Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 12, 1980, Image 1

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    ■V r
C ongradulated by court, Robin Luryne M arks
begins reign as P o rtla n d s 1980 Rose Festival
(Photo by: Richard J. Brown)
1980 Jun io r Rose Featn
Queen R uth Elaine
Bade plants a rose bush in cerem ony at Peninsula
Boise Elementary graduates students
By Nyewusi Askar,
On June 6, 1980, over three
hundred parents, relatives, friends,
students, teachers, and media,
packed the Boise School gym­
nasium, to witness the graduation o f
sixty-seven happy, sm iling, and
nonored students.
Guest speaker tor the graduation
was Mrs. Freddye Petett, Director
o f the Urban League, P ortland
Branch. She stressed the importance
o f education, responsibility, and the
ability ot the students to learn from
Mrs. Pettet’ s tempo was smooth
and inspirational. "Y o u are now
moving from boys and girls, to men
and women, therefore, you must
began to realize the importance of
taking re sponsibility fo r your
actions, treat people right, including
your brothers, sisters, parents,
teachers, com m unity and yo u r­
Graduates presented by principal
Dave McCrea are: Linda Andrews,
Tony Lasley, Diane Beck, Curtis
Crawford, Sai Mua, Tabetha San­
(Photo by: Richard J. Brown)
Volum e 10 N um ber 23
June 12, 1980
10Ç per copy
ders, Stephanie Harden, V icki
Edward Abrams, T. J. Johnson,
C hanncl, Galen Harden, Bruce
Pamela Behurst, David Lewis,
Harris, Chris Pennington, Lenard
lo n y Menefee, Paul M iles, Sua
laylor, Nina Taylor, Robert Harris,
Mua, Clarence R a tc liff. Ronald
Robert Nelson.
Richardson, B illy Sly, D orothy
A nthony
Staples, M ario W ysingle, W illie
Freeman, John Henry, Robert
Smith, Carlos Barfield, landa Bar-
Henry, Ma Her, Demetria Herron,
field, 1 isa Bowen, Cheng Cha.
Lricka H ill, Theresa Holcey, lerrol
Eddie la ylo r, I royce Crowder,
Jackson, Stacy Long, Sandra
Stephen Davis, Rosie Ann Lewis,
Mayes, Ray M itc h e ll. Ronald
Souen I oun, Selwyn Mvers,
Pollard, Artangia Presley, I tigene
Meuychio Saechao, Gary Snowden,
Scott, Janice Staples, Brenda
I isa Staples, Vue lhao, Bee Vang,
la y lo r, Louis W aller, Sebastian
Her Vang, Sao VAng, Va Vang,
Williams, I hay Xiong, Song Yang.
Lorenzo Watson.
Robin crowned
Robin Lurlyne Marks was chosen
bringing home the state record in
Queen ol Rosaria Friday evening —
200 meter dash; and she was
Portland's first Black Rose Queen.
member ot the a ll-c ity seco:
The 18 year old Lincoln High School
basketball team.
senior w ill reign over the Rose
She is also recognized fo r I
Festival and all (estival association
academic achievements, havi
events until a new queen is chosen
received an E lk 's C lub M t
next June.
Valuable Student Scholarship.
The favorite o f all o f the spec­
A lth o u g h she w ill continue
tators interviewed by the Observer,
track at the University o f ^r>/or
Queen Robin's selection completed
Queen Robin's sights are set on
two hours o f ceremony and expec­
career as an aeronautical engineer.
tation — and all were pleased.
She is the daughter of Maggie ai
Queen Robin is well known for her
Richard Marks.
athletic accomplishments. She com­
Qeen R obin's message to hi
peted in the A A A State Track Meet
peers: "T h is is 1980 and we're seeir
a ctivities,
the start o f a new decade.”
Patrick heads social services
I he Human Resources Bureau,
City o f Portland, has appointed Ms.
Barbara Patrick to the position ol
Social Services Division Manager,
effective June 16, 1980. She will be
assuming the position previously
held by Mrs. Erma Hepburn who
was recently appointed to the
position ol Executive Director. Mrs.
Patrick w ill be leaving her present
position as a member o f the
Executive D ire c to r's s ta ll to
manage the Area Agency on Aging
and the Youth Services Unit,
She has been employed with the
Bureau lor over five years and was
formerly with Model Cities for four
years. Her many years ot experience
evaluating social service programs,
w orking w ith citizens advisory
groups and governmental agencies,
and her long-standing concerns for
senior citizens and youth makes her
appointment o f significant im por­
tance to the residents o f Portland
and Multnomah County.
Manning wins rights award
Oregon Labor and Industries
C om m issioner
M ary
Roberts has issued a final order
requiring Sierra Tile M anufac­
tu rin g , Inc. o f P ortland to pay
nearly 51,000 in back wages to a job
applicant who was discrim inated
against on the basis o f race.
Eddie Manning filed a civil rights
com plaint w ith the bureau in
December, 1977 after a telephone
conversation with the company's
president, Dick W illiam s. M an­
ning’s call was in response to a help
wanted advertisement for a laborer.
Although Manning did not men­
tion his race or color during the
conversation, he alleges that
Williams made reference to having
hired several o f " Y ’a ll” in the past
and further stated that several o f
" y ’a ll" didn't show up for work.
A fte r the phone conversation,
M anning called the bureau and
spoke with Civil Rights Division In­
vestigator Reina Sm ith who im ­
mediately called W illiam s. Smith
took notes during the conversation
during which Williams made several
references to “ those Blacks” and at
least once stated that he had hired
too many o f "th o s e B la c k s "
The damages awarded represent
the am ount M a n n in g would have
earned before he found other em­
ploym ent m inus legal deductions
and the u n e m p lo y m e n t co m p en ­
sation benefits he earned during that
Agency monitors hazzards
Preliminarv i information
n l o r m a l m n I from
m m the
Federal Emergency Management
Agency indicates high proportions o f
silica in the volcanic ash makes it
dangerous to the health o f certain
high risk
groups, and over a
period o f several months it could
become dangerous to the general
Photography by Hoben Harns
Collage by Nanette Singer
Factors th at are considered in
assessing respiratory health risks are:
airborn concentration o f particles;
size ot particles; weight o f panicles
__ r ____
free crystalline silica;
tacts such as smoking, respirai
disease or occupation; use o f pro
live devices; frequency and dura
o f exposure.
It is estimated that four to six
cent o f workers in fields with ti
exposure to ash will develop silici
and use ol respiratory equipment
these groups should continue. Uni
exposure continues for a period
m o nths, exposure o i the gene
public is considered less dangerout