P a g e b P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r J u n e 19. 19HU Cell Talk Behind the Walls by l.arry Baker »35021 ()..S'. /*. ( 'orrespondent By Delbert »38650 I am an inmate at the Oregon State Penitentiary. Being from Eastern Oregon, I am very aware ol how very little the average person there know about the corrections branch o f government in Oregon. I was born in Nyssa. I attended school and grew up in the Vale area, and I was employed in Ontario as a Service Technician lo r O ntario Photocopy Equipment Company. So I guess you could say I’m native to the area. The State o l is the largest em­ ployer in the state and corrections is one o f the largest divisions within this body and therefore takes a large percent o f your tax dollar. So it is only right that you might wonder how this money is spent. I cannot give you an itemized list o f expen­ ditures, bu, I can tell you about one small program here at the prison that is funded by your tax dollars, and has really helped me see the light at the end o f the tunnel, so to speak. I am speaking about the elec­ tronics vocational training program here, in which I am currently enrolled. Our instructor is M r. Don Rea. fie is a competent and personable man who takes his job seriously. The class room is equipped to handle ten students. The class is taught so that each inmate can progress at his own rate of learning. Io qualify for the class you must have good reading comprehension and a knowledge o f basic a rith ­ metic. Also you must be within two years ol your release date. It usually takes from 12 to 14 months to com­ plete the class. Can we find jobs after completion o f the class? Yes, in fact, the class cannot turn out men fast enough to meet the demand for their skills. Besides employment, the class gives many ol us something else we never had when we came here. A sense ot self worth. What would I be doing if I wasn’t in the program? Like many other inmates, I would probably be walking the Red Desert feeling sorry to r myselt. I he Red Desert is a name the old cons use to describe the red cinder track which runs around the prison yard. It’s kind o f an inside joke here to speak about the lost souls who wander the Red Desert. At the present time there is a new V.T. building being constructed ad­ jacent to (he old one and is slated lor completion about September o f this year. This new building w ill almost double the current oppor­ tunities as lar as vocational training is concerned In my opinion, this is money well spent. One ol the more positive things about the V. I . programs is that they allow our V.T. instructors to go out into the community one day each month to help in job placement for their students and also to keep current with the latest techniques in their respective fields. I ’ m sure you have all heard many negative things about prisons. While many o f these are undoubtedly true, there are many positive things a man can do here in order to rehabilitate him self. I feel that the V .T. programs ottered here are o f major importance in co n trib u tin g to rehabilitation. Message from the Superintendent By Hoyt C. Cupp Superintendent Oregon State Penitentiary As you are no doubt aware, the Employee Bargaining Unit has given us notification o f their intent for all non-security s ta ff, (e.g., C oun­ selors, Stewards, Maintenance, Clerical, etc.) to go out on strike ef­ fective Monday, June 16, 1980. This will, in some instances, cause some inconvenience lo r inmates and remaining staff. Nevertheless, I am committed to continuing to run the institution as normally as possible during this period. During the period ot the strike, all lines and activities will run as nor­ mal, with the exception of: - Education Department. - The ABE Program w ill be closed. - College Program operation will depend on how many professors come to work. - Vocational Training Program will be closed. - The Industries swing shift will be closed. - Inmates assigned to swing shift w ill be provided jobs during the regular day shift. - Physical Plant assignments will be curtailed. Selected inmates nor­ mally assigned to the Physical Plant w ill be “ on call’ ’ should Physical Plant management stall need their services It is not my desire that inmate pay be entirely terminated as a result o f the strike. To offset pay loss, in ­ mates not working due to suspended operations will continue to earn pay up to the first 5 days o f the strike. Good times will continue to be ac- curued w ithout in te rru p tio n throughout the duration o f the em­ ployee work stoppage. Counseling Services w ill be provided. Please confine requests lo r counseling services to urgent needs. Interview Requests w ill be screened for that purpose. E X 0 D U S ' By Asmar A bdul Seijulluh (aka Joe West » 40404 David Wright » 39816 Assistant Editor rfrr