SECOND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice ii hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tn-County Metropolitan Traneportatlon District of Oregon ITri-Metl at Portland State Univeraity, Smith Canter, Room 328, 1M S. w. Broedway. Portland, Oregon, at 10:30 a.m., June 9, 1911>, for the purpoee of conaidering a project for which financial ■-iltanca ia being SOU9ht from the Urban Mua Transportation Ad- minietratlon, purauent to the Urban Mna Tranaportation Act of 1984, 11 amen- ded, to undertake final engineering apeciflcationa, conatructlon, procurement, and acceptance tHting of the transit elements of the Banfield Tranaitway Pro;ect, generally described aa fOllows: Notice ii hereby given 1hat the Tri-County Metropolitan TreneportattOn diatnct of Oregon ITri-Metl will receive ... led bid proposals until 10:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, June 18, 1980, at its facilities at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, CM terenca Room 0, Portland, Oregon 97202, attention Su11n Swentan, Auistar.t Contract Specialist. The product to be procured ia: 1. Construction of maintenance facility, 2. Purchaae of approximately 26 light rail vehicles, 3. Land acquisition, 4 . Construction of track system, 4. Construction of track 1ystem, 5. Con1tructi0n of electrification, lignalling, and communication 1ystem1, 8. Development of pe■-nger atatiOna, 1. Development ot handicapped access facilities, and 8. Purchaae of other miscellaneou1 equipment. Approximately 50 tr1n11at uaer information units. Th ... units are aluminum and glau 1tructurea to be manufec- tured and inataHed on Sidewalk• at Trl•Met bu• stops. The unita will be eight 181 feet, tix 161 inches high and t WO 121 feet, eight 18) inches wide. 1 Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equel Employment Op- portunity laws and regulations. All bidd1r1 will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contracto,.. The Tri-County Metropelitan Transportation District of Oregon w ill not discriminate wtth regard to race, color, sex or national orgin, in consideration for contract award. There will be significant environmental impacts of this project. Thele impacts and mitigation measures are detailed in the draft Final Environmental Impact The Bid Documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for Bidding Statement which ii available for public inspection at the addret1 listed below. may be obtained after 10:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, June 2, 1980 from The project i1 in conformance with and it a part of the Tran1portation Im- Suaan Swenson, Asai1tant Contract Specialilt, at 15031238-4827. provement Program of the Metropolitan Service Di1trict !METRO), and i1 in con• formance with the comprehensive land use planning for the urban area. Persona, TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION families, and bu1ineu will be displaced by this project. The project i1 cunently DISTRICT OF OREGON . under review by the A-95 Clearinghouse. Paul N. Bay. Executive Director ca1vm roran wa\ born in Erie, Pennsylvania on June 4, l'lJ4. Calvin grew The estimated cost of the project ia approximately t136,900,000. Federal par- Planning and Development up m Erie, where he attended High School and also enlisted in the U.S. Navy. ticipatiOn will be approximately t112,D>,000; and the local share will be ap• , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At"tcr his discharge he came to Portland about twelve years ago, and im- proximately t23,600,000. CITY OF PORTLAND mediately became involved in the community aHairs including the Albina Neighborhood Service Center and the Portland Metropolitan Steering Com- At the hearing Tri-Met will afford an opportunity for interested persona or agen- cies to be heard with reapect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects mittee. In I %11 he was employed as an administrator of the Oregon State Em- of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written evidence and Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 ployment Agency in the Albina Neighborhood Office. Later he was an recommendations with respect to the project. for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M . on the dates indicated . Assistant Administrator for the State of Oregon at the Albina Human Re~ource Center. Calvin was active in the Oregon Black Caucus, NAACP, A copy of the application for a federal grant for the project, together with a coply of the draft of the Final Environmental Impact Statement and the Five-Year Tran- Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional in- Urban League and 1.8.0.E. of W. After earning his Real Estate License as a salesman, in lll72, he went to 1it Development Program, are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Light formation telephone Buyer at numer listed. Rail Project ottice, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202. work for H.C. Plummer & Co., where he was employed until l'l77. When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified Cal's many friends will remember him as a warm out-going person. He check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN could be counted on to help whenever and wherever it was needed. He was amount not less than ten per cent 110%1 of the aggregate amount of the bid as proud ol himself and proud of his family. At the time of his death, he was TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. employed by Coast Janitorial Service and was a real estate salesman for E.G. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages 1hould the bidder seek Paul N. Bay, Executive Director Stasstns, Inc. to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by He is survived by: his wife Brenda E; his father, John Lee Torna of Planning and Development , City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and Hallandale, Florida; brothers, John Jr. of Portland, Eugene and Melvin of N -V-IT_ A _T_IQ_ N _T~O~- B- I _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---4 provide a 1uitable bond for the faithful performance of the contract, in the event Erie, Pennsylvania, and Issac ot· Indianapolis, Indiana; a sister, Rosalee the said contract is awarded to him . Toran of Eric. The funeral was held May 211th at Mount Olivet Baptist • ~ OBITUARY- 1 N VI TAT ,IQ ·N TQ B ,I D 1 1 - - - - - --1 Church, with Reverend John Jackson officiating. Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Manager, Milwaukie · NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder Interment will be in Eric, Pennsylvania on Monday June 2, l'lllO after City Hall, 10722 S.E. M1an Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, until 2:31 p.m. is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 family services there. Cox funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Pacific Daylight Saving Time, June 11, 1980, for the addition of Cooling to the of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i M i l w a u k 1e Center, 5440 Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, at which the required documentation with the Contract Compliance Division, Room 209, ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH time they will be publically opened and read aloud. Bids will be accepted or rejec- City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248-4696 , at least five ted within fifteen 1151 days after the date of opening. 151 days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid 281-4429 806 NE ALBERTA STREET 1810 NO. DESCRIPTION • BID OPINING DATE Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor Plan. Specification,, and Form, of Contract Documents may be examined at the M•- Bu1lder·s Exchange, 1126 S.E. Madision Street, Portland; Northwest Plan Cen- 115-A Furni1hing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10 OOam Choir Sunday ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, ter, 1922 N. Vancouver St., Portland; Construction Data and News, 925 N.W. 12 OOpm folk Sunday 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety & Special prequalification of 12th, Portland; and at the office of ENGLUND, PLUMMER AND ASSOCIATES, ST. ANDREW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Bidder Required. Architects, on or after May 28, 1980. 07/ 16/ 80 Phone: 284 1820 Gr ■des 1 thru 8 4919 NE 9th Ave Nortta Kelly, Principal Furnishing 1 TV Sewer Inspection Van. For information Call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Surety Re- quired. Plan and Specifications may be obtained at Englund, Plummer & Auociates, Ar- 148 .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.chitects, 3407 S.W. Corbett Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH The City of Milwaukie i1 an Equal Opportunity Employer. 149-A Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worahip 11 :OOam Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundayal The City of Milwaukie reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive infor- maht,es, or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interest of the City. Colleen R. Hagerman, Purchasing Agent 150-A City of Milwaukie, Oregon 161-A Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister HUGHES M EMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH I Portland Observer, Portland, Oregon May 29, 1980, and June 6, 1980 REV. AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING o.t-A-Prayer 284 0684 Church School 9:46am WOl9hip I 1 :00.m Office 281 -2332 Spn-i11liti1111 ltt t11divid""I • M11rriqr 1111d F1111tily • GNHlp Tlwwpy ""The Chur1:h Whar■ NO Stranger FMI■ Strange'" NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 9:30am 10:30am Evening S■tvi(:e 2nd, 4th and &th Sunday9 Commun11>n t ■t 7:00pm 5:00pm Sunday WMJ Family Prr,er MNting •nd 8'ble Study Friday Brotherhood fllllowahip Service w,th Morning Star lrd Sunday 7:30pm 7:00pm Prayer end Pntor Phone 281 8476 Chun:h Phone :2111 01113 3725 N. Gant_enbeln Avenue. Portland, Oregon 9TDJ 162 153 Community Calendar Portland Women's Health Center is offerina a Self-help group startma June 11 from 5:30pm to 7:30 at 4160 S.E. Division. Registration is necessary. Self-help groups arc where women meet together in a group atmosphere to share information and upcricnccs about various topics of women's health. For further information call 23'l-11004. REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED Sunday School Mornmg Wllt9hrp Publicetion Dates: 164 Furnishing Turnout Suits, Boots, Helmet, & Shirt,. For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Required. 06/ 10/80 06/ 10/80 Furnishing Fuel Oil, PS 300 Fumilhing Fuel 011, PS 200. For information call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4403. 10% Bid Surety Required. Labor, Material & Equipment for Mechanical System Improvements at Civic Auditorium. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248-41004. 10% Bid Surety & Prequallfication of Bidder Required. 06/ 10/ 80 06/ 12/80 Labor, Material & Equipment for Mechanical System Improvements at Civic Auditorium. For information call Bill Morriuey, Buyer, 248-4486. 10~ Bid Surety & Special Prequalicatlon of Bidder Required. 6/ 20/ fl) Fumilhing Data Entry & Edit System. For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety & Special Prequaliflcation of Bidder Required. 06/ 20/ 80 Sherrlan E. Hagger-Warren, Fourth Vice President of the Portland YWCA, invites everyone in Portland who has multiple sclerosis to come to the free M.S. Swim, sponsored by the Downtown YWCA and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, every night from 7:15 to II p.m. at the Downtown YWCA. Participants find many benefits in the swim. Accordina to Dr. Charlotte Thomson, a participant and physician who has multiple sclerosis, swimmina is the best thing anyone with M.S. can do. "No matter what stage of multiple sclerosis your body is in, you'll feel better after swimmina. Your joints loosen up, you relax, and your heart benefits from the exercise too." Outatandtng young ertlata and photographers from Jefferson High School have been invited to exhibit their work at the Cascade Center of Port· land Community Colleae, 705 N. Killinasworth, in a show which bea~n Friday, May fl and continues throuah May 30. The PCC Cascade Gallery in the auditorium foyer of Cascade Hall is open weekdays from II a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will include prints, paintinas, pottery and photoaraphy. You are Welcome to Wo,.hlp at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST "A worm spirit of frllowslelp •lwoys" The Honorable Bishop U.V. Pet"90n, 0 .0. "The Holl,,_ Preecher," Pastor r undft SuncMykflool Morning WO!llt>r, ~ KLIQ lal • 1!i■m 11 l!lam of...._,,. lroedl:alt 3 ~ 30 830pm V,WW E,,., . . . flc Worwh4> I r . - - --ffldly NoonC.V,,.,., 00pn, T...., Bible land I Jr Church 7 30pm w---... C'-RehMrul 7 00pm fridly ' 'Th■ Pntor SpNb'" 7 30pm The Alcohol Safety Action Program is seekina volunteers to work in alcohol treatment . Trainina will be provided to all volunteers. The first session of the Volunteer Orientation is June 4th at 6:00 pm. For more infor- mation contact Barbara Dirks at 224-0075. The Northw .. t Suntlvel Strategy Conference will be held in Portland on June 6th, 7th, and 8th. The conference will open on Friday evenin1, 6:00pm, 11 the Mallory Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta. Workshops will be held on Saturday and Sunday at the PCC Cascade campus, 705 NE Klllinaworth, at 9:00 each momina. The public i1 invited to attend lhc Friday and Saturday niaht SftSions of speakers and entertainment. For further in- formation please call: 235-1914. Trt • County Community council Food Bank , in cooperation with other community action pro1rams throuahout the area, uracs you to share your harvnt. To donate your fruits, veaetabln, and any other food items pleaae call the Food Bank at 221- 1030. Femlly FIim Night. Families arc invited to attend the film "Dunderklum- pln" and carton shons, Friday, June 6th, 7:30 p.m. at the Terwllliaer School auditorium. The film• arc sponsored by Neiahborhood House, Inc. Adults, SI .OU; Children, S.50. for more information call 226-3251 . I COM A FA.Mil Y DAY CARE PAOVIO R IIN YOUR HOMEI WHO : Peraont rec:etvlng Nailtance from Adults & Fernlly Servicea and are WIN eltgible. WHAT: TralNN wtlt be required to attend 4 training Nations a week, 4 hra. a day 19 am to 1 pm.I for 4 weeks. Children two yea,. and older may perticlpet9. WHERE: AMA FAMILY DAY ft NIGHT CARE 1421 NE Dekum a&-0483 FOfl FUflTHlfl INfOflMATION contact K or St.le at B-0483