Sport ethic influences clothing Reviewing the NBA Draft «cuing the man they wanted, they Ransey io run Ramsay's offense. gave up, In the first round Portland Portland by wheeling and dealing traded h°n LCS' Cr’ subse9 uently was able to grab the one player. 6-1 traded him to r Kelvin Ransey. lead guard Kelvin Ransey from Second round - David Lawrence. 6- Ohio State, they think can step right , torward, McNecse State; Bruce in and run their offense. The quick Collins, 6-5 guard, Weber State. ex-Buckeye, is said to be an ex­ one ot these second round selec­ cellent shooter who plays the full tions will be around come Septem­ game. ber. So what chance docs a Dave In order to acquire Kelvin, Port­ Kutel, 6-8 forward out o f Yeshiva land gave up their number 10 selec­ nave, and what in the world is a tion and their 1981 ad 82 first round Yeshiva. I he Blazers can’t be ac­ choices. As the Buckeye's leader cused ot name drafting. This year Ransey had 177 assists and 121 Blazer dratt produced players from boards, while shooting .448, down Yeshiva, North Park, Illinois. Lcth- from a previous high o f .547 as a ridge, Alberta, McNeese State and junior o ff guard. Bangor, Maine. Kelvin has superior speed, is a Long shot to make the team is great ball handler, and amazing guard Stan Edwards who impressed body control. Kelvin likens himself everyone last year but failed to to Kansas C ity ’ s Phil Ford, and make the club. Edward should that’s not too shabby. " I ’ m looking battle T.R. Dunn and Jim Paxson forward to playing in P ortland,” tor the last Blazer slot this fa ll. Kelvin said. "A n d I ’ve learned that Look lor Twardzik to go in a trade - the Blazers need a lead guard, so it there are any takers. I’ m sure I can fill that role.” While the workings o f the human Ransey was named All-Big 10 at brain is truly baffling, the working guard his last three seasons. Kelvin ot Blazer minds are even more so. must beat out veterans Dave Tward- Remember when the organization zik and Jim Paxson to start at lead reneged on paying A ll-P ro guard guard. Lio n e ll H ollins the $300,000 he It is believed the Blazers will keep asked tor, only now to be ready to only two lead guards. Ron Brewer, pay All-Nothing center Tom Owens B illy Ray Bates, T.R . Dunn and that same amount. Stan Edwards will battle for the o ff Boston’ s Red Auerback, a one guard berth, with last year’ s sen­ time super coach, but not generally sation Bates being the probable star­ recognized as the most astute GM in ter. Look for Ransey and Bates at the league really pulled o ff the best guard with Brewer playing a role not overall d ra ft this year fo r the unlike that o f Seattle’s Ered Brown. already strong Celtics. Boston The overall d ra ft fo r Portland traded with Golden State to get the was a poor one. It appears that after 7-1 Robert Parish, the center they Come Today and SAVE! Portland O bserver Ju n e 12. 1900 Page 7 xm ,, ! i -i h o m e f u r n is h in g s fam ous, top-quality Whirlpool Automatic Range Buy! Lifestyles are the ultim ate desperately needed. They then were designers o f clothing. able to get one o f the three strongest Today’s emphasis on physical fit­ Players in this year’ s d ra ft, M in ­ ness and recreational sports has nesota's 6-10 Kelvin McHale. They spelled out the game plan tor also selected Arnette Hallman, Pur­ tashion to r all members o f the due. who is recognized as one o f (he family. It has to be functional, prac­ best players to come out o f Purdue, tical, easy to wear and care for, ex­ but was overshadowed by the great pressive, fun, and ready tor action. Joe Berry Carrol. Hus season’ s activewear answers Ron Perry, Holy Cross, and Don all these requirements...and more. Newman. Idaho, are both strong It’s the one look that’ s right for just players. In tact Idaho's Newman about everyone. And i t ’ s the one could be the sleeper o f the entire look th a t’ s seen just about draft, and one day this 6-3 guard everywhere. will play tor someone in the NBA. Gne ol the season's biggest ac­ Had the opportunity to see Don in tivewear fabrics is terry cloth, with last year’ s Far West Classic and was White, navy and red are the basic- very impressed with his complete colors in the activewear palette, but game. H there’ s no lim it to the shadings in this season’ s fashions. Neutrals, And Roberto Duran vs Sugar Ray pastels and clear brights complete Leonard. Have said from day one the spectrum available fo r men, that the fast hands o f Leonard will women and children. prevail. Oh, sure, Duran is a super A full line o f activewear for the lighter, but in the end it w ill be entire family is available at Sears Sugar Ray, and it w on’ t go the fashion stores and through the distance. Spring general and summer catalog, <4 The feeling here is that the knits running a close second. I he­ Sugar man” w ill gO “ oops up­ boid striping and pieced looks ol side Duran's head so many times these easy-care, absorbent that the fight will be stopped before fabrications are carried through the bell sounds for the 15th round. both children and adult styles. navy a c c in ts ’ b 'w o rn ’ w ith m a tc h '8 ^ n a v y an d w h ite te rry to p (TlO , 7 “ »at W W te ‘ ° P ,*8 ’’ W ,th " * Bh° rt8 ” 5 ’’ A V " eck s trip in g , i , paired w ith navy terry p U||.On"."holt“, s ty le s a re a v a ila b le a t m n . r c . «horta l»7). These or sim ilar tiv e w e a r also at s ia r s l S ^ ¿ . I , 8 ’ h i° n , t o r e # ' W o m a n 's a c - upon req u est.) m er catalog . 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