Portland Observer June 5. 1980 Page 3 UL schedules youth activities American State Bank "Education tor Summer Fun,” a tutorial and recreational program lo r Northeast area grade school youngsters, w ill be offered to the community by the Urban League Northeast Youth Service Center. Youngsters ages 5-13 w ill be tutored by high school students in reading, writing and math at King, Vernon and Boise schools and Pen- mnsula Park. Field trips, park spon sored recreation and lunch will also be provided. Ihe program will run from June 22 - August 23 on Monday through Friday from 9 a m. to 1:30 p.m. and is t ree o f charge. Skills development and positive role modeling are essential elements lor a young person in negotiating the education system. More often the learning experiences o f young people could be greatly enhanced in a more relaxed and neutral a t mosphere. We know that in adequate school adjustment is a primary factor in involving a child prematurely in the juvenile justice system, through effective peer counseling and tutoring, the young people providing the services get an opportunity to develop leadership potential, communication and intr- educational summer support. I he population this program will address, are young people attending ten (10) Northeast Grade and Middle Schools. Members ot this population w ill be referred to the program fo r remedial and educational summer support. Interested persons may pre- register their child by calling the Urban League N.E. Youth Service Center at 288 6708 between 8.30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m Registration will also take place on the first day of ttie session. R everend Elias and H a ttie M ille r, pare n ts of R o b e rta M ille r B la c k b u rn , and th e ir fa m ily . Roberta Blackburn celebrates 85 By Kathryn H. Boyle Hugs and kisses, the order o f I lie day, along w ith a birthday cake ablaze w ith candles, greeted Roberta Millet Blackburn recently on the occasion o f her 85th birth day. The gracious little lady took it all in stride as she returned the greetings ol the titty guests invited to her home to celebrate the day with her. The invitations had been issued by M rs. B la c k b u rn ’ s daughter, Hattie Gaskin, who is her only ch ild , though there were several among the guests who regard M rs. Blackburn as “ another mother" ol their own. The afternoon was fille d w ith Mrs Roberta M iller Blackburn celebrates her 85th birthday w ith her reminiscing with this gentle little daughter H attie Gaskin. lady, born in 1895, in Columbus, Georgia. She was a twin, "an iden “ No one noticed,” Mrs.Black Blackburn a staunch member ol tical tw in ," she said, and pulled a burn smiled as she remembered the Bethel A .M l . church, and she faded family portrait from an old day the pictures arrived, "u n til we knew she was at home. I heir happy silver-backed family album to show. saw the pictures that the boys had marriage lasted tor 27 years until In the portrait, Roberta stands at fo rg o tte n to put on shoes! Our Mr. Blackburn’ s death. her mother’ s right knee and Maude whole fa m ily was chagrined, Roberta Blackburn’ s life has cen Robeina, the twin sister stands on because the boys really had shoes - tered around her church, her family her mother’s left. Robeina lived to somewhere.” and her friends, as one guest said; adulthood, to marry and to have Robertas family was reared by a “ quite possibly, in days past, no one child. Her child, a boy, "looked gentle m other and a kind God triend, or even acquaintance, ol just like H aiti - a resemblance so tearing father, o f the A .M E . Mrs. Blackburn ever lacked, in time close they too, looked like twins.” Church in Columbus, Georgia. He o f need, for a helpful, cherry call or ’ T h e picture,” Mrs. Blackburn also preached in Phoenix, visit from this generous, outgoing explained, "was taken in 19<X) by a Alabam a across the river from lady." traveling photographer. One ol Columbus. Besides her membership at Bethel those salesmen, who in those days First Jacksonville, Florida tor a where she has been devoted to her roved through small town streets o f while, then a lew years in Chicago, work on the altar, Mrs Blackburn is fering his art at bargain prices to lllionois became the unlikely route a long-tim e member ot Buelah family groups. We were all rounded to P o rtla n d , but Roberta M ille r (. hapter, No. 24, Order ol Eastern up quickly by papa and told to wash Fanning came that way to Portland Star o f Oakland, California and of up and change our clothes in a hurry lirsl in 1919. She returned to live the Delta Mothers Club. to pose for our picture. We all scat here permanently in 1914. In 1916 Assisting Mrs. Gaskin at the 85th tered and did as Papa told us to do Mrs. Fanning m arried I.e Rov birthday celebration was Mrs. Verdell R u therford, M rs. Greta Rogers and Mrs. Ella Mae C ook. Goldsby opens art studio Dear Friends and Neighbors: My thanks to all o f you who of fered encouragement and support fo r my campaign fo r Portland City Council. Sincerely, ________________ Mike Lindberg Al Goldsby, Portland's outstand ing metal sculptor, w ill open his studio at 825 N. Killingsworth for a public showing ot his commanding metal works and his interesting color prints tor a two week display, beginning May 30th and continuing through June 15th. The public is invited to an early evening reception on Friday, May 30th. I he reception hours are from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ihcreatter, the studio showings will be from I p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday. th e Bank that in ley rat ion bu ilt’ 2737 N.E. Union 282 2216 Pacific Power o f Citizen the Week Betty Overton is known for her dedication to youth and to grass roots organization Ms. Overton is president ot the Albina W omen's League and volunteer director of the league's North Northeast Youth Service Center. The Center offers education and recreation tor young people including radio broadcasting and engineering, printing, photography, theater and dance, and woodworking It is Ms Overton's dream to establish a non profit commercial radio station with a youth training component. Ms. Overton is a former board member ot the Albina Ac tion Center board and the PMSC board and has spent many hours working to promote programs to aid the poor. She was a national board member ot the National Association tor Community Development, a member of the boards of the Northwest Oregon Health Systems, and Legal Aid. She is a former Democratic Precinct Person. She is a member of Daliah Temple 202. For years she coached girls and boys baseball and basket ball teams, and she organized recreational and social programs for Highland Community Center. Jenkins joins USPS board President Carter announced he will nominate lim othy L. Jenkins, ot W ashington, D .C . to be a governor o f the U nited States Postal Service. Jenkins is presently chairman ol the M ATCH Institution, a manage ment consultant firm. Jenkins is the first Black ever nominated to this position. Jenkins has served previously as special assistant to the chairman o f the Equal Employment Opportunity Com m ission and as an assistant professor o f administrative law at Howard University Law School. He also served as chairm an o f the Housing Rent Commission o f the D istrict o f C olum bia and was a partner in the in te rn a tio n a l law firms o f Jenkins and Willis/Jones and Jenkins and Warden. BROUGHTTO YOU BY Pacific Power FredMeyer S h o p p in g C e n ta ls < Super Shopping Centers Help Lower Your Cost of Living . . . Your nearby Fred Meyer Super Shopping Center is filled with "People Pleasing" services to make your shopping more pleasant. Wide, spacious aisles, friendly helpful clerks and un dercover parcel loading are just some of the "People Pleasing" services to you Plus everyday low prices on thousands of items you use ano need everyday help lower your cost of living. ia , a !? t US6 re ° Pen 9 8 m ,0 10 p m daily' includin9 Sunday, you can shop when you WANT to, not when you HAVE to. Come in anytime and*'funshop" in a pleasant relaxed atmosphere. W a ln u t P a rk N E. Killingsworth at Union In te rsta te Nlorob.,d P en in su la Lombard Plenty of Free and Easy Parking Open 9 am to 10 pm daily, including Sunday.