P ortlan d Observer Ju ne 19. 1980 Page 3 Anderson heads POIC Rosemary Anderson has been selected as the new Executive Direc­ tor for Portland Opportunities In­ dustrialization Center. Anderson, who has been employed with OIC since 1968, has served as Deputy Director since 1974. ‘ ‘ A lter reviewing 61 resumes and interviewing eight final candidates, the Personnel Selection Committee o f the Board o f Directors felt that Rosemary Anderson was clearly the best q u a lifie d candidate for Executive D ire c to r," according to Thomas Li. Kelley, Chairman o f the Personnel Selection C om m ittee, ‘ ‘ we are confiden t that her knowledge and experience with OIL w ill co n trib u te to the future progress and grow th o f the organization.” Anderson attended P ortland State U niversity and P ortland C om m unity College. She is a 9100 total move in to vets. low down FHA, FHA 245, and conventional terms also, model open Sat. & Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 92nd Ave. at Burton Road. Vancouver, Washington. Call for a showing anytime. This Model 4 bedrooms with family room, 2 baths, brick fireplace, w/carpets, double garage, appliances, 10X20 concrete patio. Energy ef ficient with 10 year Home Owner Warranty. Price only $58,800 Other Models priced from $48,500. ROSEMARY ANDERSON member ol the National Association lo r Advancement of Black Am ericans in V ocational Education, Oregon Fair Share and NAACP. Minority committee sets hearing Ihe Governor’ s Advisory Com­ mittee on M inority Affairs will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 24, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., at King Neigh­ borhood Center. I he committee will accept public testimony to identity P ortland m e ta l sc u lp to r A l G o ldsb y stands in th e b a c k y a rd of his stu d io w ith tw o pieces of his w o rk . M r. G o ldsb y s 825 N. Killings w o rth S tu d io lo c a tio n m a k e s his w o rk s a c c e s s ib le to c o m m u n ity m em bers yo un g and old. (P h o to by R ichard B ro w n ) G.I.G. Odom appointed Grand Inspector General William B. Odom, Jr., 33," has been ap­ pointed Overseer lor the Orient o f Oregon. He has supervision over the Prince Hall Scottish Rite Masons in Oregon, Great Falls, M ontana, Mtn. Home, and Boise, Idaho. The appointment was made by Soverign G rand Com m ander Russell S. Gideon, 33,“ o f the A n­ cient Accepted Scottish Rite o f Freemasonary, Northern Jurisdic­ tio n , (Prince H a ll A ffilia tio n ) , U.S.A. Inc., at the 99th Session o f the United Supreme Council, which * WILLIAM ODOM convened in P h iladelp hia, Pen­ nsylvania, in May. What do you think? By Paul McCoy A. Michael Howard, Bartender Tot and Tell. A . Lynette Mays, Young m oi her. I hey have never done anything to I really don’ t like them, but, they me, but they could patrol the N.E. are not all alike. When they arrest a area better. The police should not person they should arrest the person look only at Blacks because there and not verbally abuse them. I have are a lot o f other people living in the seen people abused both physically N.E. area. Ihe best way not to deal and verbally and this goes fo r w ith the police is to stay out o f Blacks as well as whites. Better at­ trouble. I personally have had no problems with them because I have titudes would help. Because they not been in trouble. have guns and b illy clubs is no reason for them to take advantage A. Karen Jacob, Cashier Burger o f a person. If I were in trouble I King Restaurant. would not call a police officer, in­ They are ok, but they take advan­ stead 1 would call my fa m ily or tage o f too many people. When I friends for help. I f they come to was seven and a h a lf months arrest somebody they should read pregnant, the P ortland Police (he person their rights and listen to jumped on me knocking me to the the person, they might be arresting ground and put my face in the grass. the wrong person. They want They are too rough. When they respect from the com m unity but arrest a person they don’t even let don't respect the community or the the person ask why they are being people in it. arrested. A nd i f they ask you a A. Buffalo, Carpenter. question they don’ t let you answer. I think they are alright. Most of They mess with people too much. them are good, they pour out your Everybody knows what is hap­ box o f weed and don’t waste your pening but nobody can do anything time. They’ re on the up and up. I'm about it, even the judges know what straight laced and have never had is happening. They (the police) have any problems with them. I t ’s when too much power, so what can you start hasseling them that you get anybody do? in trouble. A. Ida Johnson, Owner, A I her la Wilber Butler, Machinist. Fish Restaurant. I hear they are a little mi Mt ant here. Especially the young rookie On the one occasion that I needed them they responded quickly. But as cops. They bulldog people too public servants I have no respect for much. In my opinion they are not them. The Portland Police are very worth a damn. The white man just disrespectful to the private citizen uses the police and the courts to keep everybody else under him, it’s from personel observations. They treat people ditterently according to always been this way. Look at Miami. I am not prejudiced man, a person's color, race, and social but I hate to be messed over, by position. To this I am a witness. People, should think about their anyone. situation before they deal with the K irk Poole, Student Cleveland. police, think before they speak and The P ortland Police are o .k . use their heads more. They are a little slow on non­ E lija h D urst, D elivery Truck emergency calls. I disapprove o f Driver. the way they are trying to close The M F ’ s don't show up when down 82 Ave. to kids who like to you need them, but. when you do hang out there. Recently I witnessed need them they are no place to be an assult and had to call them, they found. This is true especially if you are there in no time with about five call them over to the N.E. side of cars, ambulances and the works. town. What else can I say? Most o f them are pretty cool. Q. W h a t do you th in k o f th e P o rtla n d Police? HAZEL DELL BRANCH 716D N.E 99th Street Vancouver, W A 98665 Phone 206-574-1522 Vancouver or 503 241 3723 Portland, OR issues and concerns and to deter­ mine whether a Com m ission on Minorities should be developed or whether there should be separate Commissions on Blacks and Hispanics. MINNEHAHA BRANCH 47 St. Johns Road Vancouver, W A 98661 Phone 206 694 8577 Vancouver or 503 223 8229 Portland, OR The great First National free-for-all Everybody w in s for trying our First D ay & Night T eller m a ch in e. Beginning Monthly, June Hi. give us ;i few moments ol your lime and you’re guaranteed Io walk awa\ a winner. A grand w eek in th e B aham as. Il you're ihe grand prize winner, I lelta Ait lanes is ready when you are to whisk you and a friend away for a weeks stay in the Bahamas. You'll lly first class to Atlanta lor a night's stay and dinner at the luxurious IV-achtree Plaza. Then continue on the next morning to Nassau. There a special envoy from the Bahamas M inistry of lout ism will greet you. The YIP treatment will continue with deluxe accommodations at the Nassau Beach Hotel on beautiful Cable Beach, an exciting island tour, cabaret show and $10(1(1 in Visa Iravelers Cheques. It’s all part of the grand prize. And it’s better in the Bahamas. 70 O regon v a cation s for two. In addition to the grand prize winner, there w ill be a w in n e r - 70 in all— from each Eirst I )ay & N ight fe lle r location. Choose betw een an exciting weekend fo r tw o at the Agate Beach H ilton o r the new ly- rem odeled K A11 - N E E -TA R esort. Local w inners also w ill receive $100 in Visa Travelers Cheques. D illy Bars for everyon e. Just fo r le ttin g us show you how our E irst Day & N ight 'le lle r machines can make banking easier, w e’ll give you a delicious D illy B ar from any p a rticipating D airy Queen. But don't delay, o ffe r ends June 27. A rou n d -th e-clock b a n k in g c o n v e n ie n c e . Eirst National now has 70 Eirst Day & N ight le lle r locations. That's more than any o th e r bank in the state. Simple to use, our Eirst Day & N ight le lle r machines ours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. So you can bank w henever i t ’s best fo r you. Need cash? W ithdraw it from your savings o r checking account at any Eirst Day & N ight 'le lle r machine. Want to make a deposit, tra n sfe r money from one account to another, o r find out your account balances? You can do all that, too, at any Eirst Day & Night le lle r machine. S ee how today. O ur Show A- 'felle rs w ill give you a personal dem onstratio n o f ju s t how easy a E irst Day & N ight 'le lle r m achine is to use. E irst Day & N ight 'fe lle r service. A n o th e r o f the many reasons w hy E irst N ational See contest rules below. " Copyright I9A0 Am D O Corp CONTEST RULES 1 You may enter by accepting a tree demonstration ot the first Oay & Night Teller machine at any one of 70 locations throughout the State ot Oregon and depositing Ihe entry blanks in the machine Sweepstakes starts June 16 I960 and ends June 27. I960 2 All residents ot the United States 10 years ot age or older are eligible except employees and their immediate families ot first National Bank of Oregon its affiliates and subsidiaries 3 One week end trip will be awarded a participant at each of 70 first Day A Nigh, Teller locations Week end trips include two nights lodging for two at winner s choice of either the Agate Beach Hilton or KAH NEE TA Resort and $ ,0 0 m Visa Travelers Cheques Winners must provide their own transportation 4 An participants except week end trip winners are eligible for the grand prize $. The grand prize includes first class travel to Nassau Bahamas via Delta Air Lines and hotel accommodations for two at the Nassau Beach Hotel for six nights and $l 000 m Visa Travelers Cheques 6 Winners will be determined for the week end prizes and the grand prize by a senes of random drawings under the supervision of Ernst 4 Whinney an independent accounting firm whose decision is final 7 Winners will be notified by mail al the address shown on their entry within JO days from the closing date of the sweepstakes All prizes no, accepted within .30 days will not be awarded No substitute prizes are permitted 8 Tax liability on all prizes will be the sole responsibility u, prize winners No transaction j,h«»r yiap - demonstration orpurrhase B eaverton Mall i located ddw.iy La Granda branch River Road branch 1320 Adams A.e Lebanon branch 2065 R '.e ’ Road 29th and Portland branch «09 Ma SI .'909 Por'i.yn,) S’ Lincoln City branch University branch •*. ' ■ 1 180 vuiarrt S’ M edford Valley River Canter branch M edford Mam branch 2 5 ’ Va'iey R ver Ctr l f Ma n St Foreat G rove branch Milw aukie »905 Pacdrc Ave Oak G rove branch Gresham ’ 450, SE Mi I ougm "B 'v d G resham branch O ntario branch t»0 N f Roberts A.e t«9 SW • .r ,t St 242nd and Burnside branch Oregon City 750 NE Hogan Rq Beavercreek Rd branch G rants Pass branch 2 0 5 Nf S-xfh S» , 75i Motaua Ave N O regon City branch 200 Otego-’ C'ly Shopping Cente’ Portland Area Cedar Hills branch totoo SW Pan. Wa. Fifth and C olleg e branch ’ 900 SW 5i” A.e 46th and W oodstock branch 4600 SE Woodstock B'vd Foster Powell branch in ,2 SE 52nd A .e G atew ay branch 1,1401 NF Ha'sey St Head Office 1100 SW 5th Ave Hillsdale n349 SW Cep.tot Hw , Hollyw ood Rose City branch »2 33 N f Sandy Btvd J o h n * Landing branch 5615 SW Ma, adam Ave Lloyd Center brench ,40 5 Lloyd Center Med.cal Center branch 1H10 SW (,.bbs S' M ontavilla branch « ’ 35 S t Stark S' Moreland S ellw ood branch SE IB Vs, and Stark branch Springfield 440 SE 181»! Ave Mohawk C entennial branch SE , 2 , s’ and O tv sio n branch ,60 0 Cenlenn 4 B’vd »2005 SE 0 v s.on ? ha Oatiaa branch SE 38th and H aw thorne Btvd branch 400 f 3rd S' 3 782 SE Hewthome B'vd Tigard N Denver A interstate branch SW 13th and Barbur branch Tigard branch 8 134 N D en.er Ave 76,5 SW ’ 3th A.e ” 760 SW H ill Bivd NW 22nd and LovS|Oy branch Roseburg branch W ashington Square 2222 NE LOveiOy 662 S I Jackson St poca’ed n the 185th and Sunset Hwy branch Salem Area Shopping Center l 2555 NW TanasbOume C.’ C'e Capitot Center branch •3 0 0 SW Wa*h.ng,on 122nd and Haiaey branch ,17? Cente, S ’ NE Square R,t ,601 NE ,22nd Ave East Salem branch Tue,a,m branch One Mam Ptaca branch 3245 Ma-he, St NE ’ 89?5 SW M an a h A.e ,122 SW 2nd Ave Keizer branch Was, Linn branch Raleigh Hills branch 4605 R.vS' Road N ’ 8900 PaC-’t HWy 67H5 SW Beaverton HWy Liberty and S kyline Rd branch ’ Shopping Center M u t t only Sixth and M orrison branch 4755 L berty R., S 635 SW Sixth Ave Salem Mam branch SE 62nd and Foster branch 280 l berty NE 5444 SE 82nd Ave Seaside branch SE 103rd and W ashington branch 2 ,0 S Mou ad a y Sr ,0305 SE Weth.ngton • • i< • i Mrtweufc id Ave