^*«0« 4 P o rtla n d O b server Ju n e 19, I960 American State Bank HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN ___ “ The Bank that integration built ' 2737 N.E. Union 282 2216 Sum m er Classes have been scheduled at the Firehouse Theater. Classes include aciing, directing, voice and diction, play script analysis, ballet, jazz and modern dance Registration will be held at the theater the week ot July 7 IT. t lasses begin July 13 and run through August 23. Pre-registration is urged For further information call 248 4737 during regualr business hours Monday through Friday, or stop by the theater. The firehouse is located at 1436 S.W. Montgomery. E.S.P Specialist WITH PSYCHIC POWERS M etro » W ashington Park Zoo will kick o il the 1980 summer concert series Your Zoo and A ll I hat Jazz” with Mel Brown, one ol the great jazz drummers, and his quartet, on Wednesday, June 25. Concerts will be held at the zoo every Wednesday lor nine consecutive weeks from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (ram dale I hursday, same time). o p B 7 Portland State University again this year will otter its Summer Gym — nastics Program. Registration is now open for the sessions, which run tor two weeks, Monday through Friday, beginning June 23. Participants may sign up tor as many as lour 2-wcek sessions with reduced fees for multiple sessions. Insurance is included in the session fee. For registration, contact Carruthers at the I SIJ Health and Physical Education Department. J M a tt Bnggs. a Portland resident and artist, has been invited to take part in the nation's largest cultural arts festival, presented by Fapesiry In latent, Inc. Matt will display Ins unique craft ol woodworking - solid oak message hoards and mailboxes, l ast year’s (estival attracted more than 500,000 spec tators. For more information call Matt Briggs, 246-3226. Beta Psi C hapter of Delta Sigma Theta S orority. Inc. will sponsor Ms Lena Horne in concert June 20, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. Proceeds from the concert will be used to provide scholarships lor local high school students. I he sorority locuses on a live-point program thrust which includes extensive community involvements. Ellen Law is president ol Port land’s Beta Psi Chapter o f Delta Sigma Ihcta. rickets lor the event are: J25.OO box seats, $10.00/512.00 for regular seats. For more information call 286-5781. Pickle Fam ily Circus Returns: June 21 and 22 at Waterfront Park. Showtimes are at noon and 3:00 P.M ., BOTH DAYS. Pickle Family is San Francisco’s magical mixture ol super juggling, fight-wire dancing, acrobatics and balancing leats with original music from the PEC band. The Pickle Family Circus will be presented in Portland by Oregon Fair Share at Water front Park, S.W. Pine and Front Street. I he midway o f games and food will be open at 10:00 A M. Advance tickets are $1.50 for children and seniors and $3.00 lor adults. (Prices go up 50C at the gale.) For more information call 223-2981. p o \ r J ■ r • , J She asks no questions but w ill tell you w hat you w ant to k n o w -a n d facts o f business, love, health, and fam ily affairs. When seeking advice and help, it al ways pays to consult the best One w ith a reputation for honesty and integrity H o w many unhappy people are there whose lives are darkened by the acts o f others? Is your life nearly a wreck because you have troubles o f a do- mestic nature or otherwise? Do you desire a return of affectio n rig htfully yours, or does another receive it? D o you wish to m arry the one you love? Is there a coldness growing, a separation, a rival or inter ference by someone? Are you a person w ho at times appears to be affected by bad surroundings? Do you give up in despair? Does persistent bad luck fo llo w you? Spells, unnatural conditions and evil influences of all kinds can be overcome by getting advice and aid from a reliable advisor who bears a reputation for honesty and integrity. I can and w ill help you. If you are sick or wor- ried com e at once in person Call in person .Z L >> l_J "XJ iqn — —" U 7 7 2 7 N .E Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 3 Take N .E . Sandy Bus No. 14 - N e x t to Sportscar Center 284 3352 O pen 7 days a w e e k - 8 am to 10 pm Call for appointm ent Sunday only! 1/2 PRICE READING WITH THIS COUPON The Portland Section of the N ational Council of Negro W om en, Inc., and Young Adult Groups, will present its sixth annual “ Sew and Show Fashions and Paste and Tell” on Sunday June 22, 1980, from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. at the Matt Dishman Community Center, 77 N.E. Knott, Por tland, Oregon. I ickets are available from any memb, o f the Council or may be obtained by calling 281-4907 or 281-6604. Donations $3.00 adults, $150 children. Food w ill be served as part o f the “ Taste and Tell.” JOAN ARMATRADING MAKING IT HAPPEN ^ °epbs ‘ k O A P TV CHANNEL 10 Th»e ad m ade p ima lb la by a grant from tba Corporation for Public Broadcaatlng THE BIG TOP«(JND e r THE BIG T O P » O N D E R n ^ ì ^ T O Q R L D ^ _ L A R C E S T B IG TOP FIVE GIANT DAYS LLOYD CENTER ™ j 5S e A¥ 19 thru 23 I 4^ 3 :■ A GUTTER!* SPECTACLE I he sound and intensity of Joan Armatrading’ s music is hard won, the result ol careful preparation and some heavy duty experience on the solitary side ol lite. On her newest A&M A l BUM, ,V/e, M yself I, she sings about the adventures she wants to have, “ sailing the oceans before the seas run dry,” but she has room only one - “ me, myself...I. " Born on the island ol St. Kitts on the West Indies, Joan Armatrading moved with her family to Birmingham, England, at the age o f seven. In an atmosphere that allowed neither smoking, drinking nor swearing (her mother still attends church daily) her guitar was a lorbidden instrument and her lather hid it from her above a closet well out ot her reach, and locked the door to the room where it was kept. Outside the fam ily, when she could be on her own, Joan had fewer problems, though whites, Blacks and Orientals lived in separate enclaves in Birmingham, Joan never noticed, as she went ahead with her interest in music. She appeared in the London company o f H air and was the only cast member who steadfastly rclused to disrobe on stage. Io date, Joan Armatrading has sold six million records world-wide, and despite a growing popularity in the United States, she will not yet yield to the kind of public exposure necessary to insure a pop singer’ s success. She lives quietly and privately, in the country outside London, where she collects an tique cars, clocks and comic books. She is, in the words of one critic, “ a commanding singer with something to say, and has been called by the New York Times ‘ ‘ perhaps the best unknown pop star in the business.” '3 " y E: Cable Channel 25 Thursday, June 19, 2:30 pm On May 23, one week before he was seri ously injured by a would-be assassin, Vernon Jordan addressed the local Urban League al Portland's Marriot Hotel Liberty Cable Televi sion was there and will telecast the program on Channel 25 Repeat telecasts will be carried on Monday, June 23 at 2 30 pm, and Wednesday, June 25 at 7 pm LIBERTY CABLE TELEVISION PORTLAND a touch of new Orleans INGS OF NON-S TOP "TTTD T T T C ICUS ARTISTS CHILLS I SPILLS I5 O EXOTIC ANIMALS AND LAUGHTER SHOW TIMES TICKETS ON SALE AT THURSDAY »-1».........................| :00pm FRIDAY S-20.....................4:30 ..i:00pm SATURDAY »-21 . 12:30...4:00...7:30pni SUNDAY S-22 . . . 12:00. 3:J0...7:0Opm MONDAY »-23........ 1 00 .4:30 O OOpm TICKETS: LLOYD CENTER CENTRAL MALL ' , 1 ^ ^ Tor Tlehot Information or to ehorgo Ojr phono »Ith four V IM or ttootor Chorgo *4.80 • *9.00 • *7.00 • *9.00 CALL. 284-9411 _________ IILD’S HALF PRICE DISCOUNT TICKET «n M SAVI iitU B M »f m a a HALF *l o n AMY ♦ L PRICI J AI HALE OFF ON A U »FATINO WITH THIS COUFOH j EARTH, WIND Et FIRE ARC/Colum bia recording group Earth, Wind & Fire have concluded a one I month-long retreat in Montserrat, “ the Emerald Isle o f the Caribbean, “ where they worked in solitude on their tenth album for the label. FACES, due tor release later this summer, reflects the serene environment | ot Montserrat, the lush, hilly, tropical West Indian island, rich in mineral springs and 17th century heritage. A mysterious island of volcanic orgin (Galway Sougriere is still an active crater), Montserrat was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, named for the monastery in the mountains o f Spain. The 33 square-mile island provided the perfect inspiration for the musicians in Earth, Wind A Fire, as well as their producer and leader, Maurice White. Further news and details on the music o f FACES and the future touring plans ot Earth, Wind A Fire will be announced in the weeks ahead. SEE SPORTS ON GIANT SCREEN TV. JOE’S PLACE Kt a m r a t y < b < t 1 W f HAH MV 9WGMU JUNE 19-23 LIOYD CENTER restaurant 1801 N.E. Alberta ITOTI tUCRSl r» or cittui » m u s • • ♦ GOOD SEATS AS LATE AS SHOW TIME 1st Annual Ebony Music Festival Commemorating Black Independence Day Friday and Saturday June 20. 21,1980 All Star Review Featuring Walter Bridges Robbie Robinson Sonny King Shirley Nanette Marian Mayfield Benny Wilson Greg Smith Ralph Black Raymond Solomon Bobby Boyd Bobby Bradford Ebony Dancers Rita Le D uff W.C. Cage 2 show» nltely: l i t »how 8 p.m. 2nd »how 11p.m. MASTER OF CEREMONIES VERN ROBINSON (KEX Radio) Producer: Vance Matlock Coordinator«: Lewis it Cain, Public Relations TICKETS: 85.00 at door 287-8723 1 5 3 0 NE GRAND AVENUE AT WEIDLER free p c rL on the premises