Portland Observar Thursday, Juna 26,1980 Section II Paga 16 Putting people first Floating Point Systems, Inc., headquartered in Beaverton, is a leading m anufacturer o f A rray Processors. These special-purpose, high speed com- Oonna Uhlin (left) and Christina Easley, both m em bers of Floating Point System s, In c ., Reprographics Department, form a good team in cataloging the company's Engineering drawings. puters are used chiefly in scientific computation ap­ plications. when combined with “ host" minicomputers, or major mainframe computers, FPS Array Processors increase the perform ance speed o f the host by mathematically processing large arrays, or groups, o f data simultaneously. Following the company’ s incorporation in October, 1970, recognition o f FPS products and their uses in­ creased rapidly, resulting in remarkable growth. From its modest beginning operations in a Portland basement. Floating Point Systems, Inc., today conducts design, manufacturing, marketing, and support functions in a modern, attractive 130,000 square-foot building com­ pleted in early 1979. The company employs some 700 people at this location, and in district offices elsewhere in the United States and throughout the w orld. Its European headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland, and sales o ffice locations include the United Kingdom , France, Germany, and Canada. FPS distributorships are also maintained in Australia, India, Israel, Japan, and Mexico. Despite the company's "high-technology” product line and rapid growth, FPS employees still enjoy a long- established tra d itio n o f meeting w ith founder and president C. N. "N o rm ” Winningstad each month to ask questions and hear company progress reports. Under W inningstad's leadership, Floating Point Systems, Inc., continues its people-oriented philosophy which has been instrumental in attracting capable and well-qualified workers, ranging from clerical employees to degreed engineers. FPS is recognized for its pleasant, casual w orking clim ate, and generous employee benefits. These include company-paid health and dental plans for employees and their families, and two com­ prehensive retirement programs in which every em­ ployee automatically participates. Winningstad’s leadership is also reflected in the com­ pany’ s committment to its continued recognition as a "Patay" Ruaaall daft), an Invantory Control am- ployaa, and Roaa Laoa, am ployad In tha Pur­ chasing Department, find thalr skills on tha com ­ pany's com putar tarmlnals halpful In thalr dally rssponsibllltiss at Floating Point Sytama, Inc. stable, reliable, and reputable company, in te r­ nationally, nationally, and locally. FPS employees share pride in their com pany’ s achievements, and in the knowledge that FPS Array Processors are being used in a wide variety o f human- advancement applications throughout the world; ap­ plications which include scientific research, education, medicine, seismic data processing in the search fo r petroleum deposits, and many others. Floating Point Systems, In c., is located at 3601 Southwest Murray Boulevard, just north o f the Tualatin Valley Highway 8, or a bit south o f Sunset Highway 26, in Beaverton. Personnel Department hours are 8:00 A M. to 5:00 P.M. weekdays. We are Oregon Physicians ’ Service Portland 243-7500 Salam 585-9211 Roseburg 673-6045 Coos Bay 269-1510 « UE SHELD OPS Blue Shield is an equal opportunity employer, welcoming applicants regardless of race, color, sex or national origin. -• »