P ag* * Portland Obaarvar Juna 12. 1300 entertainment entertainment E.S.P Specialist WITH PSYCHIC POWERS “ P “ J L s f J p _ r ■ ■ I How many unhappy people are there whose lives are darkened by the acts o f others? Is your life nearly a wreck because you have troubles of a do­ mestic nature or otherwise? Do you desire a return of affection rightfully yours, or does another receive it? Do you wish to marry the one you love? Is there a coldness growing, a separation, a rival or inter- ference by someone? Are you a person who at times appears to be affected by bad surroundings? Do you give up in despair? Does persistent bad luck follow you? Spells, unnatural conditions and evil influences of all kinds can be overcome by getting advice and aid from a reliable advisor who bears a reputation for honesty and integrity. * 040 and w ill help you If you are sick or w or­ ried come at once in person Call in person GRAND OPENING o She asks no questions but w ill tell you what you want to know —and facts o f business, love, health, and fam ily affairs. When seeking advice and help, it al­ ways pays to consult the best One w ith a reputation for honesty and integrity 7727 N.E Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97213 Take N.E. Sandy Bus No. 14 - Next to Sportscar Center 284 3352 Open 7 days a w eek-8 am to 10 pm Call for appointment Sunday only! 1/2 PRICE READING WITH THIS COUPON HANG IN THERE RICHARD! Jim m y W h.terspoon and h it golden voice w ill be at J a w de Opus X3 N^W. 2nd Ave , June 15th. Advance tickets now being sold at: Jazz , * ° CP ? Freder,ck b N e lio n 'i d o w n to w n and M usic M ille n n iu m . J15e E Burnside Price of ticke ts 6 00 p .m .. >6 50 10:00 p.m ., $6 50 By Nyewusi Askan JIM M Y WITHERSPOON IN PORTLAND l ^ ™ y * ' lberspoon *S n° l JUSt 3 b,ues 5inger- rePeaI- Jlmmy Witherspoon ‘ J S\ A B UES S,NGER k l h ’s not a bad Place to begin when thinking about him, it s just that he is much more. Most respected jazz and blues artists know ot Jimmy’ s invaluable con­ tributions to the world ot music, especially as tar as vocal phrasing. Wither­ spoon became one o f the most popular and admired vocalists by starting with the blues, but his vocal range and intlection far exceed the standard 12-bar four-chord blues interpretation. I m much more than a blues singer, much more,” agrees Spoon. ‘ T v e sung with all the best mucicians in the world and I don’t just sing the blues. I hate to label it because it’ s all really good music. But sometimes people can only think ot you in terms ot blues or jazz or rock, and that can hurt a per­ son s career. It’s a shame because people limit themselves in terms o f ap­ preciating all kinds ot music.” " ‘.I*7 .'"8 h' S *UCk aS 3 vocal,st in a Merchant Marine band during w orld War II, Jimmy began his professional career in 1944 when he joined the Jay McShann Kansas City Band. Through the years. Spoon has travelled an over the world singing with the best musicians our society has produced. He s pertormed with .W/Zes Dt/v/s, Gerry Mulligan, Ben Webster, Count ber^able Hawk,ns- w °ody Herman, John Coltrane; the list is innum- M any Black people are to ta lly numbed by the recent accident in­ volving brother Richard Pryor. To restate what has already been stated: Brother Richard, 38, suffered third degree burns over 50 percent o f his body, Tuesday, June 10, 1980. Ac­ cording to Sherman Oaks Hosptial Ward, Richard is listed in critical but stable condition, fairly alert. The common belief is, he was burned when ether, being used to make ‘ ‘ tree base,” a cocaine derivative, exploded in his face. The drug, created thru a chemical reac­ tio n o f cocaine, w ith the highly volatile solvent (ether), is smoked in a pipe. Knowing the manipulative powers o f the white press, we here at the Portland Observer do not accept the creditability ot the reports being published throughout Amerikkka at this time. However, we do hope to address the subject fully, when and il, brother Richard pulls thru. Richard P ry o r’ s tradegy is a tradegy difficu lt to accept; mainly because those ot us who play his albums, follow his stage acts, and movies, cannot imagine a physical re-arrangement o f the “ Richard” we know. Doctors report that his condition is improving. We hope so, and pray that Allah gives him the strength to win this ultimate battle wtih death. Knowing Richard, he’s probably saying "Feet don't fa il me now.' cuz this nigguh am 't crazy and am 't about to give up! ” Hang in there brother Richard, we need you! American State Bank The Bank that integration b u ilt' 2737 N.E. Union 282 2216 de opus xp1- PRESENTS JIMMY WITHERSPOON The story goes that when many ot the popular English rock musicians began imitating the style ot Black musicians, Jimmy was one ot the most in­ fluential vocalists copied. A long association between Jimmy and Eric Bur- ’ o ". as well as the group War, helps support the notion. Many white and Black vocalists have listened to Spoon’s music and borrowed his style. I don t mind, not at a ll,” he says. " I t ’s really been a compliment to me over the years. I ve been in this business over 30 years and I ’ m still young I ve got a long time to go before these pipes begin to rust. It's nice to see young musicians tell me that they listened to my stutl a long time before they came up with their own style. * ” 1 just want people to know that I ’m not ready for that kind o f Hall o f Fame attention. where they put you on a shelf somewhere and you just collect ust. m still around and the only place I ’ m going is straight ahead.” Spoon has, it anything, become more active in recent years S U N D A Y , JUNE 15th 6:00 P .M . $6.50 10:00 P .M . $6.50 Advance Tickers now being sold at: r D r r x r J i^ ^ O P U S 33 nw 2nd ave ED«iui