Pag* 2 Suction II Portland Otoaarvar Thursday. Juna 2S, IMO VP recommends engineering By Gregory Gudger Review Group on Energy” recommended. Smith claims to be neither a pro or an anti-"nuke,” For a number o f years, employment forcasters have "b u t it does have a role to play insofar as the energy consistently listed engineering as a Field having great problems o f this nation and the world are concerned.” promise for Blacks, yet, a few college-bound Blacks Although political and institutional problems are seek careers in that area. However, for Oregon State besetting the industry, he says the technology exists to University vice president C lifford Vaughn Smith, Jr., it handle, for example, the critical issue o f nuclear waste was the only Field he considered. disposal, using non-corroding plastics for storage. "1 never wanted to be anything else but an engineer Those same problems are causing the U.S. to lose its because my father was.” says the affable Smith, who position as the technical leader in the industry — a holds a Ph.D IN Radiological Science and Environmen­ position we can’t afford to lose. "France will be the tal Engineering from the John Hopkins University, leader in the nuclear industry, and we'll be buying from Baltimore, Maryland, coupled with 25 years o f private, them.” The U.S. job market will be affected because, institutional and civil experience in the Field. even now. General Electric and W'estinghouse no longer Smith’s background is indeed impressive. Following supply equipment and technological needs o f other in his fa th e r’ s footsteps, the 49-year-old native o f countries. This fa ll he plans to expound on his Washington, D.C., earned a Bachelor o f Science in philosophy in a course entitled "N uclear Safeguards Civil Engineering from the University o f Iowa in 1954, and Proliferation Issues.” then went on to acquire a masters and Ph.d from John By the same token, " I don’ t argue the issues too Hopkins in I960 and 1966, respectively. much, but people have to gel a better understanding o f Vocationally, he has served in management positions the concept o f risk," says Smith who, as a pioneer in with the Pennsylvania Department o f Health, Sanitary environmental technology, “ was working on saving the Engineering Division, and the Ames, Iowa Sanitary air and streams before “ Earth Day.” Division (1954-1968); as Manager o f Sanitary Oregon State, says Smith, is not attracting enough Technology and as a consultant with Dorr-Oliver, Inc. Blacks to enter its programs, however, he sees the (1968-1970); Deputy Regional A d m in istra tio n fo r potential for greater recruitment developing, coming Region I, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1971- from the affirmative action office, such as a visitation 74); Region X Adm inistrator fo r E .P .A . (1974-76); arranged for students in the Portland Urban League’s Executive Engineer for Bechtel, Inc. (1976); Director o f Engineering Program. the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Division o f Smith, himselt, is agreeable to serving as a resource, Fuel Cycle and Material Safety (1976-77), and Director noting, " I f I were a dean o f engineering, and if I had me o f NRC's O ffice o f Nuclear M aterial Safety and as a resource to draw on. I ’d certainly use me.” Dr Clifford Vaughn Sm ith, Jr., Ph D, P.E. is vice Safeguards. president of Oregon State University in Corvalllis. Unlike most positions which could be classified as "garbage jobs,” Smith’ s positions with EPA and NRC involved with nuclear waste afforded him direct access to the highest levels o f government and industry both here and abroad. As an educator, he has held academic appointments at T ufts U niversity, U niversity o f Massachusetts, University o f Connecticuit, City College o f New York, and the University o f Washington. Additionally, he has lectured at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and North­ western University before coming to OSU in 1978. Sm ith’ s honors and awards are many, including membrship in the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity as an honorary faculty member (1980); Tau Beta Pi honorary engineering society as emient engineer (1979), and Chi Epsilon Sigma Xi Society as honorary civil engineering fraternity (1966). In 1973, he was awarded the U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency’ s Gold Medal, the highest honor award for exceptional service. His consultation activities have included stints with the Department o f Energy, Rockwell International and the National Aeronauties and Space Adm inistration, among others. In all o f his years o f experience, he says. " I can count on one hand the number of Black engineers I've worked with...and I think I've only taught two or three." He believes that the conspicuous abvence ol Black engineers has many potential roots - from the lack o f sufficient role models to the limited portrayal o f a variety ot Black professionals on TV - but the traditionally debilitating impact o f employment discrimination may not be as impactful today as it once was. When his father graduated from the University o f Iowa in 1925, C lifford senior was lucky to get a job as a bridge-builder because o f the nearly insurmountable ob­ stacles posed by a discriminatory society. In fact, "m y father was one o f the few Black engineers working in the By Kathryn H. Bogle Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Boston, Texas, Iowa, fie ld ,” he says. C liffo rd jun ior, as evidenced by his South Carolina and a few other places. No, I don’t record, found prospects for qualified Black engineers to Enthusiasm for new experiences and new thresholds, mind moving frequently because C liff always helps with be great and, consequently, he ascended to the pinnacle and getting the most benefit out o f each, is an of his profession. established pattern for Nina Smith, the wife o f the vice the mechanics o f it a ll.” I he distalf side ol this family, the wife and three Today's aspiring Black engineers have an excellent president o f Oregon State Unviersity. The heavy carved daughters ol Dr. C liffo rd Smith, are all beautiful, chance of "m aking it,” he says. "The opportunities are wood door o f her modified ranch-style home is filin g truly unlimited They (government and industry) are open wide to welcome the visitor and soon the coffee capable and poised women. C ompleting the family constellation in an easy, com­ constantly looking for Black engineers. In the area of pot is set to perk. nuclear technology for example. Smith leels that oppor­ " I'v e lost count o f the number o f times we have fortable traditional manner, roles among the Smiths are tunities will expand once the United States stop using moved,” Mrs. Smith says as she pulls her feet up under well defined, but duties are intermershed with con­ the nuclear issue as a “ political football” and establish her and settles comfortably into the deep softness ol her sideration for each other. At home, this eminent nuclear a comprehensive federal program as he and other davenport. "T h is move to Corvallis,” she continues, engineer, respected by some of the greatest minds in the members o f the President's Commission's "Interagency " is just the most recent. There were moves to country sometimes prepaies the fam ily breakfast, chauffeurs his daughter, and bathes the dog. All o f his Former nurse enjoys academia