Pag« 4 Section II Portland Obaarvar Tburaday. Juna 28, IMO Be all the Nurse You can be AT EMANUEL HOSPITAL . . . WHERE YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE At Emanuel Hospital you can make a difference. We give you the opportunity to be all the nurse you can be. You can participate in im portant decision making such as the hiring of co-w orkers and supervisors, setting of shift and unit policies and standard of care, budgeting and staffing patterns. You can have the opportunity to grow as a person and a professional with our excellent educational programs in cluding Nursing Grand Rounds, educational funding and tuition assistance, new graduate internship program and nursing research. W ith our very personalized approach to our nurse’s needs you can enjoy flexible shifts and days off ánd our individualized and comprehensive orientation programs. At Emanuel Hospital you can work at one of the most progressive health care facilities in the Northwest wfth such exciting program s as the Oregon Children's Center, LLfe Flight, Portland Rehabilitation Center and the Oreqon Burn Center. Discover our e xciting w orld of nursing. CARING FOR YC'U EMANUEL OSPITAL » 0 1 N. Oantenbain Avau Portland, Oregon 9 7 ÌT Phono (503) 280-3300 * rtwmbdr o» MatropoMian Hoaprta» I Hotptlai • Oraaham Community H< • Part Mo«p.i