Pag« 14 Section II Portland Obaarvar Tburaday. Juno 39. IN O Sell yourself at job interview by Cal Williams M ultnom ah C ounty Ex- tension Selling yourself to a potential employer is the purpose o f a jo b in te r­ view. What you are selling is the impression that you have the nowhow to do the jo b . When you are hired you w ill be able to demonstrate that you do have the knowledge and skill for the job. First impressions are very important in job in­ terviews. I f you d o n ’ t make a favorable im ­ pression, you may never get the o p p o rtu n ity to show what you know. To make a favorable CAREER OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, JUNE 28- 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM For a first hand glimpse of how a dynamic, fast growing company operates, and your possible involvement, plan to join us for coffee, conversation and career possibilities. We at FLOATING POINT SYSTEMS believe in individual im portance and we extend that feeling to you. All of us have a very large im p a ct upon the developm ent of our products, our co m p a n y an d our careers. If you are interested in an environm ent where g o o d ideas flow upward, are recognized a n d im plem ented, then CALL JO (5 0 3 ) 641-3151, ext. 163 this week to set som e tim e aside for you on Saturday. The FPS team of quality pe op le represents the following fields: SOFTWARE DESIGN MECHANICAL DESIGN LOGIC DESIGN FIELD SERVICE SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING TEST ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLEY DIGITAL/MECH. DRAFTING MARKETING TECHNICAL WRITING DATA PROCESSING ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTING It you're interested in joining the team that has led FLOATING POINT SYSTEMS to the forefront of Array Processor com panies, then CALL JO, (5 0 3 ) 641-3151, ext. 163 this week an d let us know when we can expect you. We are lo ca te d in Beaverton at 3601 Murray Blvd., between Sunset Highway an d t . v . Highway. If unable to attend, please send your resume to P.O. Box 23489, OR 94, Portland, OR 97223. We are an equal opportunity employer. FP R □ FLOATING POINT SYSTEMS, INC. impression you need to have confidence in your- se'f. You must convince the employer that you are the best person fo r the job. C lothing is an im por­ tant part o f the job inter­ view because it gives the interviewer a visual sum­ mary o f your a b iliity to m ake a p p r o p r ia t e decisions. Ninety per cent o f what the personnel in­ terviewer sees is your clothing, so pay careful attention in selecting; clothing for a job inter­ view. A good rule o f thumb is to dress as if you are a successful person in the job for which you are ap­ plying. I f you dress in the kinds o f clothing that are worn by successful per­ sons, you w ill gain con­ fidence that you too are a successful person. You should feel relaxed about the way you look and pro je ct confidence that you can analyze and handle the demands o f the job. One o f the basic demands o f any position is thoroughness. A clean, neat w ell-groom ed ap­ pearance w ill convey the impression that you do things in an orderly and thorough manner, not haphazardly. Supervisors and managers w ill help you learn your particular job responsibilities, but they can’ t be expected to teach on the basis o f per­ sonal groom ing and dress. If you will be working with the public in a ser­ vice or sales capacity, neatness in grooming is e s p e c ia lly im p o r ta n t because it w ill be part of the job. The clothing you select to wear to a job in­ terview depends on ( M type o f jo b you are ap­ plying for. The image o f the company or agency should also be taken into consideration. Be aware o f the kinds o f clothing that. a»c worn by em- plyees in the company. I f you are applying for a professional position, dress conservatively like a member of the profession, if you are ap­ plying for an entry level p osition as a laborer don’ t be so dressed up that you look lik e you aren’ t ready to go to work. An auto mechanic who looks like he is scared o f grease is n 't going to get the job. Be sure that what you wear looks attractive on you.