Pag» 10 Portland Observer June 20. UÄJU » 0100 total move in to vets. low down FHA, FHA 245, and conventional terms also. model open Sat. & Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 92nd Ave. at Burton Road. Vancouver, Washington. Call for a showing anytime. O .K., so the bull, Roberto Duran, trium phed over the m agnificent m atador. Sugar Ray Leonard. Trium ph, no! Decision o f judges, yes. I don’ t know what effect the o u tdoo r stadium at M o n tre a l’ s O lym pic Stadium had on the lighters but both gladiators can be happy they didn’ t have to endure what a jam packed Expo-Center audience did. The smoke and lack o f ventilation left the nearly 4,000 fight fans dren­ ched in a sea o f sweat Realizing that every other facility in y ^ n was booked solid, the Expo Center was, on this night, the absolute pits for Portland fans. Why did Sugar lose? Wasn’ t he the odds and favorite at 9-5? Many think the end came at the beginning o f the first round, when after an­ swering the bell, Leonard stood flat looted at ring center and defied the Panamanian to know him out. Sugar is a great fighter who forgot to do the things that made him great. To beat Duran, he had to stick and move, stick and move. In the past these were things that usually left Roberto desperately frustrated. What the fans did get however was a great action filled fight that both men should be proud of. Leonard wanted to prove, which was his big mistake, that he didn’t have to stick and run. By doing this he strayed away from his strength and into Duran’s, then there was the referee, apparently he must moonlight as a wrestling referee because he allowed Duran to get away with some tactics that w ould have done justice to Gorgeous George and Toney Borne. The rematch should be very in ­ teresting. Kelvin Ransey, blazer number one draftee, and last year’ s sen­ sation Billy Bates arrived in town on the same plane last week, and Blazer fans should see a lot o f these two young men during the upcoming N BA campaign. Kelvin has been quite impressive d u rin g rookie camp, and we all know what Billy Ray can do. Ransey, from Ohio State, is the lead guard Portland needs so badly after perm itting Lionel H ollins to slip away. A nd B illy Ray, ex- Kentucky State, will be hard to beat as the o f f guard. D uring rookie camp, Billy has acted like any other rookie, which we know he’ s not. He’s usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. A nd nobody worked any harder. Bates is eager and hungry and in my opinion w ill soon develop into one o f the N B A ’ s finest. Speaking o f finest...the Oregon Ducks w ill soon have one o f the finest young runners in the co u n try, David Mack, the brilliant freshman ran a 1:46.6 to finish sixth in the Olympic trials. A ll David needs is maturity to become the best middle distance runner in the U.S. Although B illy Ray and Kelvin Ransey are sure to be invited to fall camp, another almost in that category is David Lawrence, 6-10, F-C from McNeese State. David was the outstanding player in the Southland Conference a year ago. The 6-10 Lawrence can do it all. A starter for the Cowboys since his freshman year, he was the only player in the nation to rank among the N C A A D ivision I leaders in three categories: scoring, reboun­ ding and field goal percentage. How did David feel when given the news o f the N BA d ra ft. “ Y e a h ...I'm excited about it. I don’ t know about going to Portland and being up there in the cold and all that! But. I guess it’ s okay.” Lets hope that David knows more about playing basketball than he does o f the weather in Portland. This Model - 4 bedrooms with family room, 2 baths, brick fireplace, w/carpets, double garage, appliances, 10X20 concrete patio. Energy ef ficient with 10 year Home Owner Warranty. Pnce only 958,800. Other Models priced from 948,500. HAZEL DELL BRANCH 716D N.E. 99th Street Vancouver, W A 98665 Phone 206-574-1522 Vancouver or 503 241 3723 Portland, OR PCC offers alternative to outdoor jogqinq V o lc a n ic ash rn h lp m c may m a v cur­ Volcanic ash n problems tail outdoor jogging for Portlanders this summer, but Bill MacDonald, chairm an o f the P ortland C om ­ munity College physical education departm ent, said swim m ing, racket ball, running Bights o f stairs and rope skipping are all methods which can maintain fitness in the committed runner. An indoor heated swimming pool, racketball courts and gym­ nasium are open to the public at the PCC Sylvania Center, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. A gymnasium at the PCC Cascade Center, 705 N. Killingswor- th, is also open to the public. For hours call PCC information. “ Jogging outside when there’ s ash in the air is just crazy,” Mac­ Donald, who calls himself a com­ mitted jogger, said. “ People can run outside with a cannister filter MacDonald recommends swim­ ming and racketball at PCC for people maintaining fitness. "Those are the only two which really maintain fitness and possibly basketball if you play hard,” Mac­ Donald said. MacDonald suggests running stairwells only for the very fit person. “ But before you run stairs you had better have a basic fitness exam ination because there really isn’ t anything more strenuous,” MacDonald cautioned. “ Walking and jogging the stair­ wells is just lor the jogging nuts, not somebody just starting,” he added. PCC jogging and fitness classes have used a four Bight indoor stair area in the Sylvania Center Health Technology b u ild in g fo r fitness running, but MacDonald said this puts heavy stress on the knees even fo r joggers who have not ex­ perienced knee d iffic u lty in track and cross country running. So what is lett to do to keep the jogging legs ready for non-ash days? "Skipping rope inside is excellent," MacDonald said. “ It's cheap, i t ’ s tun, and you can do it at home, in­ side and keep fit.” Beginning M onday, June 23, racketball and fitness w ill meet Monday through Thursday from 9- 10 a m. at the Sylvania Center Gymn. Aerobic dance classes will be o ffered at Sylvania, Cascade, Stadium , and Rock Creek PCC Centers. Sw im m ing, dancerize, swim conditioning, volleyball, and jogging and Illness are offered at the PCC Sylvania Center. Physical co n d ition ing, tai chi, and hatha yoga classes w ill meet weekday evenings at the PCC Cascade Center during the summer. The PCC Southwest Center w ill o ffe r eight dance classes summer term in the evenings. And for non- ash days a jogging track is available at PCC’ s Sylvania Center. Summer term registration con­ tinues through June 27. Book review "Almost a Famous Person", by Bob Presley, Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich Books, Inc., January 1980. by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. C olonel Russell C. D avis has been a p p o in te d E xecutive O ffic e r to th e C h ie f, N a tio n a l G u a rd B u re a u , e ffe c tiv e M a r c h 1. In his n e w p o s itio n C o l. D a v is ' d u tie s w i ll e n t a il th e c o o r d in a t io n an d m a n a g e m e n t of th e jo in t A rm y and A ir Force N a tio n a l G uard B ureau o ffic e s in th e P en tag o n . These o ffic e s , in c o n ju n c tio n w ith th e A rm y and A ir Force N a tio n a l G uard s ta ffs , o versee th e fe d e ra l fu n d in g and tra in in g of th e 53 s ta te and te rrito ria l N a tio n a l G u ard s as w e ll as p ro v id e th e c h a n n e l o f c o m m u n ic a tio n b e tw e e n th e s ta te s an d S e cretaries of th e A rm y and A ir Force Kareem A b d u l-Ja b b a r, W ilt Chamberlain, Bill Russells, Julius “ Dr. J .” Erving — all are famous Black athletes. Their names are illustratious; all are shining success stories. But what about people like Big Bob Presley? Who? He was not as famous but he also chased the dream o f becoming a pro. U n fo r­ tunately, Bob failed. Herb M ichelson’ s “ A lm ost a Famous Person” is the heartbreak­ ing biography o f Robert Nathaniel Presley, a Black basketball player who attempted in the 1960’s to suc­ ceed in the white-dominated world o f sports. Presley fell just short o f "m aking it " , but the fall was fatal. On the m orning o f Tuesday, M arch 25, 1975, his 6-11 '/j body was found in the W illamette River in Portland. A fte r all the evidence had been compiled, only one conclusion was plausible: suicide. “ A lm ost a Famous Person” chronicles Bob Presley’ s life from his troubled youth in the D etroit ghetto through his troubles as an athlete in w hite educational in ­ stitutions; his years at the University o f California-Berkeley as the center o f the basketball team in 1967-68; his attempt to make the pros; his sado-masochistic relationship with his wife and other white women; > -T /s - I would like to thank all those who supported me in my campaign effort. and, all else having failed, his futile struggle to Bnd employment outside o f basketball. “ Alm ost a Famous Person” is more than just a study o f a basket­ ball player. It is a complex portrait o f an urban kid who, height being his only apparent asset, saw basket­ ball as his way out o f the ghetto and into fame and money. It is a picture o f a victim, a victim o f white men­ tors who — intentionally or not — exploited him; a victim o f a society which his background had not prepared him to understand; and ultimately, a victim of his own self image. Louis completes basic training San A n to n io , Texas — A ir National Guard Airman Priscilla L. Louis, daughter o f Nannie L. Penn o f Portland, has been assigned to Keesler A ir Force Base, Miss., after completing A ir Force basic training. During the six weeks at Lackland A ir Force Base, here, the airman studied the A ir Force m ission, organizatio n and customs and received special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the community college o f the A ir Force. The airm an w ill now receive specialized instruction in the ad­ ministration field. Airman Louis is a 1979 graduate o f U.S. Grant High School, Port­ land. I look forward to your continued support in behalf o f our common en­ deavor. James Loving Commit,«« to »laet Jam«« Loving. Jam«« Crollay. Tre» - V ■■ * * STORE . . . mask, but they should check with a doctor first to be sure they don't have a respiratory problem which the mask won’ t help. Just a plan cotton mask or face cloth is no good fo r runners. I ’ ve seen people out w ith them on when the ash was falling and they just are not using good sense. Those don’ t keep the small particles out o f their lungs. 1 plan to get a cannister filter mask because I plan to run.” aa , , . ^ / ^ a 26 N Saratoga I. a^V«« .»4^1 So send for this free catalog. Write: Consumer Information Center. Dept B. Pueblo, Colorado HIM >9 M INN EHA HA BRANCH 47 St. Johns Road Vancouver, W A 9B661 Phone 206-694-8577 Vancouver or 503 223 8229 Portland, OR % RUNYAN'S 3 7 1 6 N.E. UNION AVE. STORES OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9AM-6PM w F ; II ^2.. I f it's d if f ic u lt to keep cosm e tics to g e th e r in y o u r b a th ­ ro o m , hang up a p la s tic shoe bag and f ill p o c k e ts w ith personal ite m s N o w y o u can p u t on y o u r face fast in the m o rn in g .