Portland Observer June 19, 1980 Page 6 by Odessa Kellum McClary for K ratt Inc the heritage of cooking series C ities in southwestern United States, specifically, Phoenix, Arizona and San Diego, California, boast ot a "liveable climate and an abundance ot beautiful natural landscapes.” These may be the primary reasons why they continue to beckon many energetic, enter­ prising Americans, including Black Americans, to make their homes in a locale where it's said, "The West is at its best.” 1970 figures for these cities in­ dicate that the Black population is small, but growing. In Phoenix, a city o f 700,000, ft«/» are Black, and Blacks in San Diego represent I4«7o ot the total population o f 850,000. Both the percentage and population figures are expected to show in ­ creases after the 1980 census. Historians have it that the first recorded presence o f Blacks in Arizona occured even before the te rrito ry was a state. An African guide and explorer, Estevanico (referred to as L ittle P h illip by Black historian John Hope Franklin), paved the way for the Spanish explorers. His scouting reports, sent back to Richard Harris, Arizona historian, describes early life of the region the Spaniards Irom his fro n tie r Richard Harris and w ife . Laural (far right), and her sisters Mrs and tells of some of the exploits of Blacks, like the Buffalo Soldiers posts, supplied the in fo rm a tio n or Cowboy John Sw am (pictured), w ho played im portant parts in that M a ry Lou H a rv e y , and M rs . B la n c h e C h ris to p h e r, share re m L necessary for the Spanish to succeed mscences of old Phoenix. history. in their conquest o f the region. The documented exploits o f the one o f these groups can be found principals which produced the layers," Mrs. Harvey explained. " I extremely capable Estevanico and being prepared and eaten by mem­ some 35 miles outside o f Phoenix, moist, lla v o rlu l, food cooked the use a regular tortilla softened in oil, bers ot the other groups. their im portance to A rizona is before the area was really built up. cowboy way. and spread with beef, tom atoes’ commemorated in one o f eight Mrs. Mary Lou Harvey (sister-in- "W h e n I moved out here and The follow ing recipe developed chopped onions and cheese. I follow murals representing histo ric law to Harris), and one o f the three by the K ralt Kitchens with the in­ started building my home,” Harris that with another tortilla topped the Arizona events and hanging in the sisters who along w ith H arris clusion o I K ra tt hicko ry smoke said, “ there were no other people same way until I have a stack o f state capitol building in Phoenix. welcomed the " K ra tt Heritage o f tor miles around. Then,” he said, flavored or hot barbecue sauce, is about five or six. The stacks are Local Black historian Richard C ooking Team” to Phoenix, "there was plently o f fishing and bound to deliver a taste that con­ placed in the oven and baked for Harris did not turn up a name o f recalled an experiment with cooking lots o f land for gardens.” Harris jures up thoughts ot the Old West. about one half hour until the cheese “ cowboy style.” f hat venture, for any one individual who holds the still maintains a small, well kept Mrs. Harvey indicates that she is thoroughly melted. Ihe result is all intents and rurposes, tailed. claim o f being the first black garden at the back o f his home. has been successful with changing a Mexican food with a whole lot o f resident ot the area. However, the "M a n y o f the people, black as “ One day we dug a big hole in the standard Mexican dish to suit her taste.” 1890 census figures disclosed that well as white, moving into Phoenix backyard, the same way we know fa m ily purposes and tastes. One Following is a similar layered en­ there were 26 Blacks liv in g in and surrounding area are people cowboys d o ,” M rs. Harvey ex­ dish that makes regular chilada recipe as developed by the Arizona at that time. who have absolutely gotten tired o f plained. "W e built a lire, put some appearances on her table and that of Kraft Kitchens. H arris has done an enormous the winter weather in the northern beans and seasonings in the pot with her sisters, is enchiladas. The sisters Mrs. H arris and her husband, amount of research about Blacks in states and want a nice, quiet, warm some water, put the pot on the lire, say they make enchiladas with a d if­ Richard (a former newspaper man Arizona and recounts many ot their place to retire to .” he said with con­ put the lid on it and covered the hole ference. and now a retired Urban League o f­ viction. achievements, trials and tribulations with earth and grasses." Neither she " I actually build the enchilada in ficial), moved to Apache Junction, in his booklet "B lack Heritage in These newcomers appear to be nor her sisters, Mrs. Laura Harris A riz o n a ” which was printed in welcome, perhaps a little (w ife o f the historian) and Mrs. 1977. grudgingly, but welcome never­ Blanche Christopher, have any en­ G old m ining prospectors, theless. But there is another type o f thusiastic memories o f the resulting cowboys, Indians and Mexicans, all person who is made polite fun of. dish. Nor do they recall ever trying share with Blacks in the folklore o f the experiment again. N ortherners who visit Phoenix DO YO U REALLY W A N T TO SAVE the area, and his booklet tells o f during the w inter months are However, a modern adaptation o f ON YO UR FOOD BILL? many instances o f interm arriage referred to as “ snow birds.” So this method ot cooking is guaran­ between the groups. W e offer savings of up to 40% and more on fine quality wonder and Hostess called, I was told, because usually teed to produce satisfactory results. products, plus large discou nts on othe, baked go od s Besides our every So, understandably, many o f the they are fleeing the snow o f the Short ribs placed in a covered dish day low prices, w e feature in store specials daily Just look for the "bar foods usually associated with any north. That charge stood without and slow baked involves the same gain signs on the displays in our store Discover for yourself w h a t thou contradiction on my part, having sands o f sm art shoppers in the area have fo u n d just flown in from Chicago, myself. SS? CHUCK ROAST é © Harris has many legends o f the west to tell about: Black cowboys, early prospectors, pioneer skilled craftsm en, the reception given visiting dignitaries including Booker T. W ashington o l Tuskegee In ­ stitute fame, and the famed 19th Calvery, commonly called the Buf­ falo Soldiers. One tale which s till holds a fascination for people living in the area is that which surrounds Super­ stitious Mountain. The legend has to do with misfortunes encountered by a series o f persons including a Black woman who tried to locate a hoard ot gold a fte r the o rig in a l owner died, and what happened to her. Two people who have their fingers on the current pulse o f the Black community in Arizona spent their grow ing years in Phoenix. They are Cloves and Charles Camp­ bell, brothers and co-publishers ot the nine-year old black newspaper. 1 The Arizona Informant. Cloves, president o f the NAACP chapter in Phoenix, has the distin­ ction ot being the first and only Black to ever serve in the Arizona state senate. Prior to his years in the senate (1966 through 1972) he was a member of the Arizona house o f representatives for four years. SAUCY SHORT RIBS 3 to 4 lbs. beef short ribs % cup K ra ft h ic k o ry s m o ke fla v o re d or h o t b a rb e c u e sauce Place ribs in 13 x 9-inch baking pan; cover with foil. Bake at 350", I hour and 30 minutes. D rain fat; brush ribs with '/i cup barbecue sauce. Cover; bake a d d itio n a l I hour and 30 m inutes. Uncover; brush ribs with remaining barbecue sauce. Continue baking 15 minutes. 6 servings. LAYERED EN C H ILA D A S 1 lb. ground beef 'A cup chopped onion 2 8-oz jars taco sauce 12 tortillas Oil % cup pitted ripe olive slices 2 cups 18 ozs.) shredded K raft sharp natural Cheddar cheese Brown meat; drain. Add onion; ; cook until tender. Add taco sauce; ’ simmer 10 minutes. Dip tortillas in hot oil to soften; drain. Layer tor- fillas, meat sauce, olives and cheese in two stacks in 11-Wx 7-!A-inch baking dish. Cover the aluminum foil. Bake at 350®, 30 minutes. Cut into wedges to serve. 6 servings. Ground Beef You'll be am azed at the savings you m ake at our W onder T h rift Shop! [ Fo° d «tamp» flladly accaptad ] SATISFACTION GUARANTEED You m in i be completely w tiefied with every purcheee or we wM cheerfuffy refund your purchase price W O N D E R -H O S T E S S TASTY and ECONOMICAL T H R IF T S H O P 115 N Cook St. C o rn er of V a n c o u v e r b C ook S t.. P o rtla n d . O reg o n O pen M o n th ru S a t - 9 a m 6 p m — C io s e d S u n d a y s Tea Bags i R*0 R o m Block I 100 ci. WINE SUGGESTIONS San Martin W Celia LAMBRUSCO ILUE NUNN 5í:°;s38’l ’2” 25’3" *1.28 >u tto LIVING GIOVI Smal Mad larga I l f Valat TOOTH BRUSH ) fer j FOR B R A N D * yau know V A R If T IE S y o u tilt e S U E * you w e s t • • • • • • ■2¡¡w S -F ’ 12»- M AS VMM M i i I I M M w e jd k i. • |4 M < * * l « U r n w « tJ rh « le * * l« A > > .r , . * M I M a n tw k U l n e • M I O l,* .n . )« * * , I l i P l.lU n n N l ^ n h a t e 1 O r « » l.y . J l- U * W . * l S u m a ie . ■ • l.le h H ill. n i . , . . l a . . o ,w » e * itin e a l l p tv la la n . M in e C ity • O .k O aan. • * * . * • • n» u a a ,,,. r e o r r . t $ 1.18 f a Fra-Fricad 88* 88' SHOWII fO Mown MAXI-PADS SHOP ru m i FIAS TK WSFOSAUi » o m is «i TU STITHII rT5 lENOW'S I 4>i LkJ. Long Spaghetti RUNYAN'S 8 8 ' STORE • mular o. MOOORANT M t *1)0 Veto. CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS SJ48 POWDER t*e H„boi h. i t ye« ‘ 1.38 RUNYAN'S 8 8 3716 N.E. UNION AVE. STORES OPEN MONOAT THRU SATURDAT 9AM-6PM Potato Chips M«rlino'i . . . Gronry Goota Howoiion Sfyk or OW Fothiontd Thick Fabric Softener Liquid Log Cabin I P one ok t & W ofH e I S y ru p ....................... SHORT RIBS *1.28 USDA Choice Beef RUMP ROAST C U.S.D.A. Choke Bonnie» ▼ *1.18 FRANKS 158 Hyprode | Jk. Ba« Park pfc- Beef & M eal SE 20th b D IV IS IO N SE 72nd b FLAVEL I NE 15th b F R E M O N T W B U R N S ID E e t 21(1 S A N R A FA EL - H IO NE 122nd lb. Beef PORK STEAK Fr.»h Shoulder Blode I 2.18 SAUSAGE Freth Pork Country Sfyle *9 8 « SOLE *2.38 Freth Filer Foreit Grove 2329 PACIFIC Oregon City 878 M OLALLA Candy 1061 SW 1st LLOYD CENTER 1 M 10 S E D IV IS IO N 3966 SE POW ELL ne 7«th b clisan H IL L S B O R O 980 SE OAK E w ! e l