Portland Observer Thursday, June 28, 1980 Section II Pegs 17 ^ ^ n9t°n ASS0C^z>b/? & Contractors n J Affiliated with the Washington Department o f Transportation. I f Providing free technical assistance fo r minority business enterprise. H Construction contracts are available now! I Qualify now fo r an approximated $5 million in contracting in Washington! I I ! ($1 million has been earmarked for minority participation in cleanup of the Cowlitz River) H I J u ly 9 th - 7:00 pm Financial M anagem ent - Bob Shorter, W ashington DOT A pprenticeships in C onstruction - Ray C happel Ken Tweet (AGC) will speak to the class J u ly 19th - 9:00 a .m . (all day) Second class in C ontract Law. H » J u ly 12, 1980: 9 :0 0 a .m . (all d ay ) C ontract Law - Chuck Schrader • Pre-C ontract Aw ard - Jim W ilson (M ust call for reservations) I NATHAN PROBY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I S. W. LUashington flssoc. of Rlinority Contractors, Inc. 5620 N.E. Gher Rd. (Unit F) Orchards, Washington 98662 (206) 256-2317 i J . * Î . *