Portland Observar, Thursday, Juna 29, 1980 Sactlon II Paga 19 Russell Daw son poses in fro n t of his cabinet m aking business on Union Avenue "D aw son and D aw so n." |An Anthology of Black Women Poets of Sometimes I find myself Oregon Struggling so hard Douglas Hughes, Jr. and Shirley Cheung dem onstrate the security of banking - at the A m erican State Bank. I FIND MYSELF to attain something. There are many things I wish to attain But I've learned That it is not always 1 « Within the struggling That I attain them I * It is during the calm and The peace When I am at rest I realize I have already attained something. Alice Marie Anfield BLACK W O M E N POETS OF OREGON is an anthology of 5 poets: 1 ’ Alice Marie Anfield, Lois M . Berry, Katrina B. Cathcart, C. Maxey ( > Easterly, J.M . Gates. ' ! BLACK W O M E N POETS OF OREGON, published by the Center for ( , Black Studies, will be available through Portland State University's Con- tinuing Education Publications. 1 < • t f Jerom e M o u to n is a real estate salesman for H erm an Plum m er b Co. Reel Estate. Photos Richard J Brown BLACK W O M E N POETS OF OREGON, »3.46, can be obtained from: ‘ f Continuing Education Publications P.O. Box 1394 Portland, Oregon 97207 • I (5031 229 4873