Portland Observer Thursday. June 20, 1980 Section II Page 9 Counsellor gives service to PCC students I t ’s not necessary to be student at Portland Com­ m unity College to receive counseling from Odessa Hendrix, a PCC counselor at the Cascade Center, 705 N. Killingsworth, who has special training in counseling inner city minorities and community college students. Hendrix is available to community members who are considering college as well as to PCC students. "T he potential student is welcome to come in and begin planning a schedule o f classes,” Hendrix said. Hendrix said she helps students and potential students plan academic programs and she will help with personal problems i f asked. Appointments are not necessary during daytime hours between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., but appointments are needed for evening counseling. There is no charge for counseling. “ Sometimes people hesitate to come in because they are afraid they might ask a stupid question,” Hendrix said. “ But I believe the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask because that’ s the one you’ ll never find an answer for, so I encourage all questions.” Hendrix also has extended background in counseling Indochinese and other foreign students. For the past four years she was an administrator and counselor for the Indochinese Center at the PCC Rose Island Center. She is also bi-lingual in Spanish and English. Hendrix said she believes her strong ties to the north Portland community also help her in offering practical counseling and advice to PCC students. Mrs. Hendrix is a board member and consultant to Prison Ministries. She is also a board member o f the ■ J t . » Portland C om m unity College counselor Odessa H e n d rix s p e c ia lize s in c o u n s e lin g c o m m u n ity college inner city m inority students Interested In PCC's Cascade Center, 706 N. Killingsworth. Urban 4 H. In addition she belongs to the NAACP, A A U W , Phil Delta Kappa education honorary. Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society. Alpha Kappa Alpha S o ro rity, Jack and J ill o f Am erica, In c ., and the National Council o f Negro Women. She is a former reporter for the Oregon Advanced Times and former co-hostess with her husband George Hendrix, o f Channel Ten show, Albina Mosaic. A. * »V- . A CASCADE OF OPPORTUNITY THE NAVY. IT S N O T JUST A JOB, The center operates in a relaxed atmosphere which provides the feeling of a "neighborhood school.” The programs are provided for people of all ages and for all purposes. For information on. Adult Basic Education Community Programs College Transfer Programs English as a Second Language Preparatory Programs High School Completion (GED, Career Programs Counseling Financial Aids CALL 283-2541 In the Navy, a job means more than just a good paycheck. It means the adventure of seeing places like Greece. Spain. Hawaii and Hong Kong. It means becoming an ex pert on exciting technical equipment in our submarines, on our jets, and in our ships. It means doing a job that really counts, with people who count on you to do it. The Navy can give you training in more than 60 career fields. Thlk it over with your Navy recruiter. He'll be able to tell you what you can qualify for in the Navy: Cleo Curry 3637 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland Portland Community College Cascade Center 705 N. Killingsworth 283-2541 233-9997 • » » .* '• » .■ * f t .