 Lucerne Buttermilk 9 Frozen Apple Juice 9 Ice Cream Cones 9 Deodorant Soap ,’S’S 9 Cdd Power XX " •I* S afew ay V arie ty Truly Fine Kodak Color FBm Shampoo CAooaa Your Fauonta © Saw £ ’ 1 ” ’S-rw Save W e e 120-20 I «1*0 Sava 4 f 98* KHchon Took Sesame St. Library b r a Elona (M ied Spoon nai Meets Feen» To ~ tum n i ll nFaawM ~ e M fP Your CRM I LOrary .•I« Prtcm aWacttvo Wed Juna S thru Tuoa . Jufy 1 g Pfxt‘eod s i SAFEWAY Sobo l «Mod lo Rotee OuonWws Only