Portland Observer CITY OF PORTLAND M I S D ATA CONTROLLER $1,884 to $1.999 M IS Data Controllers work within different d e p a rtm e n ts an d bureaus in the City Will be responsible tor ap p ly in g t e c h n ic a l k n o w le d g e an d management principles to the development and operation o, a com puterized data base system. Will analyze bureau needs and coor dinate input and output requirem ents ot the system Will work closely with the Bureau ot Com puter Services and higher level management. M U LTN O M AH social services, or business administration COUNTY DENTAL SERVICES (N ote Additional ex C O ORDINATOR perience may be sub (Upshur Housing, (Program Development stituted on a month-for- We are now taking applications for our 30 unit Specialist) month basis for up to complex, located between Northwest 26th and • 1429 $1761 Monthly. two years of academic PERSONNEL ASSISTANT 27th on Upshur in Portland. We have 8 one Assists the Dental Health t r a i n i n g . D e s ir a b le bedroom, 12 two bedroom, and 10 three bedroom Officer in the coor Master's degree in public . units, with two (2) units designed for the han­ dination ot dental health administration, business Permanent half time position assisting with dicapped. A family of tour, may qualify with in­ services to the indigent. administration or related Food Service Attendant records keeping, preparation of reports various come under $14,000 per year, or a single person Specific responsibilities field; experience in the • in t i i l l , tc m iM iru rv v n lv ti- r iii w o rk employment procedures, correspondence, typing with an annual income under $10,200. Ren, will be include providing liaison delivery of mental health i i V i i iliilili- Im ih d a y a n il .sw ing s h i l l P rio r filing, phones, etc. Must exercise discretion and v x |)v n v n c v in fiK xl p re p .(ra d o n a n il s e rv in g approximately 25% o, your ad|usted monthly in­ between Dental Health or general health care n e lp lu l rhem * jn liH ca n lead to initiative Minimum 2 years progressively respon come. For application call or write: Section end Project services, experience in lie r in iin e n t p n s itu n is sible clerical experience, preferably in a personnel Health Division concer areas of resource TOM WALSH b CO. related function; accurately type 60 wpm Keypunch Operators ning eligibility and selec generation and/or grant 3015 S W. Is, h a v e im m e d ia te |M *rm nnent n p vningM tion of enrollees for new management; experien Portland, Oregon 97201 lo r s w in g N h ilt K e y P u n c h < >|x-rutors dental facility; training ce planning and for , 224 6084 between 9 a m and 4 p.m.. Monday , o r u ia l k e y p u n c h s c h o o lin g o r e tp iiv iile n t Oregon Regional Primate P r o je c t H e a lt h 1 mutating the goals and ¡ through Friday's only. w o rk exp« r ,, n < e re q u ire d F a m ilia r it y w ith Research Center I < nr0(1 P graduation from a senior h e a lth B e a v e rto n . ( >K 97(177. duties involve physical Directors for the proper administration and leader e d u c a t io n A n e t|u u l o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo y e r in f lie high school; A A. degree ship of its policies and practices. The Executive assessments, sick call, program APPLY for the Oregon Regional Primate preferred Two years of above posiion no later medication and tre a t­ Director has active direction, management and Research Center increasingly responsible than 4:30 P M , Friday, ment rounds. Applicants supervision of the business affairs and employees 505 N.W. 185th experience in a pur must be available tor all June 6, 1980 of the corportation. The Executive Director is ex Beaverton, Oregon (645-1141) chasing, storekeeping, shifts and weekends on a pected to know the status of every project at all Equal Opportunity Employer moi, re, m u i i m i com puter entry, (t DIRECTOR. HOOPER rotating basis. TO times, as well as to provide the Board with bookkeeping; or any M E M O R IA L DETOX Q U A L IF Y a p p lic a n ts recommendations on how policy and programs satisfactory combination CENTER must have graduated may be improved. The Director shall attend all of exp. and training. Ap (Program Manager 1 from a school ot board meetings and should be an active par ply tor above position at A D M IN IS T R A T IV E SECRETARY Unclassified) professional nursing with ticipant in the Board's business. W ashington County Health/Physical Education/human Services $20,880 - $31,320 a n ­ accrediation at time ot CITY OF PORTLAND CASH Personnel. Length of Employm ent; SKILLS: nually, depending upon graduation; and possess A CC O U N TIN G ' Loaned on any real Full-time, 12 months per year Room 305 qualifications and e x ­ of a current license to A SS IS TA N T property Credit not im 150 N. First Ave. M inim um Selection Criteria: perience. The Director practice as a registered A combination of education and/or experience in $934 to $1,234 portant Farmers Mor Typing 50 words per minute, shorthand 80 words Hillsboro, OR 97123 has the managem ent professional nurse in the Will maintain subsidiary tgage Corporation 503 social work, social sciences or business. Ex­ I per minute Applicant must be able to respect (648 8606) r e s p o n s i b il it y fo r State of Oregon 245 6456 budgetary and accoun perience in supervising, budgeting, and control of An Equal Opportunity confidential information. Must have excellent assuring the effective O P E N IN G S occui 1348 S W Bertha Blvd fmg records; perform programs. Knowledge of the Community Services knowledge o, the English language, spelling, Employer operation ot the Hooper regularly in various P o rtland. OR 97219 manual posting of cer Administration act of 1974 and other related Women and minorities M e m o r ia l general office practices, procedures and operation C e n te r. corrections facilities, in tain transactions; review PRO DU CTIO N federal and state statutes; knowledge of com I o, office equipment. urged to apply. Hooper Memorial is an eluding the Courthouse and analyze accounting PERSON munity organization, awareness of social, Candidate must be a high school graduate or alcohol recovery center jail, Rocky Butte jail and documents; assist in 50,000 w a t, KEX tor political, economic and scientific trends; ability to equivalent. Candidate must have two (2) years CITY OF PORTLAND serving the greater Port Claire Argow Center payrool preparation and Portland is seeking a m otivate others, communicate effectively, C E D S PRO GRAM previous office experience, one ot which is lend and M ultnom ah A PP LIC A TIO N S will be other related office p r o d u c tio n p e r s o n . establish effective working relationships with secretarial. (College training may be substituted MANAGER County areas and is a 24- taken on a continuous duties Minim um 2 years ex others, including low income. I tor previous experience on a two-,o one basis ) $26,603 to $28,8/0 Hour operation con­ basis until a sufficient APPLY perience in professional I Ability to communicate effectively with staff, Program m anagem ent sisting of a 5-day volun- SALARY: number are received to Portland Civil Service recording environment | students and the public. and admin, staff work f f lt y m e d ic a l s c h e d u le an $18,000 $23,000 per year. 510 S W Montgomery or equivalent. Includes an alyzing developing detoxification program Position Description; exam ination. W H ER E To apply: send resume and a cover letter Portland, OR 97201 editing and voice work. Serve as secretary to the Assistant and coordinating the and a civilian supervised TO APPLY: describing how your experience, qualifications, No later than Monday, Tapes and resumes only, City's Com prehensive voluntary and involun D e a n /H e a lth /P h y s ic a l E du catio n / H um an M ULTNO M AH and interest have prepared you for this position to: to: June 9, 1980 Women Economic Development tary civil hold program. Services. Responsible tor the general operation of COUNTY PERSONNEL and minorities are en Bob M iller PATRICK G RANT S tra te g y (C E D S I the office, which will include supervision of par, TO QUALIFY minimum OFFICE, couraged to apply. Program Director PERSONNEL C H A IR M A N Work will involve two years administrative time, work study personnel. Responsible for 426 SW Stark, An Equul Opportunity KEX Radio, THE A LB IN A A CTIO N CENTER preparation ot project experience in the area ot inquiries regarding class schedules, and course of 7th Floor, Employer Golden W est 4128 N.E. Union d e s c r ip t io n s ; o ra l social services, health or tarings within this division. Duties will include Portland, OR 97204 Broadcast Center Portland, Or. 97212 presentation o, project human services A N D typing and filing ot correspondence and course PHONE: (503)248 5015. A Q U A T IC S PERSON 4949 S.W . and operating reports to Bachelor's degree in related materials, recording and transcription ot A n Equal Opportunity Part-time at Community McAdams Ave. Applications due by May 31, ,980. I City Council and various public adm inistration, minutes of meetings, maintaining office supplies Employer Center. Lifeguard; teach KEX Radio Golden Wes, | and accounts. Other duties as assigned. other agencies and lessons to adults, TA AC is continually seeking qualified applicants. Broadcasters, Inc. is an PART TIM E WORK groups; and supervision Salary: children and seniors; We welcome applicants and refer to them when Equal Opportunity Em I $842 00 to $926.00 per month (79 80 Support Piece work W ebster, o, technical and THE PORTLAND pool duties, w .s .i. i openings become available. Applications may be ployer. m-f. America's foremost die p ro fe s s io n a l su pp o rt Salary Schedule) Salary will increase July 1, 1980 W O M E N 'S HEALTH preferred. $3 40 to $3.70 completed Monday through Friday, 10 -12 P.M. J to approximately $925 $1018 per month. tionary company needs personnel. CENTER depending upon e x ­ TEACHER home workers to update APPLY Starting Date: perience. Contact Joyce i Teacher for daycare. An Equal Opportunity Employer A W O M E N 'S I Portland Civil Service local mailing lists. All Immediately Gonzalez at 282-2S71. CHOICE CLINIC Full-time position with I ages, experience un 510 S.W . Montgomery Application Deadline: Complete Gynecological 2 H years - 6 years | Soltar kapok necessary. Send name, Portland, OR J7201 Open until sufficient applications are received. preferred with education Services address, phone number No later than Monday, or experience. Interview | Abortions in a clinic to; June 9, 1080. Women CATALO GING LIB RA RIAN Setting 6-2-80. S tart 6-23 80. Eifb 189, WEBSTER and minorities are en Length of Employment: Call 238 8492 4160 SE Division 175 5th Ave., couraged to apply. Full-time (40 hours per week), 9 months per year, 239 8004 BIOLOGICAL Suite 1101 1894 B, An Equal Opportunity m id-Septem ber through m id-June Vacation New York, N Y. 10010 O C E A N O G R A P H IC Employer periods taken during school recess. (Christmas T E C H N IC IA N and Spring breaks) (Research Assistant ENGINEERING M inim u m Selection Criteria: Unclassified, Must have MLS degree, must have had experien­ Research Assistant Un­ CITY OF PORTLAND jB -D DRAKE WILLOCK has an immediate ce in cataloging, using the LC Classification classified at the Marine ■ opening for an experienced... E C O N O M IC DEV. System, must be familiar with AACR II and library S c ie n c e C e n te r, DIRECTOR automation, must hve had at least two year’s N ew port, Oregon. A $36,660 library experience, preferably in cataloging. B.S. or B.A. degree in Administrative and pro- Assignment: the biological sciences is Catalog and classify all library materials according I fessional work planning, required; emphasis in to the LC Classification System, and train and I o rg anizin g , d irectin g , marine biology is and evaluating the city's supervise the part-time music cataloger, supervise The successful candidate will have at least tw o| preferred. The incum ­ Economic Development the maintenance of the card catalog and the shelf bent will collect and list. Program. As head of the years hardware and software experience in micro­ • Electricians (m arine) • Boilerm akers (boiler repairs) • Pipefitters processor applications Must be familiar with I maintain marine fishes in Economic Development Starting Date: • Insulators (pipe coverers) the laboratory, assist in developm ent systems, logic analyzers, and Bureau the Director will September 15, 1980 trouble shooting techniques Must be familiar with I la b o ra to ry s p a w n in g , assist in facilitating the Salary: rear larval stages, and assembly language, P L /M , structured pro | private market expansion U.S. Cifiismhip Required From $14,244 to $17,544 (1979 80 salary schedule) | gramming, math and control algorithms Respon culture food organism. I $15,672 to $19,296 (approx 80 81 salary schedule) of jobs for city residents All federal Civil Service Benefits. Liberal vacation allow ance, paid Marine laboratory and sibiliteis will include software end hardware con- and to attract and retain Application sick le a v e , p a rtia lly e m p lo y e r fu n d e d life b h e le th in s u ra n c e | struction, trouble shooting and designi some s eag o in g e x ­ business and industry Application Deadline: programs, excellent retirem ent plan. verification. perience is necessary. within the City of Port­ Closing date - June 18, 1980. Screening will take Salary: $12,000 per an­ land. Will establish long­ For M ore Inform ation: place June 24, 25, and 26. Finalist interviews will num. Send resume and In addition to competitive salaries end outstanding term goals and objec­ Call toll free 1 800 428 5998 take place July 1, 2, and 3, 1980 names of three referen­ benefits, employment with B-D Drake Willock tiv e s , a d m in is tra tiv e (You may leave a message at these numbers outside of our w orking I offers the individual a career development oppor­ ces by 10 June 80 to: policies and procedures hours. Messages recorded after w orking hours.) Contact G.W . Boehlert tunity with Becton Dickinson & Co. If you have and prepare the annual School of budget. drive and qualifications we would like to hear from | OR M A IL RESUME TO: [ you. Your resume should be sent to: Oceanography APPLY Community CoJIege Oregon St University Portland Civil Service Corvallis. OR 97331 I 510 S.W . Montgomery Personnel Office B-D DRAKE WILLOCK Oregon State University Portland, OR 97201 19800 S Mollella Ave , Oregon City, Or 97045 13520 SE Pheasant Court is an A ffirm ative Ac- No later then, June 2, 686 2631, Ext 318 Portland, OR 97222 tion/Equal Opportunity 1980. W om an and Clackamas Community College u An Equal Attn: Human Resources Employer and complies minorities are en­ Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ATTN: Code 170.2 (PP) with section 504 of the couraged to apply. BREMERTON. W A S8314 (503)669 3355 Rehabilitation Act of An Equal Opportunity A n Equal Opportunity Employer m-f-h 1973 Employer SUBSIDIZED FAMILY HOUSING JOB FINDER Opportunities ASSISTANT SCIENTIST PERINATAL PHYSIOLOGY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ttektronix PSNS CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT TECHNICIAN