Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 12, 1980, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10 Portland ObHrver June 12. 1980
What do you think?
By Poul McCoy
A. What do you think of a
Draft1 (Armed ForceaJ
A. Sunny JMns - Student PCC,
from Li~rio.
don't learn how to use weapons'f
I'm totally a1ains1 a drafl because
of its implications involvina Black
people. But if you have to 10 you
can 1et a lot ouc of it.
This country should be able 10
defend itself. There should be a
draft. Look ac Iran. I would noc like
to see America ao 10 war because
any war lhe U.S. is in will lead to a
world war.
A. /Huy Lund, Co-owner of the
A . Maxine Riehl, Co-owner,
Toot ond Tell.
I have a son who volunteered in
the Navy. I don't feel it is fair to
make anybody do somethin1 they
don't want to do. II' they volunteer
it would seem they would want to o
in. I'm against the draft of men or
women, but if they want to 10 they
can. It' s not a woman' s place.
Trophy Room Tavern.
I have a son who is in the dran-
able qe. Of course I would not like
to see him ao, but, we must have
people ready to defend our country.
The draft is the only way we can be
sure we have enouah people to
defend ourselves. I do not like the
idea of a dran but aaree that it is
A. Ronald Allen, Censws Bul'ftlu
I definately disapprove of it. I
think we need somebody to be ready
to fight, but, I don't feel I should
have to go. I don't get treated fair in
this country now, why should I go
light'f When the war is over, I will
still be treated unfairly. It would be
doina more than my share to 10
fight for this country. The people
who get drafted are usually those
who have not got jobs. II' you are
Black, unemployed, your chance of
aoing are hi&h, if you die there, you
will not aet recognition. If you do
somethina outstanding maybe in fit'.
ty years someone will look it up and
see you had areat contributions then
forget about you. No draft.
A. Dale Lomb - ston clerk Plaid
- '
The drat't should be started up
aaain. I'm in the Navy. With things
the way they are, volunteers jusc
don' c work out. Most volunceers are
not 1ood for the service. They come
in, find out they don't like it, then
try and get out. With a draf t they
would get more variety of people
with dift'erent backarounds. Wich
che draft you get much better
A . Gory Riehl • sheetmetal
worker - Swan lslond.
A. Vernon Ambws - unemploytd
I've been in the Anny and Navy
and hated both. I'm against the
drat't, but, unless a brother can find
a legal way to avoid it, he should go.
Canada will probably be involved in
any war the U.S. gees into, so
Canada is out. The service does
have some advantages. It offers a
brother the chance to learn, travel
and see the world. If you're not into
something positive, you should 10
in. Brothers always are talkin1
about revolution. How are you
1oin1 to fi1ht a revolution if you
Lincoln High School ■enior Robin Luryne Marks became the first
Black Queen of Portland'• Rose Festival. Queen Robin is the
daughter of Maggie and Richard Marks.
(Photo by: Richard J. Brown)
Prine••• Chalaunda Parker of District No. 2 participates in the Rose
planting ceremony (Right).
(Photo by: Richard J. Brown)
I feel we should start the paper
work as far as registration goes, so
we don't get cau1ht with our pants
down. In case of a national alert the
1overnment should have some type
of estimate as to how many men we
have ready lo go. I'm not talkin1
about a Vietnam or Iran, but if
somethina should happen in Mexico
or Cuba, America should be in
position to move. If a draft is what
we need we should do it. As far as
women are concerned, what can I
say't If they want to ao, those that
do should be allowed. Is that fair'f
Popu lar minister preaches at Allen Temple
By popular demand rhc Reverend
Dr . Jesse L. Doualas ol Ka nsas
City, Missouri returns to Portland
10 conducr Revival Services at Allen
Temple C.M.E. Church June 16th
throuah June 20th. rhe services will
be1in each niaht at 7:30 .
Reverend Oou1las is the noted
Gospel singer and preacher who has
been comin1 each year to Portland
for the past five years. He is pastor
of the Jamison Memorial remple of
the Christian Methodist Episcopal
church in Kansas City, Missouri. He
has travelled throuahout the nation
since he last appeared in Ponland.
He was invited to Bir mingham,
Alabama to appear a~ gue~I ar the
maugaral 10n ol the newly elected
Mayor ol Birmingham.
fhe revival service 1s open 10 all
people of the city. Several churches
and choirs ot churches in the city
will be paruc1pa11ng in the sen,11:e
each nigh!. Monday, June 16th,
Mount Olivet Baptist Church and
Faith Tabernacle Church choirs;
ruesday, June 17t h, Vancouver
Avenue Baptist C.'hurch and Mt.
Gillard M1ss1onary Baptist Church
choirs; Wednesday, June 18th,
Bethel A. M.E. Church and Com-
munity A.M .E. Zion Church choirs;
Thursday, June 19th ts designated
as youth nigh! and Ne~ Hope Bap-
tist C.'hurch and Morning Star Bap-
llSI Church choirs; 1-riday night.
June 201h Maranarha Church and
the choir ot Allen f'emple C..M E.
rhese ch01r and pastors and
members and a'i~m:1ate ministers,
along w11 h Allen I emple choirs and
mtmMer~ will be enaaged m senous
sen·tces ol ReHval and salvauon for
all who ~,11 attend and hear the
word. (he Allen remple C. M.l::.
Church 1s located at 4236 N.l:. 8th
Avenue, corner ol N.f< .. Kth and
Skidmore. Re~. T .L. Strayhand,
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