Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 05, 1980, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer June S. 1980 Page
Tyrone Hines dem onstrates throw that earned him the 1980 Open Distance Title.
(Photo by: Adam s High C om m unications D epartm ent.)
Hines seeks international record
tíyUllysses', Tucker, Jr.
Look, up into the sky, it’ s a bird,
it’ s a plane, no it's a frisbee that was
tossed by Tyrone Hines, a
Northeast P ortland resident who
competes in ihe In te rn a tio n a l
Frisbee Association.
Hines, a form er teacher in the
Portland Public Schools, is a 1976
graduate ot Oregon State University
(B.S. education). He has been com-
(ietirlg or. a national level for the
past three years.
When questioned about how he
started th ro w in g frisbee, Hines
quickly replied, “ I was attending
the University o f Portland a few
years back and 1 needed a energy
release. 1 didn’t know many people
so i use to spend a lot of time be­
tween lasses throwing frisbee.”
Hiney explains fu rth e r, ’ ’ Then
one day I was passing by Laurel-
H urst Park one day and saw a
bunch ol cars. Once I moved closer
to where all the people were, I found
out that it was a trisbee tournament.
So I paid my one dollar entry fee
and beat the entire field. I didn’ t
really think about what I was doing
I just went out and performed to the
best o f my ability,” he said.
Since those early days, the
muscular Hines has spent countless
hours in the Matt Dishman Com­
m unity Center liftin g weights and
jogging to stay in excellent physical
In Irvine, C alifornia earlier this
year, Hines fought o f f a strong
southern C alifornia field that was
joined by visiting champion Scott
Zimmerman. Tyrone used a turn
around backhand and won with a
throw of 118 meters in the finals.
Hines next stop was in Tempe,
Arizona, where he came into the
frisbee com petition unranked and
beat eight ol the top throwers in the
world. He won with a healthy toss
ot 122.66 meters and thought that
he should have throwed it farther.
A lte r Hines perform ance in
Arizona, the International Frisbee
A ssociation made the fo llo w in g
com m ent: ’ ’ A lth o u g h the w orld
ranking o f 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10
Sum m er is here and school is outl Batting practice for girls little
league team will occupy that spare tim e.
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
'V H I W
were on hand, Tyrone Hines showed
up once again and edged Joseph
Youngman in the finals lo r his
second Open Distance title o f the
year. Tyrone has thus established
himselt as one ot the leading powers
in the current distance w o rld ...”
Tyrone’s toss is the best toss o f the
young season and he wants to break
the world record o f 135 meters.
Hines, a native o f Schenectady,
New York plans to attack the world
record in the Seattle Kingdom
(August 19th - 24th). " I ’ m pretty
sure that I can break the record,” he
said. “ It’ s all about ryhthm and you
know that's what our culture is all
about.” Hines says that he is the
only Black competing in national
trisbee competition.
This month (June) pro basketball
w ill hold its annual draft with 23
teams selecting the best collegiate
players available. Last month (May)
was the deadline for colleges to sign
the best prep players available;
which leads to the question o f which
is more exciting, pro ball or college?
My vote goes to the collegiate game.
Wherever, or however, about the
middle o f March last year, I finally
figured out why college basketball is
a much better game than its
protessional counterpart. I always
knew that basketball at the college
level is a happier event, more
festive, beautiful rally girls...that it
is better, i f not more s k illfu lly
played, better coached, because
young men are more eager to learn
than those high paid, egotistical
giants o f the pro game, and yes, it’ s
even better o ffic ia te d ; that it is
athletically superior and technically
more correct; that, simply put, it is
more m eaningful than the pro
game. Now, I didn’t always believe
in the college game. What brought
the contrast more clearly into view
was that, on the rare occasions last
spring when I could steal a Sunday
atternoon to watch a college game
on the tube. Believe me, this was a
tough decision because usually a pro
Court requires
Black police
The Departm ent o f Justice
announced a consent decree
requiring the Onondaga C ounty,
New York, Sheriff’ s Department to
hire more Blacks and women as
deputy sheriffs for road patrol.
A ttorney General Benjamin R.
t iviletti said the decree was filed in
U.S. D istrict C ourt in Syracuse,
New Y o rk, resolving an em­
ployment discrimination suit filed at
the same time.
The suit charged county and state
o ffic ia ls w ith vio la tin g the non­
d iscrim in a tio n provisions o f the
Revenue Sharing and Law Enforce­
Assistance A d m in is tra tio n
What injustices have you con­
Funding Act by fa ilin g to hire
fronted as a Black competing in a
Blacks and women on an equal basis
non-traditional sport like frisbee?
with white men.
‘ ‘ W ell, there was one instance
The suit also said hiring tests have
when I won an event and didn’t get
a discriminatory impact on Blacks
a trophy. Everyone else received
and women and have not been
theirs, why not me? The judges told
shown to predict successful job per­
me that they would send it in the
mail. I ’m still waiting and that was
The departm ent has 116 road
several months ago. I contacted the
patrol officers, of whom two are
International Frisbee Association
Black and one is a woman, the suit
but they said that they couldn’ t do
said. In addition, 48 percent o f the
anything about it.”
white applicants who took the last
“ At another competition, I was
w ritten examination passed while
asked if I wanted to have another
only 31 percent o f nonwhites
throw o ff after I beat the entire field
passed, the suit added.
convincing ly. Do you th in k the
Ihe consent decree permanently
Lakers would play Philly one more
enjoins the county from engaging in
time tor all the money after they
any d iscrim in a to ry employm ent
won the championship?
practice and establishes interim and
Do you have any sponsors?
long-range goals for the hiring o f
“ That’ s something I ’ ve had d if­
Blacks and women as road patrol
ficu ltie s w ith ,” said Hines. “ It
puzzles me when I can defeat all the
The decree requires the county to
top throws in the United States and
seek to till 20 percent o f vacancies
s till see them on and in all the
with qualified Blacks until Blacks
frisbee publications.
make up 10 percent o f the road
“ There have been instances when
p a trol force. The decree also
sponsors have made o ffe rs , but
requires filling another 20 percent o f
when they found out that I was
vacancies w ith women until their
Black, they gave me all those ex­
numbers approximate their interest
cuses to why the deal did not
in and ability to qualify for those
materialize. I know for a fact that
they don’t want many Blacks adver­
The New York State Civil Service
tising their products, i f any. This
Comm ission, a defendant in the
one tennis show company told me
suit, is also required to certify a suf­
that they would give me a 25 percent
ficient number o f qualified Blacks
discount if I wore their sweat suit to
and women to the county to allow
every competition.
the county to meet the goals.
“ Why couldn’ t they just give me
If the list o f persons certified as
the outfit like they do all the other
eligible for appointment does not
guys? They made it sound like they
contain Blacks and women, the
were doing me a favor,” said Hines.
county may hold noncompetitive
“ I ’ ve been around a long time to
examinations to add them to the
not understand w h a t’ s hap­
eligible list.
Hines, a form er m in o r league
baseball player with the Pittsburgh
Pirate organization (1967 owns one
ot the largest trisbee collection in
Oregon, (250).
" I ’ d like to encourage all
youngsters to get involved in frisbee
it enhances motor skills,” he said.
Can you imagine someone throwing
a trisbee from one end zone to
another on a football field? Wow!
game was on at the same time.
W atching the college gained
something adventurous, something
spontaneous would always happen.
Right there in my own living room,
The bottom line with the pros is
of course, money. But the to ta l
beneath the bottom line is that
nothing happens. There has to be a
relationship there somewhere. One
o f the biggest stories o f recent years
in the NBA "happened" in Kansas
C ity earlier this season. D aryl
Dawkins, "Chocolate Thunder” i f
you wish, in the flesh fin a lly
fu lfilled his childhood dream and
got himselt a nice, big glass back-
board. Great story, right? So was
big D ’s original articulate reaction:
‘ I didn’t get no comment.” Now,
that isn’t meant to redicule Big D,
because this w riter would rather
hunt lions in the jungle without a
rifle, than to harass Mr. Dawkins.
This year the pros say their game
has made the tra n sitio n (sorry),
passing the collegiate variety, what
with the coming o f Magic Johnson,
Larry Bird and the three point field,
Now. taking last things firs t,
NBA gunners have been taking
those outrageous long bombs for
years. Usually a shot from that
distance, in the past, was a quick
ticket to the bench, this year they’re
proclaiming it is the savior o f pro
basketball, saying it adds ex­
citement. Don't understand, as for
Bird and Johnson, isn’t it ironic that
after just one season among “ the
greatest players in the w o rld ,”
game...take a pass, give a shot and,
glory be, rebound too -- has cap-
apulted the Lakers to the NBA
championship? And the Magic man
is physically and mentally little more
than a college junior, yet in Abdul-
Jabbar’ s absence, stood head and
shoulders above the N BA’s best. It
becomes p a in fu lly apparent this
time of year that the NBA just plays
too many games. The athletes, in
human terms, not economic -- are
paid too much and slack o ff too
Home owners who want to have
their homes covered with per­
manent siding at a low price.
We have to dispose o f discon­
tinued colors and designs o f
aluminum and vinyl sidings before
June 30.
We will install the siding and
gurantee the workmanship fo r 30
years. A ll factory warranties apply.
Call Grace Walker at 223-9050.
2221 NW Thurman, Portland, Oregon
No down paym ent;
60 mo. to pay
29 years in business locally ’ '
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The first space traveler who
was neither Russian nor
A m e ric a n was a Czech,
Vladim ir Remek, who left
earth and later returned
aboard Russia’s Soyuz 28
spacecraft on March 2,1978.
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