P•t• I Portland Ob1arvar June 12. 191 CITY OF PORTLAND HOME SECURITY SPECIALIST M ATHEMATIC / PH'r' t fN STRUCTOR tl ,274 to tl,442 Length ot Employment: 1 Reaponaible tor to ·1 lling Full-time, 9 month• per year 1 lock• end other s un Minimum Selection Criteria: devi ... in homes as part Education-Ma1tar'a Degree w ith a minimum ot JO Full time po9it1on beginning June 18, 1980. B.S. of the Police Bureau's graduate houre in M athematica or Phyaic1. Ex· degree and experience 1n analytical biochemia~ry ENERGY CITY OF PORTLAND Crim e Prevention perience-C.ndidate muat have prev1ou1 experien- employing HPLC and amino acid analyzer 1n- CONSERVATION CLAIMS ce teaching both college and vocational etrumentat1on including maintenance and repair , Program. Will choose Portland Energy Con- CONSULTANT the right locks, rekey mathematic, and vocational phytic1. or 1uch in1trumentation 11 required. Starting 1ervation. Inc., 11 non- t1.473to tl,626 locks. make keys, secure STARTING DATE: salary tlJ,200 . 13,800 depending on experience. p rot 1t corpor a tion Rnpon11ble tor conduc- window,, and remove September 16, 1980 Send vitae and two letters of recommendation to: eatabhthed by the City ot ting 1crHning ln- ' and replace exterior Salary Range: Portlend announces the v e It 1gat Ion I of door,. Thie po1ition in- t15.780 • t 19,428 180-81 Faculty Salary Schedule) following p011t1on1: moderately to 11verely volves much public con- ' Initial placement based on experience and ENERGY DONALD J. REED injured claimant,. Will 1 , tact and often in high educational background. plus full benefit CONSERVATION Dept. Blochemi1try & Blophy1lc1 conduct hOme vilitl, ad- crime areas . program. CENTER MANAGER VIH claimant, of A PPLY Application Deadline: Oregon State Univer11ty ENERGY available benetit1, and Portland Civil Service . June27, 1980 Corvallia, Oregon 97331 CONSERVATION 1nterv1ew phy1ican1 and 510S. W . Montgomery Closing date June 16, 1980. SPECIALIS! 1uperv11ora to establish Portland, OR 97201 !MftlOYEE & MANAGEMENT Oregon State University ,s an AAO/ EO employer return-to-work INSDUSTRIAL No later than Friday. DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST and comphee with Section 504 of the schedules. COMMERCIAL June 20. 1980. Women Length of Employment: Rehabilitation Act of 1973. APPI.Y SECRETARY and minorities are en- Halt-time. 11 month1 per year 120 hours per week) Portland Civil Service Call 248-4679 to receive a couraged to apply. Minimum Selection Criteria: 510 S. W . Montgomery job deecription and ap- An Equal Opportunity BA Degree required. Two 12) years experience in Portland, OR 97201 plication . Application, Employer business or industrial training, and/or community No later then Friday, I mu1t be 1ubm1tted by education. ENGINEERING June 20, 1980. Women June JO. Thi1 11 a one Starting Date: TECHNICIAN 3 end minorities are en year po11tion, with ex- July 1, 1980 Unified Sewerage couraged to apply. I tension dependent on Immediate opening tor ho1p1tal controller • 1_:l8 Salary Range: Agency , $1429 per An E."qual Opportunity future funding. Salaries bed, JCAH approved, non-profit community $1,173.00 . $1,290.00 per month approximately. month with periodic step Employer negot1atable. hospital located north ot Sacramento, CA . 180-81 Support Staff Salry Schedule HI increases; an Associate Equal Opportunity Pos1t1on requires minimum two years experience Application DHdllne: Degree in Engineering Employer in hospital accounting management including June 20, 1980 Technology from a knowledge with computer related informations recognized technical · systems. CPA preferred. Salary commensurate STUDENT OUTDOOR / RECREATION 1chool, and three years with background and quallf1cat1ons, with liberal SPECIALIST ot progressively fringe benefit program. Submit resume and Assistant Men's Track Coach/Crota· technical experience references in strict confidence to: Country Coach directly related to Length of Employment: engineering or sur- , 1 Full-time, 12 months per year Personnel Director vey1ng; or Htiatactory Minimum Selection Criteria: equivalent combination Bachelor's Degree and experience in working w ith , of experience and small group and/or individuals. Programming ex- training. Possession of a perience in Outdoor I Recreation areas desirable. valid Oregon Driver's ns Fourth Street, Mary,ville, CA 95901 Starting Date: License. Last filing date 19151 n4- 7381 Food Service Attendant July 1, 1980 June 20, 1980. Apply tor Equal Opportunity Employer I In ,·all, h•m1•orar~ 1·11ft.h•rta w11rk Salary Range: the above position at: av111lahh• h111h d11v und ~win.: sluft l'ri11r Approximately $1,280.00 per month 180-81 Sup- 1•J111.-rwm·1• 111 f11rullun and 11<•rvrn11 ~·i■■lllllllllllllllllll■-■■1111111111111■- County Waa hlngton h,•lµful. Th,,,... j11hN , an l,,ml 111 port Staff Level H plus Coaching Schedules) ,■ Paraonnel ·H·rllllllll'RI ., .. N1t11111s Application Deadline: Room305 June 20, 1980 150 N. First Ave. Keypunch Operators \\, " ·" , 1111m1•diuu- j.H•rtnan,•nt 11111•111n11s Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 li,r s"'llll( Ml11fl K,·v l'un,·h OpnalorN PBX OPERATOR (648-86061 Furrnnl K<'\'JJUII< h Ht·huolml( or •~1u1vul,•nt Length ot Employment: , An Equal Opportunity " ·ork ''"IH'rll'lll t' n~•utrt'tl. Fnrmlmrit_v w11h Permanent full-time position; $960 • $ 1, 100/ ' Full-time, 12 months per year •!!II liM ,·ard •11111, h or I nfur,•x k1•.v to diHt' Employer 'month based on qualifications. Set -up and ,1,,,.ualil,, M inimum Selection Criteria : Women and minorities operate various types of gas anesthe11a machines, • urged to apply. Candidates must be a high school graduate or Part Time Assembler physiological recorders and other equipment. equivalent. Typing 40 words per minute. One fl I l'arl 111111• JN>HthonH a,·,11luhl,· fur DIRECTOR Administers various types of injectable and gas 1 year previous switchboard experience with 1•h•t lrunu ilHMt•mhl, ,.ork I ;,wHI \11<11111 and Wanted tor alternative anesthetics, supportive drugs and fluids; monitors th•• al111i1,· tu dn •h•l111h•d ,.urk rt't.ulrf"II operating knowledge of the 400 PBX Dimension day care center. Overall Tru11111111 "111 ht• 1,ru,· 111,·d animal's vital stgns. May assist surgeon with some office responsib1l1tie1 : 1 System is desirable. procedures . Must be T, B. negative and not , Starting Date: Clerk Typist bookkeeping, job related allergic to animal hair or debr1. Formal training in \\'1II Jil•rfu,111 ,li\'t•rNttit·,1, leril'lll, As soon as possible experience necessary . anatomy , physiology and microbiology or "'"""'" 111, Hktllt•d dut\t'H AHrul(t• t)'JJllllt' Salary Range: ahtlit..- r,•,.utri•tl 'equivalent ex penance . Familiarity with medical , $703 per montn . Call ' $790 • $869 per month (approximate 80-81 al 233-2246 afternoons. equipment and instrumentation desirable. Ap - schedule) Secretary plications accepted through June 20. RECEPTIONIST Will •><·rfor111 mh·an,·t"II llt't'rt•lnriul, Application Deadline : TYPIST Hlt•n111(111µh1t· und dt'rin1I dutit•H Two .n nrH Open until suff1c1ent applications are received. Ht'l'rt•tarial tra1111n1C or 1•J1Jil'rlt'n11• rrquirl'd $4.85 pr hour Aht,,,. ,l\'t•ral(<' '·"•""" ahthl.v 1111d Hhorlhand Excellent benefits JOURNALISM INSTRUCTOR / ur lrllllMt'rlJltlllll " " ' " " lll'l't'Mllllr.Y Clerical position 1n Ac· PUBLICATIONS ADVISOR H,•nl'fit~ 111.-lud,· hlwrnl 111Huri11w1• und counting Department of rt•11r,•nwn1 prnwr1111111. ,'llu,·11t111n11I 1rn11•,ort Length of Employment: and prnfi• Nhnrinl( J}la11 ' M anpower Tra1n1ng , Fall Term 1980 only (Temporary Replacementl Apply al T.-klronix, I ndu11lr111I l'ark nr Program . Answer Minimum Selection Criteria: "ntt- tn n:KTHOS IX. INC' I' 11 Box ·,m 1•, 505 N.W . 185th phones, type reports and , Master's Degree required 1n Journalism or Com- ' H..-a,·,·rlon. 111{ !1711,, Beaverton 1645-11411 An "•uni ........ ,tunil\' ,•mpln.v,•r m I he· financial information , municat1ons and/or three (31 years experience on I review forms and a newspaper or other publication, or teaching records tor accuracy, journalism courses . Equal Opportunity Employer general secretarial duties Salary: etc . Qua lif i cati ons : Paid from part-time salary schedule (Approx . CHILDCAR E l lMMlflfO TOf-,1 lUfl« I PART TIME High School Diploma (or 14,000 $5,000tor Fallterml WORKER Piece work WebS t ~r , GED> with clerical Starting Date: Wanted in alternative America·• toremoa t d•c- courses and 1 year September 15, 1980 day care center. Must be tionary company needs general clerical ex - Application Deadline: CETA eligible . Call 233- home workers to update penence type 40 wpm July 7, 1980 (postmarked byl , 2246 afternoons. local mailing 111t s . All ability t~ work indepen'. ages , experience un - dently, ability to perform ASSISTANT COACH WOMEN 'S TRACK ANO loller . . . necessary. Send name, basic arithmetic and FIELD TEAM ad,dre11, phone number good phone akilla, Length of Employment: to. numerical typing and January 2, 1981 June 6, 1981 fttb. 1191 WEBSTER some knowledge ot Minimum Selection Criteria : 175 5th Ave. b O O k k e 8 p i n g t e r . Bachelor's Degree. Coaching experience m field Suite 1101-1894-C mmology helpful. To ap- , events: shot put. diacu1, javelin, at high school or New York, N.Y. lOOlO ply, need not be CETA colleg11te level. eligible . Must be Salary: CITY OF PORTLAND available tor personal 1n• Dependent on qualiticat1one MECHANIC terview. Send resume Starting Date: t20,717 specifying experience January 2, 1981 1 Heavy and light equip- and skills related to job Application Deadline: ment mechanic positions to: September 2. 1980 involving gas, diesel, MULTNOMAH INSTRUCTOR FOR VIDEO-AUDIO VISUAL , hydraulic and pneumatic WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY system, . Preventative CONSORTUIM Length ot Employment: maintenance and com- 806 S. W . Broadway Full-time, 9 months per year plete overhaul• perfor- Suite 325 Minimum Selection Criteria: med tor widely diver- Portland, OR 97205 • Electrlclena fmarlnel • Bollarmakere fboller repelrel • Plpeflttere A Baccalaureate Degree in Mass com , sified fleet. Full benefit Refer to job No. Bk147, municationa, Commun1cation1 Technology or the package. • lnauletor1 (pipe c overerel Closesti-19-80 5 P.M . equivalent experience 1n sound APPLY Equal Opportunity Portland Civil Service St arting Date: Employer U.S. 0tt1emhlp laqulr9d 510S .W . Montgomery September 16, 1980 GROUNDS All federal Civil Service Benaflte. Liberal vacation allowance. paid Portland, OR 97201 Salary Range: FOREMAN t i ck leave. partially emp loyer funded life & hel ath tnaurance No later than Fridey, '16,780 t19,428 180-81 faculty salary schedule) Lewis & Clark College progrema. excellent retirement plan. June 20, 1980. Women initial placement based on edcuat1on and ex Meintenance Depart and minorities are en- perience, plu1 benefit package. For More Information: ment 244-6181 Ex . 330 couraged to apply. Appllcatlon Deadline: Call toll frN 1 ·I00-4211-5991 Equal Opportunity An Equal Opportunity July 20, 1980 fpostmarked byl IYou may l"v• • me11age at th••• number• outalde of our working Emoto~, houra. MN1egH recorded after working houre.l Contact THE PORTLAND SALEI WOMEN'S HEALTH 1 , Kenmore electric 1tlf- CENTER OR MAIL RESUME TO : CIHnlng ltOYI, good . condition, '260, Ken- , A WOMEN S Communit, more diehwHher, ex- CHOICE CLINIC Personnel Offic e cellent condition , 160, Complete Gynecological 19600 S. MollaMa Ave .. Oregon City, Or. 97045 Dining t1ble. 4 chaire. Serv1c81 8'i6 2631 , Eat 318 excellent condition t150. Abortion• 1n a clinic Cl11ck11ma Ct,,,,,,tt1t11ty Col~ u Att E(IIHII Other furn1sh1ng Setting ATTN: Code 170.2 IPPI Opport11ttityl A/JimtfltlW A,r,o,, Efffplo,rrr av11lable. 4160 s E Otv1111on BREMERTON, WA 98314 C.ll 'lll790IZ. 239 8004 Portland Ob••rv•r JO:B f ,l 'NDE,R I Calendar RESEARCH ASSISTANT UNCLASSIFIED HOSPITAL CONTROLLER 1 The Militant Bookstore will be showin1 the film "War Without Winners." The forum will be on Sunday, June 22, at 7:J0 p.m., in the Milita,J• Bookstore, 711 N. W. Everett in Portland. A father•s Day Observance, Sa•urday, 14, June IIJ80, 7-CJ P.M .• al Kina Neiahborhood facility, 4!11' N.E. 7th Ave. This observance is presented by the American Muslim Mission. Guest speakers: Mikal Shabazz (resident Iman). Senator Bill Mc• Coy, and other community leaders. There will be music and refreshments, includin1 transportation l'or the elderly (2117-1765). Everyone welcome. Bring lami 11 1 CASH UnitedWay ENEGRGY CONSERVATION Penland Energy Conservation, Inc., a non- profit corporation established by the City ot Portland announces the following poa1t1ons: ENERG'( CONSERVATION CENTER MANAGER ' ENERGY CONSERVATION SPECIALIST INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL SECRETARY Call 248-4579 to receive a job description and application. Applications must be sub- mitted by June JO. This 1s a one year poaition , with extension dependent on future funding . Salaries negotiable. .le. t.iul U{J/NJrfUIIU\_ Lmpl,11:_!.'r ------------ Tektronix Opportunities Rideout Memorial Hospital RESEARCH ASSISTANT Unclaasitied to work in biometry. M .S. required. ' Salary $13,000 . $15,000/ year. Position full time tor one year, subject to renewal thereafter based on continued support. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by June 21 , 1980 to: VETERINARY SURGERY TECHNICIAN Or. John C. Gordon, Head Department of Forest Science Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 OSU is an Affirmative Action Equal Employment Opponunity Employer and complies with Section 504 ot the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon Primate Research Center 1 ll!ktronix I I 1 PSNS CHALLENGIN.G OPPORTUN'IT' I , ES I I Experienced Journey / Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels ,PUG,ET SOUND NAVAL S·HIPY ARD Ct.A