Portland Observar Juna 28.1180 Paga 3 Beyond revolution: A new unified Central America By Thomas Brom possib ility o f U.S. m ilita ry in ­ funds fo r Nicaragua by a wide The Vatican too has tried to blunt volvement in the region. ” The margin. the Nicaraguan drive to spread the Scandimstras are unusually sensitive "The vote on the amendment was Sandinista revolution throughout to the threat o f invasion,” he says no accident,” said sponsor Rep. C entral Am erica, the seven from the heavily-guarded U.S. em­ Robert Bauman (R)Md.). ” We have Nicaraguan bishops who endorsed bassy in Managua. “ The possibility got nothing back from all the aid we socialism in 1979 recently traveled o f U.S. invasion is absolutely ab­ have poured in to Nicaragua but to Rome fo r a meeting w ith the surd, although there is no question bile.” Pope. They were followed shortly that there are rightists who would be Foreign minister d ’ Escoto is par­ by Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, who was interested.” ticularly resentful o f the U.S. at­ summoned to explain himself. The S a n d in is ta in te r n a tio n a lis m titude toward the 2,000 Cuban Pope's recent directive against begins with the unique blend o f teachers and doctors in Nicaragua. priests serving in public office may Church and revolution that marks The $75 million specifically forbids have been intended more fo r the new government. In a typical spending fo r any school “ which Nicaragua than fo r Congressman policy statement, minister o f culture would house, employ, or be made Drinan of Massachusetts. Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, a Trappist available to Cuban personnel." Ambassador Pessullo seems baf­ monk, says the recent assassination fled by the Sandinista crusade ot Archbishop Oscar Romero was “ U.S. Congressmen think that drawing the Church and "a redemptive death for the people someone else will now control us,” revolutionaries together in Latin o f El Salvador.” d 'r « nto responds. “ But they are America. “ Certainly there is a Cen­ At the request o f the Sandinista wrong. We are not a political harlot tral American sense,” he admits. Front and the Nicaraguan gover­ to be sold to the highest bidder.” “ There should be closer ties, and nment, the archbishop o f Managua A fte r months o f lobbying in reactivation o f the C entral held a memorial mass for Romero in Washington for the much-needed American Common M arket. But the Plaza o l the re vo lu tio n that assistance, several Nicaraguan of- this should not be a unity o f drew 40,(XX) people on just eight ficials now say their government movements that m ight threaten hours notice. Priests working with may turn down the $75 million if the some nations.” peasants in El Salvador have so amendments are not dropped. D’ Escoto, fingering the old coin angered the right wing parties there " I t is a mystery to m e," sighs Fr. o f the Central American Republic, that one leader recently promised on Fernando Cardenal, the Jesuit priest says with Christian certainty, " A t local television that "Jesuit blood who leads the Nicaraguan Literacy the level o f the people, Central will How.” C rusade, "how the U.S. can con­ America is one. It is not yet one at Nicaraguan support fo r the tinue to make the same mistakes the level of governments.” revolutions next door, however, is throughout Central America." COPYRIGHT PNS 1980 more than spiritual. Young volun­ teers, or muchachos, have repor­ tedly joined the fight in El Salvador, prompting the U.S. government to loan neighboring H onduras ten helicopters to patrol Nicaragua’ s northern border. At the same time, approximately 7,(XX) rightist troops o f the former national Guard have base camps in H onduras ar^d Guatemala and are ready to fight for the present m ilitary leaders in those countries. ‘ T h e presence o f muchachos in El Salvador worries us,” Pessullo says. “ The evidence is now very The new Sandinista government bears a keen sense o f historical in­ sketchy -- the secret session o f Congress d u iin g debate o f the justice, from conquering Spain and Britain as well as from more recent Nicaraguan aid bill included a C IA briefing about the matter. U.S. support from Latin American dictatoships. Yet the C entral "N um bers are o f no great con­ Am erican inte rn a tio n a lism that cern at this time. W hat does concern remains is truly remarkable. us is whether this is a conscious ac­ “ W'e look upon the people o f El tion by the Nicaraguan government, Salvador as our brothers,” d’ Escoto or just national feelings o f solidarity.” says. “ W’e are no longer Nicaraguans; we are C entral Central American solidarity led Everybody wins Tourism will greet you. Americans.” by Nicaragua apparently is the last for trying our The VIP treatment will Free Nicaragua is preoccupied thing Washington - or the Vatican - First Day & Night continue with deluxe with the daily battles in El Salvador - wants. Pexxullo’s fears o f a wider Teller machine. and Guatemala, guerrilla wars that leftist revolution are echoed in the accommodations at the .could lead to C entral Am erican U.S. Congress, which attached 16 Nassau Beach Hotel on Give us a few moments 5nity under a non-aligned banner in amendments to the Nicaraguan aid beautiful Cable Beach, an of your time and you’re package. They include provisions the 1980s. But d ’ Escoto also fears exciting island tour, cabaret guaranteed to walk away that the bloody c iv il war in El term inating assistance if a winner at First National show and $1(X)() in Visa Salvador w ill mean the greater "Nicaragua is aiding, abetting, or Bank. Travelers Cheques. It's all supporting acts o f violence or likelihood o f direct U.S. action in part of the grand A grand week terrorism in other countries,” or if Central America. prize. And it's in the Bahamas. Soviet or Cuban troops are "W hat 1 fear is that the U.S. may better in the stationed inside Nicaragua. The It you're the grand prize be planning direct intervention in El U.S. also pledges to support other Bahamas. winner, Delta Air Lines is Salvador,” he says. "T h e result C entral Am erican governments 70 Oregon ready when you are to whisk would be the vietnamization o f Cen­ against “ terrorism and external vacations tral America. We are six states but you and a friend away for a subversion.” for two. regard ourselves as one nation. We weeks stay in the Bahamas. Last m onth the House o f In would respond.” You'll fly first class to Atlanta Representatives added fuel to the U.S. ambassador to Nicaragua addition to controversy by e lim in a tin g J5.5 tor a night’s stay and dinner Lawrence Pezzullo dismisses the the grand m illion in m ilitary sales and training at the luxurious ftachtree Managua. Nicaraga (PNS) - Less ihan a year a fte r nationalist guerrillas forced Anastasio Somo/a into exile, dom ino theories pre­ occupy the thinking o f both U.S. and Nicaraguan officials here. But the Sandinista view envisions a return to Central American unity — not the fa ctu rin g o f regional stability so leared in Washington. “ This is my dream ,” says Fr. Miguel d’ Escoto, a U.S. - educated M aryknoll priest who is now the Nicaraguan foreign m inister. He pulls a treasured keepsake from his pocket, a large silver coin from the short-lived C entral Am erican Republic o f 1824-39. We are a common people with a common h is to ry ,” he says. “ W'e regard ourselves as a single state in the process o f reunification.” D ’ Escoto’ s vision is as much religious as political, drawing on the long history o f C atholic Church participation in the governments of C entral Am erca. The firs t con­ stituent assembly o f the Federation o f Central America in 1823 chose a priest as its president. More than a century and a half later, priests hold office in four ministries o f the San­ dinista government, and work at all levels o f the Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade. The firs t C entral Am erican Republic disintegrated under a B ritish naval blockade o f the Nicaraguan coast in the 1840s. As a result, Great Britain assumed con­ tro l o f the lu crative tobacco m onopoly in the c ountry. The strategy o f divide and conquer even­ tually produced a chain of "banana republics” that was never entirely docile, but until now was easily ex­ ploited. I ’laza. Then continue on the next morning to Nassau. I here a special envoy from the Bahamas M inistry of By R u th Spencer Dr. Bill Little, Director o f Black Studies, P .S .U ., w ill attend a meeting o f the National council o f Black Studies convening at P rin ­ ceton, N. J., June 29th. Council o f black Studies convening al Princeton, N.J., June 29th. M rs. Susie Patterson is vaca­ tioning with friends in Las Vegas. Louis Plummer, a retired attor­ ney, and M rs. Lelia W atson, a retired teacher, were the house guests o f M r. Herman Plummer, their brother, while visiting their ill sister, Mrs. Lois Renfro. Just for letting us show you how our First Day & Night Teller machines can make banking easier, we’ll give you a delicious Dilly Bar from any participating Dairy Queen. But don’t delay, offer ends June 27. The Reverend Herbert Daughtry, chairman o f the New York Black United Front said, "T he condition o f our people have reached genocidal dimension;/. In subtle and blatant ways, in d iv id u a lly and collectively, we are being killed all day long.” Lynda Thompson, Santa Cruz, California is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson. Mrs. Beverous Anderson escaped the ash fa ll-o u t from M t. St. Helens by vacationing in D urham , N orth Carolina where she visited relatives and friends. Mrs. Anderson teaches a fifth grade class at the M artin Luther King Primary School. In a landm ark ru lin g , Judge James H. Meredith ordered school o ffic ia ls o f St. Louis M o. to ex­ change students fro m the predominantly Black city with the predominantly white county and to desegregate the entire metropolitan region. • • prize winner, there will be a w in n e r-70 in ;»ll- from each First Day & Night Teller location. Choose between an exciting weekend for two at the Agate Beach 1 Hilton or the newly- remodeled KAH-NEE-TA Resort. Local winners also will receive $100 in Visa Travelers Cheques. Dilly Bara for everyone. Optometrie All Lenses. Types Contact Lenses. Visa & Mastercharge -------- ,y Eye Pes Exam. contact Visa & Masterchi d 4 Downtown 631 S W Alder 223-2171 / } . ! ___ . Lloyd Center 288-5393 ... O jk& cnt »¿¿¿tea Eastport 771-3233 Oregon City Shopping Center 656-9727 w i Drs S Anderson. E Boggs. R Hallqutst, K. Letteti. W. Südens 74c- P ( a c e Co Ç a U (¿e T t a ^ e t y « Around-the-dock banking convenience. hirst National now has 70 First Day & Night Teller locations. T hat’s more than any other bank in the state. Simple to use, our First Day & Night Teller machines jit e open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. So you can bank whenever it’s best for you. Need cash? Withdraw it from your savings or checking account at any First Day & Night Teller machine. Want to make a deposit, transfer money from I one account 0 tO Albany W averly branch ?’00E it.c Blwct Eugene Coburg Road branch 207 Coburg Rd Ashland branch E ighteenth end Oak branch 67 | Mam Si 95 Eighteenth Ave Beaverton Eugene Mem branch Beaverton branch 99 F Broadwa« « 5 5 SW Lombard Ave River Roed branch B eaverton Mail 2065 Rive» Road 'ocated n the Shopping Center i 29th and P ortland branch 3205 1 W Cedar Hills B'vd 2909 Portland S’ Bend University branch Rend River branch i 380 Villard St 3148 Highway 9 ’ N Valley River Center branch East Band branch ?5t valley R-ver ctr 644 NE Third Si Forest G rove branch Clackam as branch 1905 Pacific Ave ’ 5950 SE «2nd Ave G resham Coos Bay branch Gresham branch 200 N Broadway 110 NF Roben* Ave Corvallis branch 242nd and Burnside branch ,’ 35 NW Monro# Si 75«) NE Hogan Rd Cottage G rove branch G rants Paas branch 4 34 Mam St 205 NE Suth St M > A* • y» j Millsboro Tenth end Mam branch 150 SE Tenth Ave Klam ath Fails South S u th St branch 2809 S Suth Si La G randa branch • 320 Adam^ Ave Lebanon branch 909 Ma.r i St _ Lincoln City branch 2300 N Hwy 101 M edford M edford Mom branch I E Mam St Milw aukie Oak G rove branch 14500 SE Mclought B'vd O ntario branch 189 SW First Si Oregon City Beavercreek Rd branch t7 5 i Moiaiia Ave See how today. Our Show Tellers will give you a personal demonstration of just how easy a First Day & Night Ieller machine is to use. First Day & Night Teller service. Another of the many reasons why First National N O regon City branch 20x3 Oregon C'ly Shopping Cenle’ P ortland Area Cedar Mitts branch 10100 SW Park Wa, Fifth and College branch ’ 900 SW 5i” Ave 48th and Woodstock branch 4600 SE Woodstock B vd Foster Powell branch 3612 SE 52nd Ave Gateway branch ’ 0 4 0 ’ NF Halsey St Mead Office ’ 300 SW 5th Ave Hillsdale 6349 SW Capitol Hwy Hollyw ood Rosa Cdy branch 4233 NE Sandy B'vd Johns Landing branch 5615 SW Macadam Ave Lloyd Center branch 1405 LfOyd Cante« ---, — S .inotlkT, Oairq or find Queen out your account balances? You can do all that, too, at any First Day & Night Teller machine. Here s where to find a First Day & Night Teller machine: » .. . ■ especially for you! This new frame, available in several different styles is designed to look good and feel good! See Flatterfit frames NOW at all convenient offices of Dr. Anderson Optometrists! First National free-for-all Bits and Pieces James A. Loving, son o f Mrs. Vesia Loving and M r. James Loving, is an architect at A B C studio in H ollyw ood, C alifornia. James, age 24, designs sets fo r movie stars. Ronnie Herndon, Co-chairman o f the Black United Front is attend­ ing a conference o f the National Black United Front convention in Brooklyn, New York. People are amused at M rs. Jeanette Gate’s statement before the P ortland School Board that the d is tric t is 30 years behind in organization and specialization, and at the same time, pleading with the Board to retain the person respon­ sible. Ms. Freddye Petett will attend the Delta Sigma Theta Regional Con­ ference in San Diego, June 26-28. Ms. Petett w ill also attend the N ational Urban League Energy Symposium, in Phildelphia, June 29 -July I. Mrs. Lois Renfro is recovering from Surgery at home. The Oregon A ssociation o f Colored Women Clubs is having its 68th annual meeting, June 28, 1980, 12:00 noon, at M t. Olivet Baptist Church, 116 N.E. Schuyler. Flatter Fit Frames • customers say, “That’s my bank.” See contest rules below. H Copy ogni 1880 Am □ Q Corp CONTEST RULES 1 You may enter by accepting a free demonstration of the First Day & Night Teller machine at any one of 70 locations throughout the State of Oregon and depositing the entry blanks in the machine Sweepstakes starts June ,6 1980 and ends June 27. 1980 2 All residents of the United States ,8 years of age or older are eligible eicept employees and their immediate families ot first Rational Bank of Oregon, its affiliates end subsidiaries J One week end trip will be awarded a participant at each of 70 first Oay & Right Teller locations Week end trips include two nights lodging for two at winner s choice of either the Agate Beach Milton or KAM REf TA Resort and $100 in Visa Traveler* Cheques Winners must provide their own transportation 4 All participants eicept week end trip winners are eligible for the grand prize 5 The grand prize includes first class travel to Rassau Bahamas via Delta Air Lines and hotel accommodations for two at the Rassau Beach Hotel »or su n.ghts and $1 000 m Visa Travelers Cheques • Winners will be determined for the week end prizes and the grand prize by a sene* ot random drawings under the supervision of Ernst & Whmney an independent accounting firm whose decision is final 7 Winners will be notified by mail at the address shown on their entry within 30 days from the closing date of the sweepstakes All prizes not accepted within 30 days will not be awarded Ro substitute prizes are permitted • Tai liability on all prizes will be the sole responsibility of prize winner* Ro transaction other than the demonstration or purchase is necessary to win 9 Sweepstakes void where prohibited by federal State or local laws or regulations ’ • All entries must bear the legible name and address of the participant 11 Prizes are non-transferabie and hotel accommodations and transportation are subtect to availability of reservations Week end trips and grand prize must be used by December 15 1980 I f Each winner is solely responsible for hi* own actions and hereby agrees to hold first Rational Bank of Oregon harmless from any liability arising in connection with such trip unless such liability arises solely from the bank s negligence FIRST N A T IO N A L BANK I OF OREGON A WESTERN BANCORPORATION bank Medical Center branch S I IS ,a t and Stark branch Springfield 10,0 SW G bbs S' 440 SE ,81st Ave Mohawk Centennial branch Montavitie branch SE 121st and Otvision branch ’ 600 Centennial B>vd H135 SE S,a«k S' 12005 SE 0iv.S«On The Oeiiee branch M oreland Sellw ood branch S i 38th and Haw thorne Blvd branch 400 E 3rd Si 6646 SE M ’waukie Ave 3782 SE Hawthorne 8 ‘vd Tigard N Denver a Interstate branch SW 13th end B e'bur branch Tigard branch 8334 N Oenve« Ave 76,5 SW ,3th Ave 11780 SW Ha»i Blvd NW 22nd end Lovetoy branch Roseburg branch W ashington Bguere 2222 NE L o v e ly 662 SE Jackson S’ (located m *he 1S5,h and Sunset Hwy branch Salem Aree Shopping Center) 2555 NW TanasbOurne Circle Capito« C enter branch 9300 SW Washington 122nd and Halsey branch ,177 Center S, NE Sguere Rd 1601 NE 122nd Ave l a s , Salam branch TueteHn branch One Mam Place branch 3245 Mam ei Si NE ’ 897 J SW M a r,m a ,,, Ave ’ 122 SW 2nd Ave Ke«fer branch West Lm n branch Raleigh Hi,Is branch 4605 R»ver Road N 16900 P a e ’ tC Hwy 6785 SW Beaverton Hwy Liberty end Skytm e » Rd branch • Shopping Canter hours O«My S u th and M o rn to n branch 4 755 Liberty Rd S 635 SW Suth A»e Salem Main branch S I (2 n d end Foster branch 280 I iherty NE 5444 SE 82nd Ave S easide branch SE ,03 rd and W ashington branch 210 S Hoiiaday Si 10305 SE Washington