Nero makes Affirmative Action work Nero and Associates, Inc., is a m inority owned, multi-racially staffed Oregon based business w ith branch o ffice s in Washington, D.C. and Austin, Texas. The firm is headed by D avid M . Nero J r., President, and is heavily engaged in pioneering research, technology assessment and transfer, en vironmental studies, transportation planning, energy studies and analysis, health management, educational research, evaluation and statistics, survey research, conference management and ap propriate technologies. The firm , in ad d itio n to seeking out and hiring capable minorities, also gives scholarship annually to worthy (3.0 GPA and above) m inority students pursuing degrees in business at Rust College in H olly Springs, Mississippi and the School o f Business and Technology, Oregon State University where M r. Nero served as an Assistant Professor in 1972 and 1973. M r. Nero exhorts Black students to pursue degrees in Business, M edicine, Engineering and to forget social science studies; however, he hastens to add, a degree in underwater pinochle is better than no degree at all. D A V ID NERO Nero and Associates, Inc. HEAD OFFICE 520 S.W. 6th Street, Suite820 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503)223-4150 BRANCH OFFICES Fifth Floor 1706 DeSalea Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Ms. Dianne J. Reynolds, Manager (202-466-3330) 4107 Medical Parkway, Suite 208 Austin, Texas 78756 ■nr. w.ivi. uoitnarp, P.E., M anager (515)458 4666 or (512) 468 3744